__/\___ __./\___ __./\______/\_______ /\_ \ \ \/ | \ \/ | ___/ __/ _ \ \/ / / \_ | \ \_ |___ \ | |/ _/\_ _/ \\ \/ / | \ / | / / | | \_ | : \ /\__/__:___\ /__|____/ _|__:\ /_|__| \/ \/ \/ \/ presents Bignose The Caveman! -------------------------- Supplied By.......Da JiSM Wad! Cracked By........MiNiSTRY UK! Feel the Power.......Experience the Magic! ------------------------------------------ Press right mousebutton for next page ! Write to us at: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- P.O. Box 10 4540 Amay, Belgium ------------------ P.O. Box 4194 Hopkins, MN 55343, USA ---------------------- PLK 052135 D 4300 Essen, Germany ------------------- P.O. Box 62, StevenAge HertFordShire, SG1 1RZ UniTeD KinGDoM -------------- Press right mousebutton for next page ! The Credits for this Intro : ---------------------------- Code : Calypso / Vanish Gfx : Navy / Vanish Music : Da Morphster! / Dewl Crooooo! If you want an intro in our Perfection-Style, then don't hesitate to contact us !