SHORT INSTRUCTIONS: USE MOUSE TO SELECT ARTICLES AND CURSOR TO SCROLL ARTICLE'S TEXT. LOOK IN THE INSTRUCTIONS ARTICLE FOR FURTHER HELP. READ THE EDITORIAL FOR SOME INFOS ABOUT THIS ISSUE. REMEMBER THAT THE RULES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS AND FOR RECEIVING THE MAGAZINE CHANGED ONCE AGAIN... SO LOOK AT ADDRESSES AND PRICES ARTICLE TO SEE THE NEW RULES. WE HOPE, BUT WE HAVE SOME DOUBTS, THAT THIS ISSUE WILL WORK EITHER ON 512K AND 1MB AMIGAS... WE STILL HAVE TO CHECK THIS, COZ THIS ISSUE HAS 50 ARTICLES LIKE THE OTHERS, BUT THE 4 COLOURS TEXT TAKES MORE MEMORY THAN THE PREVIOUS 1 COLOR TEXT. ANYWAY IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS TRY ADD21K, ADD44K OR DECIDE YOURSELF TO BUY THE FUCKIN' MEMORY EXPANSION! SCROLL RESTARTS... *** FREEDOM CRACK #6 - 30-05-91 *** Editorial Credits Instructions Addresses and prices Letters to the editors Zero Defects Interview (1) Zero Defects Interview (2) Zero Defects Interview (3) Sanity Interview (1) Sanity Interview (2) Prologic Interview (1) Prologic Interview (2) Prologic Interview (3) Icecream Interview (1) Icecream Interview (2) Equinox Interview (1) Equinox Interview (2) Equinox Interview (3) Diskmags corner Anarchy party report (1) Anarchy party report (2) Another Anarchy party report (1) Another Anarchy party report (2) Pissup 2 - the revenge! (1) Pissup 2 - the revenge! (2) Action Replay II Navigator test TAC-2 test American slang part 2! Swapping hints Your guide to boozing (1) Your guide to boozing (2) The way to Budo Too many diskmags??? (Self) interview to a lamer How to improve your sexlife Jokes Being an elite Perfect fakes Digitizing Service Job Corner 1 Job Corner 2 Advertisements 1 Advertisements 2 Advertisements 3 Advertisements 4 Advertisements 5 Advertisements 6 Advertisements 7 Advertisements 8 Diskmags Corner --------------- Since we saw that every Diskmag has this corner, we decided to insert it here too. So here are some reviews of old and new magazines we have seen in this period. Cracker Journal #24 The coding now is much better and faster. But the articles aren't all so interesting, and as always there are too many german articles! Anyway, as in every CJ, you can read interesting things too, and there are always the usual funny stories about someone who was caught and similars. Very good the RSI interview. All in all, CJ after 24 issues is still a fuckin' cool diskmag, but the fact that they have a fixed release date in my opinion makes the quality worse. Illegal Copy #1 (Vision) The first issue contained only films reviews and party reports, anyway it can be interesting. Anyway it's a restricted magazine, coz if you aren't a VHS fanatic maybe you don't care about this mag. We hope that in future they will publish something more various. The coding is not bad, good idea to make it into one file (like Freedom Crack!). Bad Tongue #9 (IBB) Here's the 9th issue of this mag, the only one (together with FC) published in Italy that became famous also outside Italy. This issue is maybe the best, because the new coding is simple but efficient and the gfx and the music are really cool (nice work DHS)! The only bad thing is that there are not so many articles, so in 10 minutes you have read the whole magazine. Anyway the articles are always interesting! Keep up the good work E$G! If you publish a magazine and you want to swap ideas, mags, tips, articles (?) and so on, feel free to write to our address: we will keep in touch with all magazines publishers! (SELF) INTERVIEW WITH A LAMER BY POWERMANIA OF POWER INC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I= INTERVIEWER P= POWER I: - PLEASE STATE YOUR FULL NAME P: - MOBERG, DANIEL PETER I: - WHERE DO YOU LIVE? P: - I LIVE IN A TOWN CALLED ASTORP IN SWEDEN. I LIVE IN A HOUSE WITH MY FAMILY, CONTAINING OF TWO PARENTS, TWO SISTERS AND ONE DOG. I: - NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR COMPUTER-CARRIER. P: - OKEY! I BEGAN FOR THREE YEARS AGO ON THE GOOD, OLD C64. I BOUGHT IT FROM A FRIEND. AT THE BEGINING I ONLY PLAYED GAMES AND CODED SOME IN BASIC. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW AT THAT TIME WHAT A DEMO WAS. BUT AFTER A WHILE I GOT MY HANDS OVER SOME DEMOS FROM THE SWEDISH GROUP "FORCE". THEN I BOUGHT THE FINAL CARTRIDGE 3 AND STARTED TO CODE SOME IN THE MONITOR. I DIDN'T KNOW MUCH I ONLY CHANGED SOME NUMBERS IN THE LIST, BUT AFTER A WHILE I BOUGHT SOME BOOKS AND COMPUTER-MAGAZINE AND STARTED TO LEARN HOW TO REALLY CODE. I: - BUT YOU'RE NOW ON THE AMIGA. CAN YOU TELL US ABOUT THAT. P: - OH, WELL IT ISN'T VERY EXCITING. IN MARCH THIS YEAR I DECIDED TO BUY THE AMIGA BECOZ I WAS FED UP WITH THE C64 AT THAT TIME. AND ON THE 2 OF MARCH (MY BIRTHDAY) I HAD IT AT HOME. FIRST I HADN'T ANY DEMOS BUT AFTER THE ANARCHYS EASTER CONFERENCE I LAID MY HANDS ON ALL THE DEMO-CONTRIBUTIONS. I ALSO LEARNED THAT THERE WERE SOME GUYS IN THE SCHOOL WERE I ATTEND THAT WERE HAVING A DEMO-GROUP. NOT A GOOD ONE BECOZ THEY HAD ONLY BEEN WORKING FOR A SHORT WHILE. I TALKED TO THEM AND I'M GOING TO JOIN THE GROUP AND BE THEIR CODER. I: - THAT'S VERY NICE, BUT YOU HAVE SOMETHING ON YOUR MIND P: - YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. I WILL TALK ABOUT THE SCENE. I THINK THAT IT IS VERY NAIVE OF THE EXCISTING CODERS TO TREAT THE NEWCOMERS LIKE SHIT! IN MY CASE I HAD A GREAT PROBLEM. BECOZ WHERE I LIVED THERE WASN'T ANY CODERS AROUND. NOT ONE THAT I KNOW OFF. I SEND SOME LETTERS TO SOME CODERS ELSEWERE AND ASKED ABOUT SOME TRICKS AND IF I COULD GET SOME UTILITIES. THE ONLY ANSWER I GOT WERE "FUCK OFF LAMER" FOR EXAMPLE. AND THE COOLEST UTILITIES IS NOT ALLOWED TO LAMERS. I CAN NOT AGREE WITH THEM ON THAT POINT EITHER. BECOZ THE DEFINITION OF CODERS IS EQUAL TO THE NEWCOMERS. I THINK THAT YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT THE NEWCOMERS AND NOT TREAT THEM LIKE SHIT. I: - I AGREE WITH YOU ON THOSE POINTS. - IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WANNA SAY? P: - YES A FEW THINS MORE. I HOPE THAT THIS ARTICLE WILL CAUSE SOME WINDS IN THE DEMO-SCENE AND I HOPE THAT THERE WILL BE SOME GUYZ WHO WILL RESPOND ON THIS MATERIAL. PISS UP 2 - THE REVENGE!!! BY MAGIC MUSHROOM & PARADROID/FLASH PRODUCION UK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS THE STORY OF OUR SECOND M A J O R PISS UP! THE GUYS AT THIS PARTY ARE THE FOLLOWING: MAGIC MUSHROOM (ME!) AND PARADROID/FLASH PRODUCTION UK, AGENT X AND BRONX WARRIOR/ARGON UK, GONZO/IMPULSE, TROOPER/LIQUID GOLD, BEELZEBUB OF NO GROUP AND ANOTHER LAMER FROM WORK. THE PARTY STARTED ON 5/4/91 AND WILL END SOMETIME TODAY, 7/4/91. THE TIME NOW IS 2:00 AM AND MOST PEOPLE ARE STILL AWAKE. TROOPER AND THE LAMER ARE ASLEEP, PARADROID IS PLAYING (AND LOVING) -=JUPITER MASTERDRIVE=-, AFTER NEVER PLAYING IT BEFORE, BEELZEBUB IS CHECKING OUT THE MESS (ITS HIS HOUSE!), AGENT X IS HAVING A SHIT, BRONX WARRIOR IS PLAYING -=ARKANOID 2=- (WHY?!) AND FINALLY, GONZO IS READING THIS TEXT AS IT IS WRITTEN. THE STORY STARTS ON 4/4/91 WHEN PARADROID COMES TO MY HOUSE ON THE TRAIN....ITS A FUNNY STORY SO HERE HE IS... WELL MOST OF THE JOURNEY WAS PRETTY LAME AND NOTHING INTERESTING HAPPENED UNTIL I GOT TO LANCASTER (OR LAMECASTER). HERE I HAD THE PLEASURE OF BEING INVOLVED IN A COOL BOMB SCARE, JUST AFTER ALL THE PEOPLE GOT MOVED OFF THE PLATFORM SOME OLD GUY (VERY UGLY) CAME UP TO THE BAG THAT WAS MEANT TO CONTAIN THE BOMB AND PICKED IT UP, THE SILLY BASTARD HAD LEFT IT THERE BY MISTAKE. AFTER ALL THIS I FINALY GOT ON THE TRAIN 2 MORECAMBE. WHEN I GOT OFF THE TRAIN I WAS CONFRONTED BY A MAD PSYCHO FROM HELL, HE ASKED IN A KIND BUT THREATENING VOICE "GIVE ME A FAG!!!" INSTEAD OF RESULTING TO VIOLENCE AND KILLING HIM I DECIDED TO GIVE HIM WHAT HE ASKED FOR AND MADE MY ESCAPE TO MEET MAGIC MUSHROOM. MAGIC MUSHROOM IS NOW BACK ON THE KEYS.....WE ARRIVED AT THE PARTY ON FRIDAY NIGHT AND AUTOMATICALLY STARTED ON THE BOOZE!!!! (YEAH....AWESOME!) AFTER A WHILE THE BOOZE BEGAN TO TAKE EFFECT AND WE WERE ALL PISSED! GONZO GOT OUT HIS CAMCORDER AND HE BEGAN FILMING THE STRANGE THINGS WE WERE DOING!! THE VIDEO SEEMS VERY MUCH BIASED TOWARDS FLASH PRODUCTION AS WE WERE ALWAYS IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA SHOUTING "FLASH PRODUCTION!!" EVERYONE WHO WAS PISSED WAS ACTING IN A VERY STRANGE MANNER, LOTS OF BOOZE GOT SPILT AND THE CARPET LOOKED PSCHODELIC! AS TIME PASSED BY, PEOPLE BEGAN TO FALL ASLEEP, THE ONLY TWO PEOPLE TO NOT GO TO BED WERE MYSELF AND TROOPER, WHO IS A SPECTRUM SWAPPER!!! (WAIT FOR THAT BIT TO BE EXPLAINED....) WE STAYED UP ALL NIGHT AND PLAYED GAMES AND RAIDED THE KITCHEN FOR CUPS OF COFFEE. AROUND 5:00 IN THE MORNING, PEOPLE HAD AWAKEN AND WE DECIDED TO GO OUT FOR A WALK WITH GONZO'S VIDEO. SO OFF WE WENT AROUND GLASSON DOCK (REALLY FUCKING LAME!) DOING SOME CRIMINAL THINGS AND HAVING A COOL LAUGH! SOME OF THIS IS ON VIDEO AND IT LOOKS FUNNY! WE ARRIVED BACK AT BEELZEBUBS ABOUT 5:30 AND WE GENERALLY STAYED AWAKE WHILE OTHERS WENT BACK TO SLEEP. EIGHT O' CLOCK SATURDAY MORNING CAME! THE SHOP OPENED! YEAH...AWESOME! WE PELTED IT DOWN TO THE SHOP TO GET SOME GRUB. ON THE WAY BACK WE SAW THE DAMAGE WE HAD CAUSED THE NIGHT BEFORE!!! EVERYONE WAS UP SO WE DECIDED TO GO OUT AND GET SOME CHIPS FROM THE CAFE. AFTER WAITING AGES FOR THEM WE FOUND OUT THAT THEY TASTED LIKE TOTAL SHIT (UNAWESOME!). MAN, THIS WAS BAD COS ALL WE HAD NOW WAS THE SHOP TO RELY ON. SATURDAY AFTERNOON WAS QUITE BORING REALLY, PEOPLE JUST PLAYED GAMES AND TRIED TO KEEP WARM COS IT WAS FUCKING COLD! THE EVENING CAME AND PARADROID GOT DOWN TO SOME CODING, ONLY TO BE DISTURBED BY AGENT X WITH SOME INFERNAL BULLSHIT. HE WAS SPEAKING SOME REAL SHIT MAN, LIKE "OH YOU WANNA PUT A BTST THERE...... WHAT DOES BTST MEAN?" HMMMM! NOTHING SAID! ALSO, SOMEONE IS RUMOURED TO HAVE PUT THE GADAFFI VIRUS ON LOTS OF HIS GAMES WITH CUSTOM BOOTBLOCKS (THATS MOST OF 'EM!) BUT I DON'T (continues in next article) (continues from previous article) KNOW WHO DID IT IF IT REALLY IS TRUE...... (IS IT?) WE ALL SPOTTED THAT TROOPER HAD FINALLY GONE TO SLEEP AFTER WATCHING ABOUT 5 HOURS OF PORN!! SO WE GOT BEELZEBUBS OLD SPECTRUM, PUT IT NEXT TO TROOPER ALONG WITH SOME STICKERS AND A BIG SHEET OF PAPER SAYING "I'M NOT ON THE AMIGA SCENE BUT THE SPECTRUM SCENE!" IT WAS VERY FUNNY AND HE DOESNT KNOW ABOUT IT YET!!! HE HE! PARADROID THEN SUGGESTED THAT WE WRITE "LAMER" IN BLACK MARKER PEN ON HIS FOREHEAD AND ALSO SHAVE HIS EYEBROWS OFF TOO!!! UNFORTUNATELY, HE WOKE UP AS HE SAID THIS AND IT NEVER HAPPENED!!! THE EVENING GOT LATE AND PEOPLE STARTED TO GO TO SLEEP AGAIN, FINALLY THERE WAS HARDLY ANY CODING AND JUST GENERAL DISCUSSION AS THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO WERE UP WERE: MYSELF, PARADROID AND AGENT X. AGENT X FINALLY WENT TO BED VERY VERY LATE AND PARADROID CONTINUED WITH HIS CODING. AT 6:15 AM HE SAID HE WAS GONNA HAVE AN HOURS SLEEP AND I SHOULD WAKE HIS UP IN ONE HOUR SO HE CAN CONTINUE HIS CODING. MEANWHILE, THERE WAS JUST ME UP AND ABOUT, COPYING DISKS FOR PARADROID. THE HOUR PASSED AND PARADROID JUST WOULD NOT WAKE UP!!! AGENT X WOKE UP AND CAME INTO THE ROOM, I TOLD HIM TO WAKE PARADROID BUT HE COULDNT MANAGE IT EITHER! 