Presents ... Street Rod 2 (California Dreams) _______________________________________________ Original Cracked by Quartex in July 22, 1991 Patched to work on any machine by ross in June 2022! The original game only works on KS1.x and contains a nasty bug that prevent a proper end game Also added small patches here and there and it can work now, on high-end machines, with limited chip-ram Press SPACE now to toggle NTSC/PAL (only in ECS+ machines) Wait for more pages, or a button to start! Credits for this intro: ________________________ ross ....... new code and fixes (+logo) Corto ................... original code Moby .... great module (from Substance) This is basically an Alliance Design intro so it eventually became a tribute to the group ;) It would have been a shame not to fix it for 020+ processors and not make it work as expected (cause a couple of bugs in the terrain generator) That's why I renovated it :) [ross] Salute to all 68k survivors and: Alpha One, Alpine9000, Amigo, Antiriad, Asman Britelite, CFOU, Chucky, DamienD, DanScott, demoniac dissident, dlfrsilver, Don Adan, earok, eightbitbubsy Estrayk, Galahad, hukka, Jope, jotd, Kalms, losso malko, mAZE, McGeezer, Meynaf, mr.spiv, mus@shi9 NorthWay, ovale, paraj, Photon, phx, saimon69, SIRIaX StingRay, Toni W., Turran, WayneK, Wepl, Zeusdaz and the whole EAB crew! (and all those I've forgotten..)