crossroads:1 crossroads:2 crossroads:3 crossroads:4 crossroads:5 crossroads:6 crossroads:7 crossroads:8 crossroads:9 Hi out there. This is Chorus / Jewels writing. Welcome to this months delayed project called Crossroads. This musicdisk was started in Razor back in January 1993. of course a lot of things happened and now the project ended up in Jewels. The tunes on these disks are mainly composed by me, but I did most tunes with Sid's assistance. Sid left the scene, so I'll do all my music alone in the future. Talking about the future, we are in Jewels working on an other musicdisk project called Weird. The music is of course made by me and the whole idea is to show that there are millions of ways to do music. People are stucked in the traditional ways of composing and the new idea's comes from Finland. Anyway, expect a lot of alternative tunes from me in the future. I'm simply a bit bored with basic Blues and Funk. Look out for Weird! Hmmm... Greetings to the people I still know on the scene: Groo/CNCD - for being the most interesting person I have known on the scene. Dizzy/CNCD - for makin the best music. Subject/Balance for the fun. Wolfman/Blc - for making Upstream, showing at all parties and being stoned. Devilstar/VD - for shooting our football away! Tobias - for the raytracing and waking me up. Motion - for destroying our things. Jaco, Scull and Alien for making a good football team and watching 'Demolition Man' with me. Slide/Polka B - For being a member of Heck (what the heck!) and running fast. Virgill - for being a member of heck. Dr.Jekull and Mr.Hyde - for the chat at the party IV. and for cheating in the 'what's in the box' compo. Colorbird - for the Vodka and the chat. Lizardking - for writing Readable on his computer without any reason. Hollywood - for keeping contact and being in a good mood. Some1 - for not saying hello to me at party IV. Blue Fox - for being a tisseboef! Kim - for being at party IV. All the people who took a cake with the fork. (Condor and I will never forget you!!) - If you got a fork you can get a cake! Pearl/Passion - for always suprising me. Chromag/Rebels - for the coffee and for being lazy when it comes to writing letters. Connor - for having the of the most dirty skin in DK. Liquid - for the chat at party IV. Eracore - for being sick at party IV. .. Well, I'm out of inspiration now, so if you're a Manchester United fan or someone who wants to talk to me write to: M i k k e l P l o u g , S m e d i e v e j 9 7 , 3 4 0 0 H i l l e r o e d , D e n m a r k . See you all at the South Sealand booze party. Bye! (Ps: have you found the three not so well hidden parts??) Here is a clue: Katten sidder der hvor du kommer i morgen! . . . . . Jewels - Fang tyven! At last. The musicdisk was finished and this makes me, AL BUNDY, a very happy person because this way Chorus and Sid gets their great music out to you guys. This musicdisk has been in the making for a long time but I hope you like the result because there is allready a new one in the making so look out for WEIRD. Now let me greet some very nice persons: Chorus Condor Knox Ricky Mrk (welcome to the Jewels Klan) Futuremind Vocal and Steen (thanks for a great time at the party). Also a big hello to Steffen/Speedy Nighthawk/Rebels Daffy/Trsi Mass/Frezers Bird/Edge Pride/Stellar (din kageguffer haaber du kommer til Saturn aligevel). Also a big hello to all my other contacts and please forgive me for the big delay in my sendings. But I hope you guys out there will vote for Chorus, Sid and Knox, because I think they are great guys and deserve to be on the charts. Another thing I as the organizer would like to get into in my scroll is that we are in need of more members so if you are danish or swedish and you occupation is one of the following: Sysop, coder or graphician, then why don't you try your luck at this address: Al Bundy Allan Hansen Niels Moerchsgade 20a, 2. 9900 Frederikshavn Denmark.. If you have a modem you can find me on some of the biggest elite boards. Or you can always find me on Illegal Connection the Jewels Dist site. Also contact me if you are interested in making games on the Amiga then I will see if mayby you are good enough. But please forgive me if you haven't gotten a letter from me the reason is cutdowns because of less money in the bag I would have sent to you guys but this musikdisk takes up 3 disks and that costs alot if it goes by mail. Well enough from me try reading one of the other scrollers, but I can't recommend reading the main scroll the guy that wrote that is crazy....... Yep, like last time, we released something (Funky Cartoons from July/August in the 18. Century, if ya'all remember!), I, KNOX, am the last to finish his work, writing a scroller! I hope you like this musicdisk, 'cause it has REALLY cost us a lot of work! Of course, especially