3 HOURS LATER HE WOKE UP & THE REST OF THE GANG ALL STARTED TO WAKE UP TOO. I WAS TOTALLY KNACKERED AND WANTED TO GO TO BED JUST AS THE OTHERS WERE GETTING OUT OF IT BUT I DIDNT!!! THE MORNING PASSED QUITE QUICKLY AND WE ALL STARTED TO PACK OUR STUFF AWAY. AT ABOUT 2:00 PM BRONXY'S MUM CAME AND GAVE US A LIFT HOME (THANX A LOT!), AND WE WERE THE LAST TO GO. MYSELF AND PARADROID GOT BACK TO MY HOUSE, SETUP MY AMIGA, CHECKED OUT THE POST FROM THE DAY BEFORE AND SAW THAT I HAD RECEIVED A PARTY INVITE FOR THE * VIOLENCE * FAIRLIGHT * CRYPTOBURNERS & * DEXION PARTY. (THANX A LOT PIMPF...WE WILL TRY VERY HARD TO GET TO THE PARTY......). AFTER A LONG DISCUSSION ABOUT WHETHER WE SHOULD GO OR NOT IT WAS TIME FOR PARADROID TO LEAVE. I WALKED HIM DOWN TO THE TRAIN STATION AND A TRAIN FINALLY CAME. I FEEL SORRY FOR HIM COS A BUNCH OF DICK HEADS GOT OFF ONE TRAIN AND ONTO HIS!!!! OH WELL, IT WAS FINALLY OVER AND I WALKED HOME, HAD SOME FOOD AND DIED OF EXHAUSTION!!! (WELL....SLIGHT EXAGGERATION BUT I WAS TOTALLY SHAGGED!). GREETS TO ALL MY CONTAX.....SUPPORT THIS COOL MAG GUYS!!! ACTION REPLAY II - The differences By Filippetto/Vega ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Replay II by Datel Electronics seems to be actually the most powerful cartridge for the Amiga. I had the first version and I didn't like it very much due to some nasty things like FDOS and similars. Now the new version comes with a lot of improvements, and the most useful and awaited is surely the full AmigaDOS compatibility. But there are also lots of other things... What I liked - Now all the files saved by the cartridge are saved in AmigaDOS, and there are also some useful AmigaDOS built-in utilities like Dcopy, Format, Install and some AmigaDOS commands. So now you don't have to convert anymore all that shitty FDOS files! - The old lores screen has been replaced by a medres screen and the preferences are fully mouse controlled and therefore easier and quicker to use. They also have been improved a bit with some more options for memory expansion and other things. The nasty bug when you hit the backspace key has been removed. - Antivirus has been improved: now it not only clears the virus but it warns you when you insert an infected disk (with the chance to install it with various bootblocks and more options). - There's an autofire option with fire percentage for both joysticks. - The monitor is a bit quicker and finally has the read/write track options. There are also new commands like pack/unpack and a very useful command to save the memory in DC.B format. - The diskcoder can be useful for people who could be visited by the cops... - The Soundtracker ripper is not very advanced but at least it works rather well with a lot of tunes. - The Scan option allows you to scan memory for a sample. There's also a sample analyser and the usual options to select the range. - The Mempeeker is very advanced with more than 30 commands. It allows you to do rather everything about gfx ripping. - The built-in formatter and diskcopier are not very professional but they are reliable (thank also to the verify option). - Action Replay II is not seen by the system, so you don't need anymore to disable it with some games like the old version. What I didn't like - The title picture has 4 planes in medres and often when you reset it's ruined. I don't like it! The old 1 plane simple logo was better. Then it takes much memory in the cartridge, so more utilities and a 1 plane logo instead of the actual utilities and that logo had been better. - The Scan and the Mempeeker utilities could have been much more user-friendly. Why don't they work with mouse like the preferences? - The Save all command is not so useful as it seems. Now you can choose also the crunch offset, but anyway, even if the saved file is in AmigaDOS, it still needs a special loader and it shows a screen while decrunching. All in all: better find the jump, save the memory with the Save memory command and crunch the file with a normal cruncher! BEING AN ELITE - WHAT IT ACTUALLY CAN BE? (by Zoolook/Artemis) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is yet another text about the situation in the scene... I can't blame you if you feel bored and want to get down to something else! But I think this article has something to think about! Someone wrote about how stupid it is to put the text "only elite" in ads. Well, in my opinion there is another point of view: "elite" can also mean something else than being at the top of the charts. It can mean that your contacts feel like you're an elite guy - they get a nice picture of you. Let's think about it again: can we say that the most famous crackercrews are "elite" just because every lamer buys stuff from them? No! They only cause damage to the scene! And, although they always seem to be blaming the cops for the situation, I'm afraid that the whole scene will be fucked up by those maniacs that call themselves "crackers". Just to get things straight: by the word "lamer" I don't mean a person that is unknown or something like that, I mean a person that hasn't got the guts to think by himself! He just wants to buy, and then he can boast to his friends: "Actually I've received a sending from Shit Low!" Of course he "forgets" to mention that all he had received was something he had bought. This is just what is needed to destroy the scene - buying and money never create friendship. This is why I'd like to give a piece of advice to everyone: boycott crackers - don't buy, create something yourself! It's really nice when you do something with your compu even if you would never become famous! Then a comment about "Friendship-movement". This is also something I'm not so fond of... Friendship rules, but not the movement! Remember when a guy called Lenin tried to help all the workers in the world and then some lamers turned his thoughts into ideology that has made sure that a lot of people will spend a lot of time trying to get rid of thoughts that they have been fed with all their life and trying to build their countries again! I mean that you can't build friendship by saying: "From now on we'll all obey this friendship-ideology!" Be friendly or else... Some idiots want that everybody would swap with everybody... There are other things in life than computing, and it's foolish to swap with people you don't really care about, but you just try to be "friendly". It's better to have friends and enemies and keep your own thoughts than to be "neutral"! I guess you guys have got my point... Think about it! NAVIGATOR TEST By Bitboy/Resolution 101 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In this page I'll try to make some hardware tests (usually joysticks) for your future purchases. This time I'll do the test of a well-known joystick: NAVIGATOR. Here you can find a short description of the joy, togheter with an accurate examination of itself. Valutations are in a range between 2 (a real shit!) and 9 (buy it!!) A)-General infos: Name: NAVIGATOR Produced by: KONIX Hand-grip height: about 4 cm. Joystick width: 12 cm. * 7 cm. Cable length: about 120 cm. B)-Ratings: Look: 7 = It's a new idea but it looks like a duck! Handling comfort: 8 = Really good hand pos'n.(anatomic is better!!) Shoot speed: 6 = After a while your index finger can shoot no more! Moves speed: 7 = With a short grip moves are faster! Autofire: 6 = Large switch but not too sharp. Switches: 6 = Average microswitches (I think they're hard to repair!) Quality & price: 7 = Not expensive and quite good. MEDIUM RATE: 6.71 = More than an average joystick, but ya can find better!! C)-Some words about it: NAVIGATOR is a famous joystick, expecially used for TETRIS games, coz in games like that you don't have to shoot a lot. The better feature of this joy is the extreme precision in movings, due to the shortness of grip. I think that NAVIGATOR isn't a bad bad joystickand his medium rate (6.71) places it into good joystix class. See the next time... TAC-2 TEST By Bitboy/Resolution 101 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it's time for testing a classic joystick: TAC-2. Here you can find a short description of the joy, togheter with an accurate examination of itself. Valutations are in a range between 2 (a real shit!) and 9 (buy it!!) A)-General infos: Name: TAC-2 Produced by: SUNCOM Hand-grip height: about 8 cm. Joystick width: 10 cm. * 10 cm. Cable length: about 140 cm. B)-Ratings: Look: 6 = Old look for an evergreen! Handling comfort: 7 = Not anatomic, just little and funny. Shoot speed: 7 = There are 2 buttons, so ya can shoot really fast! Moves speed: 7 = The quite long grip with a ball on the top grants you safe moves. Autofire: - = There's no autofire, and this is a bad thing!!! Switches: 5 = No microswitches, only old contacts (it's easy to repair!) Quality & price: 8 = This joy is cheap and good!! MEDIUM RATE: 6.66 = Not a satanic joy, it's only the less expensive one in his class! C)-Some words about it: TAC-2 is a classic joystick, expecially used for PACMANIA nad KICK OFF, coz his grip is solid and powerful, and all the joystick structure can suffer (I think) more than 20 h. of continued playin' to DECATHLON (a wonderful C64 game). I still haven't found a person who wants 2 stay such a long time playin' with TAC-2. However I suggest to try it before buyin', coz there's a lot of people that hate old but good joys. See the next time... THE WAY TO BUDO by Chen and A-ha of Resolution 101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thruth is where neither center nor circumference can be found. You are a master of the total style when you are free to express yourself. Martial arts have ancient origins and their birth took