CREDITS SverigeToppen nr 14 A production by The Black Lotus June-1995 CODE: Equalizer/The Black Lotus Offa/The Black Lotus MUSIC: Module playing at start by: some1 and morrow / Rebels Check music page for the others ARTWORK: Disc/Rebels (Menu) Eracore/Rebels (Menu) Louie/Insane (IntroPic) Equalizer/TBL (Fonts) DATA: Shark and Beelzebub SIDELAYOUT: Offa and Equalizer INDEX SverigeToppen nr 14 A production by The Black Lotus June-1995 - INTRODUCTION - 000001 Credits 002002 Help 003003 Music menu 004004 Welcome. ---- VOTED ----- 005005 Voted Boards 006006 Voted Groups 007007 Voted Dudes ---- CHARTS ---- 008008 All time traders 001-300 009009 All time traders 301-600 010010 All time traders 601-900 011011 All time traders 901-999 012012 Month top traders 013013 All time boards Total 014014 All time boards UL 015015 All time boards DL 016016 Month top Boards Total 017017 Month top Boards UL 018018 Month top Boards DL 019019 Top caller Boards 020020 Top user Boards 021021 Top sysop age Boards 022022 Top Groups ----- NEWS ----- 023023 MemberLists. 024024 News from ST door -- PARTY INFO -- 025025 Icing-95. 026026 Assembly-95. (1/2) 027027 Assembly-95. (2/2) --- ARTICLES --- 028028 Religiösa sekter (SWE) 029029 Internet hints -- LAST WORDS -- 030030 Next issue HELP SverigeToppen nr 14 A production by The Black Lotus June-1995 ARROWS: UP PREVIOUS ARTICLE DOWN NEXT ARTICLE RIGHT PREVIOUS COLUMN LEFT NEXT COLUMN SEARCH FUNCTION: SHIFT+S NEW SEARCH FROM PAGE 0 S CONTINUE SEARCH FROM PREVIOUS POSITION ON THE KEYBOARD: SPACE INDEX ESC QUIT HELP THIS SIDE TAB CREDS RETURN MUSIC WHEN THE REQUESTER IS UP: ESC CANCEL ON REQUSTER RETURN OK ON REQUESTER MUSIC SIDE: CHANGE VOLUME BY PRESSING ON THE VOLUME BUTTONS. CHANGE MODULE BY PRESSING ON THE MODULE NAME. THE SCROLL TELLS WHICH MODULE THAT ARE PLAYED. MUSIC SverigeToppen nr 14 A production by The Black Lotus June-1995 VOLUME:9900099101 MODULE 1 900CELEST Author: some1 & morrow / Razor 1911 Length: 2:30 Size: 226424 bytes. MODULE 2 901SOAPBUBBLE TWIST Author: Taz/pleasure Length: ???? Size: 10440 bytes. -------------------------- Next column -- MODULE 3 902THAT'S PLEASANT Author: Taz/pleasure Length: ???? Size: 9352 bytes. MODULE 4 903CHIP TUNE 1 Author: Terrific Length: ???? Size: 5404 bytes. -------------------------- Next column -- MODULE 5 904PSYCHOCHIP-004 Author: King/psycho Length: ???? Size: 8210 bytes. Welcome to issue 14 of SVERIGE-TOPPEN And yes.It's some new cool code here. The Black Lotus never rests..... This time we did the code so fucking great that we hopefully not have to change it anymore, so please don't complain about the code.If you still have to complain write me an E-mail and I will be glad to return some nice fine viruses to you.. ;) Seriously,any comments, ideas, money ,music, graphics or something else contact me (Equalizer/TBL) at: New features for ST14: * Many diffrent fonts. * More colours (7+8 Greyscales.) * Images in text. * Full screen images (On click). * On screen pagejumps. * Samples (On click). * Many diffrent modules. * String search. String search: How to use search function: * Start a new search by pressing shift+s (I.e "S") This searches for the text from page 0 and forward. * To continue search from previous position press "s". NOTE !! THERE IS A BUG IN THE QUIT REQUESTER !!! WHEN YOU PRESS THE QUIT OR PRESS ESC A REQUESTER POPS UP. DON'T USE THE MOUSE. JUST PRESS RETURN TO CONFIRM THE QUIT.... VOTED BOARDS VOTED BEST BOARD VOTED MOST BUZY BOARD VOTED BEST MESSAGE BOARD VOTED LAMEST BOARD BEST BOARD Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. FLASHBACK 211 2. PROPHETS HOLD 143 3. INTERCHANGE 92 4. HEMLIG 85 5. NIGHTFALL 78 6. ANOTHER WORLD 76 7. FATAL FUTURE 73 8. PALLADIUM 71 9. UNDERCOVER 67 10. THE LAST INN 38 11. INFINITE POWER 37 12. ASYLUM 36 13. INTOXICATION 32 HALL OF FAME 32 15. ACES HIGH 29 VOTERS: 288 MOST BUZY BOARD Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. FLASHBACK 131 2. INTERCHANGE 84 3. HALL OF FAME 64 4. NOTA BENE 59 5. ANOTHER WORLD 57 6. UNDERCOVER 49 7. HEMLIG 39 8. SANCTUARY 36 EAGELS NEST 36 10. SERPENT HILL 35 11. PALLADIUM 34 12. VIOLATOR 30 PHOENIX 2 30 14. THE LAST INN 29 15. WINTERMUTE 26 VOTERS: 225 BEST MESSAGE BOARD Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. FLASHBACK 91 2. PALLADIUM 65 3. NIGHTFALL 60 4. EAGELS NEST 47 5. ANOTHER WORLD 45 6. SANCTUARY 38 7. HEMLIG 36 8. ASYLUM 30 9. WINTERMUTE 27 10. HALL OF FAME 26 ACES HIGH 26 12. MAXIMUM ANARCHY 25 13. UNDERCOVER 23 INTERCHANGE 23 15. RECEIVER 20 VOTERS: 170 LAMEST BOARD Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. TRADERS PARADISE 121 2. DJUNGELTRUMMAN 89 3. DMZ 87 4. THE SLAMMER 80 5. PREMIUM 72 6. PROPHETS HOLD 69 7. INTERCHANGE 39 8. AUSGEBOMBT 37 9. FLASHBACK 34 10. INSANITARY 33 11. SATANS BALLS 30 12. THE ICE BOX 28 13. TESTURE 26 14. NILE CITY 21 BACKSPACE 21 VOTERS: 231 VOTED GROUPS VOTED BEST GROUP BEST GROUP Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. PRESTIGE 300 2. INSANE 137 3. CLASSIC 79 4. REBELS 72 5. FAIRLIGHT 71 6. PARADOX 66 7. GENESIS 60 8. TRSI 53 9. LIMITED EDITION 49 10. ACCESS 40 11. HONEY 37 12. PLEASURE 32 13. RAZOR 1911 31 14. HELLFIRE 30 15. ROYAL 25 VOTERS: 271 VOTED DUDES VOTED BEST CODER VOTED BEST ARTIST VOTED BEST MUSICIAN VOTED BEST SYSOP VOTED BEST ASCII MAKER VOTED BEST TRADER VOTED MOST FRIENDLY DUDE VOTED LAMEST DUDE BEST CODER Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. AQUARIUS 286 2. MFM 87 3. LUSSAR'N/REBELS 79 4. NIKE 73 5. HIJACKER 66 6. BOBO 40 7. TANGO 38 8. METAL/INSANE 36 9. OFFA/THE BLACK LOTUS 31 KLORATHY/RAM JAM 31 11. QEN 29 12. FUZZ 27 13. DYRON 22 14. PG GYLLENHAMMAR 19 MR.COKE 19 VOTERS: 235 BEST ARTIST Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. DISC 179 2. ERACORE 116 3. LOUIE 115 4. SPLAT 97 5. SKUTT 52 6. SEAWOLF 40 7. PAD 32 FACET 32 9. CZAR 30 10. SNIFFET 28 11. PEACHY 27 12. SLIME 26 13. FATAL 24 14. UFO 20 15. CELEBORN 19 VOTERS: 219 BEST MUSICIAN Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. LIZARDKING 230 2. JOGEIR LILJEDAHL 88 3. RANDALL 66 4. SINE 52 5. STROBO 49 6. PROBE 38 7. SLAZE 36 8. RADIX 33 9. EPITAL 32 10. HYPERUNKNOWN 29 11. QEN 27 GEEZER 27 13. D-ZIRE 24 14. RIX 23 FIREFOX/INSANE 23 VOTERS: 121 BEST SYSOP Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. TWISTER 122 2. NERO 115 3. SHARK 102 4. PRINCIP 75 5. WHOOSH 73 6. DANSKEN 54 7. DEMAX 44 8. JUAN 39 9. FUZZ 36 10. DALAMAR 35 11. CRAWL 32 12. ZEPHYR 30 13. WARHAMMER 29 HIJACKER 29 15. ARAGORN 26 VOTERS: 196 BEST ASCII MAKER Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. SPLAT/EPSILON DESIGN 31 2. SKIZE/LED 22 3. NUP/PRO-ARTS 14 4. XCLUZIWE/DZA¡N 10 5. TBM/PRO^ARTS 9 SH/\PECH/\NGER 9 MOGUE/ARTCORE 9 8. KARMA/ARCLTE^DYNAMO^G· 8 9. SPLATT/UPPER CLASS^FAI 7 10. MAZ 6 G.E.M 6 12. SLAVER 5 13. -> VOOTE = $LAß/DZA¡N 4 14. VIETCONG 3 STASH 3 VOTERS: 30 BEST TRADER Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. CRUGER 140 2. SNUSKBUSKE 136 3. NERO^ZEPHYR 81 4. STORM SHADOW 57 LEATHERMAN 57 6. TASTE&CHRIST 55 SHARK 55 8. SNIPER 42 SAVAGE! 42 HIJACKER 42 11. PRIN^PITCH 38 12. G-LOC 34 13. LOGIC/REBELS 32 14. PAYDAY 27 15. JUAN&HARPOON 25 VOTERS: 264 MOST FRIENDLY DUDE Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. SHARK 88 2. NERO 77 3. DALAMAR 65 4. TWISTER 62 5. DANSKEN 56 6. PRIN^PITCH 54 7. HIJACKER 39 8. AQUARIUS 38 9. WHOOSH 30 LOGIC 30 11. CRUGER 27 12. DEEMAX 25 13. WARHAMMER 24 14. NIKE 23 15. ZEPHYR 22 VOTERS: 248 LAMEST DUDE Pos Handle Points --- ----------------------- ------ 1. GRYZOR/BORRE/KHANAN/CO 113 2. MACROMAN 85 3. PIZZA 69 4. DIXY 54 5. NERO 53 6. XOR 52 7. XCLUSIVE 51 8. STORM SHADOW 42 9. TOSH10 39 10. MUPP (OSKAR WAAHLER) 32 11. DIGGER 28 COOLORADO 28 13. FLEXOR 27 14. SKIZZ 26 BUBBA 26 VOTERS: 256 ALL TIME TOP TRADERS 001 - 300 POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 1. CRUGER 15036 CRUGER LAUGHS AT *YOU* 2. SNUSKIS 14809 >>> GURU's DREAM <<< 3. KRONOS 6219 [-H-Y-S-T-E-R-I-A-] 4. NightWind & FAX 5893 « §øFT\X//\®E £/\NÐ » 5. sNiPER 4888 #ð:. ¡ N S A N E .:ð# 6. SHARK 4781 (*) PALLADiUM BBS (*) 7. nERO & zEPHYR 4746 PARADOX^OGN^SL^SCUM! 8. CyCo's 4469 INDEPENDENT!!! 9. BLIZZARD/TDS 4088 [->The Døødles^ShøcK<-] 10. TASTE&CHRiST 3228 - POiNT ZERO - POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 11. sTORM sHADOW! 2986 FUCKING EH! 12. THE YENCH 2947 <+> HOODLUM '94 <+> 13. [-pRiN^piTcH-] 2633 -+- KINGDOM 1995 -+- 14. Bad Karma 2627 Godammit Westwood! 15. WESTBAM 2484 [-<>-] -INDEPENDENT- [- 16. CENTURION 2356 .oO ( PREMIERE ) Oo. 17. Dimenser 2318 Spread AmyNews 95 18. PaYDaY 2256 -(·R·A·M J·A·M!·)- 19. YPSiLON 2222 ---> HCC/W^Z <--- 20. [=FUZE=] 2090 [- T·E·N·S·i·O·N -] POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 21. Wots 2018 ** REBELS ** 22. sAVAGe! 2016 [=> INSANE & ROYAL! <=] 23. ASHPOOL 1989 sILICON! 24. PHENOX 1983 «» iNDEPENDENt «» 25. VEGAS ø biSCRok 1972 OVERLOAD BBS=BACK! 26. TERMAX 1813 .:lIMITEd·eDITIOn:. 27. THE GODFATHER 1804 PWA/$COTCH COURIER 28. [·EzCo^bOROMiR·] 1804 -[ serpent hill ]- 29. LAZER 1781 ACES HIGH 5NDZ 30. SCREWBALL 1744 > > F A I R L I G H T < POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 31. MANO 1727 DER DEUTSCHE RULEZ! 32. The Dreamer 1707 ISDN rulezzzzzzzzz 33. ZYCH 1690 -*- C L A S S i C -*- 34. lOGiC/rBs! 1613 =( rEBELs pO$$e '95 )= 35. ELEGANCE 1587 -*- C L A S S i C -*- 36. DiROX^Eddieboy 1579 [%]!NiGHt!f0Rc@$![%] 37. cASE/dCS! 1560 // dCS & pRO^aRTS // 38. DRACULA 1551 [-PALLADIUM BBS-] 39. hARMONICa 1509 --»> D U P L O <«-- 40. HURRiCANE 1495 -*- P·A·R·A·D·O·X -*- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 41. AGRESSOR 1468 dELIGHT sWEDEN 1995 42. FALKEN 1440 ***!!!*** 43. SHARK^WAVEFRONT 1423 (*) PALLADiUM BBS (*) 44. dodo 1413 # DODO - S1 - HCC COURI 45. Aquarius 1391 >)| THE OUTLAWS |(< 46. [V-cUT!] 1358 -*- C L A S S i C -*- 47. WARHAMMER/hNY 1354 ·÷·(÷nOTA·BENe·ßßS÷)·÷· 48. HULKEN 1344 LANSKRONA 49. Masterman 1289 N/A 50. AGAMEMNON 1270 [+] OLW/ESTRELLA COURIE POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 51. Mr. Trade 1261 Ware Pumper 52. fAktOR & tRANCE 1257 INDEPENDENT 53. pHYRo 1246 <>¿« HøNeY »?<> 54. [=jUAN·hARPOoN=] 1236 [·aSYLUM·bBS'95!·] 55. MACROMAN 1188 ·×X×· THeRaPY^iNFeCT ·× 56. DesigN 1185 $COTCH COURIER / FEAR 57. BOOTCHER 1154 -*- REBELS - OCT -*- 58. uMAn!+cORe 1154 hONEY:aRTcORE:g-FoRCE! 59. FeVeR 1147 Spellbound is #1! 60. tHE MASk 1137 (*) R O Y A L (*) POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 61. FATAL POWER 1133 (-) M O M E N T 22 (-) 62. CONVERSE 1128 (-/- A C C E S S -\-) 63. MoRGUE^SkiZE 1128 LEd · 3o3 pOWER · LEd 64. blackwiz 1115 blge sweden 65. Black line 1074 · Honey&BeatLess · 66. STRAYDOG 1032 TRELLEBORG 67. THE GRAVEDiGGER 1017 [%]->FEAR<-[%] 68. ZANY 1011 DEBRIS 69. stix^wintermute 980 úoúRúGúAúNúiúc 70. ARATUS 973 *** P.A.G.A.N. *** POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 71. ILLEGAL 967 DEBRIS/COTG 72. Zebulon 966 I EAT LIKES OF YOU FOR 73. MR SAINT 956 AMIGA RULEZ! PC SUXX! 74. FLEX 954 ------ 75. skater 941 R A Z O R 1 9 1 1 P C 76. fATAL 935 [÷! oBS aND e^D !÷] 77. ziZ 934 -÷+*( H·O·N·E·Y )*+÷- 78. SNOOPY 925 -*- EAGLE's NEST -*- 79. [SUDDEN&AVALoN] 923 TASTE&CHRIST = SIMP! 80. sLIVEr/oGN 915 - / -iNdY- / - POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 81. Backlash 911 - [· rELIGIOn'94 ·] - 82. MELETH 909 -^- SKIDROW -^- 83. NATAS 885 WE DON'T TRUST YOU! 84. CARLSBERG 880 >>> 2000 AD <<< 85. EXERON&MANIAC 877 -[ e·Q·U·i·N·O·x ]- 86. OZONE 868 -*- C L A S S i C -*- 87. bOOZER 858 -+- SPACEBALLS -+- 88. ICON 845 (÷· mYSTiC `94! ·÷) 89. UFOk 841 «·[ MYSTIC hOME ]·» 90. NucLear PhaZe 840 * RuLer * POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 91. [wHipLASh/dEREk!] 838 LiMiTed EdiTi0N 92. AMON 828 [×]-> Mystic^Tension <- 93. CEDRiC 821 -+ H.C.C. President +- 94. RENKO 816 GAME LOVER!! 95. GoZER/WlB 810 »»» TRACE MUPP ««« 96. RATMAN 808 - Jess FanClub - 97. QEN 794 -(÷- .HONEY. -÷)- 98. ARMANDO 791 HooDLuM & ACCuMULaTORS 99. THE SiLENCER 785 020-445566 HOT GAYS! 100. Topflight 784 >TeNsIoN-LaStInN< POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 101. dALE^X3M 778 wE´RE bACK tO rOOLE! 102. [-ViPeR-] 767 --+ sPELLbOUNd +-- 103. Ministry 765 ...(S O F)... 104. THe MeANMAN 765 .SiLiCON.FTR.DBR.COTG. 105. Scorpio 765 -*- Skid Row -*- 106. CRiBEE 762 (:SPLATTER KiNG:) 107. ZOMBiE 750 APOCALYPSE/INTOXICATION 108. ELRiC 748 < QUARTEX CONSOLES > 109. Phase 746 /> Q4A <\ 110. vIETCONg 739 (*) fINE dEZIGN (*) POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 111. eVERSLiCK 738 « m&M^bHFC^aCD » 112. sKUTT 729 [ LiMiTED EDiTiON ] 113. Ace Caze 726 MOTOROLA RULAR SCENEN 114. STOOKIE / DCS 716 To Protect and Serve 115. RECKLESS 703 Independent 116. ThE ShADoW^Untrax 677 #>NiGHT FoRCE<# 117. Doc.Trotyl 659 [M O M E N T 22] 118. PALADiN 656 Korekaramo yoroshiku! 