Hello and welcome to this TiNy LiTtLe BoArD InTrO. From the dudes in HARDCORE DESiGN Yeah! Mr.Coke on Line.. I shall soon give the keys to the Sysops on one of our Cool Boards, but first a note to ya..... Just go get a pen and a paper,coz now ya have to write down these nasty little NUMBERS NiGHTSHADE takes over the fucking keys to rape your screen for a while to inform ya about my BoArD: - THE JUDGEMENT DAY - Well, now we are going to make it a little bit boring, but dont cry, coz when you once are in you will never get out. Its like a disease. Ok,Now lets get going to the FACTS...... 16.800 USR Dual Standard (no patched sporster) 68030 operating at 40 mhz to guarantee maximum cps and preformance 208 mb space (soon more) 3 TYPES of board emulations in ONE board so, dont be late dewd The number you shall dial after your eyes have recovered from this STUNNING HARDCORE DESiGN creation IS... YYYYEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Silver type'ing!!! Sorry for the misspellings but what the HECK!........ So Maybe wann'a try a new BOARD?? EEHHH? Check this one out then.......ANCODIA... Cool sysop (ME)...Amiexpress (ofcourse). And over 200 Fresh Mb ALWAYS Online 4 u! This board is probably the only Eliteboard with v32bis 14.4k(spurtster rulezzzz!!) But ofcourse Soon where Gonna' be DUALSTANDARD.. (i feel sorry for those poor devils whith hst!) Hehehe. The Board is open 24 hours for traders, swappers And Elite dewdes And for those whith Grafixcard's (like me) I got plenty of gif and 24bit piccys. So what do ya' waiting for?????????????? AHHHH!!! THE NUMBER???? Gosh i almost forgot'n it! Pen and paper pleaze!! So Feel free To try it. * HARDCORE * ************ Well,This board is unfortunately DOWN for the moment .. But after Xmas it will have a NEW great deal of POWER.. some INFO about this Board.............. 120Mb HD... (soon Much More Space!)..... 14.4 HST... (Probably 16.8 DS soon..)... Very nice Sysop......................... and ofcoz Cool users.................... Now Dial This Number. * CREATURA * ************ This is a Board for all music freaks Around 550 modules for you to enjoy... *The Board is running on 14.4 HST* *with a Tape Streamer and 260 MB HD* *of the latest and best modules!* What more can you ask for?? Just go get a pen and write down the numbres coming up... Now for som IMPORTANT messages... W.A.N.T.E.D At this momemt WE are looking for New, Cool Members.. So.. If you want to CONTACT or JOIN US! Just send your stuff to this addy.. Or Dial The Judgement Day HARDCORE DESiGN HQ M.Rickan c/o Fremnell Torshammar V 12.A 18133 Lidingo SWEDEN Or call this 2400 Board(!?!?!?!) Cokes Demo Corner +46(0)8/7652558 (I Know..2400 is Lame....) Or just call some of our boards Well there has been a lot of changes and false rumour about us. Lets clean em up! JEPPE got Kicked out.................... SILVER/ex.Acme joined us................ AIRBRUSH/ex.Acme joined us.............. MELETH has Joined us ................... ELF ex.Abstact Joined .................. DEFDAC ex Virtual Joined ............... METAL wont leave the scene (False!)..... **************************************** * NoW ThE ReAl MeMbEr LiSt oF HcD * **************************************** Mr.Coke (Coder,Org...and 2400 Sysop) Metal (Coder) Corruptor (Coder) Skutt (Graphican) Antisocial (Graphican,trader) Morris (Graphican) Airbrush (Graphican) Nightshade (Sysop on The Judgement Day) Silver (Sysop on Ancodia) Casca (Sysop on Hardcore) Gorfy (Musican) Elf (Musican) Defdac (Musican,Sysop on Creatura) Sleepwalker (Musican) Meleth (Trader) End of memberlist...... What about HcD Production in the FUTURE? There is a Music disc coming soon. and it will be a lot of HIGH QUALITY Music. ELF n GORFY will explain that... There are also a NEW trackmo coming from METAL real soon.. And a Dentro from CORRUPTOR (Also Soon). In about 3 or 4 months you must look for Our BIG Trackmo (only for 1Mb, or more) Maby we will give ya a Mighty SlideShow Produced by AIRBRUSH! Now some Personal Greets from Mr.Coke to **************************************** HIGHBYTE of VTL... Hey man! Do you have a nice time in BORAS?..(JOIN US!) CORRUPTOR of HCD... Time to finish your dentro soon?..