place in India. The oldest fighting art man remembers is "Kalari Payat", an empty hands fighting discipline that also considered swords, shields and sticks. Martial arts soon became heritage of a cast of warrior monks who used them to defense themselves during their frequent pilgrimages and also as a tool to reach enlightenment. After settling in Shao-lin monastery in 520 AD, the indian monk Bodhidarma coming from the Dhyana school (called Chan in China and Zen in Japan) started codifying the practice of martial arts. The legend says the monk took this decision after 9 years of meditation. During that age, martial arts were closer to the idea of Budo than they are at our days; it was a continuous organic whole because it contained all of the techniques that were to originate different styles. It featured projections and losses of balance that were to become typical of Ju-Jutsu, kicks, punches, hits with elbows and knees that were to originate Karate, using the opponent's strenght and articular keys now typical of Aikido. But as a basis of physical practice, then as today, there was constantly present the practice of meditation, aimed towards reaching enlightenment. To correctly understand the notion of Budo as a system and a whole of martial arts it is necessary to face both the physical and the philosophical aspect. An harmonic and complete psico-phisical developement is the only way to approach a correct comprehension of martial arts. AMERICAN SLANG: PART 2 By A-ha of Resolution 101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As it seems many people liked my first article about slang, here are some more words straight from US underworld... Bag: to arrest someone; an old woman; someone's preference; to obtain sth. Bag it!: [Californian] Drop dead!, Shut up! Bag your face!: Fuck off and turn away! Bahama-mama: an obese black woman; Baked: drunken; to have a Ball: a wild time at a party; Ball: testicle; to fuck with sb. Ball of fire: somebody who is very ambitious, a go-getter; Ballyhoo: publicity; Baloney or bologna: crap, nonsense; Banana-head: idiot; to drive sb. Bananas: to drive sb. crazy; B&B: 'breasts and buttocks', featuring nice nude girls (ex. a movie); Barf: to vomit; [of a computer] to crash. Barfola!: fuck! damnit! Bash: a wild party, a night downtown; Bear: a difficult task; an ugly woman; [on CBs] policemen; Beat artist: sb. who beats other guys to get money; Beat it!: go away! Beaut: excellent [not necessarily beautiful]; Beerbonging: drinking in a gulp a can of beer opened over your mouth; Beetle: a Volkswagen car; Belch: a burp (try beerbonging and let me know); Belt: a blow with a fist or a hand; Betcha: "I bet you..."; the Big Cheese; the boss; Big Iron: a mainframe; Big mac attack: desperate need for a hamburger; Big noise, Big shot, Big gun: an important guy; the Big Z's: sleep; Bimbo: a cute young girl; to bird-dog sb.: to take away his woman; Bit-bucket: imaginary place where lost data go {R/W ERRORS}; Bite the dust: to die: Bite the ice!: Go to hell! Biz: business; Blabbermouth: somebody who tells secrets; Blimp: fatso (very cruel); Block: the head; Blockbuster: something attracting large audience; to Blow cold: to display disinterest; to Blow the joint: to get out of a place in a hurry; Blue funk: depression; Share and Enjoy! Piss and Destroy! DIGITIZING SERVICES by A-ha of Resolution 101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resolution 101 Varese have opened a new service to help you freaks having pictures and sounds digitized. So if you need anything digitized just send it to them and it will be returned to you as soon as possible in the form of an IFF file. Let's have a closer look to this useful feature. A-ha: - How did you have the idea of opening such a service? Crackerjack: - I thought it could be a new way to make more friends in the scene... it's friendship that rules! A-ha: - Who do you think will be interested in such a service? Cjk: - Mainly graphicsmen who want to start their work from a digitized source to keep it as close as possible to reality... but also people who want to put on the computer a logo or an already existing picture but have neither time nor skills to do it by themselves... or also for putting one's face in a demo, I think that demos with sampled pictures and voices from the guys laying behind it are fun.. A-ha: - What is your hardware? Cjk: - I have a Videon III (digitizes in 16 million colours and then reduces it to any video mode available on the Amiga), a VCR, a Video 8 camera and a mono sound sampler. We get the best result from a small picture already printed or a dia, but we can get great results also from VCR... I think we will have the very best results when I will buy a Laser Video, but that's still far in the future... A-ha: - So how can our friends reading this get a picture digitized or a sound sampled? Cjk: - That's fairly simple... they send me 3 new and checked DSDD disks to pay postage, another disk to put images or samples on and then add the sources (photos, dia, videotapes, audio tapes, even negatives if you have nothing better). Please write your address clearly and, why not?, put some news on the disks. As soon as possible you will get the samples and your sources back...if you are sending me a VHS tape, please send me 5 more disks to pay postage...but anyway try and send me pictures, they are the ones with the very best results... Ok I think this is all I need to say... so if you are interested, send the stuff to Crackerjack under... Marco P. via Micca 24 I-21100 Varese, Italy THE ULTIMATE FAKINGS by A-ha of Resolution 101 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The faking method written below is the one - I think - that gives you most money savings and thus more fun (ie you can go to the cinema with that money or better buy some more Tuborg on Saturday night); but as any other faking method it is necessary to put straight off that it is ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL and neither me nor the Freedom Crack team takes any responsibility for what you will do with it. You are on your own business, got it? What you need: - A bottle of vinylic glue (ex. Vinavil); - Any stick glue; - Some stamps ("ooh I thought a rubber duck!") The idea behind this method is this: vinylic glue doesn't get away when washed with water, but keeps the stamp from dying due to continuative washing action. 1. take the stamps and put vinylic glue on their front; let it dry and then turn the stamps and put glue on their back. Some glues contain a very high percentage of water, so it might be necessary to put a lot of glue on the stamp. Now your stamps look simply fine, and will be forever water proof. 2. use the stick glue to paste the faked stamp on your envelope and then put stick glue all over it. Let it dry away (it sometimes takes a couple of hours, but using a hair phon should cut it down dramatically) and send your envelope. 3. when sending, dont be so stupid to go to the post office, or they will fuck you and your stamps (hi Tito :-) 4. when you are sent back the stamp, just wash it in warm water and the stamp will look even better than when it was brand new! so you can use it again, and again, and again! 5. don't put too few postage if you use faked stamps... the postmen use to get angry when you do so. I think this method is just great... anyway, try it and let us know. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR SEXLIFE by A-ha of Resolution 101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How many times has it happened to you? You are an elite guy, you are simply the best around when the point is blitting 3D vectors or composing the shortest but coolest tune ever heard, but that nice blond angel who is sitting in front of you just doesn't see you... it does not matter wheter your heart is bleeding and your head is turning, she just doesn't see you. You try chatting a little bit, she deems you worthy of a sad look... what do you do, then? If you don't feel like committing suicide, then you'd better keep on reading your fav Freedom Crack! I can give you neither spells nor magical potions to help you improve your sexual and affective life, but there are some often misknown rules that can help you a real lot when you want to cut a figure on somebody. What does a girl notice the most in a lad? Well, first and best, his eyes. Women say in a man's eyes can be read his very own soul, and will be fond of a couple of green or blue eyes. If you don't think your eyes are anything special, there are still some rules you'd better follow: 1. NEVER and I say NEVER turn your eyes when she's watching you; the best thing to do in such cases is to gaze deeply into her eyes, and it does not matter if you are blind, she will eventually fall; 2. try and find a cool way to wear and unwear sunglasses: looking at a girl with sunglasses on, then lowering them slowly, then taking them off with a straight movement and keeping on watching her is simply great. The second thing a girl will probably notice in you are your ass and your belly, and if you didn't know it by now you had better kept on masturbating. If your belly is not flat enough and your ass is fat all the way, you can easily help it by joining a gymnasium club a couple of times a week (body building will perfectly do). Also, wear tight jeans, preferably Levi's 501 or something like that. Another important point are your hands: we believe they must be agile and long due to all those hours spent on your Amiga doing wordprocessing; my suggestion is to avoid eating nails and let the rest go away. You must not forget the voice pitch you have: a full, sensual voice just like the ones 'testimonials' and radio conductors have is the very best, but you can all the same avoid squeezing about. You'd better talk not loud at all and with a low voice pitch (not too low anyway - it depends how your throat works!), so she will come closer and will feel relaxed staying about you. If you really need to shout, try and shout with a low pitch (see "I'm not Jesus" from the Ramones to know what I mean), and always apologize with her for behaving in such a way. Take care of you: if you are a blood-bleeding always-drunken punk, it will be harder for you to find a puss.. ahem a girl than if you are a BCBG (I know - I used to punk around some time ago!). Girls do like handsome and clean young men who will make them