119. mAStERcARdER 626 <-[ aLTERED sTATE ]-> 120. mARX 623 .:!<ø>!:.!NS.:!<ø>!:. POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 121. MYST 603 RiSC/PROPHECY/NOSFERATU 122. GUS 599 ·°¤ MOMENT 22 ¤°· 123. CURIOUS 599 -*- DEBRIS/COTG -*- 124. Boromir 581 [-tRSI ^ dUPLO-] 125. Borkov 579 Limited Edition 126. swayze 579 BIRDS CAGE 127. MiKe 578 /// dCS /// 128. tWiStER! 572 [/] FLaShßaCk'94 [\] 129. REMOTE_iD 572 -<« MøMeNT ²² »>- 130. LENSMAN 564 ...AT'n'T ARE US... POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 131. SATER 563 -$- Living on my own -$ 132. ZiN! 562 <-] oRiGiN - tZ-dESiGN 133. JLM 558 - eAGLE´S nEST - 134. HiJACKER 555 -*- C L A S S I C -*- 135. JUDGE 554 ÄÍ[ FAIRLIGHT POWER! ]Í 136. [·oP¡UM^RaZOR·] 537 <->WaREZ FrOM C·O·D ßß 137. CaT 536 +46[0]910-26665 138. goldrunner 534 - REBELS / TEA / SECT - 139. PHAILURE 532 [·H0nEy·] 140. ARAGORN 528 [-© 3aD/LeD/TsN ®-] POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 141. dIABLo 526 ) The One And Only ( 142. TROOPER 525 Tom Byron On Tour '95 143. Gunhead 520 Sug din egen! 144. PHANDER^TRiLOGY 515 [X]= sANiTARiUm =[X] 145. Russian 512 ³°³·ÆC¿D 3BYK·³°³ 146. The Master 511 +-( Pardie '95 )-+ 147. Tango 504 -^( DPL & LED )^- 148. moocher 502 [:.rEbELs^fLt.:] 149. VAFFEL KILLER 500 ???? 150. TCK 498 DD-Style ø hONEy POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 151. Zync 495 [*] iMAGiNE [*] 152. [ÐEMAX^AGRESSOR] 492 [·UNDERCOVER^DLT^RYL·] 153. JOYRiDER 486 -/-[ R E B E L S ]-\- 154. STAiN 486 [^ Art Core & Honey SHQ 155. ZAMME 485 OUTER SPACE 156. Lucas 480 Scotch Courier 157. aNDROID 478 ANTICIMEX! 158. Reverend D 477 [%] fREEZERS wHq [%] 159. S /\/\ S 471 <*> Øutlaws! 94' <*> 160. Melone 471 -*- C L A S S i C -*- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 161. Gazza 469 +-( Q4A )-( MYRIAD )-+ 162. Billy Joint 467 SURFING USA! 163. Necronomicon 466 [·bIzArrE fASCINATIOn·] 164. FURY 462 (*) PRESTiGE (*) 165. d-Zire 460 166. tEDDYbOY 447 [×]->mY$T¿c cOnSøle<-[× 167. «-·aRYAN·-» 440 [`Supreme'] 168. ScOoTeR 439 ---[ PuMpInG IRoN ]--- 169. Lazarus 433 -! Modems for sale !- 170. wizard 432 ** THE ELITE RUNNER ** POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 171. DiSDEL 431 ThE LoST BYtES 172. FuZZ 430 iNTOXiCATiON! 28k8 powa 173. Aeon 427 FiNaL PHaSe 174. PACIFIC 420 A BETTER TOMORROW ? 175. FrANTIK 420 <-=»= ¬T.|R.S.I. =«=-> 176. LEPREchaUN 416 [=iNdEpEnDeNt=] 177. LAMEMAN 412 *COMPO CREDZ!* 178. GRENDEL 410 !ALIVE & KICKING! 179. ZenDor 409 -$-ToWer oF PoWer-$- 180. Broder 409 Pc Rules! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 181. Mr Spock 407 > HARDCoRE DESiGN < 182. Remix 403 TURKIYE! 183. ZEPPY 402 ..(S.O.F).. 184. Punisher 400 -=:>DEBRIS & COTG<:=- 185. hANDO 400 DE E' BARA SÅ!! 186. KENNY LUST 397 The Back Room Rules!! 187. BeTTY BoY 395 - x - t r a d e - 188. Il Cattino 392 REBELS / UZi 189. BioTech 390 [» iFFTic cOURiER «] 190. PAC 389 [*]·r·E·F·L·E·x·[*] POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 191. hARPOON/sR! 384 ·sKID·rOW·tRADING·95!· 192. EXCALIBUR/CLX 382 C O M P L E X '94 193. eliz 379 Hyresgastforeningen 194. BlackEagle 378 C= AMIGA 4000 KICK'S AS 195. SHAiTAN 374 <<[T·E·A L·E·D]>> 196. BEELZEBUB/TRIAD 374 -TEAM SVERIGETOPPEN- 197. LoneWolf 370 *MILLYWAYS* 198. BLACKER 368 {{ BiODEGRADABLE }} 199. S./V\./V\. 360 RNX / FUCK / HYBRID 200. Aero 360 DBR/SL/FTR/COTG/NSF POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 201. The Ironraven 358 FloAtiNg aRouNd 202. Portwer 357 [%] REBELS [%] 203. venger 355 PC / INDY 204. Mr.Coke 352 SUNSHiNE PRODUCTiONS 205. LORD 344 -*- DARK FORCE BBS -*- 206. Zauron 344 INTX STAFF..... 207. Dark Lord 339 +:+ $C0TCH/PWA +:+ 208. HunTeR 338 HOME 209. nick! 336 *-< S.S.F >-* 210. Mosquito 335 +:+ASSEMBLY:HALL+:+ POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 211. Eriond 333 *+* BarDs PlAcE +1-313- 212. MISERY 331 í ­ïdîPîïdîït í 213. Slaine 329 REBELS/SECT/FLUID 214. Guardian 329 [ > jEWELS '95 < ] 215. Mr.Perfect 325 -=ConTrasT=- 216. (-DiPSWiTCH!-) 323 -(*)- eQUINOx! -(*)- 217. /Y\asçøT 320 HOODLUM FOUNDER! 218. TOMBSTONE 319 CRYSTAL = NOLLA! 219. predator 315 Vegas 220. FLASHMAN 314 -> HYSTERIA COURIER <- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 221. Cobra 311 INDEPENDENT !!!!!! 222. 187 306 ALPHA FLiGHT 223. FERNWILTER 302 PIERRO GROSS RULES 224. Elvin 302 [#] RBS / DTC / QTX [#] 225. RiCHi 301 (-DEBRIS-HCC-COTG-) 226. Hemlige Arne^Barbazo 299 bazo ->efK Power<- 227. SaUnA 298 -]> 019-280188 <[- 228. Cap 297 Hsand 229. RoHan 296 < AcES HiGH StAFF > 230. =\/= BLADESTORM =\/= 296 ->-> H.S.G.M.T. <-<- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 231. flatline 293 (:SPL’TTîR KiNG:) 232. Rize & Frosty 293 - ANOTHER WORLD - 233. Zeen-666 290 X-TRADE 234. Dr.Data 288 faster than lightning 235. QTX 288 <-*-> Q U A R T E X <-* 236. black shadow 283 - FairLight! - 237. Artur 282 > 238. BiLBo BaGGins 275 (*) MOTiON (*) 239. JMF 275 .oRiGIn.dATa.iMPERiUm 240. -DoWnhiLL- 271 -> H.C.C ^ B.mOOn <- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 241. MR.BEAN 270 TLi Rules! 242. DeAtHkNiGhT 270 (*) PRESTiGE (*) 243. Mega Ram 268 pENTAX pC 244. DaRKMaN 267 Ya CaN'T GUEsS! 245. OUtCASt/hNY 266 ÷H÷O÷N÷E÷Y÷ 246. Nemesis 265 A SHADOW OF NFL 247. MAUSOLLOS 265 Jesus Saves 248. rING+rING! 264 <<< rEBELS >>> 249. PRIPPS 263 )X( GOING FOR 4kW )X( 250. -RoCKeT MaN- 263 °±²³ïëîpîïëîïŲ±° POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 251. JERiCHO/DcS! 263 (- 0RiGiN & dCS^tGN! -) 252. VANQUiSH 260 253. mAGIC 259 [> oRiGiN pOSSE! <] 254. hawk 258 ALPHA FLIGHT 255. Charlie 257 SBT/NEO 256. Ken Buddha! 256 You sad cunts... 257. 256 INFINITE POWER COURIERS 258. rOb! 255 -*- CLASSIC LEADER -*- 259. FOX 254 ---- ANKEBORG ---- 260. Power Of Pain 254 -=> SWELINK & CORTEX <= POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 261. MOGWAI & MINISTRY 254 DEFJAM IS ALIVE! 262. DAMAGE 253 -FairLight Member!- 263. EAGLE 253 ЮµG§/FµTItIVE 264. blackie 251 I DID YOUR TAGLINE! 265. BLADE 250 [=]cRIMe zONe[=] 266. BOGGAN 249 -+:DUAL ACCESS:+- 267. dR. P 246 Whatsa location? 268. Styx 242 -+- pLEASURe -+- 269. dA bALHEd 242 PLaSTiC DREaMS! 270. Dalamar 242 tHE dREAM cHARTS POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 271. CANDYMAN 242 CandyLand Rules! 272. set 241 Independent 273. grYzor 240 - cyberdyne - 274. Rave 240 --:INDEPENDENT:-- 275. MARWiN 239 - HaRDCoRE FaN - 276. ZeuS 239 Independent 277. sISKO 238 [:. mOTION'94 .:] 278. COKE HABIT 237 SYSTEM ONE CREW 279. Nightcrawler 236 - * /\/c'94 * - 280. 13th Angel 234 SAME OLE LAMER! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 281. Cemi 233 >F.A.I.R.L.I.G.H.T< 282. dreamchild 232 :) 283. Ace 231 Freelance 284. Steed 231 # SYSTEM ONE CREW # 285. Jade 230 /\INTîRNîT*CRUS’DîR/\ 286. Wallbanger 230 Ski, Norway 287. Candle 229 TS-Trading 288. CLUSTER 227 °-» iNSANE lEADER «-° 289. khorne 223 The One And Only 290. SPEEDY 222 ALIEN PRODUCTION POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 291. ANGELDUST 217 LegaliZe iT 292. Hellraiser 217 ÄÍ[iNSANiTY]ÍÄ 293. TITAN 217 -> iNdEPENdENT <- 294. tbM 214 ·Freezers & Pro^Arts· 295. Euphoria! 214 (*- pANtHERA rULz -*) 296. C/\TE¥E 213 (=$=) InSaNe (=$=) 297. HiFly 212 oRIGIN '95 298. AntiChristus 210 -- MESSIAH -- 299. sLA\/ER^iRONCODE! 208 »$« cASTLE rOCK »$« 300. [-tHe·¼·qUaRtEr-] 208 ·°¤ ¡NdEpENdENt! ¤°· ALL TIME TOP TRADERS 301 - 600 POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 301. JARRI 207 .:.: UNION :.:. 302. Santzia 207 liMiTEd eDiTiOn 303. aXeTRo 206 -÷×X SUNSHiNE X×÷- 304. GUIDO 206 ..::INDEPENDENT 305. Pearl 204 Småstads-Marodör 306. Dragon Flame 204 Deity of Darkness 307. ZiP 204 Uppsala, Sweden 308. ENTOMBED 202 (THE-GRAVE) 309. Metal 201 (<*>) iNSANE'94 (<*>) 310. fUNKY bUDDHA 200 SNOOP DOGGY DOGG POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 311. Pope 200 P100 POWER!!! 312. Rainman 199 Around 313. COLT 197 I`m out of order 314. x-citing 196 Internet Surfer! 315. Gimlie 196 (ù)(ù) 316. C¡TRUZ 195 <· PHOENiX '95 ·> 317. RadiCal 195 ALiVE AND KiCKiNG 318. pHANDRAL 195 => S E N T I N E L <= 319. [-DiPSWiTCH!-] 191 O-( EQUINOX'95! )-O 320. Christ 191 -dUPLO TRADEr- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 321. ANTiSoCiAL 190 GH,NEKNHEHIE 322. MARIO 190 «»«» TrSi & ZeNiTh «»«» 323. CyPer 190 ======InD===== 324. PsychoPath 190 -:>Raising Hell<:- 325. WALDo 190 Tension 326. snaff 189 sNAFf / sAINTs > 28.8 V 327. BiOMENCH 188 .:%«^VALKYRiA^«%:. 328. PROSPEX 187 Somewhere In SWiT 329. Enigma 186 Turbulence 330. Fritz 186 Sleepy as always....... POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 331. Norad & Rohan 186 ACES HIGH - 5 NDZ 332. SLASH/CITRON. 185 [* iFFTic cOURiER *] 333. TRUXTON & HAKA 184 - dUAl CREW-SH¡N¡NG '93 334. STooKIE'n'PuRE PAiN 182 DCS/DCS/DCS/DCS/DCS/DCS 335. ABBE 182 Pc Suger! 336. TbB/Infect 180 T S +46[0]44106144! 337. PURE MAGIC 180 MAJIC 12 338. Belgarath 177 ###EternaL### 339. LiGHTSPEEd 177 DR -> 2NdZ 340. sEQUENCER 176 P.A.R.A.G.O.N BBS POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 341. black thunder 174 /\ LFF /\ 342. BOGWRAITH 174 THE SWAMPS OF HELL 343. SGTD 174 There will be riots 344. CyberHawk 171 »LiGHTNiNG STRiKE«! 345. oden 171 ((0)) rAZOR 1911 ((0)) 346. YaNKee RoSe 168 =[tRSi]=[wHOcARES]= 347. caffer 167 //IBM// - OcT 348. B.Ylle 167 Vox Dei 349. iRONCODE! 166 cASTLE M/F rOCK! 350. PoNToN 166 -*- PRESTiGE -*- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 351. SlObO & WhAlE 166 -÷ tHE S^W cONSOLE cOMP 352. CRO-MAGNUM 164 /*\ Internet Rulz /*\ 353. Dimitriv 164 INDEPENDENT 354. The Grade 164 -----WoWoo-Maintain!!-- 355. -$pENDer 161 Looking for a group! 356. Cybergod! 161 ->DELIGHT/RAM JAM<- 357. Innkeeper 160 Copperteam 358. T.C.M. 160 What's a wotza? 359. Danzig 158 A1200/030/50MHz - 850MB 360. zCANDALER! 157 T.RAVELLI ÄR RASIST! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 361. [iFN] 157 *** QUARTEX *** 362. Le'Clerk 157 [==] OBSCENE [==] 363. bObO/mYSTiC 156 UC TRADING INC! 364. DiONE 155 DF R0CKZ! 365. ACID 154 ²²° CYBERSPACE °²² 366. G-LOC 153 -+- pLEASURe -+- 367. Steeler 153 [ BAck in the HOuse ] 368. ptah 152 u dnt know 369. GRaNTeX 152 SILICON COURIER 370. crash 151 darx POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 371. THE ZALioN 150 --- ALPHA FLiGHT --- 372. JONNY PUMA 150 DRUGS FOR SALE! 373. CuZ 149 INDY 374. -=XeRoX=- 148 ^o^ Outer Space ^o^ 375. WiLD THiNG 147 -+- ZeNiTH SWE -+- 376. Evil Genius & T.P.D 146 FTP.WUSTL.EDU 377. yOGi 146 [¤ iFFTic cOURiER ¤] 378. HEADBANGER 146 INDEPENDENT 379. Dominator 145 -! Mouth For War !- 380. Rioter/Eqx 144 - equinox systems - POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 381. FURiOUS 143 --**»>·OUTLAWS·<«**-- 382. bonkaboss 143 -> INDEPENDENT <- 383. Katana 142 21600 Bps Power 384. marky & power 141 <> bAckLasH <> 385. fELON 140 <-(dEViOUS dEZiGNs)-> 386. Bloodbrother 140 I'm chippin' in... 387. [-NaTaS-] 139 -»»» SKiD ROW «««- 388. Spafles 139 <><> 389. [ ^HARPeR^ ] 137 [ » THe STREAMLERS « ] 390. ONES WALLY 136 BARCELONA,SPAIN POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 391. Slowrider/hNY 135 -¦-÷H÷O÷N÷E÷Y÷-¦- 392. BeVeRaGe 134 [X] H O N E Y [X] 393. BeNZ 134 (DooDLES/SHoCK) 394. ZAXXAN REBELS 133 R2 / REBELS /BELLS ANGE 395. DRAGON REBELS 133 .: MIGHT AND MAGIC :. 396. Thrumpster 132 .A L F A K M E R. 397. ARMANi 131 [·aLPHa·×·FLiGhT·] 398. joker 130 Toontown... 399. iMSE 129 -/- aLPHA fLiGHT -/- 400. Matti ja Teppo 128 -[VD/FAIRLIGHT]- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 401. Crystal 127 TOMBSTONE = NOLLA! 402. Jeopard 127 - InDePeNdEnT - 403. NIGHT OWL 126 I'm OuT tHeRe AnD lOsT! 404. mindlord 126 -IND- 405. TEOFiL 126 <19> HøøD£uM <94> 406. CaRoLuS rEX 126 [FLYING LURE bBS] 407. -=>FLASHLiGHT<=- 125 EuRo NoDe/Germany 408. [-bObO-] 125 » MsT'94 / SwEdEn « 409. TUGGER 124 HeppaDeppaRappaZappa 410. ANOPhElES 123 -¯>INDEPENDENT<®- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 411. MoRRiSSeY 122 fIvE YeAr Mi$$¿0n 412. Epeus 122 Independent 413. MR.TERRY 122 >> DYNAMiC DUO << 414. sKiATHOs 121 ·[bEATLESS '95]· 415. -[dEViL&RAVEN]- 121 dCS sEX SYMBOLE! 416. Mr Gang 121 Killroj was here 417. Fenrir 121 THIS TIME THE WORLD 418. MIGHTY DAVE 121 [L]egend/Console 419. [-sIRIUS!-] 120 [-] iNDEPENDENT [-] 420. QUerTy 119 uk POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 421. Hannibal&buRSt 119 ^-> SWELiNK <÷×÷> TRADE 422. [--MaD MaX--] 119 (*) R O Y A L (*) 423. CSS 118 INDEPENDENT 424. RILLE/SCX 116 JAG E NAKEN! 425. NIGHTOWL 116 <> 426. Mercury 115 SECT/DIGITAL EXTORTION 427. [KRU5TY] 115 [-Pro^Arts-] 428. Everlast 114 [=] THE MAD HOUSE [=] 429. XAViER 114 É[tHaT'z RiGhT]» 430. Techno 113 Happy PC owner ! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 431. GiLTHANAS 113 WAREZ UNLiMiTED! 2KAD! 432. Mr AGA 112 X-Pert's Merlin Rulez B 433. JAz 112 -|- 434. [-dEXTER&cABBE!