this is the black shadow of fairlight_ speaking... today's date is the 16th of januari in 1989!! @ credits for this demo: all coding and bob-graphix by me, logo and muzak by the wiz and scroll-font by dagger!!! @ the members in fairlight_ (amiga div.) are: the black shadow (founder,coder & modemtrader) , strider (founder) , exolon (coder) , doppelganger (coder & the states) and the hobbit (graphix & cracking comic_!!) @ we are also looking for new members.... if you swap,code,draw,make muzak or supply originals then contact : fairlight_ , box 6 , 236 00 hollviken , sweden ..... or call: sweden/40455152 (the black shadow) @ make sure you get a copy of the second issue of exceller-8_ that is out in early february... @ also make sure to get all new cracks and other hot stuff from fairlight_ & north star_!!! @ how do you like the color bars behind the scroll??? made using the copper without making a loooong list.... it is better to use the loop possibility instead.... @ i hope you like the bob-movement.... the rs-routine was made by me!!! ( rs=random sinus ) @ thanks for this time... the black shadow of fairlight signing off.... ********