dual crew shining and desire proudly presents [\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] f-117a from microprose software [\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] cracked by galahad supplied by * desire * * if you play this game, then buy it * cool mini intro by coco arts of dcs and dont forget this freax! - support playbyte - if you have a -good- modem call these dcs boards [\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] complex corrosion +1-612-7730522 guru's dream +46-offline! ultimate dream +44-222-495919 eastern front +358-28-22915 secret world +49-30-8854598 [\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\] * love and kisses to the following few groups * silents lemon. anthrox faith delirium w0t andromeda loons trsi paradox fairlight skid row digital scoopex vision lsd sanity spaceballs movement complex also call this desire bbs if you are interested in joining them * acid house * +358 14 729082 # dual crew shining - all singing - all dancing