-] 111 [- NO REMORSE! -] 435. Zinc 111 Some Where In Space 436. Icon! 111 /\Debris/\MsT CONSOLE/\ 437. ChApPa 110 [=»÷INDEPENDENT÷«=] 438. BLADE/TRIAD 110 Guru LAnd 439. THE FOREiGNER 110 THE CUTTiNG EDGE (T.C.E 440. X-TREME 109 SLAVE TO RAVE POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 441. HOSTiLE 109 (/\) SANiTARiUM (/\) 442. Felony 108 :[OG SYNDiCATE]: 443. iNDIGO 107 Ext®EmE ovE®load 444. Mister Trouble 106 >>>>>HEJ<<<<< 445. [-XSTAZ^MIGHTYMUZ-] 106 (· R A H O W A ·) 446. fate 106 -|( QUARTEX )|- 447. Herakles 105 !cRYoZoNe! 448. TERMINATOR 105 SGI Indigo2-POWER!!!! 449. QUiZ 105 TWo StepS aHeaD! 450. AlMONd 104 -+ LIMITED EDITION +- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 451. SANDMAN 103 > > F A I R L I G H T < 452. ViPER 102 Prophecy 453. MR.SAINT 102 back to slow time 454. Haddock 102 //TRACELAND\\ 455. Evilbane 102 <> 456. COKE 101 PaRaDiZe 457. ARoN 101 urk... 458. [-sIRIUS-] 101 indie 459. Shazam 100 -=-ThE WaLL PoSSe-=- 460. STE\/E/D&R 100 [*] ( - D & R - ) [*] POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 461. ZoTH 100 Natural Born Killer 462. WiLLY-NiLLY 99 ThE DawN 463. Casowitch 99 -->NeoN CiTy sTaFF<-- 464. Telnic 98 ---> The Wall <--- 465. LEM 98 > >> >>> ? <<< << < 466. zalo 98 [*]sESSION^sARDONYx[*] 467. Soldier X 98 -*> Independent <*- 468. BiGWiG 98 (( ** INSANE '94 ** )) 469. sIGMA sEVEN! 98 Atx\Atx\Ivn... 470. NIMITZ 98 .·°¤ø_Nü_Är_DëT_VåR_ø¤° POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 471. crown 97 The Binary Kingdom 472. Cook 97 **- Outer Space -** 473. Lionheart 97 -[.¤.®aZøR ¹9¹¹.¤.]- 474. Ultratech 97 AMIGA RULES!! 475. DIzMEM 97 _-: TeNSioN :-_ 476. Quaz 96 ->% WCI %<- 477. Mozart 96 .-^/_hONEY_\^-. 478. JOiNT SMoKeR 96 -*-JAMAICA-*- 479. YES 96 NO 480. razid 96 SPACE POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 481. Splittis 95 Babesupporter 482. Sharp 95 Independent 483. turbo 94 //**\\ INDEPENDENT //** 484. Catonica 94 FIN - SWE .. 4 - 1 ; 485. Marc 94 .oO SKID R0W Oo. 486. Jonno the kid 93 Movin' on up! 487. Scazzi 92 .<³PWA S.C³>. 488. Whale 92 --++|| KRYpToN ||++-- 489. [boss&linebacker] 91 ***<>*** 490. Midnight Fighter 91 -:[MiDNiGHT]:- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 491. Nova 91 -->28k8<-- 492. vigilante 91 -+Da Delite+- 493. crux 91 Disaster Team 494. HoF 90 FAIRLIGHT 495. FLeX^DizL! 90 /> hCC'95! <\ 496. Mr Nielsen 90 «LiMiTeD EdItIoN» 497. Blue Jay 90 TaNgOlaND _UK_ 498. LARRY 90 --* Party Crasher *-- 499. bOROMiR/tRSi 90 <-[ tRSI^dUPLO ]-> 500. Ice 88 Coders Corner POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 501. Nasty Suicide 88 Sedge 502. sNIKE 88 ·tRELLI iKOJENIA· bBS 503. Zeff 88 Betelgeuse 504. golfer 87 independent 505. MiSFiT 87 (÷·hONEY·tRADEr·DIv·÷) 506. Doodle 87 FUSiON/DECAY/PHAT 507. ARNOLD 87 InDePeNdEnT 508. NiKO/PRoDiGY! 87 /= PRoDiGY `94! =\ 509. leatherman 87 RîBîLS / SîCT 510. RoBoT 86 COURIERING '94 POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 511. -DeMaX!- 86 -* -D·E·L·I·G·H·T- *- 512. BATEMAN 86 In your dreams... 513. SWEDA HEAD 85 - BuTTHOLE sURfERS - 514. flu 85 weaahhhh 515. [-tRAiTOR-] 85 -{·ÐEL!GHT·}- 516. Mr.Z 84 - ACCESS - 517. dARKWiNG 84 -[ IndependenT ]- 518. joyride 84 -Noice- 519. MACK 84 ..: D!zcl0s~Re :.. 520. Flogger 84 -=<: V O i C E :>=- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 521. Agony 83 ----> X-TRADE <---- 522. kap 82 Schismatrix 523. HoNcHo 82 -+- pLEASURe -+- 524. M:ET 82 -+* ReBeLs LEADER *+- 525. Seabird 82 526. DoNt nO 82 (*) h/y/p/n/o/t/a/c (*) 527. dIRK 82 Mauve 528. cockroach 82 ****GIN**** 529. Metal Force 80 |*| P^R^O^D^I^G^Y |*| 530. Pigeon & Ian 79 sKID rOW gHQ! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 531. TANGo & DAN 79 »×« (oRIGIN 94) »×« 532. DR DEATH 79 /\GRIMREAPERS/\ 533. Ford Prefect 78 >-{Tøugh Shit}-< 534. esa 78 Eden Garden 535. Spider 78 -*- OVER THE TOP -*- 536. Count Zero 77 A BANKFUCK 537. the wizard 76 ****Gotland CREW**** 538. Replicator 76 -* WiCKED'95 *- 539. Revenger 76 =+= 2KAD/MYSTIC =+= 540. weretek 76 -+LoCkEd TaRGeT!+- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 541. Capone 76 PCB stinks! 542. QZYZ 76 * F A I R L I G H T * 543. ACHERON 76 ...INDIE... 544. Free 75 INDEPENDENT 545. LoMAX 75 ---?--- 546. Cyborg 74 nowere 547. Injector J 74 -> SKID ROW >< P W A <- 548. ZYGoTE 74 -* OVER THE TOP *- 549. BIG DADDY 73 INDEPENDENT 550. |)r.Avalanche 73 -*- CLS CONSOLE -*- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 551. EXOTIC 73 ACCESS / POSSE 552. RUBiK/DPL 72 [ aUDiAL·sOURCES ] 553. Mr Thunder 72 -independent- 554. KeroSene 72 .+:+ Bethong +:+. 555. Porridge 72 LITEN O RADD! 556. CaPTain 72 xX iNDEPENDANT Xx 557. THe HiTMaN 72 T.C.E. COURIER 558. MEGA DEATH 72 ? 559. REFUSED 72 [PriMiTiVe FuTuRe] 560. dr snuggles 71 Supa,knulla,slåss POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 561. AxE 71 nOT oN ARLAS mILK! 562. Pfezzyo 71 /( STiLE Coder )\ 563. SRL\UNiCORN 71 Graphics & Design 564. Smile 70 565. Stuff 70 -÷×[ D R U G S ]×÷- 566. dEREk! 70 DEN OTROLIGE HULK! 567. Mr Destroyer 69 Mental Design 568. B.O.B. 69 RUiNS OF WiSDOM CF WHQ 569. MAVERICK 69 >>> DOWN UNDER <<< 570. Rayman 69 REAL 3D? WHY NOT? POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 571. HotSHotS 68 Win A Boat Topple A Cow 572. Taz Devil 68 - RUiNS OF WiSDOM - 573. GLAYO 68 dA sLAMMEr cOURIEr 574. ROACH 68 [«« W·I·L·D P·A·L·M·S » 575. nECRoPHiLiAC 66 / / NORDLAND / / 576. Speedo 66 PhASE NiNE 577. HuZ 66 VrD · XcTM! 578. Goofy 66 BALDRICK'Z / DRiFT 579. -trade- 66 -anathema- 580. Evil V 66 Lench Mob POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 581. DiSTLER 66 HONEY·EURO·HQ 582. Zachron 65 -/- InFernaL -/- 583. TOSH10 65 PC-SCENEN ŽR D™D 584. CONAN 65 Lamers Heaven 585. diSC/rBS! 65 - Vi i RBS har 16,5" - 586. Tasselhoff/Goonies 65 *GOONIES* 587. maddog 64 WoRLD oF WoNDER 588. prhst 64 independent 589. Fibel 64 <«×( TËN$ÏOñ )×»> 590. peter ace 63 EaT My FaT OnE !!! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 591. TOP 63 <*> HlM <*> ZeN <*> 592. Dd7 63 Independent 593. Orange 63 ThE FoRResT. 594. Hawkslayer 62 TWiSTED iLLUSiONS 595. Sabber 62 -:- F:A:I:R:L:I:G:H:T - 596. BRONZE 62 =» L¿m¿ted Eпt¿øn «= 597. WrathChild 62 =*= REBELS PC =*= 598. infenteria 61 independent 599. God-Eater 61 TURBULENCE 600. HITMAN 61 Console Power ALL TIME TOP TRADERS 601 - 900 POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 601. Crusader 61 REBELS '95 602. Megabrain 61 Nowhere 603. thac 61 orebro 604. Zune & EeeZee 61 605. Big Ben 61 >-·«( R E F L E X )»·-< 606. pSYCHE 60 [dEViOUS dEZiGNS!] 607. BARAKA 60 -=> EUROPEAN TRADER <=- 608. LORD SAURON 60 [====> INSANE <====] 609. BiKEALOT/o2 60 EAT YOUR DOG 610. mARBLE 60 bUTTKiCKER `95 !!! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 611. tALON 60 * D e L i g H t * 612. ViKiNG 60 8088a=a4000! 613. Steel Pulse 59 * DD! DBR! COTG! FLT! * 614. exner 59 [SVEA RIKE BBS] 615. B.B.King 59 [a.N.A.T.H.E.M.a] 616. gaz 59 <>GAZ*NSK*HiGHVOLTAGE<> 617. Bear 58 =====> CONVULSiON <==== 618. Stash 58 <[^- ePSILON dESIGN -^] 619. Batman 58 TRUE LIES.! 620. SToNED 57 T.C.E COURiER `95 POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 621. Delusion/VTL 57 ..:o: ViRTUAL :o:.. 622. Capricorn/LEGiON 57 Las Gurkaz 623. The Doz/Shining 57 -= Dual Crew - Shining 624. Rascal 57 -=< Renegade User >=- 625. Excess 57 Úé¿ ŒïDˆpˆïDˆït Úé¿ 626. Mr A 57 Independent 627. /\NTiSOCi/\L! 57 IBM Sweden 628. Scroud 57 -[.:: Atlantic ::.]- 629. BIG BOY 56 /B\E/T\R/A\Y/E\D/ 630. SaUzEr 56 RAVE^DESIGN & bF POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 631. Delta 56 28k8 RULEZ!!!! 632. Nidhogg 56 ** YEAH! ** 633. J.WALKER 56 -\- ZeNiTh & TrSi -\- 634. hellborn 56 ^\dA dEvIlZ deZiplE/^ 635. Stab Master 55 ---< partyzone >--- 636. XEROX 55 A·C·C·E·S·S 637. Zoot Replay 55 <> Miserable <> 638. Elwood 55 -/\ AT&T,MCI,SPRINT /\- 639. Radix 55 - phenomena - 640. bh-911 55 the beverly hills POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 641. Slasher 54 ----].H.o.D.[---- 642. Zealous 54 *> XANADU <* 643. JUST!N S/\Ne 54 ToTaL !nS/\n!Ty 644. LoCo 54 _-=MeTroPoLeN=-_ 645. SCUM 54 646. RHYS / DELIRIUM 54 (- D·E·L·I·R·I·U·M -) 647. FLABBERGAST 54 ** ANATHEMA RULES ** 648. WHIZKID 53 Somewhere 649. Red Beggar 53 Independent 650. SuCram 53 Home POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 651. Marco 53 The Donegal Express 652. HiFLY^TTT 53 .·:`wAtERdEEP':·. 653. Nightshade 53 (*) WaSTeLaNDs (*) 654. Werewolf 52 DRAIN-PIPE BBS #2 655. NO LIMIT 52 « ILLUSION & QUARTEX » 656. torch 52 umeå 657. don martin 52 Mupp on Future Entrance 658. JBM 52 -FAIRLIGHT LEADER!- 659. Icer 52 !nothingrightnow! 660. ERACORE 52 -/^ 5UbURbAN bA5E! ^\- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 661. ELF 51 ·MøMeNT·²²·MuS¡C¡aN· 662. FAX 51 [ ACES HIGH 5 NDZ ] 663. CHRIS LEE 51 ESKILSTUNA 664. MayDay 51 MaYdaY's PLacE 665. TRITOON 51 -*> N o X i O u S <*- 666. Callis 51 -[ CORTEX COURIER ]- 667. Luke & Chuck 50 [$] F/\iRLiGHT [$] 668. McFly 50 oOo sPHERe!/lSD oOo 669. mr.schubelgruber 50 [-] ACCESS ´95 [-] 670. Caramon 50 KRYNN POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 671. Angel Dust 50 Count Zer0 672. Pitbull 50 Be art get a tattoo ! 673. Plethion 50 The place 2 B. 674. KITE 50 iïëäPäïëäïç ȹ-îVîR!!! 675. W!G 50 <«÷0·ß·§·c·E·N·E÷»> 676. Nikko 49 _/\_Team OS/2 Elite_/\_ 677. Mr.Quick 49 /Independent\ 678. razor ramon 49 ** THE ELITE RUNNER ** 679. ReBOunD 49 ZumMer VAcaTion! 680. PeTe 49 «X» BETRAYED «X» POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 681. meYer 49 -| Stockholm |- 682. Jukeb0x 48 ThE RaViNG SoCiETY 683. Rhys & Danzig 48 [$] DLM^ARCLITE [$] 684. moOd 48 [ ·lImIted edItIon· ] 685. WiCKED DRiFT 48 - Hmm.. - 686. KiDnIx 48 InDePeNdEnT 687. SuDDeN 48 - POiNT ZER0 - 688. YSL 47 -*- cRYSTAL -*- 689. THAX 47 (.)(.) zULULANDia < 692. Sherlock 47 221 B Bakerstreet 693. Snake 46 -=(Seizer)=- 694. LionKing 46 ---[TEAM DASE]--- 695. RAVEN 46 INDEPENDENT 696. Stillman 46 c0nn3c73d iRC/#fsp 697. Nashua 46 >X< OU7LAWS DKHQ >X< 698. BANDiDO 46 ( SARDoNYX DooD! ) 699. fireman 45 «»«» SKÄVE «»«» 700. Ziphoid 45 ** RaZoR 1911 ** POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 701. DANSKEN 45 +46-910-26665 702. Dream Warrior 45 PhEnOmEnA 703. mp-5 45 Ulan Bator 704. EzCo 45 -[ serpent hill ]- 705. EPiC 45 >>> ANTRACiT <<< 706. Don Croce 45 (oG ^ iST) (aRTIST) 707. foe 44 NONSTOP ACTION 708. ZEALOT 44 -*- OVER THE TOP -*- 709. FIREFLASH 44 *-O:T:T:*L:E:A:D:E:R-* 710. LiZZARD 44 -[ Wicked City'95 ]- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 711. thunder 44 Swe 712. MILTON 44 Hmm 713. VIP 44 +:/%/KRoNiCaL\%\:+ 714. RYOLiT 43 (=I·N·D·Y·=) 715. ICECRUSH 43 HIGH ROOLER 716. gOOLUM 43 +: WiCKED / DECAY :+ 717. fenix 43 -- Independent -- 718. Mr Time&qezlot 43 craze 719. dR.dRE! 43 \>^^uke 43 TRIAD POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 721. 2HIGH 43 VHS-TRADING 722. Notalk 43 -( Independent )- 723. SH/\PECH/\NGER 43 SUBURBAN BASE & DEZIGN 724. [-AmoK-] 43 -*- <\/>iNiSTR¥ -*- 725. harman 42 -/(ERRoR ART)\- 726. MASSIVE 42 (ù)(ù) 727. lEnnY 42 (·) P.M.W.D (·) 728. [-RUNT&SCOTTIE-] 42 - sLAVE tO tHE mUSIC - 729. pAce 42 Nothing Really 730. RiCH 42 terrible inactive POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 731. GANGSTAR 42 STiLE/ACiD 732. Blueman 42 «»=«» ReLiGioN «»=«» 733. Dino/PLD 42 -+- lOOp ^ AFL -+- 734. Boushh 41 --->>> T.F.A. <<<--- 735. -sLiCeR- 41 ùøùŒnDePeïdînTùøù 736. -JeRiCHO!- 41 >>> FLaSHBaCK bbS <<< 737. Smokie 41 I don't no...? 738. Jopiter 41 RUiNS OF WiSDOM CF WHQ 739. CORE 41 ->>:+:T^R^S^I:+:<<- 740. Killerette 40 High Voltage Leader POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 741. Lord Draconian 40 =] 28800'n BAD [= 742. kOPrOpHaGiN 40 ··· Eat My Fuck ··· 743. BETELGOUZE 40 iNDEPENDENt 744. DiRKiNG 40 Home 745. pada 40 ** AMIGA RULES! ** 746. DEVIL/ADDONIC 40 >>> CRASHPOINT BBS <<< 747. Bit Addict 40 Pet Sematary 748. SKYLiNE 40 CLoUD NiNE 749. Nisse 40 PC-HELL 750. Coq Rouge 40 IT'S NiCE To SEE U ALL POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 751. SAVAGE/iNSANE 40 (<*>) INSANE (<*>) 752. BiLL & TeD 40 smart security key KICK 753. S.p.o.c.k 39 [-] Synth rules! [-] 754. sony 39 ,.:'hAl<>9000':., 755. HOOT!/dPL 39 -^(- d U P L O -)^- 756. Morpher/iMG 39 2 Cool 4 2 757. Hawke 38 -iNÐePeNÐeNt- 758. -[Storm Shadow]- 38 759. LaRIC 38 -=(*) THE EDGE (*)=- 760. GHANDY/REBELS 38 REBELS & PROGRESS POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 761. rED dEVIL/dCS 38 «/» dUAL cREW sHINING « 762. Serpent 37 -* EXCEPT *- 763. MR FaST 37 commingbacksoon 764. Hard Core 37 GENESIS EUROPE / SCOTCH 765. Chig 37 A SHADOW OF NFL 766. ironnuke! 37 VisSioN SuXXerS! 767. UNiVERZ 37 [*] iR TRADER [*] 768. Harakiri 37 SADiSTiC STAFF .. 