feel they are amid the boy's world and who will remember small almost meaningless things just like flowers, chocolates, keeping a hand on their hand and so on. If these pieces of advice should be of any help to all you spineless gays and pizza faces around, ie nerds and lamers, remember that it's always better to wear a 'capote' than to feed another army brat! (hehe) JOKES BY MAGIC MUSHROOM/FLASH PRODUCTION UK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT DO YOU CALL A LEPER IN THE BATH? PORRIDGE!! WHY DID THE FISH HAVE SIX LEGS? COS IT WAS A SIX LEGGED FISH! WHY DID THE FISH HAVE FOUR LEGS? COS IT WAS A SIX LEGGED FISH WITH LEPROSY!! WHATS RED AND WHITE? PINK! WHO HAS THE MOST DANGEROUS COCK IN BRITAIN? MIKE SMITH COS HIS CHOPPER NEARLY KILLED SARAH GREEN!!! STAN GETS INTO BED WITH SANDRA HIS WIFE AND SAYS "FANCY A SHAG TONIGHT LOVE?" SANDRA REPLIES "SORRY LOVE I CANT.I'VE GOTTA SEE THE GYNAECOLOGIST TOMORROW AND THAT MEANS I CANT SHAG 24 HOURS BEFORE". STAN ROLLS OVER THEN ROLLS BACK AND SAYS "YOUR NOT SEEING THE DENTIST TOMORROW ARE YOU?!" HE HE HE HE HE HE WHATS THE DEFINITION OF ENDLESS LOVE? HELEN KELLER AND STEVIE WONDER PLAYING TENNIS!!!!! WHY CANT JEWS EAT GERMANS? COS THEY GIVE THEM GAS!!!! WHAT DID THE LEPER PROSTITUTE GIVE HER CUSTOMERS? A BIT OF FANNY!!!! WHY DO ROTTWEILERS LICK THEIR BALLS? TO GET THE TASTE OF LITTLE KIDS OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS!!!! FAST GREETS TO: ALL IN CRACK UK, ALL IN FLASH PRODUCTION, ALL THE REST OF MY CONTACTS....ITS GREAT TO SWAP WITH YOU ALL.CHECK OUT THE ADS SECTION TO SEE MY ADDRESS.........SUPPORT THIS COOL MAG. Anarchy Party Review! By Soul of Zero Page Inc. & Intuition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Date...? 23rd February 1991. The Place..? Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England. The Event..? ANARCHY Copy Party. Yeah, this here is a small, but an in-depth, review of the Anarchy party in England. The party took place in a sizable community hall and it started at 10:00 AM Saturday 23rd Feb. I was the first outsider there, where me and four other avid Amigans made our way from London to Yorkshire at 6:00 AM Saturday morning! After all it is about a 200 mile drive! Anyway, we got there about 9:30 AM and the only few people there, were the Anarchy guys. They had set up the desks and chairs and were just finishing off the job. We looked closely at the power points available and noticed that there were only a few sockets! Crips! (not crisps!) We all gasped and thought 'Hey! All we need is an asshole to pull the plug from one machine and the others will go down like dominos...' So, I put up a few posters outside advertising the fact that we had warez you wanted and bought in our equipment to set up. The fun was about to begin. (Kickstart 2.01.....Must have been alright, we were the only ones to have it). We set up the Amiga and realised that we were missing an extension lead. I approached Mr. Big of Anarchy and he said that he'd get us a lead soon. My mates got pissed off with waitin' so they went out and bought a lead for 10 pounds! By now, people had started to arrive and slowly the hall was getting packed. I stood on the stage at the end of the community hall and was talking to Mystik, a gfx-er for Anarchy. We had a few good chats about the Amiga and the scene. Mystik then went and got me a copy of the new Anarchy Demo called 'SYSTEM VIOLATION', which I must say is a good demo. The music is gorgeous! Anyway, I was relaxed and by about 12 noon there must have been over 100 people there and there were stil more to come.... The whole party was inside a hall, where at one end was a stage on which there was some people playing games and making music and coding. There was a small corridor next to the hall, where there were some coders, coding away like mad. I presumed they wanted to enter the demo competition. People were swapping warez, demos, hints, contact address's and anything else you can associate with the Amiga. There were also people who were coding demos for the demo comp, there were a few people making sweet music, there were people who were making compilation discs, ripping and pissing about with graphics, and of course there were people who were playing games like KickOff2, Speedball 2 and Lemmings! Every thing was going smoothly. Then came the dreaded powercuts! The powercuts were the only annoying thing about the party. Everytime some shit head did a hard reset on his machine, he tripped the main switch and this meant that all the electrics were lost. This happened about 6 or 7 times but after that the Anarchy guys had it all under control. I just felt sorry for the coders..... (continues in next article) (continues from previous article) Mystik was surprised at the amount of people that were turning up and the party was now in over-drive. There must have been about 150-200 crazy dudes.... All hungry for warez and all were swapping with all! Anarchy held a Kick Off 2 competition and some others like Kareoke (I don't care how you spell it) but everybody were in such a relaxed state that I don't think anyone cared much about the competition. There was generally a lot of excitement in the air as 200+ nutters raved on and enjoyed themselves. It was a good party which lasted until about 11 PM Saturday night. There was a small bar in the hall, but that only opened a little after 7:30pm, quite late for all the alcoholics that were around. Anarchy released their MADNESS 2 demo at the party, which is a good demo with some neat routines! As for you lot out there who couldn't be there that day well, I'll releive you by tellin' you the results of the demo comp. The first place went to a demo called HYSTERESIS by Magnetic Fields. Second place went to Mediator of Anarchy for his SYSTEM VIOLATION demo, and the third place was reserved for Anthrox, for their cute and ingenious ADVENTURES OF BOBBY THE BALL demo. Which I personally think is very good! We should have more like those on the scene. After all, ingenuity is the reason we're here! Gettin' back to the point, there were some cool dudes around, dudes who had a lot of new warez and basically all of them were trading with others, except a few stubborn people, who I reckon spoil parties. They didn't want to trade so I told them they shouldn't be here. I had a good mind to tell them to FUCK OFF as well. But why should I bother? After all I got plenty of warez myself! Anyhow, at the end of the day I'd say there was about 200 people present for a wild party. The rest of the Intuition boys came down about 5:00 PM and they set up their video player and they started to play a range of pornographic XXX films. You should have seen the crowd gather around to watch them...... I can write for ever about the party and tell you dudes what went on, but I'm sure that the authors of this coool disk mag want me to leave them some space so they can fill it up with whatever else they desire. So to round it up for you out there, here's a brief summary.... The party was very cool. However, I think it would have been better if there were some more coool dudes around, but as it is it was a good laugh and certainly worth the 200+ miles travel to get there. I wanna say, to all the ANARCHY guys, "Well done lads! It was a good party..." If you are reading this and you were present at the party but you disagree with all I've said then why not drop me a line and we'll have a chat about it! And just remember...If it's Amiga, it's possible! P.S Check the Ads section for a contact address... Anarchy Party Repost By HaVok and Ezy/Ecstasy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok folks this is the OFFICIAL report by HaVoK & Ezy for the Anarchy party held on the 23-Feb-1991. We (Ezy, Havok, Slayer/Subway) first had to travel about 200 miles to get to this fucking party, so we expected this party to be worth the trip up (what with Anarchy being the best in the u.k and all that).... Well we arrived at the party-place and found it to be a old hall which smelt like a public lavatory. The entry fee was 10p in the slot. Oopps sorry, I meant 3 english quid. Was it worth it?....FUCK NO.... We sat around outside the main hall for about 30 mins before going in bcoz, A) it looked fucking lame inside, and B) why the fuck should we pay?!!! Come one their had to someone who WASN'T lame their! So all in all it started in a pretty LAME way. And carried on in a pretty LAME way too. Naaa, but really, the power going off every 2 minutes didn't really do much for our enthusiasm, and when it DID work, every lamer was playing Lemmings or using X-Copy ALREADY (at about 11 a.m!)... Soooo nothing too hot so far. Now the people who managed to pop upto this meeting... Well, most of Anarchy were their of course, Sabbath, Magnetic Fields, Anthrox, Ecstasy, Slipstream, Quartex, Crystal, Betrayal, Ipec and maybe some others... And here are some of the other groups that turned up, if anyone knows or has heard of any of these, please write to us!... BattleTech UK ("the Ultimate in Spreading" (apparently)), Arena UK ("whats Pubic hair mum?"), Ex-Scoopex UK (no comment), and all the other groups that insisted "their demo is coming out soon".... As we went walkies around the, erm, room, we decided to do some nice quiz questions.. "excuse me, do you have any calling cards?"... reply to this stupid question?: "what? well, no, but I can lend you ten pee.... another one was "Anything new?".. reply: "Well, I've stopped swapping recently, but I bought, er I mean, got Lemmings!"