-- Amiga Monitor Help (version 1.15) -- h : help (this) | [ addr name : load absolute x : exit | ] addr length name : save absolute o [name] :redirect output| < addr dr block cnt : read disk blocks dir [name] : directory | > addr dr block cnt : write disk blocks cd [name] : current dir | \ : new CLI l name : load segment | ! addr len per [cnt] : play digisound sl : segment list | = addr : disk block checksum u : unload segment| # addr : bootblock checksum r [reg=num] : set/show regs | g [addr] : execute (go) a addr : assemble | j [addr] : jump to subroutine d addr1 addr2 : disassemble | w [addr] : single step (walk) m addr1 addr2 : display memory| ( length : allocate memory : addr bytes : modify memory | & addr length : allocate absolute b addr : set breakpoint| ) addr/all : free memory bl : list brkpoints| sm : show allocated mem br addr/all :remove brkpoint| c addr1 addr2 dest : compare memory f addr1 addr2 bytes: fill mem | t addr1 addr2 dest : transfer memory @ [line] : enter cmd line| h addr1 addr2 bytes : hunt memory ba [decnum] : set/show base | set [var=expr] : set/show variables ? [expr] : calculator | cv : clear variables mi addr : memory info trasrhilscccsneeqvcvsplmigeltgtlehslo(pc) usp dc.w $00 line- as ls rox ro move add sub and or abcd sbcd mul div exg eor cmp btst bchg bclr bset chk lea ext clr neg not tst nbcd swap pea link unlk reset nop stop rte trap rts trapv rtr jsr jmp tas illegal Monitor info (version 1.15) --------------------------- by Timo Rossi (c) 1987-1989 This is a machine code monitor for the Amiga. Pressing the HELP-key displays a list of commands. Note1: Some of the assembler commands require the size specifier (.B, .W or .L), but it can't be used by some others. Note2: the default number base is now decimal, use '$' for hex or change the default with the ba-command. The decimal number prefix is now '_' You can now use expressions in most places where numbers are needed. This program can be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes. I hope you find this program useful, but if you find any bugs in this program, please let me know. Read the 'mon.doc'-file for more information. (My address is also there) RAW:0/0/%ld/%ld/Amiga Monitor v1.15 --- Amiga Monitor --- by Timo Rossi (c) 1987-1989, version 1.15 -> Cmdline> Calc> *** Break *** ??? Out of range expr error Out of memory DOS error %ld Trackdisk error %ld No disk in drive Disk write protected NewCLI "CON:0/12/640/100/New CLI" %08lx Old: $%08lx New: $%08lx No Breakpoints set Breakpoints: Press Ctrl-C to stop... Unload old segment first First segment at $%08lx Allocated from $%08lx to $%08lx %ld bytes read from $%08lx to $%08lx Allocation failed Not allocated that No memory allocated Allocated memory: %3ld $%08lx $%08lx %ld No segment loaded No variables defined Variables: %s = $%08lx (%ld) Clear vars (y/n)? Base is %ld Not in MemList (in hunk %ld) Segment list: # startloc endloc length %08lx: (dir) %ld Blocks free. *** Returned *** *** Breakpoint *** unsigned Bus error Address error Illegal instruction Zero divide CHK instruction trap TRAPV instruction trap Privilege violation Trace Line-A emulator trap Line-F emulator trap TRAP instruction # Exception # Amiga Monitor v1.15