769. dJ GiZMO 37 -=[ArnE WesIe is C00l]= 770. Skyhigh 37 -+ TBL +- POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 771. Tiger 37 [^r^e^j^e^c^t^] 772. Bozo 37 My selfmade HD-box rule 773. REZAAD 37 -=ð> OBJECTiLE <ð=- 774. Mandrake 36 :=-{VAN!7¥ '95}-=: 775. B-tRIBe 36 <-- H.O.N.E.Y --> 776. PuSHeR 36 [) iFFTic pLAYBOy (] 777. NaIlBoMb 36 InDePeNdEnT 778. SAW 36 et0n dudes! 779. D.C 36 Hemma 780. MaXy 36 N/\UGHTY BY N/\TURE! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 781. Zerox 36 CCC/Sweden 782. STooDY 35 VeNTuS 783. Adde 35 > JOHNSSONS DISEASE < 784. petrol pedro 35 PLANET ROCK 785. Pinhead 35 JeSuS WepT! 786. Roppe! 35 > pARADoX < 787. TLs & PhaRo 35 UNiøN STATiøN 788. Trace 35 08-55016892 CONVULSION 789. iQUE 35 sTiLE! 790. off shore 35 /\/\LFF/\/\/\ POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 791. ZX/ICS 35 -+- CENSOR -+- 792. MANIAC 35 < Here Ofcourse! > 793. satansfist 35 TUNA 794. TEE/TEC 34 -/ ELECTRIC CAFE' \- 795. TelefonJack 34 · DET VAR FÖRSPELET, DE 796. -zANoK! 34 (*) STOP BEiNG TRENDY! 797. Fuckupevil 34 ZzzzZZZzzz Dreamland 798. Crion 34 Empire State Building 799. DiViNE 34 [ TðEðA / BùU ] 800. Bareface 33 FUCK THE ROOSTER POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 801. aDAMeL 33 #-->lAND oF cHAOS<--# 802. pADA/dEVIL-MAn 33 YoU DoNT KnOW 803. MiGHTYMUZ 33 [·hoLiDay haNGOVer bbS· 804. LABEL 33 -*- A·(·(·E·S·S -*- DK 805. nasse 33 T-PEOPLE 806. Charles 33 --> I'AM A BLACK DILDO 807. the real one 33 **** Gotland CREW **** 808. Judge Dredd 33 -= easiNET =- 809. FE/\//\/ER 33 cazzimiei 810. MAC 33 >> HYSTERIA CREW << POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 811. spooky 33 SpOOkY CASTLE..! 812. Tit/\NiC 33 [-*> 2ØØØ A·Ð <*-] 813. Kid Curry 33 -*- C L A S S i C -*- 814. bOB dA gOD 32 »»·(s8!^dTL^dCS)·«« 815. RamRod 32 White Productions 816. RaNGeR-X 32 -<**>- 817. G0BLiN&DREADLOCK 32 STILL ROCKING AT 5%'S 818. CASCA 32 Over the hill 819. Guliver 32 .oO HeaVen`S D00R/gCS O 820. Hamster 32 A ROCKSTAR ATE ME!!! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 821. bimbo 32 ThE CrYpT 0413-10134 822. DiGiT/PSiONiC 32 -#( PSiONiC )#- 823. The Unlord 32 [^ iFFTic cOURiER ^] 824. Erod 32 +46(0)933-50094 825. pomac 32 ACIIIID!!!!303!!! 826. SHOCK 32 <*> CRYSTAL <*> 827. Sid Vicious 32 .·¤°'¤¢ø n&b / bF ø¢¤`° 828. bAROCK! 32 -»> S·i·L·E·N·T·S <«- 829. Ultimate Warrior 32 ReFLeX -x- TeNSiON 830. <\/>oRGoTH 32 [÷iNTEL§OUTSiDE÷] POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 831. Coif 32 INDEPENDENT SWEDEN 832. Dr Faustus 32 iNVASIøN/hE 833. INCO 32 NOICE · SINCE'89 834. Xantes 32 BURNING INSIDE 835. Xior 32 >> KURDISTAN << 836. Xymox 32 IMMORTAL CARCASS 837. LOOBY 32 [#### - iNSANE - ####] 838. LONG JOHN 31 -*- OVER THE TOP -*- 839. Hard-On 31 independent, italy! 840. RaJ-Ban 31 CL: +46-176-55202 16k8 POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 841. SKYWALKER 31 -:..OtHeR sIdE..:- 842. Cyanide 31 Borlange, Dalarna 843. Arnulf 31 Trelleborg 844. TiMELoRD 31 - [486/GUS/24bit] - 845. BLAST 31 [SUNSHINE PRODUCTIONS ' 846. Pat 31 AXEL RULEZ! 847. Vassago 31 House Of Flames 848. Doc Savage 31 INDEPENDENT 849. nailen 31 from heaven to noware 850. NIMH 31 Trelleborg POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 851. Chucky 31 28.8KBPS IS POWER! 852. Harpoon 30 [%]:SCANDAL|E^D:[%] 853. Davey 30 .°° INDEPENDENT °°. 854. hERO!N 30 -* P A ! N *- 855. [-STRIKER-] 30 --*> hEaVy CooL CrAcKs 856. MR RED 30 Northpole 857. Kama 30 X-Trade 858. Mulder 30 - X-FiLES ÑiViSiON - 859. STREAM 30 ME LEECHER? 860. STRiKER/2000 AD 30 NML +46-35-50910 !! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 861. Dawnrazor 30 Fields of the Nephilim 862. exor 30 Ät GRÖT 863. ladykille® 30 (=> LIMITED EDITION <=) 864. Arisen Phoenix 30 The Sky 865. Dean 30 ) FOR VIKINGS ONLY ( 866. Marduk 30 [*]·r·E·f·L·E·x·[*] 867. DEATH JESTER 30 D-29 868. VEXOR 30 Malin ÄR FINAST! 869. Griffith 30 Malmoe 870. DELiRiUM 30 Esl”v POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 871. Foxx'n'Lynxx 29 ZigZag Boss <\/ 872. Endeavour 29 //SWIPNET// 873. THE SiLENCER/TRSi 29 ««(*=-T-÷-R-÷-S-÷-i-=*) 874. INQ 29 ^ THE iNQUiSiTiON ^ 875. JLP 29 (-: INDEPENDENT :-) 876. Wired 29 [[^SYSTEM SHoCK^]] 877. OXYGeNER 29 #[COnTRaST tRADER]# 878. JobE 29 879. Sincenatic 29 «« T E N S I O N »» 880. Zindar 29 <<>> POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 881. POWERSLAVE! 29 -> THE DOODLES/ SHOCK < 882. Mr Magoo 29 /\/- 2ooo aD PC -\/\ 883. Psyched 29 ING/Z^G 884. QUIZZ 29 Eskilstuna 885. Spock 29 LULEÅ 886. intruders 29 FREELANCER 887. RaJ! 29 PSG/ZIONS/RLD/WOE 888. Blackeye 29 -< Skid Row >- 889. mack90 29 ISLAND KŽNNS DET SOM! 890. TechnoFreak 29 Falling to pieces... POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 891. CHOICE 28 ? 892. rUFF sToNES 28 >>PrøFile<< 893. Calvin 28 Cool runner 894. RUSKiS^STORM 28 --* Independent *-- 895. SAXON 28 (« JESUS LOVES YOU! ») 896. Case 28 >> MOVING BYTES IN '95 897. Iznogud 28 »»-iNDEPENDENT--> 898. DRAIN 28 ·=°¤°=·¡nðepenðenþ·=°¤° 899. Ove Fr”jd 28 ARTiST 900. Soundman 28 Working like hell! ALL TIME TOP TRADERS 901 - 960 POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 901. Split 28 [ÎÑSåÑÊ'SF·lEADER!] 902. FISH 28 UMMAGUMMA 903. mOViEATOR 28 <<| mASSiV3 dUPLiCATiON 904. STILGAR 28 905. SyPoX 28 happy now?!? =( 906. THE M/\STER 28 HooDLUM / LYNCH MOB 907. Raistlin 28 -=HORIZON=- 908. HAMA 28 Cyberspace 909. TUR.TURE 28 LULEA 910. ARKIMEDES 27 FERENGI TRADINGPORT POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 911. DEAD iMAGE 27 BLACK TOWER CREW 912. Jimbo 27 Alpha Flight 913. WOLF 27 Cyberspace 914. Kozmo 27 :-* HoUSe oF CHaoS *-:S 915. Krasnal 27 [=\ fReEzeRs /=] 916. DEXter/AFL 27 ^O^ ALPHA FLiGHT ^O^ 917. Rapid Angel 27 Sub Society 918. Boost 27 Fajser / Bajster 2ooo e 919. rulle 27 bromoella 920. Sea-Lemon 27 - FAiRLiGHT - POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 921. Monkey 27 // Monkey Style \\ 922. Dildo 27 RubberLand 923. BUD 27 924. Mr. Eagle 27 -= P.W.A =- 925. Ballrock 26 Noland 926. [SIRIaX & SDD !] 26 .oO > F/\IRLIGHT ! XTD^BoB^TBOTAS^QuK^RF 939. dRooPY-d 26 -doodles^shock^shop- 940. Preacher 26 trbg POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 941. Rawlock 26 ->X<-NiGHT FoRCE ->X<- 942. SFINX 26 I/|/dPE/|/dE/|/T 943. EaSy RiDeR 26 °±² MST / TRSI ²±° 944. Atener 26 -=:fUNkYdOObiESt:=- 945. SRL 26 ACESHIGH 0410-44886 946. FireFox 26 --CyBeRSpace-- 947. the Thrashcan 26 DARKMOON 948. TRINITY 26 VOX DEI 949. yz 26 _-¯ SUCk·ME·SidEWA¥S ¯- 950. DiGIT/\L EXPREsSION 25 - sWiTZERLANd'S bEST! POS HANDLE MEGS UL LOCATION ----------------------------------- 951. Exit 25 >> E L M S T R E E T << 952. Hercules 25 [%] NASA tRADER [%] 953. hot rod 25 THE ALMIGHTY 954. JeWEL^DIzMEM 25 t E N S I o N 955. MindPhaser 25 PiggyBank 956. oberon 25 vbg 957. Peo 25 <×] Xuan Tinh! [×> 958. skepp 25 MARION WAS A CHILD! 959. SoNiC 25 /-SC0TCH-CMS!-PLC-\ 960. STiMPY 25 [(< hONEY! >)] Month top traders not available this month. This because the list wasn't fair. The list use this months top traders data and the last months. And when some bords leave their data one month and not the other the list becomes incorrect. ALL TIME BOARDS TOTAL POS = POSITION THIS MONTH PLM = POSITION LAST MONTH UL = UPLOADED MEGS DL = DOWNLOADED MEGS UL+DL = TOTAL MEGS TRADED ON BOARD +TOT = TOTAL MEGS TRADED LAST MONTH +UL = UPLOADED MEGS LAST MONTH +DL = DOWNLOADED MEGS LAST MONTH POS PLM BOARD 1. ( 2) HYSTERIA BBS 2. ( 3) THE LAST INN 3. ( 4) THE BACK ROOM 4. ( 5) ACES HIGH 5. ( 6) PROPHETS HOLD 6. ( 8) INFINITE POWER 7. ( 11) SECRET GATE 8. ( 13) SERPENT HILL 9. ( 9) STREETS OF FIRE 10. ( 10) INTERCHANGE 11. ( 12) NIGHTFALL 12. ( 16) FLASHBACK 13. ( 14) EAGLE'S NEST 14. ( 15) UNDERCOVER 15. ( 17) PALLADIUM 16. (N/A) INTOXICATION 17. ( 21) FASTLINE 18. ( 20) RAISING HELL 19. ( 22) STAGE DIVE 20. ( 18) TRESPASS 21. (N/A) FUTURE ENTRANCE 22. ( 26) HALL OF FAME 23. (N/A) FINAL_IMPACT 24. (N/A) NOTA BENE 25. (N/A) ASYLUM 26. ( 28) VIOLATOR UL+DL +TOT UL +UL DL +DL 63425 2477 17557 +200 45868 +2277 57423 1706 26226 +630 31197 +1076 49621 5026 16856 -233 32765 +5259 45725 3831 17080 +1287 28645 +2544 41848 2276 18885 +1104 22963 +1172 41090 4709 24682 +2391 16408 +2318 34358 4141 11370 +1062 22988 +3079 33876 10026 18864 +6006 15012 +4020 33022 -2142 12189 -1629 20833 -513 32339 1737 14638 +822 17701 +915 27407 471 8790 +454 18617 +17 23737 2095 10124 +1058 13613 +1037 23477 785 13563 +367 9914 +418 23196 1060 13456 +469 9740 +591 20338 711 10679 +440 9709 +321 16781 N/A 8677 N/A 8104 N/A 15722 1438 8947 +1376 6775 +62 14992 685 10047 +561 4945 +127 14869 860 8642 +356 6227 +434 14447 1401 8697 +835 5750 +566 13703 N/A 8005 N/A 5698 N/A 12715 1356 5873 +551 6842 +805 12595 N/A 7799 N/A 4796 N/A 8637 N/A 4868 N/A 3769 N/A 8120 N/A 4335 N/A 3785 N/A 8036 773 4939 +510 3097 +263 ALL TIME BOARDS UPLOAD POS = POSITION THIS MONTH PLM = POSITION LAST MONTH UPLOAD = TOTAL UPLOADED MEGS POS PLM BOARD UPLOAD 1. ( 2) THE LAST INN 26226 2. ( 3) INFINITE POWER 24682 3. ( 4) PROPHETS HOLD 18885 4. ( 5) SERPENT HILL 18864 5. ( 6) HYSTERIA BBS 17557 6. ( 8) ACES HIGH 17080 7. ( 11) THE BACK ROOM 16856 8. ( 13) INTERCHANGE 14638 9. ( 9) EAGLE'S NEST 13563 10. ( 10) UNDERCOVER 13456 11. ( 12) STREETS OF FIRE 12189 12. ( 16) SECRET GATE 11370 13. ( 14) PALLADIUM 10679 14. ( 15) FLASHBACK 10124 15. ( 17) RAISING HELL 10047 16. (N/A) FASTLINE 8947 17. ( 21) NIGHTFALL 8790 18. ( 20) TRESPASS 8697 19. ( 22) INTOXICATION 8677 20. ( 18) STAGE DIVE 8642 21. (N/A) FUTURE ENTRANCE 8005 22. ( 26) FINAL_IMPACT 7799 23. (N/A) HALL OF FAME 5873 24. (N/A) VIOLATOR 4939 25. (N/A) NOTA BENE 4868 26. ( 28) ASYLUM 4335 ALL TIME BOARDS DOWNLOAD POS = POSITION THIS MONTH PLM = POSITION LAST MONTH DL = TOTAL DOWNLOADED MEGS POS PLM BOARD DL 1. ( 1) HYSTERIA 45868 2. ( 5) THE BACK ROOM 32765 3. ( 3) THE LAST INN 31197 4. ( 6) ACES HIGH 28645 5. ( 9) SECRET GATE 22988 6. ( 7) PROPHETS HOLD 22963 7. ( 8) STREETS OF FIRE 20833 8. ( 10) NIGHTFALL 18617 9. ( 11) INTERCHANGE 17701 10. ( 12) INFINITE POWER 16408 11. ( 14) SERPENT HILL 15012 12. ( 13) FLASHBACK 13613 13. ( 15) EAGLE'S NEST 9914 14. ( 17) UNDERCOVER 9740 15. ( 16) PALLADIUM 9709 16. (N/A) INTOXICATION 8104 17. ( 22) HALL OF FAME 6842 18. ( 20) FASTLINE 6775 19. ( 24) STAGE DIVE 6227 20. ( 25) TRESPASS 5750 21. (N/A) FUTURE ENTRANCE 5698 22. ( 26) RAISING HELL 4945 23. (N/A) FINAL_IMPACT 4796 24. (N/A) NOTA BENE 3769 25. (N/A) ASYLUM 3785 26. ( 28) VIOLATOR 3097MONTH TOP BOARDS TOTAL POS = POSITION THIS MONTH PLM = POSITION LAST MONTH +TOT = TOTAL MEGS TRADED LAST MONTH POS PLM BOARD +TOTAL 1. ( 2) THE BACK ROOM +5026 2. (N/A) INFINITE POWER +4709 3. (N/A) SECRET GATE +4141 4. ( 4) ACES HIGH +3831 5. ( 9) HYSTERIA +2477 6. ( 3) PROPHETS HOLD +2276 7. ( 6) FLASHBACK +2095 8. ( 10) INTERCHANGE +1737 9. (N/A) THE LAST INN +1706 10. ( 16) FASTLINE +1438 11. ( 13) TRESPASS +1401 12. (N/A) HALL OF FAME +1356 13. (N/A) UNDERCOVER +1060 14. (N/A) STAGE DIVE +860 15. ( 11) EAGLE'S NEST +785 16. (N/A) VIOLATOR +773 17. ( 7) PALLADIUM +711 18. ( 12) RAISING HELL +685 19. ( 18) NIGHTFALL +471MONTH TOP BOARDS UPLOAD POS = POSITION THIS MONTH PLM = POSITION LAST MONTH +UL = UPLOADED MEGS LAST MONTH POS PLM BOARD +UPLOAD 1. (N/A) INFINITE POWER +2391 2. ( 15) FASTLINE +1376 3. ( 3) ACES HIGH +1287 4. ( 2) PROPHETS HOLD +1104 5. (N/A) SECRET GATE +1062 6. ( 4) FLASHBACK +1058 7. ( 9) TRESPASS +835 8. ( 11) INTERCHANGE +822 9. (N/A) THE LAST INN +630 10. (N/A) RAISING HELL +561 11. (N/A) HALL OF FAME +551 12. (N/A) VIOLATOR +510 13. (N/A) UNDERCOVER +469 14. ( 17) NIGHTFALL +454 15. ( 5) PALLADIUM +440 16. ( 10) EAGLE'S NEST +367 17. (N/A) STAGE DIVE +356 18. ( 13) HYSTERIA BBS +200MONTH TOP BOARDS DOWNLOAD POS = POSITION THIS MONTH PLM = POSITION LAST MONTH DL = TOTAL DOWNLOADED MEGS POS PLM BOARD +DL 1. ( 2) THE BACK ROOM +5259 2. (N/A) SECRET GATE +3079 3. ( 4) ACES HIGH +2544 4. (N/A) INFINITE POWER +2318 5. ( 14) HYSTERIA +2277 6. ( 3) PROPHETS HOLD +1172 7. ( 17) THE LAST INN +1076 8. ( 6) FLASHBACK +1037 9. ( 9) INTERCHANGE +915 10. (N/A) HALL OF FAME +805 11. (N/A) UNDERCOVER +591 12. ( 12) TRESPASS +566 13. (N/A) STAGE DIVE +434 14. ( 10) EAGLE'S NEST +418 15. ( 8) PALLADIUM +321 16. (N/A) VIOLATOR +263 17. ( 13) RAISING HELL +127 18. ( 16) FASTLINE +62 29. ( 18) NIGHTFALL +17TOP CALLER BOARDS CALLS = THIS MONTHS AMOUNT OF CALLS LMC = LAST MONTHS AMOUNT OF CALLS TOTAL = TOTAL AMOUNT OF CALLS N = NODES C/N = CALLS/NODE MONTHLY DAY = CALLS/DAY CND = CALLS/NODE EACH DAY POS PLM BOARD 1. ( 1) ACES HIGH ........ 2. ( 5) PROPHETS HOLD .... 3. ( 3) NIGHTFALL ........ 4. (N/A) SECRET GATE ...... 5. (N/A) THE BACK ROOM .... 6. (N/A) UNDERCOVER ....... 7 (N/A) INFINITE POWER ... 8 ( 6) FLASHBACK ........ 9. ( 7) INTERCHANGE ...... 10. ( 10) STREETS OF FIRE .. 11. (N/A) PALLADIUM ........ 12. (N/A) TRESPASS ......... 