Hekke and Chorus has left a lot of their lives in this production, so please give them the respect, they deserve!! And well, if we let the topic be graphics, I will only say, that almost all of the graphics in this product is based on my own handmade drawings, and I still have all the originals, but I won't give them away, 'course it's really none of your business, now, is it? (Feel like leaving me your opinion? Why don't you write me over the INTERNET, at or! Please do! I would like to hear from you, for any reason, be it the music, the code or the Hmmm... graphics...) As many of you probably have found out, we've grown in the number of members, and I would like to finally say to you, MRK: 'A very warm welcome to our band, hope you know what you're going into.' And by the way, thanxx for all the graphics, you've sent me, I'll try to return the favour someday, but I don't think I can make it this time.. But you'll probably see something from me soon.. Der skal selvfoelgelig ogsaa lyde nogle lyde til mine venner fra Juvels: FUTUREFUCK - FAA SAA KOEBT EN AGA MASKINE, fjump! Ellers kan du jo heller ikke se dette her, saa hvad hjaelper denne besked egentligt? Ikke en skid! MIKKEL den P(F)LOUGHE - Kun et spoergsmaal: Hvordan fanden kan man aede andre folks madpakker I 4 TIMER?? Det er forresten !Hekkes skyld, det hele.. MIKKEL den KIILE (Coole?? Naah!) - Mesterkokken, der swapper som en sindssyg! (Jeg er slet ikke ironisk idag, nae naj! Jeg kunne skam godt li' dit Mesterhak...?) Selvfoelgelig ogsaa til Allan, kan ikke finde paa noget at skrive, da du jo ringer hver eneste, evige dag.. Anyway, while I'm at it, let's continue with my long(?) list of other contacts: Andy/Essence - Hope you're still around, you are/were a COOL friend, see the official note for another LAME this-is-why-I've-been-delayed-again-note.. (Wait a minute!! Isn't that D:A:D on MTV? YES, they are playing 'Reconstrucdead', their new album really regler!!!) P.O.W / Black Jack - thanxx for contacting, hope you're still around, Bird/Noice(?) - Well, also thanxx for contacting, I'll try to make some graphics for you someday, if I ever will get the time.. (By the way: My computer REALLY got stolen in october last year, it's no joke! Anyway, now I own a state-of-the-ass A4040 instead of my old 1230-40Mhz..) Voyage/DualCrew Shining - You must be really pissed off on me, for this WAY too lame break, I have had, but I've had my reasons, see Bird's message!! Illusion/(Noice?) - Might as well ask you the same thing - are you still around, you old GIFFER? .... That's it! I feel like greeting some people, I've met in the past, but some of them I've never actually talked with! Yep, I'm really in the mood now! Let's go!! UNIQUE/Balance - I love your graphics in Syndrome, especially the cute Sandra Bullock picture, that really reglede! As you might know, We in Jewels have our own Sandra Bullock fanclub, with KOEN as the main man.. I saw you doing (some of) it, directly from Se og Hoer, and I must say, your version is almost as good as the original! (Let's face it, nothing beats the camera..) DEVILSHOOT/V.D. - Just wanted you to know, I think you're one of the best Amiga graphicians at the present. But please - stop with the 'Not A Copy' shit, everybody recognizes a FAKE, when they see one! And if they don't, well, that is not our problem, is it?? But by the way, KO-RUS og Allan siger, at du er helt vildt lam til at spille Oelfodbold, saa jeg glaeder mig allerede til den naeste fest.. Men proev at holde bolden INDENFOR banen! DIZE, CRUSH and SCORTIA of SILENTS DK (By the way, your new music sounds very promising, Thomas Fuck!) The guys sitting at the same table as us, at The Party IV, can't remember their names. And the ones, we played that laser-kill-everybody-game with. That was pretty cool, huh huh. Gordon og Timm/TRAAAANSIT, de fedeste non-trendy danskere lige nu. RA/SANIFY - Yep, hope you're still active, cause you've really put this Amiga on the other end. You are the best, when you're good. TNT - thanxx for the raytracing, sorry we didn't use it here! I thought it was very cool, anyway... And good luck in Lighthouse! (YEEEEES!! And try not to masturbate too much over those delicious Silicon Graphics machines, you're probably workin' at...!) STROBO/STELLAR - I'm a FAN! I especially love your "Smurf fit"!... Well, nothing more to say, wish I could think of other people, I would like to greet, but nothing comes to mind. My life in a nutshell. Anyway, I'm in quite of a hurry, I'm going out to RIKKE's, to finish this shit up! Bye.. Have a nice life... (Som Benedicte Stroem - mit livs stearinlys - ville sige..) Jewels - Vi er faele, selv naar vi elsker... TA' DEN! (TAKE THAT?!) 'HEY! What the HELL is this crap?'.. Well, it's, Eerrhh.. like a musicdisk, or something, whatever.. 