_____ _________________ / /__/ _____ / \ LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 05 / / \_____ \/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ COMPILED BY PAZZA IN 1992 \________/_________/_____mUb/ ARQREQ - New requesters (1.66) * ASCIIDESIGN - Ascii designer (1.0) BMP - Background Music Play (2.0) BOOTINTRO - Boot intro maker (1.0) BP-CONVERT - ILBM to bitmap (1.3) CATCHER - Guru catcher (-) CLEAR - Memclear (1.6) DELIVERER - Graphics deliverer (1.0) DISKMASTER - Directory util (3.0) FASTDISK - Disk optimiser (1.9) DISKPRINT - Disk database (demo 3.51) DISKREPAIR - Fix files (1.14a) FENSTER - RF tools (2.1) HSC - High speed check (4.19) FILEED - File editor (1.1) FLASHCOPY - Copier (0.9) FLASHRIP - Module Ripper (2.3) KEFCON2 - IFF to bin converter (1.0) * = Must be "Run". Type PPMORE, look in the docs directory and README file ---------------»> MENU 1 - TYPE "TYPE MENU2" FOR OTHER MENU <«--------------- _____ _________________ / /__/ _____ / \ LSD PRESENT LEGAL TOOLS DISK 05 / / \_____ \/ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ COMPILED BY PAZZA IN 1992 \________/_________/_____mUb/ MAXIPAK Cruncher (1.2) IFF-DESIRE IFF converter (1.0) MICROMON Monitor etc. (1.0) SUPERRIPPER - Module ripper (-) PALETTECONV IFF to bin converter (1.2) PASSWORD - Disk passworder (-) PICRIP Graphics ripper (-) PPP - Power Packer Patcher (1.1) PROGSELECT - Program Selector (3.0) MAPED - Map editor (1.0) TERRAINSCULPT - Terrain designer (-) TRANSFORMER - Binart to source (-) TUP - Ultimate packer (1.1) VC - Virus Control (3.0) VT - Virus Test (-) MIRAGETOOL - Sinus creator (-) * = Must be "Run". Type PPMORE, look in the docs directory and README file ---------------»> MENU 2 - TYPE "TYPE MENU2" FOR OTHER MENU <«---------------