compussylation numero 125 ------------------------- zd breathing vectors never this again rebels snap anarchy shape change another compact to vote for in the eurochart, pussy - prodigy of the future presents you compussylation 125, credits for this piece of hard work are coding by timmy, graphics by ???, music called hooked on classics by freddy kreuger, compiling by mad shitbrain. let's give you the necesary digital information to contact us. for joining or swapping write to postbus 23 8000 brugge 1 belgium or contact us with your modem on the following number. +32/14 378727, this number will give you only access until 30 march 1991 !!! here we go again for another scrolltext in another production of pussy before we start the bullshit i wanne welcome two new members in pussy. there names are --adc-- and --seducer--, welcome to the team guys. as you could notice already on top of the screen this is already compussylation 125, yes a lot of demo's were packed mainly by me, i wanne thank timmy for all the loaders he already created for me, thanx buddy. also thanx to vector of the uk section for making the nice loader for the track-o-matics. following now are the greetings !!! abbys - black bull/codiax, accept - lord tracker, altair - globe, amaze - pinhead, anarchy uk.- judge drokk/octoplex, anarchy norway - laiz, archaos - fast eddie, argon - lom 1301, artemis - mr.nice guy, aurora - ackurat, axis - liberator, betrayal - dr.martens, beyound force - leviathan, brainstorm - orlando, brainwave - ebf, breeze - black zombi, byte busters - mega bandit, byterapers - judge, cadcam - arcade, capcom army, cave - perfect, coma, crack uk - magic mushroom, crusaders - zapotek, crypt - the byteprisoner, cryptic uk.- glide, crystal - mystik, cult - space ace, cycron - master desaster, cytax - sooge, defeat - ktulu, demons - snooker, dual crew - jbm, dynax - 006/mad max, dynatrix, enclima - mr.16 bit, end of century france - paranoiak, end of century uk - leopard, euphoria - shade mc/swapperjack, exotic men - smart man, exult - dragon fly, freelance - droid, guru team - jumping flash jack, heloween - silent water, hypnosis - flimbo, hypnotic - skywalker, image, imp-666 - grimjack, join the union - agnus, legacy - spelcaster, legend - pinhead, magnetic fields - frap, metallians - arathorn, midnightsun - diabolos, mindkillers - navy, nato - diox, network - sphinx, new wave - mm, nexon - ducer, optima - doxos, panic - al capone/flag/sniper/warhead, paralax - suicide, passion - dr.stress/voodoo, pure metal coders - x-ray, powerlords uk. - aardvark, prime germany - storm, prime swiss - eagle, prologic - string, raf - falcon/mr.amiga, reetex - slider, savage finland - saigon, savage germany - sodom, scs - scs, s-express - jack, share and enjoy - dream warrior, silents belgium - lyzanxia, silver bullet, spaikers - the fox, storm - monotof, subsoftware - newt, system five, tgwl - glaive, theatre - ratleto, the bass - slasher/viking, the broken bones, the joker team - gbh, the magic lords - mr.doom, the risc inc. - ax, trace - questor, treacl - mr.mister, trinomic - the eagle, triumph - ninja, united forces - guardian, vision holland - facet, vision norway - flash, wizzcat - catman, hazy mind, xandora - pirate, z-dream - trax, zenith - bigmaster, zero defects - reflex, zylon of alpha flight - iceman,