'Eerhh, O.K., What's it called?' .. Eerrhh, it's like CROSSWAY, I don't know. 'Crossway? ..What the hell is that crap?' Eerhh, I don't know, but it's like OLD, huh huh.. Yes, it's finally here! C R O S S R O A D S, the musicdisk, that has been on the drawingboard for over 1 year now! But now it's here, so like, huh huh, SHUT UP! Anyway, quick instructions: Keyboard.. 1 - 4 chooses the actual text. You can also take a pick with mouse in port 1.. (Self explainatory!!) This leaves me nothing more to say here, so I'll let someone with more time on his hands continue... Welcome at last it is here, the musikdisk we all have been waiting for: 'CROSSROADS'! So I hope you liked it. Be on the look out for weird a new musikdisk from Jewels, it will change your way of looking on music. Well I guess I should greet everyone but hey that would just take to long. Let me remind you to call Illegal connection on this number 45 43622966. Now lets get over to the real reason the scroller was invented LAMENESS. AAAArrrrrrGGGGGG that is right we do not eat kinder egg because we dont want to get 3 surprises. Ups what happend oh no my my crazy personalerty is taking over AAAARRRRgggggg hello, my name is scopydoppy dooo and I am half toast and half cow that is right half matilde cow. Oh here comes the most brilliant poem and the poet is Al Bundy : 'I Care' by Al Bundy.. 'When hooters giggle around, and I find nickels on the ground, I care' 'When the Mustang engine purrs, and the bathroom's not hers, I care' 'When the pitcher's on the mound, and the wife is underground, I care.' 'But when I've been playing this for days, I'll kill anyone who stays, I swear!' Ohhh no now my crazy danish personality is trying to take over damm it is hard to be a psycho. Davs med jeg og velkommen til Jensens Boefhus, stedet hvor vi spiser med knive og gafler fordi det ser smart ud. Og her er en lille vits fra stedet her. To cola flasker kom ind og spurgte tjeneren: 'Hvad er dagens ret?', tjeneren svarede 'Det ved jeg ikke'. 'Saa lad os faa 2 af dem', svarede flaskerne. Saa gik tjeneren hen gokkede en anden kunde i hovedet med en stegepande. Derefter kom han tilbage og sagde: 'Skal I have en bil med oven i koebet?' 'Nej tak vi har nemlig engang kendt en der hed Vagn.' SLUT. Var dette et genial mestervaerk eller hvad. Men nu til noget helt andet et stykke af en tekst fra en sang. Er I klar. hmmmm hmmmmm himmmmm. Dette er et meget kendt stykke og hvis I kan gaette hvad den hedder, saa send mig et brev, saa er der en praemie hvis I altsaa ogsaa kan gaette den addresse jeg bor paa. Men er I ellers ved at have det hyggeligt med den fede musik I hoerer lige nu. Jeg maa nu indroemme, at jeg fortraekker Bamse og Kylling med regnvejrs sangen. Men alle har jo deres favorit. Nu over til vejret det bliver ligesom imorgen bare lidt anderledes for det traekker op til GUF kasterri fra SYD og lidt moej nedefra og opefter. Men nu gaar jeg lige ud og henter et glas maelk lige et oejeblik. Dum di dum di daj. Saa er jeg tilbage efter en gaatur paa over 60 km eller var det 3m? Det har jeg glemt. Men jeg maa altsaa lige fortaelle om noget maerkligt, jeg saa nede i byen idag. Det var en sekskanted ko med otte oejne 10 ben og et billed af Ludvig tatoveret i panden, men det maerkelige var at det var en kvinde der red paa den og ikke en mand. Det syntes jeg sku var maerkligt. Men nae how jeg kom lige i tanke om en ny vittighed jeg hoerte forleden nede paa den lukkede afdeling. Det var 2 gylletanke der kom rullende ned af en bakke i fuld fart. Saa stoppede den ene med et ryk og den anden begyndte at synge 3 vers af TORLEIF VI SKAL SPISE. Saa stoppede den ogsaa. Dette var der 2 sten der saa, saa begyndte den ene sten at grine, den anden spurgte hvad grine du af. Den anden sten svarede ja det kunne du godt lide at vide. SLUT den vits I lige har hoert har vundet WM i vitsuki og naar man hoerer den kan man godt forstaa hvorfor den er jo genial. Men hej hvad skal vi nu lave lad os proeve at koere en tur i en bil. BBrreeennnn baaattt dddyyyyyytttttt crash boom bang. oohhhh nej jeg skulle aldrig have taget bremserne af saadan noget lort. Men livet er for kort til at beklage sig saa skaal og skide vaere med det. KYLLE KYLLE RYLLER eller er det regler naa men skidt med det. Det smager jo godt ogsaa krummer det ikke i sengen det maa man jo sige er ret fedt. Er du forresten psykopat eller vil gerne laere at blive det saa soeg optagelse i Jewels for vi har et ordsprog der siger det hele. 8 Jewels medlemmer som venner er bedre en 10 taender i ae haender. Og det er jo rigtig saa er du interreseret i at blive stemplet som sindsyg og du maa du vaere siden du stadig laeser denne tekst saa proev dog om du ikke kan joine. Naa det var ret alvorligt og kedelig Men nu gider jeg ikke se paa mig selv skrive mere saa nu vil jeg slutte teksten med at sige TA' DEN............