... Well, at that point we decided to move onto the "demo" scene of the party. And boy were their some brilliant ones! We saw, a sine scroll, a line vector routine (with hidden line removal of course!), lots of bobs, and some coloured starfield effects.... Ohh dear. Their WERE some good demos though, from Mag Fields, Anarchy and some others, Anthox's demo should have won what there was of the demo-competition, it was pretty nice. The prize for the competition was a "simulated gold thing" (Ezy's own wild description). Being abit fairer to the party, their were some cool guys their, you could tell them because they left early. The power thing was not Anarchy's fault (hmm) but having 2 plugs for the whole hall was not a good idea. Slayer brought along his 14400 modem for use by the party (for wares) unfortunately no one knew what a at&t card was, and only half of northern England have phones! Needless to say the party place thing didn't have a phoneline for the parties use... Mr.Big/Anarchy did all he could for saving the party from total disgrace, I think he was the only person who actually REALIZED something was wrong with it all, regards for trying anyway. Actually the weather was shit so that might have had something to do with it. The compe- titions were A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. NO-ONE knew what was going on, a monitor was being used for "viewing" the entered demos, there was no grafix comp (no surprises there), the music competition was a COMPLETE fuck-up, I think their were only 2 entries, and only ONE of them got listened to. And the judges? what judges? The bar didn't open till 7p.m, anyway the drink was too expensive, so we used our initiative and visited the local off-licence. (continues) (continues from previous article) So, generally the party wasn't too hot. What were the good points? Well, it was nice to speak to some of the cool people there, but of course we knew them already from previous partys etc etc..But overall the attitude was of a compu- ter-club where the main aim was to copy as much stuff as possible in the shor- test amount of time before the power went off..However I believe I saw a few groups coding things, but they did not enter the comps far as we know. The top three were coded well in advance so no worries for them. Ok I know so far it seems as we have just slagged the party off. Well ok so lets look at the facts (no disrespect to the organisers) A) It was held where few elite guyz live! (The North) B) No adequate power supply-MAJOR FUCK UP HERE C) It was in a fairly small place with no signposting D) The demo/musak comps were a shambles, no-one knew shit.. E) No Phone line.Ok it costs but its nice to have one! F) It was Xcopy Xcopy Xcopy all the time! NO events! G) No-one had a sense of humour AT ALL (Havok and his Hat) H) NO BEER! I) It was, to be honest, full of lamers!. Some guyz were kool. Ok so i know it sounds like a slag off so far but thats the way it happened. But congrats must go to Mr.Big who at least tried to save the party from total boredom but, I'm afraid, did not quite pull it off! Oh well maybe next time huh?.Well now onto a lighter subject... Of course i am talking about BEER.. The best..The bar at the party did not open till 7 p.m so we had to go out in search of refreshment. And we found it. Lots of it. In bottles. Well for a short while anyway.So we drank and drank until we fell over. We were of course Ezy, Sabbath, and some guy we met there!. Well ok enuf of our drunken moaning. So after the party finally ended we all went off to a hotel to try and get some sleep... But Ezy and Havok had noooo money for a hotel room so we tried to sneak into a room. So with HaVok in the car outside I sneaked in. So I got in the room and Slayer and some Crystal members went out again, but I had to stay locked up in the room.Ok i turned out all the lights and hid in the wardrobe for about 15 mins..Till i got cramp and got onto the bed. About 10mins later the wanker of a manager searches all the rooms and finds a Mr.Ezy spread out on one of his beds and, yep you guessed it, threw me out... Wanker. So I looked like i was destined to sleep in the car where havok was listining to the in-car CD system. We were both pissed about having to sleep in a car in the NORTH OF ENGLAND. Not a toilet in sight. But I think we must have seen more drunks in that night then in our whole lives. The number of prostitutes going in that hotel was amazing. I think most of them were ordered by members of a group that shall remain nameless (yeah Morph, I know all about it, and the straps too!) In the morning we were woken by some wankers banging on the windows. Wankers. So we woke up, went to a motor-way cafe and FUCKED OFF HOME. Overall I suppose we did have some fun but im afraid most of it took place while we were zonked or not at the party..By the way, nice prize for the raffle Anarchy, did anyone claim it in the end?.. OK well thats all then folks. Have fun and come to the Ecstasy Copy-Party in September over the CES show. Later's from HaVok Industries & Ezy/Ecstasy Letters to the editors ---------------------- Here's a letter I've got from Dr.Awesome/Crusaders: Hi Filippetto, Referring to Freedom Crack issue #5, where I read with great interest your article about "New style of music" or something like that, where you complained about most musicians in the scene often use only major- and minor-chords, not many special chords with adds and sus etc can be heard in demos etc., and it gives a boring sound. Well I'm here to try to explain to you WHY this is so. I don't know if you're a musician yourself, but if you are, try the following: When you have an idea for a new great tune, start sampling some really nice sounding major- and minor chords, say for instance a choir. To get a decent sound on a choir, you have to use a reasonably high sample rate. Then add a few more chords, a couple of sus-chords, an add7-chord, an add9-chord, a maj-chord, and a few others. In addition you need of course to sample the chords from different starting positions on the keyboard, for instance the minor-chord should be sampled both from C, D# and G, same thing with the major of course. Then add a few really nice drums with lots of reverb, a couple of bass sounds will have to be added and last but not least, of course a few different lead instruments, so you can vary the sound a bit. Now make your song, say you use 40 different patterns. Up till now everything is great, but that's only until you try to save your module, and your disk goes full! Mee oh my, that was a 480kb module, but it sounds real nice, so what the heck. Format a new disk and save it there. Now take the module to your friend, who's a coder and is at the moment coding a demo with 8000 lines of source, lots of pictures of course, maybe some animations etc too. Give him the 480 kb module and say "Hey I've made this great song and it takes 480 kb of memory - and want you to use it in your demo!" Now one of two things can happen - your coding friend will either fall about on the floor, gasping with laughter, and stay flat on the floor laughing for about 90 minutes. Or he will brutally smash your face in with his second disk drive, and tell you that you're thrown out of the group. THAT'S why most songs only have major- and minor chords, my friend. I hope you got the point! I'd like to add that with a bit of experimenting you can create other chords by using a lead instrument in addition to the chord, only on another note than the chord is actually using, for instance play a Cmajor and add a B with your lead instrument - voila! you have a Cmaj! Also, try mixing two different chords together, like a G#major and a D#minor. A bit strange, yes, but under the right circumstances it can sound pretty good! Well that's all - I hope I have cleared up a few things for you. I hope you can print this little article in Freedom Crack issue 6. With musical greetzkiburgers, Dr.Awesome / Crusaders Interview with Zodiac of Sanity By Filippetto/Vega ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - So here we are. Who are you, and what do you do in Sanity? - I'm Zodiac of Sanity and my functions are composing and a little bit legal swapping. (just 4 fun!!) I am now 19 years old and I'm living in a fucking small town in Germany called Spangenberg. I'm still going to school but I will do exams in a few weeks. Okay, enough for my person. - What do you think about the German scene? Who are the best? - About the german scene??...hmm...I think there are too many groups here in Germany. Many of them are pure lame swap-groups, who dream of crackers, trainers, to become famous etc. Swapping is their life. I don't like those groups much. On the other hand you have quite unknown demogroups, who bring out a single, lame intro or such things and then you never see something again from them. The scene is overfilled with average demos/intros, everything looks similar. In my opinion, small groups should try to join together with other small groups to keep the scene a little bit more overviewable. - And why is the German scene so full of groups? - Mhhh...the reason is maybe...shit! I don't know!!! Maybe because every lamer wants to build up his own group, maybe he dreams of a big successful group, maybe he thinks about legends like BS1, Dynamic Duo, DOC etc, but he has to fail, because he has no knowledge and contacts to the scene. (the real one!!) ...but who knows??? - What do you think about United Germany? And how is it going? - For me it's not very important to live in a United Germany. In some years Germany could become one of the strongest countries in the world (in an economical point of view, of course!!). But the bad point is, till now the economy in the EX-GDR is more or less destroyed and to bring it on a higher level we have to pay (more tax, higher prices of gasoline). And of course we have to pay for the gulf-war. And although we have to spend a lot of money for the things mentioned above, we give a credit over some millions of DM to Jordania, maybe you know, a pro-Iraq country!! I can't understand this!!! - Tell me something about your typical day... - My typical day starts at 7 AM (weekdays) when I stand up and prepare for school. On most days I return from school at 11.30 AM and drive to the postoffice to get my sendings. When I arrive home I check them out and doing things like writing interviews for diskmags and so on. In the afternoon I copy the stuff and send it back. Sometimes I do something for school (very seldom), visit friends and such things. The most evenings I spend my time in our local pubs in order to drink some beer have a chat etc. Normally my weekday ends at 23 pm. (continues in next article) (continues from previous article) - Sanity is still a 100% German group. Maybe do you want to keep a certain image? - Yes you are right, till now Sanity is a 100% german group. But this has nothing to do that we don't want members in other countries, but till now nobody from another country has asked us to join Sanity. That's the only reason. So to everybody out of Germany, if you are a cool and good guy and want to join a cool demogroup, contact us!!! - What plans does Sanity have for the future? - Hmm. Our intentions for the future are to make