The DJC Music Disk #1 Dave Collins Presents... Music Demo Disk Number 1. Use The Mouse To Select A Track (not the function keys) >>> Read The DOC For More Info! <<< Loading... Walk On Water Cloud 9 The Real Thing Metal Mania The Killer Sex Machine Do The Bartman Re-Remix Info Doc :noiseplayer -p1 mod.walk-on-water.DJC :noiseplayer -p1 :noiseplayer -p1 mod.the-real-thing.DJC :noiseplayer -p1 mod.metal-mania.DJC :noiseplayer -p1 mod.the-killer.DJC :noiseplayer -p1 :noiseplayer -p1 mod.bartman-remix.DJC :ppmore DJC.DOC