13. ( 8) THE LAST INN ..... 14. (N/A) STAGE DIVE ....... 15. ( 11) EAGLE'S NEST ..... 16. (N/A) HALL OF FAME ..... 17. ( 13) HYSTERIA ......... 18. (N/A) VIOLATOR ......... 19. ( 15) FASTLINE ......... 20. ( 12) RAISING HELL ..... 21. (N/A) SERPENT HILL ..... 22. (N/A) UNDERCOVER ....... 23. (N/A) NOTA BENE ........ 24. (N/A) INTOXICATION ..... 25. (N/A) FINAL IMPACT ..... 26. (N/A) FUTURE ENTRANCE .. 27. (N/A) ASYLUM ........... CALL LMC TOTAL N C/N DAY CND 7713 6924 50063 5 1542 257 51 5616 5616 42164 4 1404 187 47 4134 4691 64352 4 1033 137 34 3644 N/A 42225 X<- ANYONE KNOW? 3167 3354 31564 3 1055 105 35 3030 3030 11742 2 1515 101 51 2997 N/A 33494 3 999 100 33 2934 3466 37399 2 1467 98 49 2560 2560 63671 3 853 85 28 1941 1747 5689 2 970 65 32 1839 1674 21510 2 919 61 31 1425 1380 17727 1 1425 48 48 1404 2764 93088 2 702 47 23 1304 N/A 30303 1 1304 43 43 1202 1531 56570 1 1202 40 40 963 N/A 19026 1 963 32 32 895 895 56102 2 447 30 15 815 N/A 8155 1 815 27 27 731 731 85773 2 366 34 17 425 1174 20783 1 425 14 14 N/A N/A 26843 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11742 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6910 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15978 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18727 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 46866 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 21398 2 N/A N/A N/A AMOUNT OF USER CHARTS USRS - TOTAL AMOUNT OF USERS +/- - ADDED/NUKED USERS NEW - NEW USERS THIS USER CHART DOES NOT ACTUALLY SHOW ANYTHING FOR SURE. FOR EXAMPLE IFA BOARD GET A NEW USER AND THEN DELETES ANOTHER USER, THE CHART LOOKS LIKE YOU D ID NOT DELETE ANYONE OR GOT A NEW USER..ANYHOW, COULD BE FUNNY TO KNOW HOW MANY USERS A BOARD HAVE. BOARD USRS NEW ACES HIGH 614 +62 ASYLUM 240 N/A EAGLE'S NEST 143 +11 FASTLINE 502 +15 FUTURE ENTRANCE 187 N/A FINAL IMPACT 173 N/A FLASHBACK 379 +26 HALL OF FAME 290 +27 HYSTERIA 287 +0 INFINITE POWER 301 +46 INTERCHANGE 446 +10 INTOXICATION 195 N/A THE LAST INN 240 +3 NIGHTFALL 504 +11 NOTA BENE 145 N/A PALLADIUM 213 +23 PROPHETS HOLD 628 +56 RAISING HELL 206 +11 SERPENT HILL 387 +34 SECRET GATE 334 +22 STREETS OF FIRE 155 -197 STAGE DIVE 309 N/A THE BACK ROOM 696 +13 TRESPASS 249 +15 UNDERCOVER 256 +14 VIOLATOR 383 +33 TOP SYSOP AGE BOARDS LIGHTSPEED / DARK ROOM 27 PSYCHOPATH / RAISING HELL 23 JAC / HYSTERIA 23 CRAWL / ANOTHER WORLD 22 SHARK / PALLADIUM 21 ARAGORN / THE LAST INN 21 NERO / PROPHETS HOLD 21 TWISTER / FLASHBACK 21 DANSKEN / HALL OF FAME 21 HITMAN / BLACKBOARD 20 WARHAMMER / NOTA BENE 20 MACROMAN / TRADERS PARADISE 20 VEGAS / OVERLOAD 20 DIXY / PREMIUM 20 STAIN / FINAL IMPACT 20 PRINCIP / INTERCHANGE 19 HIJACKER / ALTERED STATE 19 JUAN / ASYLUM 19 FUZZ / INTOXICATION 19 SNOOPY / EAGLE'S NEST 18 ZIZ / MAXIMUM ANARCHY 18 ZEPHYR / VIOLATOR 18 EZCO / SERPENT HILL 17Bahh!! fucked up this month < MEMBER LISTS YOU WANNA SEE YOUR GROUP HERE? WELL FOR THAT WE NEED YOUR MEMBERLIST TO PROVIDE US WITH YOUR LIST TRY THIS: 1 UPLOAD TO PALLADIUM 2 WRITE A MSG IN THE ST DOOR 3 EMAIL TO INSANE - SWEDEN 95-05 Cluster - World Organiser, Sysop (INSANITARY),RayTracer Metal - Demo/Utility Asm-Coder Bigwig - Demo/Utility Asm-Coder Looby - /X & Utility C-Coder NightShade - /X & Utility C-Coder Marx - /X & Utility Asm-Coder Coolorado - TrainerMaker/Cracker/ Utility Asm-Coder Louie - Graphician Onyx - Graphician FireFox - Musician, RayTracer Senile - Musician Vedder - Musician Notorious - Musician Jozef - Musician (quit scene) Savage - Trader Sniper - Trader Yaffle - Swapper TENSION - SWEDEN 95-05-25 Sincenatic - Leader, Graphician Dulcian - Coder The Beast Master Coder Lockjammer - Coder(/X), ASCII Myrtle - UtilsCoder,Cracker Waste - Coder Chtulhu - Graphician Fibel - Musician Willie - Musician Dizmem - Musician Gizmo - Musician Beat - Musician Intruder - ASCII, SysOp Aragorn - SysOp Amon - SysOp Topflight - Trader [=Fuze=] - Trader Yakari - Trader THE BLACK LOTUS - SWEDEN 95-05-28 Amiga Section Rubberduck - Coder Offa - Coder Equalizer - Coder Belze - Coder Hokke - Coder Exon - Coder Gizmo - Coder Sag - Coder Skyhigh - Coder Yfcon - Coder Ken - Coder Noy - Coder Axm - Graphician Fishbone - Graphician Snorpax Tudor - Graphician EddieBoy - Musician Wolf - Musician HitMan - Sysop Shark - Sysop Tolmo - Sysop Dirox - Trader Overlord - Ascii THE BLACK LOTUS - SWEDEN 95-05-28 Atari Section Dickhead - Coder Froggie - Coder Professor X - Coder Annhilator - Coder Code - Coder Ice - Musician,gfx Hermes - Musician GameBrain - Musician Tolmo - Sysop Mr. Motorola - Swapper Vroomfondel - Swapper Kubica - Swapper NEWS From ST door ----------------------------------- From : The staff Location: The Black Lotus Subject : TBL changes Shark joined TBL and Palladium is now TBL WHQ. Ken (Coder), Noy (Coder) and Axm (graphician) joined TBL from jELLY. ----------------------------------- From : HoNcHo Location: -+- pLEASURe -+- Subject : joining Bubba left except and joined pLEASURe. The former Except WHQ, DreamPhase,is now pLs SHQ. pLEASURe is still looking for members.. if you're interested just drop a note.. ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- From : mANtA Location: [··aC! n' oTL!··] Subject : ART CORE! aRt cORe got a new SWEDISH head- quarter (besides final impact)... Like most of you know FAR OUT used to be the old Shq of aC! but since it's closed i decided to move the SHQ to -THE LAST INN- All old ascii artists and requesters are very warm welcommed to call The Last Inn... mANtA/aC! & oTL ----------------------------------- From : QEN Location: -(÷- H O N E Y -÷)- Subject : The Honey Jar! Try out Honey's Home Page at the World Wide Web! ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- From : [·GaNdhi!·] Location: [·FUCK U! 7H¡S ¡S ME!·] Subject : GAMES! WHERE?? Umh, isn't there anyone else that believes that there is a dark future in front of our scene? We have only SHIT relelases now, as: Amiga: 35388535268 Utils from 1992 every day. No games at all. PC: 35388535268 Disks big CD-Rips that noone without ISDN can get. Games, but way to big! Ordinary user could only have 2 games at one time on their HD's Is that normal?! Thats my opinons.. / g·A·N·d·H·I \ tRZSI ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- From : PHANDER^TRiLOGY Location: s A N i T A R i U m Subject : Bullar ar goda! JOYRiDER har petat på pandora! ----------------------------------- From : SeAWoLf Location: UZi ANSI DESIGNER! Subject : tosh10 ...TOSH10 ----------------------------------- From : ZCANDALER Location: -·- ToTAL EcLIPSE -·- Subject : BW Total Eclipse is now in Bodyworks ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- From : zEpHyr & CruZ Location: FAIRLIGHT ^ THE VIKINGS Subject : ALL ARGH mY fISH hAS dIED ! cALL +46 476 16656 tO cELEBRATE! ----------------------------------- From : RAG Location: [»·+46-457-13900·«] Subject : New Group! A new group is founded called "dESTiNY" It's mainly an ascii group so far. Members: Zagax - Ascii / Sysop cLONE! - Ascii / Code / Sysop RAG - Sysop Clawbreaker - Sysop / Trader Boards: Dark Lightning 019-335916 (WHQ) Cybertown 0457-13900 (SHQ) Dyers Eye 019-145424 (HQ) The Fugitive 026-194305 (HQ) Looking for more members..all kinds ----------------------------------- From : Beast Location: Chelyabinsk/RuSSia Subject : PIL - i am remember ;) Hi! Pil - mean pirates in legion :) From Russia, with love... Beast. ----------------------------------- This wasn't much...write some more for the next issue !!!!!!!! ICING '95 presented by: Goto 10, Sardonyx and Noice - final invitation text - ----------------------------------- Where and when: ----------------------------------- Icing'95 will be held in Vättle- hallen, a big icehall in Stenkullen , about 30km east of Gothenburg, Sweden. The party will start at 08:00 on June 15'th (Thursday) and end at around 14:00 on June 18'th (Sunday). Most (if not all) Swedes speak english, so there shouldn't be any problem to find the party place. We have also included maps. ----------------------------------- How to get there: ----------------------------------- To get into GBG central station: You can either arrive by plane, boat, bus, train or car. If you are lucky enough to come by car, you should be able to find the party place very easily (see the maps). If you come by plane and have lots of stuff with you, we would recommend to take a taxi, otherwise you should take a bus (cheaper). And if you come by boat (to Gothen- burg seaport), and have lots of luggage, take the taxi, or take the streetcar. To get to the partyplace by car from Gothenburg, take the E20 towards Stockholm. When you reach "Kastenhofsmotet", leave the high- way and follow the signs to "Sten- kullen". When you reach the center of Stenkullen,turn left to a street called "Gråbovägen". After about 300 meters you will have the party- place "Vättlehallen" directly on your right hand. From Gothenburg Central Station ("Centralstationen") you can take a local train to the partyplace. Take the local train towards "Lerum". Step off at the station next after Lerum, it's called "Stenkullen". Go straight forward about 250 meters and you are there. There will probably be signs around the partyplace, so if you come by car or train you can't miss it. If you do, just ask someone to explain the way to the icehall "Vättle- hallen". And of course, nothing stops you from looking on a map before you leave. ----------------------------------- Entrance fee ----------------------------------- The entrance fee will be 160 SEK if no reservation is made. Due to some restrictions in case of emergency, only 400 people are allowed at the partyplace. If you want to make sure there is room for you and your equipment, make a reservation by paying in advance. It's also cheaper to pay in advance , you will only have to spend 130 SEK. Foreign visitors can't pay in advance but you should leave us a message if you want to be guaranteed a place. If you bring your passport you'll get the reduced price anyway (we're sooo nice..). To pay from Sweden, do like this: Gå till närmaste postkontor och skaffa en gireringsblankett. Fyll i betalningsmottagare: David Gregenäs och postgironummer: 6025929-8 Belopp: 130,00 kr. Glöm inte att fylla i ditt namn och adress i avsedda rutor.I meddelande rutan bör du skriva handle/grupp och att det rör sig om Icing'95. SISTA DATUM: 95-06-07 ----------------------------------- Why: ----------------------------------- The only decent party in 1994 was The Party 4.Assembly was ok, hardly that is... How will it be now in 1995? No one attended The Gathering. Asm-95 is said to be pure shit. The Party 5 will hopefully be even better than before, but who wants to stay home until Christmas? Junction would have been perfect, but it was cancelled... And TCC didn't take place this year either. So - We are going (at least try our best) to make the best party ever. Not too serious, not too flipped out, but something in between. ----------------------------------- Facilities: ----------------------------------- * Powerful sound equipment * Big screen * Quiet space for sleeping + showers * 24H café service * Cheap, good pizzas! * 24H security personnel keeping things&people in order * Laserdisc movies will be shown on the big screen * Enough electricity, so bring your machine! * 1800 square meters of party area! * Female organizers! * 78 hours non-stop activity. * 10+ different weird surprise competitions! * Live-on-stage SCENE JEOPARDY * No Doom/Descent compo - especially not in finnish! * All messages on the bigscreen/PA, will be in english, * (except for MISSA SE HELVETIN VIRTAHEPPO). ----------------------------------- Regulations: ----------------------------------- * No alcohol, drugs, smoking or weapons are allowed at the party place. * No racist signs or actings will be tolerated. * Normal swedish law is also valid at the party place. * Troublemakers will be handed over to the police (quote TP4, but we're serious.) * The partyorganizers do NOT take any responsibillity for: Illegal swapping of copyrighted Software or VHS, Damaged hardware or theft. * If you bring your computer, make sure not to leave your things unattended. ----------------------------------- General competition rules: ----------------------------------- * All contributions must be delivered at The Information before deadline. * If you want to compete in a competition you must be present at the party. * We will spread all contributions (unless you have a VERY good reason!) * ALL contributions in the demo/intro competitions will be taped to Hifi-VHS unless you state otherwise. But mind you, if we run it realtime, and it bugs, then we will only retry it once! VHS is MUCH safer than that! ----------------------------------- Machine specific competition rules: ----------------------------------- * PC: We will use a 486dx2-80, Cirrus 5426/28 VLB, 8mb ram, GUS MAX (1mb), 8-bit Soundblaster or D/A. We will use Qemm 6.03, Qemm 7.5, Himem.Sys alone or NOTHING. You choose. If this doesn't suit you, you may supply us with another memory manager. If your demo works with 50 (maybe 60) hz, we will tape it to Hifi- VHS before showing it on the bigscreen... this way, we can make sure that it will work as it should, and if something is incompatible, we can even tape it from *your* computer (providing it isn't significantly faster than the compo machine). We have included the driver (GA.COM), because it works even without the adapter, so you can try whether it works or not. If it doesn't work, you can always make it work , or else we'll have to run it realtime. * Amiga: We will use an A1200, 28mhz, 2mb Chip and 4mb fast, or an unexpanded A1200. However, ALL CONTRIBUTIONS MUST WORK ON AN UNEXPANDED A1200! * C64: We will use a normal C64 '83, with AR6 or TFC3. However, we also have a C128D if you'd like to use it... ----------------------------------- Demo competitions: ----------------------------------- * Demo competition: Max demo lenght (shown on the bigscreen) 10 min. Only one demo from each coder, at least one member of the group have to be present at the party. ......PC: Max 4mb ...Amiga: Max 5 disks .....C64: No size limit * Intro competition: We will show the intro for maximum 5 minutes. Only one intro from each coder, and at least one member of the group have to be present at the party. ......PC: Max 64kb ...Amiga: Max 64kb .....C64: Max 64 blocks * Fast intro: Make an intro/demo in 10 hours. You *may* use old routines, but you must include some special things (we won't tell you what until it's time). ......PC: Max 4mb ...Amiga: Max 5 disks .....C64: No size limit * Wild compo! You may use any equipment you want, as long as it is taped to VHS. Please note that there won't be any money involved in this compo - if you have a great com- puter and wins because of that, you don't need any more money. =) Maximum length: 5 minutes ----------------------------------- Art competitions: ----------------------------------- * PC & Amiga Graphics: Maximum 256 colors and 640*512. No raytraced, scanned or redrawn pictures will be accepted. Only one picture from each artist. If we get more than 100 contri- butions we will show the 100 first delivered ones. * C64 & EGA (320*200*16) graphics: Only one picture from each artist. * 4 channel Music: The tune must be in ProTracker format (M.K.), and under 1mb in size. A tune will be played for maximum 3 minutes. Only one tune from each artist. If we get more than 20 contributions we will play the 20 first delivered ones. * Multichannel Music: Maximum 32 channels, and you may use any format you like, but unless it's supported by FT2, ST3 , DMP or Cubic Player, bring your own player. A tune will be played for maximum 3 minutes. Only one tune from each artist. If we get more than 20 contributions we will play the 20 first delivered ones. * ChipMusic: PC, Amiga and C64 - but maximum 3 channels. PC & Amiga: Protracker format. The tune may be 30kb in size, but the samples may NOT use more than 5kb *all in all*. C64: The tune may be 30kb (120 blocks), so c'mon, use some samples! =) The tune will be run on a standard toaster C64 (1983), old sid chip, old timer chip, simply old. A tune will be played for maximum 3 minutes. Only one tune from each artist. If we get more than 20 contributions we will play the 20 first delivered ones. ----------------------------------- Well... ----------------------------------- OK, ok, we'll have prices too! Fame isn't everything! =) If 200 people attend, the total price money will be about 20000 SEK The general rule is applicable even here - more people, more money. Flowers to all winners! ----------------------------------- Surprise competitions: ----------------------------------- Yes, of course! LOTS of them... A jury will elect the winners. The decision of the jury is final. No one will have the time to get bored , there will be at least one compo every 2 hours. Great prizes to be won! If you have any compo ideas you're welcome to talk to the organizers. ----------------------------------- Preliminary Party Schedule ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- * Thursday * Thursday * Thursday * ----------------------------------- 08.00 The Party Starts. (The first person who has installed his computer, and runs this invitation intro, *with sound*, will get the entrance fee back.) 12.00 - 22.00 Surprise compos! ----------------------------------- * Friday * Friday * Friday * ----------------------------------- 00.00 Thursday's surprise competitions will be shown 02:00 Price ceremony (surprise competitions) will be held. 04.00 Movies will be shown. 10:00 Deadline for music and graphics competitions 15:00 Music and graphics competitions 18:00-20:00 Surprise compos! 20:00 Amiga, PC and C64 *cult demo show* ----------------------------------- * Saturday * Saturday * Saturday * ----------------------------------- 00:00 Movies will be shown 05:00 Fastintro competition starts 08:00 Table Hockey Competition 09:00 Deadline for Demo and Intro competitions 10:00 Figure skating competition Winter games - C64 version 11:00 Outdoor competitions 13:00 Amiga Scene Jeopardy! 14:00 PC Scene Jeopardy! 15:00 Fastintro competition Deadline 16:00 - 22:00 Intro, Fastintro and Demo competition 22:00 Movies ----------------------------------- * Sunday * Sunday * Sunday * ----------------------------------- 10:00 Price ceremony 14:00 Party ends ----------------------------------- How to contact us: ----------------------------------- As for voice calls, please respect that also great party organizers need to sleep. Call between 17:00 and 21:00 CET (18-22 swedish time). Liket/Goto10 - Main organizer +46-31-70203850 (ask for Leif) IRC channel #Coders or #Demos @-mail: About snailmail... I'm too... eh... *busy* to reply! =) DuffE/Sardonyx-Main amiga organizer +46-31-7020940 (ask for Jesper) Snail-Mail: Jesper Skoog Pl 422 424 40 Olofstorp Sweden Syntax/Sardonyx (Cashier) +46-31-814163 (ask for David) Snail-Mail: David Malcus Landalabergen 30 411 29 Göteborg PartyBoard: Digital Highway +46-31-885248 Login as "Icing" with password "1995" Or visit our homepage: ----------------------------------- See you at Icing'95! ----------------------------------- Official release of Assembly 95 Party pre invitation file: ASSEMBLY `95 Helsinki, Finland, 10th - 13th Aug pre-invitation info file (released 5.4.95) *** OPENING WORDS *** You are now reading the pre- invitation info file for ASSEMBLY- 95. The information presented in this text file might not be final, so please try to look for a new version(s) of this text file. You can propably find them where you found this info file, but can always find the latest ASSEMBLY '95 related files at the BBSes and FTP sites mentioned in the "contact information" paragraph later on in this text file. *** WHERE AND WHEN *** ASSEMBLY '95 will be held in Fin- land's largest conference centrum, namely the Helsinki Fair Centre.The Fair Centre is located in central Helsinki, about two kilometers from the previous party place. The party will start at 10:00 am on the 10th of August (Thursday) and end 18:00 pm on the 13th of August (Sunday). The party place is very easy to find,if you take any train from the Central Railway station and get off on the next stop you will be able to see the building complex. *** INDEX *** 1. How to get to the partyplace 2. Competitions 2.1. Voting system 2.2. PC competition rules (demos, intros) 2.3. Amiga competition rules (demos, intros) 2.4. Graphics competition rules (graphics, raytrace, animation) 2.5. Music competition rules (4 and 32 channel tunes) 2.6. C-64 competition rules (demos , music, gfx) 3. Prizes 4. Party features 5. ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM 6. ASSEMBLY '95 tickets 6.1. Buying tickets 6.2. Where can I buy tickets 6.3. Why should I buy a ticket in advance 7. Preliminary schedule 8. Disclaimer 9. Contact information * 1. HOW TO GET TO THE PARTYPLACE * You will either arrive by plane, by boat, by bus, by train or by car.If you are lucky enough to come by car , you should be able to find the party place very easily (see the maps). This year there will be enough parking space for everybody because there are no European Track & Field championships taking place and the Helsinki Fair Centre hosts one of the biggest parking lots in the whole Helsinki! If you come by plane and have lots of stuff with you, we would recommend to take a taxi, otherwise you should come by bus (cheaper). And if you come by boat (to Helsinki seaport) and have lots of luggage, take the taxi, or take a tram or walk to the Central Railway station and take any local train from there. Local area bus tickets in Finland vary from around $2 to $6 US. The taxi is of course more expensive. For example to take a normal taxi from the airport to the party place will cost one person around $30 - $40 US. But if you take the Airport Taxi, it will be a lot cheaper (half the price). *** 2. COMPETITIONS *** The organizers reserve the right to make any changes to the competition rules, and to disqualify any entry if it is not suitable to attend the competitions for some reason. Atleast one of the competiting team has to be present at the partyplace and in the case of a solo compe- tition the competitor has to be present. All competitors have to be present at the party place in order to attend the competitions and to receive the possible prizes (or at least one of the authors of a competing piece of art). A jury composed of known scene people (maybe even you!) will select an amount of 15 entries in each competition to the finals (to be shown on the big screen to the audience). There will be different people in the PC and Amiga jurys. In the graphics competition, the ray-tracing and also in the 4kb intro competition on PC, the competition version of the entry must not display the author's name or group in any way. This is to prevent the author's name from affecting the vote. After the announcement of the results, the versions which are spread can include the author's signature. In the music competitions, we will not show the author's name while we play the song in the competition. In the graphics, music, raytracing, animation and 4kb intro compe- titions we will show the name of the song/picture, but only if it will not give hints on who has made it. "Maximum running length" below is only the amount of time we will show a particular piece of art on the big screen. The demos/intros will have to run without ANY user interaction once started (although there can be a setup screen). ll demos, intros (4kb, 40kb and 64kb), pictures, songs and anima- tions (i.e. everything) will be spread at the party place by the organizers. The filenames of the productions have to comply to the ISO-9660 standard. This means _roughly_ that the only characters allowed in file names are "A-Z" and "0-9". The maximum length of file name is 8+3 characters (msdos standard). The productions MUST NOT save any files (for example configuration files) on the hard disk or the disk In the music, graphics, raytracing and 4kb intro competitions only one of the authors (if there are more than one) can be the official author of the competing piece of art. For example, if two coders work on the same 4kb intro, only one of them can receive the prize and his name in the party results. After all, these three competitions are meant to be solo competitions. The author/authors have to have all the copyrights to their production. If you have any questions about the rules, kindly contact ASSEMBLY Organizing. * 2.1. THE VOTING SYSTEM: * We will use a disk voting system. Once you enter the party place, you will be given the voting disk, which will include the voting program. We are going to have separate Amiga and PC compatible voting disks. You will be able to giv e your opinion on The Five Best in all competitions, both on the Amiga and PC. But before you can give your opinion, a jury composed of known scene people (maybe even you!) will select an amount of 15 entries in each competition to the finals (to be shown on the big screen to the audience). There will be different people in the PC and Amiga jurys. * 2.2. PC COMPETITION RULES: * The competition machine we will use - i486DX2/66 with 4 MB of RAM - MS-DOS 6.20 - VLB SVGA-board with TSENG ET4000/W32 - 1 MB Gravis UltraSound sound card or original Sound Blaster Pro 2.0 Software configuration in the com- puter will include MS-DOS 6.20,with HIMEM and EMM386. The configuration will not be changed during the competition. All e ntries have to work