better and better demos, to get more known in the scene, maybe to become the best demogroup in Germany. (Who knows???) Of course we will go on making packs and our famous BlahBlah!!! Don't be afraid!!! Look out for more and more Sanity releases in the future!!! - All your musics have very strange melodies. Why? Do ya wanna try a new style? - I think every composer wants to make this style of music, which he listens to in his sparetime. So my favourite kind of music is Techno and Electric Body Music, and I also make this kind of music on Amiga. I try very often to make a new sound by working on samples (higher the volume, cuts, reverse, echos etc) so I try to make a music, which doesn't sound like another music on Amiga (the Style). Of course there are only few people who like my music (I thing only people who like Techno and EBM) but I don't care!!! I like it and I have fun while composing and thats the most important point, FUN!!! I would never try to make sounds of another style only to satisfy someones taste of music. - Soon you'll have to go to the army...Tell me what you know about it, in Germany. Is it possible to avoid the military service? - That's right, I have to go to the army. Of course you can avoid it, but you have to do socialservices instead of the army. I've chosen the army, because it's 3 month shorter than the socialservice and you have a slightly chance not to be called up (6:4), because they want to decrease the number of soldiers here in Germany. If you are lucky, you don't have to go to them. I hope I will be lucky!!!!!! - What kind of musicprogram do you use? - I only use Noisetracker2.0. In my opinion it's the best musiceditor. Of course I tried to make some music with synthetic soundeditors, but it's too hard to make music with'em and every song sounds similar. - Anything else to say...greetz/fuckings and so on... - I just want to say hello to all contacts of Sanity and to all Techno freax all around the world!!! Special Hellos to all members of Sanity. Okay that's all, Zodiac says bye!!! JOB CORNER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loctite is looking for CODERS and SWAPPERS in SF! We also need SECTIONS ABROAD! Contact Chuck-D for that! Chuck Dee Kalevankatu 10 d 31 80110 Joensuu Finland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= Joining =- A new group called Terradon is looking for coders, musix, swappers. Write to: Pixel/Terradon Lonnvagen 14 43010 Tvaaker Sweden ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WANTED ************** Coders, GFX artists and other people who think they can be useful. You must prove yourself with high quality and original ideas. If you believe that you are the right man for this, contact: JAMMAS HQ. SORGARDSVAGEN 91 332 00 GISLAVED SWEDEN REMEMBER: FRIENDSHIP RULES !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASH PRODUCTION UK SEEKS ALL TYPES OF MEMBERS SUCH AS: CODERS, GFX ARTISTS, MUSICIANS AND SWAPPERS IF YOU ARE COOL AND WANT TO JOIN US THEN WRITE OR SEND SAMPLES OF YOUR WORK TO: PARADROID 21 FLINT COURT ELLESMERE PORT SOUTH WIRRAL L65 9DS * ELITE + UK GUYS ONLY * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARGON UK DO YOU WANNA JOIN THE UK CREW OF * A R G O N * IF YES THEN WRITE TO THE HQ AT THIS ADDRESS...... AGENT X 19 ASHBOURNE GROVE MORECAMBE LANCS LA3 3NH ENGLISH GUYZ ONLY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOUBLE TROUBLE IS SEARCHIN' COOL GFX-WIZARDS.. SO IF YA'RE COOL ENOUGH WRITE TO: PK 56 ACIBADEM ISTANBUL TURKEY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** * **** **** *** | VEGA (yes, the publisher of this magazine!) is looking ** * ** ** ** * | for a VERY COOL gfx-man! If you think you're the right ** * **** ** * **** | one send your examples to: F.Rizzi - V.Vescovado 39 ** * ** ** * ** * | I-35141 Padova - Italy. *** **** **** ** * | We won't return any disk (except if we decide you're OK!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** LOCTITE ** is looking 4 new members all over the globe! Coders and musicians especially wanted!!! Just write to: Hot gun of Loctite Vihurintie 4 80160 Joensuu Finland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************* * * * * ********** * * Duke/EQX * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * ***** ******* ****** * * * ****** * * * POWERLORDS, THE NEW AGE, some guyz from SCOOPEX and RED SECTOR, and other people founded a new ELITE CREW called E Q U I N O X We search for some new members like coders, sounders, gfxians, crackers, sysops,... If ya are 1 of them, write us (only elite): EQUINOX SWISS-HQ PO BOX 205, 1662 MOLESON, SWITZERLAND EQUINOX SWEDEN-HQ Solrosgatan 4, 575 36 EKSJO, SWEDEN EQUINOX NORWAY-HQ PO BOX 4186, 7002 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY EQUINOX UK-HQ 14 Aitkenbrae drive, prestwick.Ayrshire Scotland, KA9 IBT, ENGLAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARTEMIS are looking for modem swappers and sysops (must have 14400 bps modem or faster) also trainer makers and of course all good coders are welcome Contact our HQ at: BOX 45 735 Eskifjordur Iceland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Too many diskmags??? By Sterling/Savage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you read one of these fuckin' boring interviews in one of these mags you always can read a sentence like that: there are too many diskmags. Maybe that's true but it doesn't matter a lot. I have never heard that somebody died b'coz he got too much of these mags on disk. It's the same with the demos and the games... there are also too much but nobody writes that there are too many games or cli-packs. No, they always tell shit about the mags. Of coz it's gettin' harder for the mags to find good editors when more and more mags come out and sometimes there will just remain a few mags, because the bad ones won't get enough articles to release a good mag. Mags with more than five releases or so will stay forever but I think that mags aren't gettin' better with the time. I think that the first Zine releases have been better than the new ones, also Freedom Crack issue number 1 was the best ever made, at least I think so. Something total lame are the wars between the mags (Zine-CJ, ...) because I think this is a real shit when these editors begin to fight against each other only because the write for a other mag. I tell ya to stop such shit like the 'There are too much' sentence because there are millions of people on our fuckin' earth and nobody said to you: There are too much children, that's why we will kill ya. Think about it and then go on telling shit... See ya all in hell... heaven's too good for us! Interview with Paranoid/Zerodefects By Filippetto/Vega ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Questions by Filippetto, answers by Paranoid (guess!) Typed in by Paranoid (thanx pal!) Q Introduce yourself please! - Where I have to introduce myself?! Maybe in a sweet french pussycat?! Oh Yeah! Nice idea! Ok...let be serious...(since I know that this is a very serious magazine, for childrens too!). Well, my name is Francesco, I am a longdicked/nice/goodlooking/anarchist/doors maniac/fun lover male with 18 summers behind! My life is the normal life of people from my age (girls hunting all the time...) and when I feel strange or crazy I turn on my machine (I called it PATRIZIA!) and try to get workin' a strange program called ASM-ONE... Q Tell me something about your history as a group. - Well, I guess you want to know something about 0dfx origins... Everything started when some guys went out of theirs caves...yes caves! It was many hundreds years ago...they realized that life was very hard out of their caves, so decided to join together and fight enemies...but I think I got it too far! To make it short: many centuries later some guys went in the same situation...we joined together because of special feelings between us relations to Amiga and scene are still important for us, Zerodefects will survive as we are joined for FRIENDSHIP, not for the SCENE! Q I've seen that ya have a new coder in Sassari. Can you tell me something about him? - are talkin' about GIORGIO?! Yes, he's a very nice guy... I talked some times with him on the phone and he seem to be very cool! Probably we'll meet soon at our fire-circle (you know the caves...) But I guess you want to know something more the moment he's working on a demo (nothing special for italian standards, we know!) but lately he's getting some breaks (too many girls?) anyway look for something by him soon! Also any SODOM or METAL maniac can contact him... Q What's doing actually Terminator? And Xenio? - Terminator? You really want to know what he's doing?! Well, wait a moment.... I'll give him a call! (NO JOKING!) RING!!! RING!!! P: Aoh! T: Aoh! P: Filippo vuole sapere cosa stai facendo! (Filippo wants to know what you're doing!) T: Sto guardando SAMARCANDA registrato ieri su uno dei miei TRE vhs! (I am looking to SAMARCANDA, recorded yesterday from one of my THREE vhs!) P: E Sandro? (and Xenio?) T: E' al suo negozio. (he's into his shop...