hey ho dudes thiz iz yamato writing sum text for u thiz demo was created by yamato of flash production in a cooperation with vixen of bytestar the music was done by mach ii of flash the programming was done mainly by yamato with some assistance from vixen the logo was done by both vixen and yamato just like the rest of the graphics now yamato will tell you the background of thiz demo so keep on reading the story is that we all met a saturday night at beatboy from bts the dudes at thiz place was gonzo and freagle of bts beatboy and vixen also of bts and last yamato of flash prod we started coding at 5 pm and just kept going now my experience with the guys from bytestar has told me that they like to sleep and the trick also worked thiz time at about 2 am all bytestar dudes except vixen fell a sleep buuuuuh but vixen and i were awake and fresh so when the others lied down we were still up we continued with thiz little screen all night and at 7 am we were finished at present that is 7 05 am we are writing text and the others are still snoring we have to hurry up with thiz demo coz at 9 am we have to leave the house coz beatboy is going shooting or some crap ups the others are waking up now thats properly becoz beatboys mum has just called breakfast thats another thing ive learned about bytestar they do never miss a meal i have a friendly message to gonzo and freagle of bts when will you stop talking shit about me i know you are only joking but some day when i am in a bad mood i might missunderstand it so stop it will ya ps a message from a friend also some text to the pride of flash hey yo partner how are you doing down there in nyborg it was some nice graphics you sent me only next time remember to put a stamp on the letter as i am a very poor guy are you a cool group are you coool swappers if yes and yes then contact flash production for swapping the newest stuff around write to mach ii asagaarden 14 2tv 7500 holstebro denmark you can also write to the pride raadyrvaenget 142 5800 nyborg denmark if you wish to get in touch with the other members of flash yamato or axe then just write to mach ii and he will send on the letter now something for those people that yet dont know who flash are in alpha order axe our man into superb graphs and music mach ii one of our programmers he also does some lovely tunes also he is a swapper the pride our main swapper and lately also producing some graphics yamato our other coder a very cool guy if i may say so if you are longing for more products from flash dont despare coz we are now planning our summer demo bits and pieces which according to our plan will be released sometime during summer so just stay tuned now i the mighty yamato will pass the word to a little guy sitting next to me desperate to type some text for your eyes so here we go now some serious talk from your master vixen i will tell u about yamato he aint so freaky cause he only drank 2 l coke all night long so its fucking lucky that we finished this without any dope now its time to go we have promised to be in town at 10 am now yamato continues now i guess its time to greet somebody so here goes the greduts from flash at first the cool regards digitech then the normal regards beyond force bytestar crusaders of black monks cyborg power system danish gold deathstar dexion dominators doomsday team freedom force genesis horizon italian bad boys maffia nemesis phantoms phaze 101 rainbow games route 66 setrox silents and north star software of sweden technique the band the dolphins the dudes the fearless team the gang of triangle the supply team and tartan army the veda team of genesis project the warfalcons top swap tornado ultimax zss of crazy and here goes the greets from bytestar red sector mechanix exact abyss trilogy invisible crime dominators vision factory and beyonders sunshine crypt argus alabama finnish bit wizards paramount pulsar frontline delight blaster inc gator statiz acid sunriders browbeat rolling company the silents and northstar atomic intelligence freedom force now the scroll will wrap so there is no reason to sit staring in admiration at thiz demo