with the base address set to 220 and IRQ set to 7 on the GUS and Sound Blaster (Pro). This will cut down the usual hassle with sound card settings. Naturally the sound should also work with all other sound card IRQ, DMA and baseport settings. If you want to use the MIDI patches that come with the UltraSound, you will have to bring them with you in order for us to measure their size in kilobytes. The main reason why SVGA modes with higher resolution than 640x480 aren't allowed is because the maximum resolution supported by the video/data projectors we have is 640x480. And even if the projectors could show higher resolutions, the picture quality of different high resolution graphics modes would not look that much different from one another (a video projector is NOT the same as a monitor). You should note that the picture produces by a video projector is not as good as a monitor picture. The video projector does not show pale colors well and in some cases can even lose them completely. Also the contrast can be different.These are common problems with all video projectors and simply can't be corrected. Please try to understand these restrictions. Note that you can now enter more than one demo or 64kb intro to the competitions, if you so desire. DEMO * Maximum size in executable form is 4096 kb * Maximum showing time is 8 minutes , the demo itself can be longer * 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes and SVGA mode 640*480 are accepted * Pure animation files are not accepted * Also executables only including an animation and an animation player will not be accepted, this is not an animation compe- tition * Gravis Ultrasound (512kb) and SB PRO/SB 16 support required * The name of the files have to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters are allowed). * The demo MUST NOT save anything on the hard disk INTRO * Maximum size in executable form is 64 kb (65536 bytes) * Maximum showing time is 5 minutes * 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes and SVGA mode 640*480 are accepted * Pure animation files are not accepted * Gravis Ultrasound (512kb) and SB PRO/SB 16 support required * The names of the files have to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters are allowed). * The intro MUST NOT save anything on the hard disk 4KB-INTRO * Maximum size in executable form is 4096 bytes * Maximum running length is 3 mins * NO MUSIC or other sound is allowed (this is because this a coders' competition, not musicians') * Only 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes are accepted (no SVGA/VESA) * Only one intro by one coder * The name of the file has to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters are allowed). * The intro MUST NOT save anything on the hard disk * 2.3. AMIGA COMPETITION RULES: * The competition machine is a A4000 with 2 megs chip + 4 megs fast. All competition entries must work in Amiga 1200 with 2 megs chip. DEMO * Maximum size is 4 megabytes * Must by harddisk installable * Maximum running length is 8 mins * The names of the files have to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters are allowed). * The demo MUST NOT save anything on the disk INTRO * Maximum size in executable form is 40 kb * Maximum running length is 5 mins * The names of the files have to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters are allowed). * The intro MUST NOT save anything on the disk * 2.4. THE GRAPHICS COMPETITIONS: * GRAPHICS * The maximum resolution allowed is 640x480 * Maximum amount of simultaneous onscreen colors is 256 * The palette is the standard 16,7 million color true color palette * Pictures drawn with Amiga will be shown with Amiga Brilliance (no executables!) * PC pictures will have to be in standard LBM, PCX, TGA or GIF format * Pictures drawn with PC will be shown with CSHOW (or some other good picture viewer) * Scanned, ripped and raytraced pictures will be disqualified * In addition, you must submit a version of the final picture which doesn't have your signature on it (which will be shown on the big screen) * Only one picture by one graphics artist * The name of the file has to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters are allowed). RAYTRACING * The maximum resolution allowed is 640x480 * Mmaximum amount of simultaneous onscreen colors is 16.7 million * Pictures will be shown on PC with true color card (no executables!) * Pictures have to be in JPG or TARGA format * In addition, you must submit a version of the final picture which doesn't have your signature on it (which will be shown on the big screen) * Only one picture by one graphics artist * The name of the file has to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters are allowed). ANIMATION * The maximum size of the animation is 2000 of 320x200 frames us on a hard drive, DAT or in any other easily transferrable media. * Maximum amount of simultaneous onscreen colors is 16.7 million * The maximum resolution is 320x200 * The animation will be shown on Pentium PC with true color card, the player will be done by Virtual Dreams * The frames have to be in JPG format and delivered us in hard drive, DAT or in any other easily transferrable media, (no DISKS!) possible other mediarestrictions be notified later. If you don't bring your production on a hard disk, bring along a drive that can read your media! * The name of the file has to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters are allowed). * 2.5. THE MUSIC COMPETITIONS: * 4CHANNEL * Maximum size is 880kb (* one Amiga disk) * Maximum amount of channels is 4 * Maximum running length is 3 mins * All songs will be played with the Amiga ProTracker v2.x (MOD) * Entries must be in MOD-format (no executables) * Only one song by one musician * The name of the file has to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters are allowed). MULTICHANNEL * Maximum amount of channels is 32 * Maximum size of the song is 1024 kb in a playable format (including all samples, pattern data, etc.) * Maximum running length is 3 mins * the format has to be some of the following: S3M, MOD, XM, MTM and ULT * If the song is a MIDI song, bring the samples and everything that is needed to play the song with you (except the sound card) * All songs will be played with PC compatible players using a 1MB Gravis UltraSound * Only one song by one musician * The name of the file has to comply to the ISO-9660 standard (i.e. NO special characters are allowed). * 2.6. COMMODORE 64 COMPETITIONS: * GENERAL RULES: * Only one contribution from each group/artist is accepted * Contributions must be 100% finished before the deadline, because we will copy and spread all of them * The deadlines are actually DEADLINES, and they're not too flexible -> deliver your contributions in time C64 DEMO RULES: * The demo will be run on a standard C64, a 1541 drive and an Action Replay MK6 cartridge * If the demo requires ANY user interaction, we want a person from the contributing group to run the demo. This includes pressing space between parts... * Each demo will be shown for a maximum of 15 minutes * In the disk label/cover must read the following: *The name of the demo *The group that's contributing it *The handle of it's main coder *User interaction required? *Approximate running lenght in minutes * At least one person must be present from the contributing group C64 GRAPHICS: * The picture must be an executable file * ALL graphic formats are accepted * Only the picture must be seen on the screen, no scrolls or other moving things are allowed. Music is acceptable, but during the competition no-one will hear it, because we'll turn audio equipment off * The artist must be present at the party C64 MUSIC: * The tune must be an executable file * Each tune will be played for max. 3 minutes. This doesn't mean you'd have to cut the tune at 3:00 sharp, though! * The artist must be present at the party The official C-64 competition organizers are: Deadbeat /The Sharks and Hazor / Beyond Force. SPECIAL COMPETITIONS: We will have all traditional ASSEMBLY special competitions and some new ones. The competitions include for example soccer, disk throwing, modem throwing and lazer tag war compo. *** 3. THE PRIZES *** As said before, the prizes will be the best yet, both in the Amiga and PC competitions. The total value of all the prizes in US dollars will be over US $50,000 (not including software). The actual prizes may be software, hardware or pure cash. This depends on our sponsors. The following list includes only the preliminary list of the prizes (the final lists will be published at the party place). Also keep in mind that the money exchange rates also affect this list (at the time of the writing of this text file one US dollar was 4.7 roughly finnish marks). We will try to give cash prizes in the PC and Amiga demo competitions. The prizes in the other compe- titions may be more or less various hardware and software. All the cash prizes will be paid in Finnish currency. continue -> COMPETITION PRIZE VALUES (not including software): DEMO INTRO 4KB-INTRO(PC) #: ----- ----- ------------- 1. $4400 $1900 $600 2. $2900 $1400 $500 3. $2100 $1000 $350 4. $1350 $500 $250 5. $750 $250 $150 6-15. $100 $100 $50 The hardware and software we will get from our sponsors as prizes. ART COMPETITION PRIZE VALUES (not including software): MUSIC 4/32CH GFX/RAYTRACE #: ------------ ------------- 1. $600 $600 2. $500 $500 3. $350 $350 4. $250 $250 5. $150 $150 6-15. $50 $50 ANIMATION --------- 1. $1900 2. $1400 3. $1000 4. $500 5. $250 6-15 $100 COMMODORE 64 COMPETITION PRIZES: In the C-64 competitions we will only give cash as follows: DEMO: GRAPHICS: MUSIC: #: ----------- ---------- ------- 1. $200 $100 $100 2. $100 $50 $50 3. $50 $25 $25 *** 4. PARTY FEATURES *** Next is a list of most important features at our party: * Audio and Video * The main hall is is equipped with a powerful sound system. The system supports Dolby Surround and will be a real kicker with 10 000 watts of pure sound power. The big screen in the main hall is over 8 meters wide andsupports the 640x480 resolution! There are also two additional video screens for displaying information and messages * Halls * The party area is composed of two interconnected halls. The main area is 4500 square meters. There are 1800 computer places in the main hall and about 50 ethernet sockets are available. The sleeping hall is on the second floor and both of the halls are sound proof so your sleeping convience is assured. The sleeping hall is a big as the main party arena so there is plenty of room for everybody. Neither of the halls have windows so the video screens will look absolutely fabulous at the time. * Services * The party place is the biggest fair centre in Finland. It will feature 24h food service (yes, we have Coke!), 24h security personnel, 24h professional electrician, 24 h luggage preservation service and cleaning personnel. Also 24h help desk with friendly personnel will be available to help you out with any problems you might encounter. Plenty of WCs and some showers will be available. Cool party T-shirts and posters (A1 size) will be sold for low price. Finlands largest roleplaying convention will also take place at the same time in the fair centre. ASSEMBLY visitors will get 50% discount from the entrance fee. Finlands largest home computer fair is also taking place at the same time in the fair centre. ASSEMBLY visitors will get in FREE to the fair, namely PLAY 1995! Note that he visitors at PLAY 1995 can't come to the ASSEMBLY party area. Two really great concerts will take place during the weekend. On Friday at spectacular ROCK CONCERT will take place at a separate hall and on Saturday a really big rave (expected amount of visitors 2000) will take place on a separate hall * ASSEMBLY '95 NET Access * We will offer limited access to the internet at the party place. This will most likely include IRC, MUD and some other services, and may be even some direct links to the net thru the party LAN. More information will follow in the next information file. All productions released during the party will be uploaded to the FTP server NIC.FUNET.FI, and also to FTP.MPOLI.FI (directory /starport/ asm95/releases). *** 5. ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM *** All the participating pieces of art from the competitions will be assembled to a single ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM. This will be a unique possibility for everyone to get hundreds of megabytes data c ontaining ALL demos, intros, pics, mods, etc. published at ASM '95. THERE'S NO OTHER EASY WAY TO COLLECT THEM ALL. We will pay royalties of the net revenue of the CD-ROM disks to the winners in the competitions except for the C64 as follows in percents: CODE COMPETITIONS both Amiga and PC DEMO INTRO 4KB INTRO (PC) 1. 