(COMPUTER SHOP!)) The rest is CENSORED! Ok, are you satistied?! Anyway you asked for it! (continues in next article) (continues from previous article! Phew!) Q Yep, now I'm satisfied! By the way (?!), tell me the reason why ya always had probs with IBB...You claim to be a friendship group but ya have been in war with them. - Things changed a bit lately...both of us don't care so much now, and we follow our ways alone. Why everything started? I can't give you a real answer but I can say one thing for sure: when it started it went on so fast that we couldn't (or we wont!) stop it! Yes! We are and we'll be so long a group based on FRIENDSHIP! But this means that WE are all good friends each other, this doesn't mean that we have to be pleasant with everyone...some of us had hard feelings with some guys in IBB and both the whole groups went involved. For example, E$G(IBB) is one of my best friend in the scene, we had some hard moments too, but we respect and rely each other and that's the most important thing! Do you agree?! Q Yes of course. But why you always ask me something? This had to be something like a serious interview...Boooooooo! (Thank you for the handkerchief) I know that you are coding a game. Tell me its purposes and when it will be ready. - You better say...I WAS coding a game! At the moment I just coded the levels editor but I am too lazy and busy to work on it at the moment! Grafix are by THE PUNISHER(0dfx) and I got a lot of that...but will I use them one day!? (I know THE PUNISHER will PUNISH me for this!) All in all its just a stupid pac- man variation...nothing more! And i guess it will be ready FEBRUARY the 30th in 1980/1981... (oh! if any software company is interested... contact 0DFX!!) Q Your musician Daniele has been voted #1 musician in Italy... - Yes, i know...but where is the question? Or is it a matter of FACT!?! Anyway Daniele is talented (I think) in his music style (house) but you know I (we..) don't belive in charts! Q Your mag Funzine stopped at issue #3! Can you tell me why, since I think it was going really well? - There is still some people who remember Funzine?! Well, as you can guess we didn't thought so! After issue 3 i improved the coding, Reflex did a fab new graphic and we collected some articles, too! But we talked a lot on the phone and decided that it wasn't a good thing to go on...if we'll start it again... everything will be different! Keep tuned... Q You have also a BBS called it only for demos or also for games'n'trainers? - When DR.SAM bought his BIG modem he decided to open our own board. The name is by me (who else!?): BROTHERHOOD! That's what the whole BBS is based on! It's supposed to be a sort of 0DFX fans place! Its main function is to provide the masses with our latest warez...that means everything can be thrown out from our factories (demos, trains, cracks, drugs, alchool, tapes, fun...) (and again continues in next article) (Aaargh! Continues from previous article) Q Phonephreaking: criminal or not? - Phonephreaking? What's that?! I think I eaten it some time ago! Its not a food?! Oh, ITS CRIMINAL!??? NO! NO! I am a serious child! My mum says I have to respect the law! I'll never do something OUT of LAW! Q Future projects of ZD. - First of all we want to organize one fire-circle meeting and to dance on fire...than we plan to spend a lot of our time together this summer and to visit some good pardies! All in all we want to spend more and more time to get fun together and less to un-important things (like making 200 bobs in spite of 199!). Q Are ya planning a copy party? If not, what do you think to do at the next SMAU? - NO! We'll never (i think!) organize a copy-party! We plan to visit some of them until 1991 ends and to have some internal meetings. Next SMAU is still too far, probably we'll decide to come and meet again some good friends! (Hi FABIO, PINO, SERGIO, GABRIELE, ROMANO, LUCA...) Q Last words/greetz... - First of all sorry if this interview went so long... we showed, we can send hellos to our friends on our own demos, so no greets here! Just two messages: From PARANOID to FRANZ: Hello dad! (or i better call you grandpa?!) From TERMINATOR to ENRICO: Ciao Enrico...anche se hai gli occhiali! Well, I think that's enough! Just one final sentence: EVERYTHING THAT GOT A PRICE, HAVE NO VALUE! ...AND FRIENDSHIP HAVE NO PRICE! YOUR GUIDE TO BOOZING #1 By Playboy/Prologic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is your guide to boozing once again written by your expert on this subject Playboy of Prologic. Today we are goint to focus on drinks including Gin. Let us start the show. AVIATION 4 Cl Gin 2 Cl Squezed lemon 2 Splaches of Maraschino Shake together with crushed ice, and serve in cocktail glass. BLACK OUT 4 Cl Gin 2 Cl Peter Heering 2 Splashes of squezed lemon Shake together with crushed ice, and serve in cocktail glass. CASABLANCA 4 Cl Gin 4 Splashes of Maraschino 4 Spl of squezed lemon 4 Spl of squezed orange Shake together with crushed ice, and serve in cocktail glass. COLONIAL COCKTAIL 4 Cl Gin 2 Cl Squezed Grapefruit 2 Spl of Maraschino Shake, and serve in cocktail glass. CORPS REVIVER 2 Cl Gin 2 Cl Lemon 2 Cl Orange 2 Spl Grenadine 2 Spl Ricard Pastis Shake, and serve in middle sized glass, and fill up with champagne. CRESTA CLUB 4 Cl Gin 2 Cl Grapefruit 2 Spl Yellow Grand Marnier Shake together with crushed ice, and serve in cocktail glass. (don't drink'em all in the same evening! continues in next article) (the hangover continues...from previous article) DRY MERMAID MARTINI 4 Cl Gin 1 Cl Peter Heering Shake together with crushed ice, and serve in cocktail glass. DUBONNET COCKTAIL 3 Cl Gin 3 Cl Dubonnet Shake, and serve in cocktail glass. MAIDEN'S DREAM 3 Cl Gin 3 Cl Ricard Pastis 1 Tea-spoon of Grenadine Shake together with crushed ice, and serve in cocktail glass. ORANGE BLOSSOM 3 Cl Gin 3 Cl Orange Shake together with crushed ice, and serve in cocktail glass. RED LION 2 Cl Gin 2 Cl Yellow Grand Marnier 1 Cl Lemon 1 Cl Orange Shake together with crushed ice, and serve in cocktail glass. WHITE LADY 2 Cl Gin 2 Cl Yellow Grand Marnier 2 Cl Lemon Shake, and serve in cocktail glass. Well that ends this part of Your Guide to Boozing, please note, that I am not responsible for ANY of these drinks. Don't blame me if you get a hangover. I'll be back next time with Your Guide to boozing 2 specially about how to mix drinks with rum. Have a nice day. Interview to Dr. Magnum of Icecream By Playboy/Prologic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before this interview starts I have to warn you. This interview is NOT to be taken too seriously... BE WARNED Hi there Magnum! Here you are, the first assignment: please state your name, group, age, function, etc. etc. etc. I'm Mr. MAGNUM of ICECREAM. I am 22 years old and I am the brain in ICECREAM. Very funny indeed, but who are the members in ICECREAM ?, and what are their functions? Well I can't tell you their names because of their secret identity, but they are all coders. Secret identity! WHY? They don't want anyone to know who they are, infact the names are so secret, that I am not sure if they know the names themselves. How is your relationship with the other members? They accept me as their groupie. Is friendship an important thing in your group? Yes of course. All the girlies like me very much. What hardware do you have? Amiga 500, PH8833 monitor, additional ram, external 3.5 diskdrive, a keyboard, and a midi-interface. How do you raise the money? I sell icecream. How much time do you spend in front of your computer per day? At least 2 hours! Have you had experiences with other computers? Yes I started in 1979 with a VIC 20 and later I bought A C64. I said computers, not garbage... Well if that's your opinion of an old computer, I am happy to inform you, that they are now where they belong: ON THE JUNKYARD. How much does "computing" cost you ( phonebill, stamps etc. )? It cost me nothing, I have a very good sponsor. Who is your sponsor? What am I an idiot? I would never ruin their good reputation. Have you ever had trouble with the Police, Post office etc. NO I HAVE NOT (YET) How many contacts do you have? How many? Well around 400 give or take a few (hundred) How many parties have you visited?, and which one was the best? I can't remember, but I think, that your party will be one of the best. Your opinion of diskmags, are there too many?, Which one is the best? Sorry, but I really don't care about diskmags. You see, I can't read. Now I am going to give you a clue, and you should just add a short comment to each one: That's ok with me. (continues in next article...) (continues from previous article...) Here we go: Megademos... THEY ARE THE GREATEST DEMOS IN THE WORLD Drugs...THEY ARE FOR LAMERS Faked Stamps...VERY usefull. PLB:Piracy...GREAT Friendship...With girls it is beautifull Boozing...ZZZZZZ WAKE UP!! next topic: Conferences...Conferences, I LOVE EM The Scene In General...WHAT, Ok It's....... And now to something completely different.....At last! Well Magnum, How would you define a lamer? A lamer is a person who only have an old CBM 64 and a CBM 1530 cassette recorder. Now here is the fun part. Your favorite: I hope it is nothing stupid. Well that depends on you. Let us start with your favorite group. PROLOGIC (Ed: You know I actually DIDN'T force him to say that.) Coder: GONZO OF FLASH PRODUCTION Why? Because he is good! Gfx. Wizard: Mr. Magnum Well it is always nice to believe in yourself. Musician Look above! Now he is overdoing it a bit. Don't you think? Real Music: Technotronic and Depeche Mode Favourite game: Kick off rules forever!!! Most used utility: Kickstart V1.3 Nicest diskmag around...: I Don't know. As I said, I can't read. Best real mag: Playboy there are pictures in them. I quite agree with you on that, and some very nice piccys too. What is your favorite comic? SADDAM HUSSEIN ???? Your best VHS Die Hard and Blood Sport. Beer Label: TUBORG Alcoholic Drink: WHISKEY Your favorite food: ICECREAM Now I want you to tell me about your worst nightmare. I dreamt, that I was a lamer. (ed: But was it a dream??) And One last question. What are your other hobbies? (if any) GIRLS, GIRLS, and if I've got time maybe more girls. That is an interesting hobby, and THAT'S IT!! This interview has FINALLY come to an end. Is there one last thing you want to say to all your fans out there? I'm VERY sorry to tell you, that while I have been doing this interview, my whole group have been destroyed, because a flash have struck all of their Amigas. So I guess, that ICECREAM is out of business, at least for a while. BUT do not worry I will be back, so look out for the sign. Mr. Magnum of (The former??) ICECREAM says: TAKE CARE, AND TAKE IT COOL. Well enough have been said, and no more to say (or write), so once again I want to thank you for reading this crap. A special note to all my friends. IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED BY NOW I HAVE LEFT ACID, AND I AM NOW A MEMBER OF PROLOGIC DK. PLEASE NOTE, that this interview was done while having a party. Therefore the VERY poor quality. Also this was done JUST FOR FUN!!! Interview with Rioter of Equinox By Playboy/Prologic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there Rioter. Will you please introduce yourself. My name is Rioter, and I am a member of the group Equinox. I am 16 years young. My function in Equinox is Organizing, Coding, (look out for my new demo called Levithan) and a little bit swapping. Yeah I have seen your Levithan demo, and it is very nice for only 6 days of coding. Can you tell me something about Equinox. How many members are you, and what are their functions? We are about 50-60 members worldwide even though we have only existed for 3 