(GOOD LUCK!) METAL of HCD...Good Luck With ya Trackmo CRAP of NOICE...jag skall inte saga till nogon att du rippar allt. :-) HOGGE of CCS... Hur mar din brorsa?? GUSTAF HAMMARSTEDT...Send you stuff soon CASCA of HCD... Well here it is.. SLASH * CYBERPUNK... STOP PW HACKING!!!! AIRBRUSH of HCD...How is yar game going? AZATOTH of PHA... I ll call ya someday SASQUATSH of OXY... Hows it going dude? KUTTAS and SPIRIT of PHA... Still alive? WARPER * CORNEER... Still making Music? CASIO of PUPPETS... Yes! You 2... ECSTAZY of ????... Hows ya 2400 Board? DOZ of SHINING... Call me some day! BLITZ of VTL... Keep up the good Work MINDFIGHTER... I ll Send you a disk COOK of TRIAD...Still stuck in EnK0ping? SHADE and the rest of LIGHT (C64)... ????? of SHINING 8... Gime MORE Statz... IDLER of RAGE... Nice to Have U in C.D.C SLASH of SUPPLEX... Still angry :-) Okey Now for the real GREETING LIST..... **************************************** * H A R D C O R E G R E E T S T O * **************************************** Phenomena Shining Shining 8 Silents Light Equinox Legend Supplex Acme Andromeda Rebels Alfa flight Puppets Virtual Triad Gods Dignety CCS Division A Byte Busters Anarchy The Lynx Fairlight SkidRow TKK TSB Abstract and ofcoz to the users on our Boards.. **************************************** And DONT forget to CONTACT US!!!! **************************************** Contact us as written before.. For joining: Send your MASTERPIECES to: Mr.Coke (Org...) or to one of our OUTSTANDING BOARDS :-) **************************************** DO NOT RESET NOW!!! **************************************** BCoZ.. Here is some Messages and Greets From: Dudes Of HcD... **************************************** Mr.Coke signing out. GORFY is here to type some shit... ************************************** Well, the tune youre listening to was made by me some nights ago... If ya like it you better go grab our forthcoming MUSIC DISC! It will be filled with our masterpieces... ************************************** Be also sure to get hold of a production called - OH-NO MORE VECTORS! - with highquality muzax by me and ELF. ************************************** Do also watch out for a new TRACKMO from us. It will be magnificent... ************************************** My personal greetz go to ************************************** JOHN *TIGGER* E. - Thanx for some moral support. Did u enjoy carry the monitor? ************************************** JULLE - Have fun with yar new HD! Good- luck in *BONEHAMMERS*... :-) ************************************** FRAZZE *BANANEN* - Change your handle!! Just continue givvin me TrYwArEs... ************************************** - HARDCORE DESiGN - - When Imagination isnt enough - Im off now... C U L8ER... Yipes! MORRIS is in the hus... Greetings spins around to these pie-eaters: AVOCADO DESIGN: HEJJA AVOCADON ... PORTWER - REBELS: WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME??????? ... CEVIN KEY-ANTHROX: HOWS TRICKS? ... THE FESTGENG : HEJA AJAX ... CRAP - NOICE : CRAPHEAD!! ... CEDRIC - LEGEND : STOP CHEATING ! ... SASQUATCH - OXYGEN : HEJ DIN SMURF... JAG VILL KUPA DIN XTRADRAJV ... SEN HEJ TO EVERYONE JAG FORGOTTADE... SPECIALHEJ TILL C H A R L I E - A V O C A D O DSG : FAN VILKEN KOOL KOMPJOTER DU HAR (-: ... TRALALALA... HANDTRALLALALA ... HI TO IDLER-RAGE: DIN LILLA GELEJULGRANSTRIMMARE ... OXO HEJ TILL SLEEPWALKERS POLARE NICKE ELLER VAD HAN HETTE... OCH SLEEPWALKER SJALV SOKLART... HEJ OXO TILL NIKODEMUS OF THE FESTGENG: HIJA... ... THE MEMBERS OF AVOCADO DESIGN ARE: MORRIS-HCD (THE ORG) VIET CONG-OXYGEN(COORG) JAMMER-OXYGEN... GWAHIR(?)-OXYGEN OCH CHARLIE OCH SLEEPWALKER OCH HOC OCH CORRUPTOR ETC... HEIL TILL CBP-SLS-SPX.. OCH NOGRA TILL.. TOTAL KAOS MORE SMYGREKLAM ABOUT AVOCADO DESIGN: AVOCADO DSG WILL SOON RELEASE: .:*-NOTHING-*:. AND ITS COMING TO A SCREEN NEAR YOU IN THE NEAR FUTURE... FUCKINGS TO: ALL MY ENEMIES AND SO ON.. ALSO FUCKINGS TO KONSUM... BOJKOTTE!! Yo folks! This is Elf, bringing you some words of info... I have just joined HARDCORE DESiGN, which means you will surely hear more from me in other HcD productions! ANNOUNCEMENT! ------------- Coming in the nearest future is a MUSIC DISK from us, so just keep your eyes open for it! It will contain a number of various tunes from both me and the rest of our musicians, so there is no reason NOT to get it, is there?! :) Some of my short personal greetz go to: ABSTRACT - How's life? I can't wait to see your coming demo! Ufo/SFINX - Howdy! Time to wake up and change group?! Dr.Mirios/SFINX - Nice work there, messing with my music! Quiz/Indep. - Still planning to buy a V32.bis?? I do! C U in another... *** *** ******** ****** tm *** *** ********* *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ********* *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ********* *** *** *** *** ******** ****** PrOdUcTiON! Elf signing out... Text Restart...