2.5% 0.7% 0.4% 2. 2.0% 0.5% 0.3% 3. 1.5% 0.4% 0.1% ART COMPETITIONS MUSIC GRAPHICS ANIMATION 4/32 CH RAYTRACE 1. 0.4% 0.4% 0.7% 2. 0.3% 0.3% 0.5% 3. 0.1% 0.1% 0.4% All productions which are shown on the big screen will receive a free ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM. If do a fix for production after the party and you wish to include it on the CD-ROM kindly send it to any places listed in the contact addresses. In case of problems, please contact ASSEMBLY Organizing. All winning entries have to include a textfile which states that the author will grant us the exclusive rights for the CD-ROM distribution of the competition entry. Otherwise no royalty. The royalties will be paid twice in the period of one year after the release of the CD-ROM disk in the form of a cheque by mail. This means the last royalties for the ASSEMBLY '95 CD-ROM disk will be paid around ASSEMBLY '96 time. *** 6. ASSEMBLY '95 TICKETS *** * 6.1 Buying tickets * There are two kind of tickets for ASSEMBLY '95. Normal 200,- ticket and 240,- ticket which includes computerplace reservation. You can buy the 200,- ticket either at the door at the happening or you can buy it in advance. Reservation tickets are only sold in advance. * 6.2 Where can I buy my tickets * In Finland you can buy a ticket and reserve your computer place from your local LIPPUPALVELU or by calling them at: 9700-4700 (4,95 mk/min+ppm). Groups that want to get the group discount and foreigners must buy their tickets and computerplace reservations directly from ASSEMBLY Organizing. Foreigners can pay directly to the account of ASSEMBLY Organizing. Make sure, when you pay directly to the account that ASSEMBLY Organizing doesn't get any additional costs and the amount of money covers the costs of the ordered ticket. Also make sure that we get the information who has sent the money and where we can send the tickets. To groups in Finland we will send the tickets as COD (cash on delivery). * 6.3 Why I should buy a ticket in advance? If you buy your ticket in advance you have the possibility to use group discount of 10%. You have the possibility for group discount if you buy more than 10 tickets at a time. Also the table reservation is possible only by buying reservation ticket. You don't have to reserve table for yourself, but the best places near the videoprojector screen go to the reservers. The earlier you reserve your place the better place you get. Also we will organize special door in the first day of ASSEMBLY '95 where you can get your computer in most conviniently. *** 7. PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE *** This schedule is only preliminary and the times listed will most likely be changed and a lot more events wil l be added, but you can get a general feeling from it. The party place is open 24 hours a day. RopeCon is also open 24h/day. 10th of August 1995 (THURSDAY) - 1000 ASSEMBLY doors open - 1000 PLAY 1995 opens - 2000 PLAY 1995 closes for the day - special competitions etc - raytrace movies on the big screen etc 11th of August 1995 (FRIDAY) - 1000 PLAY 1995 opens - 1000 RopeCon starts - 1400 C64 competition deadline - 2000 C64 competitions - 2000 PLAY 1995 closes for the day - 2200 Possible rock concert (at a separate hall) - 2300 Deadline for all competitions 12th of August 1995 (SATURDAY) - 1000 PLAY 1995 opens - 1200 4 channel competition - 1400 Graphics competition - 1600 32 channel competition - 1800 Raytrace competition - 2000 PLAY 1995 closes for the day - 2000 4kb intro competition - 2200 Animation competition - 2200 PLA-NET RAVE opens (at a separate hall) 13th of August 1995 (SUNDAY) - 0200 Rerun of Saturdays competitions - 0400 PLA-NET RAVE closes - 0500 Rerun ends - 1000 PLAY 1995 opens - 1000 Amiga intro competition - 1200 PC intro competition - 1400 Amiga demo competition - 1600 PC demo competition - 1800 Prize giving ceremony - 2000 Doors close - ASSEMBLY '95 is over *** 8. DISCLAIMER *** We don't take any responsibility on the equipment people bring to the party place. We suggest you take an insurance for your equipment from some insurance company. And remember, you can store your equipment by using the luggage preservation service which will be available at the party place. If you have ANY suggestions or ideas about anything written in this text file, don't hesitate to contact us! NO ALCOHOL DRINKING OR SOFTWARE PIRATISM ALLOWED AT THE PARTY PLACE *** 9. CONTACT INFORMATION *** You can reach us by many means according to the following list: Voice: ASSEMBLY Org. +358-0-777 3721 FAX: +358-0-757 3115 BBS: StarPort (FC) +358-0-615 00028 (4 lines) (PC) +358-0-615 00020 (5 lines) (PC) conference #58 From Internet: "telnet -8 -l pcboard" /starport/asm95 WWW: E-mail: Normal mail: ASSEMBLY'95 Lakkisepantie 13 00620 Helsinki FINLAND Bank account for international money transfers: ASSEMBLY Organizing 106330-204756 Kansallis Osake Pankki, Kerava FINLAND Please include your address with the payment, where you want the tickets to be sent. Also make sure that there are no additional expenses for the receiver of the payment. Konsten att köra iväg Jehovas vittnen och Livets ord Ingen kan väl ha undgått att få besök av något gäng religiösa fanatiker som ådet bestämdaste velat komma in för att delge dig meningen med livet. Som hård ateist är man ju måttligt intresserad av att få sig till livs halva bibeln tidigt på morgonen. Den vanliga taktiken är ju som bekant att med tillställd vänlig röst förklara att man inte är intresserad och slå igen dörren i nyllet på dem, men det finns mer sofistikerade sätt vilka ger mer i utbyte till ens lömska sinne. Det kräver dock att man studerar bibeln ganska ingående vilket inte behöver vara så tråkigt som det låter (iaf inte gamla testamentet). Boken är full av krig, våld, och magi. När man anser sig mogen gäller det bara att vänta på hemsbesök, och när detta kommer bjuda in de hedervärda medmänniskorna in för att diskutera deras åsikter närmare. Den första frågan man skall ställa är huruvida dom är bokstavstroende eller inte. Min erfarenhet är att Livets ordare är mer bokstavstroende än Jehovas vittnen. Frågan man då måste ställa är hur dom kan läsa den svenska översättningen av bibeln och fortfarande tro på varje ord. Ursprungligen är bibeln skriven på Hebreiska och grekiska (Romarbreven) om jag inte helt missminner mig och översättningen till svenska (som f.ö hör till en helt annan språkfamilj) har knappast skett ordagrant. En förklaring som jag fick av en god vän till mig (och tillika Livets Ordare) var att Gud varit med vid översättningen men det lät som en ganska krystad förklaring tycker jag. Jehovas är svårare då de tillåter friare tolkning av bibeln. En annan höjdare är genesis (skapelsen). Gud skapade jorden på 6 dagar och vilade på den 7:nde. Vad jag förstår hände detta enligt bibeln för ca. 4000 år sedan (detta är dock de olika trosriktningarna högst oense om. En Livets ordare vidhöll det). Detta är fascinerande då kol-14 metoden tidsbestämt saker mycket längre tillbaka än 4000 år. Således kan vi inte tro på arkeologin, och om inte kol-14 metoden stämmer får den moderna kemin stryka på foten. Kort sagt, den moderna vetenskapen kommer på skam om man bokstavstolkar bibeln. En annan fråga man kan ställa sig är när dinosaurierna egentligen fanns. I bibeln nämns det något om "stora djur" (minns inte på rak arm vilken bok) som vandrade landet men vid närmare studium är det knappast troligt att detta skulle vara dinosaurier. En kort förklaring jag fick var att det aldrig hade funnits några dinosaurier. Detta är ju otroligt fascinerande. Det måste vara det största vetenskapliga samarbetet världen över någonsin. Låtom oss nu lura alla religiösa sekter i världen! Vi hittar på några otroliga historier om gigantiska ödlor och gjuter en massa ben och gräver ned. Sedan tar vi dit TV och gräver upp skiten igen och bygger stora hus som vi kallar för museum. Och allt detta för att vilseeleda de stackars folket!!! Detta är några av de mest uppenbara sakerna man kan peka på men om man studerar bibeln kommer man med stor sannolikhet på mer avancerade angreppspunkter. Går allt som det ska kommer besökarna att efter en stund fråga om dom kan gå. Jag har för närvarande haft besök av samma Jehovassamfund tre ggr!!! Varje gång har dom skickat någon ny för att kunna svara på de frågor som inte de tidigare klarade av. Senast fick jag en vackert inbunden bok med mycket färger som förklarar saker som ovanstående och har en massa referenser till seriös vetenskaplig litteratur. Att dom inte ger sig tror jag beror på att Jehovas får "poäng" (Credz?) om dom lyckas värva någon och har dom samlat nog mycket poäng är dom garanterade en plats i himlen. Jag tror att jag ger 10*Credz eller något liknande och det är därför dom är så angelägna om att värva mig. Lycka till med antivärvandet!!! m.v.h RubberDuck HINTS FOR SCENERS ON INTERNET ! This side will only tell you some nice adresses on internet for those who are interested in scene matters From the beginning I meant that I should try to explain a little about IRC, WWW and so on. But I think most of you know what that is and I'm no expert in these topics either. Maybe many of you already know about these things, but it might help someone.... So just begin with the adresses: WWW sides RAW's homepage: Here you find the lastest news from the world famous diskmag RAW. The page is quite new so it's still under construction,but you can find the lastest issue online etc. RamJam's amiga scene mag: /Welcome.html At this page you can find RamJam's The chart and some info about the group. Amigascne at IRC I think most of you know that there is a channel called #amiga on IRC but do you also know it's at channel called #amigascne ? Yepp it is a channel for our beloved Amiga scene. Here you can talk to a lot of sceners but also get the newest demos and other scene products. The files can be reached from the bot "Papa" (just type /msg papa help) or from a FTP-site with exactly the same files at: Adress: Login: ftp Password: Your email-addy You can also try #gamecode #democode #TBL :) by: Offa/TBL ( SUPPORT SVERIGE TOPPEN ARTICLES Currently there aren't many articles in ST. Why? Because you people out in our great nation haven't written any ! Therefore we want YOU to write something funny, sad or interesting. Write in english but we can accept swedish too. (But it better be good then ;). Text format should be in standard ascii and max 36 chars per line. We will fix the text with fonts, colours and so on. If you want some images in the text try to describe where we should put them. GRAPHICS Cliparts (gfx in text) MaxSize: 288*200 pixels Colours: (must be !) col00 $212 col08 $000 col01 $fff col09 $222 col02 $ffa col10 $444 col03 $afa col11 $666 col04 $faa col12 $888 col05 $aff col13 $aaa col06 $aaf col14 $ccc col07 $faf col15 $eee Other graphics are also wanted and here they can be in any iff-format Ofcoz it's better if it's Non-AGA MUSIC Music (i.e chip modules) wanted. Maximum size for the module is 40k. We can accept bigger modules if it's really good. (But then we can't have so many then). (VBL-timing only !!!) CONTACT US BBS Palladium (Shark) E-mail (Offa) Snail-Mail Daniel Hansen (Equalizer) Röda vägen 24 784 30 BORLÄNGE CREDITS -- On this page you can find out who the amasing people behind ST are. Who does what. -- INDEX -- Here are the names of all articles. Click on an article to view it. -- MUSIC -- Playing module: 01 -- ST supports multiple modules. Click to select another one -- HELP -- This page helps you to use ST's commands. Shortkeys etc. -- WELCOME -- Short welcome text's and quick help -- QUIT -- Click on "Exit" to quit from ST. -- Page: 000 -- ENTER-SEARCH -- Write text to search for. -- SEARCH FOUND -- "View" to show page - "Search" to continue search. -- SEARCH NOT FOUND -- Resume -- Exit from Sverige toppen? Are you sure?" Enter string to search for: Found at page:000 column:00 Searchstring not found !! Searching... Please wait !! The Black Lotus Processor type: MC680x0. AGA chipset not found. AGA chipset found. No known Agnus/Alice chipset found. 8361 (Regular) or 8370 (Fat) (Agnus-NTSC) 8367 (PAL) or 8371 (Fat-PAL) (Agnus-PAL) 8372 (Fat-hr) (agnus-hr), thru rev. 4 (PAL) 8372 (Fat-hr) (agnus-hr), rev. 5 (PAL) 8374 (Alice) thru rev. 2 (PAL) 8374 (Alice) rev. 3 thru rev.4 (PAL) 8372 (Fat-hr) (agnus-hr), thru rev. 4 (NTSC) 8372 (Fat-hr) (agnus-hr), rev. 5 (NTSC) 8374 (Alice) thru rev. 2 (NTSC) 8374 (Alice) rev. 3 thru rev.4 (NTSC) No known Denise/Lisa chipset found. Rev. 0, 8362 Original Denise. Rev. 0, 8373 Extended Chip Set (ECS) Denise. Rev. 0, Lisa chipset. FPU: None. FPU: MC68881/2 FPU: MC68040 built in. MMU: None. MMU: MC68851 PMMU