yoooh! the world famous sentinel productions proudly present..         *the sentinel issue 3*            
sentinel credits:          coding and supervising : * tom vesterinen *          editors : * tom vesterinen * 
mika lietzen * jarkko salminen * tomi salo * toni lehtinen *           gfx : * tom vesterinen * jarkko salminen * 
mika lietzen *          music : * squirrel fish/black robes *        intro code'n'music by    -sami arola-    
gfx    -jarkko salminen-    thanx must fly to all who has written articles to this issue      also thanx to 
complex for spreading..      if you want to get in touch with us for sending articles or comments etc.. (but 
no 'funny things' :-)    send disk to .. (right mb to pause scroller)             jarkko salminen                           
mäkitie 10                            23100 mynämäki                             finland                 you 
can also get touch with us via modem by calling genius mbbs    tel.     +358-(9)21-827183, 24h, 300-9600 bps.  
leave message to tom vesterinen,jarkko salminen or mika lietzen to the mail conference.     we need your comments 
and ideas and of course articles to improve this disk magazine...     also: !! a good musician somewhere near 
turku is needed !!     this issue 3 has been delayed a lot because of the changes in the editor group.   sentinel 
is now done only by -* sentinel productions *-       sentinel will also be published as a pc-diskmagazine in 
the near future with assistance from electromotive force. any inquiries about pc sentinel can be sent to genius 
mbbs by leaving a message to mika lietzen or tomi aarnio.       ...phew...   and now it's time to some greetz 
and other bull from s.a.  .. kreetinks to -bark- (!) / brb : 'olet outo'..(?)  megagiga greetings to     
-*mc humupekka*-   this fabulous coder/swapper/gfx-artist/musician/koiratarhanomistaja/13-vuotiaitteniskijä 
disco streetillä jne.. should be voted to eurochart ! he's  * best * ! ! taas greetings to *the fabulous ferrari 
boys* : 'jos kräkkäätte mun pelini niin tahdon ampua..'     argh! this is inaf of this skit.. 
pressleftmousebuttontoquitthismarvellousproduction!           C sentinel productions 1991                   ...