weeks. Our group was formed by some members from Scoopex, Red Sector, Powerlords, and new age. In sweden we are 5 members: Mr. Palmer (Music, Gfx), Agnuz (Code, Gfx), Pentangle (Music), Arcade (Code, Swap), and Rioter (Organizer, Code, and little Swap). Thank you VERY much for not writing all the members, just imagine how long this interview would be... But anyway how is your relationship with the other members? Is friendship important in your group? Octon, the organizer in Norway is a very good friend. I have only met him once, but we often speak on the phone. The same to Opus and Tripwire in the UK. Then Mr. Palmer is an old and very good friend of mine. We have met each other several times, he is also drawing the graphics and composing the music to my game. Anyway of course friendship is important. It is the whole point of hacking. Friendship is actually the reason why I am in the scene. Well it sounds like you have a very good relationship with the other members. By the way, what hardware do you use? I've got an Amiga 500 with Kickstart 1.2 / 1.3, 512 Kb Chip Mem, 512 Kb Fast Mem, a CBM 1084 monitor. I also have a MPS 1224C printer and an external drive plus of course tons of disks all over my room. Pheeew, that was quite alot to say at one time so here's an easy one for you. How much time do you spend on your computer per day? That is very different from day to day. It is everything from 2 hours to 23 hours. Ok I can understand, that you are limited to 24 hours per day, BUT I have actually found out a way to have up to 30 hours per day. The secret, well actually it is quite simple, just crunch the time with an ordinary cruncher (Time-killer) It works just like a disk, smart eh! CUT THE CRAP. Were you ever active on the old 64? Yes of course, but not long enough to be famous. I know just how you feel, and I don't want to talk about that period either. You mentioned something about phonecalls to e.g. Norway and UK. How much do you actually spend on your computer (Phonebill, stamps etc.)? Phonebills are no problem because my parents pay them He, He.... BUT I do have to pay for the stamps. About $50 per month. I can only say you lucky bastard. I would be more than happy if my stamp-bill, and my phonebill were that small, but unfortunately.... Have you ever been in trouble with the Police, Postoffice etc.? I have had trouble with the police, but that has nothing to do with hacking. I had some trouble with the postoffice too, when I was faking stamps, but they didn't do much. They just told me to stop faking. (continues in next article) (continues from previous article) You were pretty lucky back there, right? But how many contacts do you have? At the moment I have about 30 good and fast contacts. How many parties have you visited, and which one was the best? I'm not sure, but I think there are so many I can't count them, but the best organized was the easter conference '90. I can understand, that you are having problems with counting them. (I was never good at counting either.) Another thing that is difficult to count, is the number of diskmags. What to you think about them? Are there too many? Which one is the best? I don't think that there are too many, but some disk-mags are of a very bad quality. It is always nice to get different points of view. In my opinion Zine is the best mag at the moment. Well that is more or less my opinion too, but I don't think, that quality is a problem. If the mags are of a poor quality they will not last very long. Now here is one of the funny parts of this interview. I am going to give you a hint, and then you should just add some comments. Let us start out with MEGADEMOS. I think it is better to put all effort needed to make a megademo into a single demo. Hopefully the quality will be better then. DRUGS...Shit, Shit, Shit and fuck the users!!!! FAKED STAMPS...Sooner or later you'll get caught... FRIENDSHIP...That is VERY important. NO FRIENDSHIP = NO FUN. BOOZING...Sometimes I enjoy it (He, He). CONFERENCES...Very nice, you meet all your friends in the scene. MODEM TRADING...That can be good if you need a program very fast, but it destroys the friendship. Well enough about that crap. Here is a hard one for you. How would you describe a Lamer? A lamer is a guy, who thinks, that he is the coolest and best guy around. He always boast about everything he has done, but probably 99% are lies. He has probably never asked a girl for a date. Geee.. That sounds really lame. Now it is time for your favorite... GROUP: Kefrens. CODER: Promax GFX WIZARD: Uno MUSICIAN: Walkman REAL MUSIC: J.M. Jarre and Guns'n'Roses GAME: Lemmings TOOL: AsmOne DISK MAG: Zine (ed:$%^&^#@#$@%&^*) REAL MAG: Hustler and Playboy (NO, I don't think they named it after you...) COMIC: Don Martin and MAD BEER: Elephant ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Malibou FOOD: Chinese and Pizza. (continues in next article) Well now we don't want to ruin the whole interview by this crap, so I guess I must ask you about a horrible thing.. YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE.... That would be to wake up in bed the day after a party, and realise, that you actually slept with the uglyest girl at the party. Bwwwaaaaddddrrrrr... THAT WAS HORRORFYING!!!!!! and now to something completely different. Tell me about your other hobbies, if any.. I train karate, and then i'm very found of girls, but i'm that kind of guy, who prefers the romantic way instead of the fast fuck. Now there are some healthy interrests, I would very much like to continue, but unfortunatly I ran out of questions, and have to end here. Is there a special message for all your fans out there? Just remember, that all COOL ELITE guys can reach me at +46-381-15745. Great. Thank you very much for answering these few(?) questions, and don't forget our party. Mega Interview to Hawkeye/Prologic!!! By Playboy/Prologic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there Hawkeye, let's cut the crap and get down to business. Please introduce yourself. Well that shouldn't bee too hard. My name is Hawkeye, and I am a member of the main-division of Prologic. (ed: The danish one) I am 15 years old and my main activities are swapping and spreading. Tell me some more about Prologic. How many members are you, and what are their functions? I don't know exactly how many members we are, because we have got a lot of new members, but I think we are aprox. 30 members worldwide. Their functions are: 15 coders, 3 Gfx-men, 4 Musicians, 4 Swappers, and 1 Designer. We are spread over 5 countries: Denmark, Germany, Norway, Finland, and Kuwait(?) Yes I guess it is hard to tell if your division in Kuwait is still rolling, but let us hope they're ok. That brings us to the next question. How is your relationship with the other members of Prologic? I have only talked with them over the phono, except for one, but we are all friends, friendship is VERY important in our group. I agree on that subjtect, friendship is indeed THE MOST important thing in the scene. By the way what hardware do you have? Well, I have got an A-500 with all expansions. No more to say. At least I don't think it's the hardware which counts. You can have an A-3000 with 8 MB, and still be a lamer. Yes, that is right, but just imagine if that equipment fell into the right hands... Talking about lamers, what do you think of lamers? That's easy. If there were no loosers, there would be no winners. That is perfectly true, but check this. If there were no winners there would be no loosers. (he,he) How much time do you spend on your computer? All my spare time. No more, no less. That is a VERY long time considering your activities regarding homework. Ho, Ho, Ho... Now I must ask you to remember a time, which you must look back on. The (good?) old days on da Commodore 64. Were you ever active in the C64 scene? Active and active... I have of course been on the C64 before the Amiga age, but I only had 10-12 contacts. Well that is just another guy, who doesn't look at the C-64 days as the golden days. Perhaps you're right? How many contacts have you actually got right now, and what do you swap? I have aproximately 65-70 contacts, but only 10-15 are standard contacts. I swap everything with them. Writing long letters, swapping beers, and so on. I think it would be VERY sad, if you only swapped disks + standard letters. Yeah!!! FUCK standard letters. Quite a few contacts you've got there, how much do you spend on stamps per month? It cost me SO much. At least too much. I think every hobby is expensive, but specially being active in the Amiga scene as a swapper is VERY expensive. YES the everlasting problem of expensive stamps, and unpaid phone bills... I know that problem too well myself. Have you ever been in trouble with the police, because of swapping? Never. (Lucky me eh') (continues in next article) (continues from previous article) Lucky? I have the feeling, that the Danish police doesn't do much about swapping at all, but anyway we have to move on to the next part of this interview. It is time for me to give you a clue, and then it is up to you to add a few comments.. O.K? The first word is MEGADEMOS... I just love megademos, but I think it is better to make a onedisk megademo which is very great, than making a demo on two disks which is only standard. DRUGS... Bad stuff! FAKED STAMPS... I used them a while, but then I was caught and now I don't paint stamps anymore. PIRACY... I hate games so I don't care. FRIENDSHIP... The best in the scene. BOOZING... I just love that. (Remember your meeting Playboy?) CONFERENCES... Great. At partys & conferences you can meet your friends and booze a lot. I have only been to two parties. Bounty's (An OK Party) and Aero's (YUCK) so I have missed the best. (RSI+TSL, Dexions, etc.) MODEM TRADING... It destroyes mailtrading. You can't write or get letters. By the way, have you ever heard about beerswapping on modem? THE SCENE IN GENERAL... Everybody is talking about good old days on the 64. But at that time there were also wars and stufftrading. PHEEEEW.... that was all of that shit. And now to something completely different... This one is just to give you a little break. Tell me about your worst nightmare... When my Amiga broke down and I had no money for the repair. I just hoped it had been a dream, but this was a real nightmare. And now to something completely different. (again?) This is the fun part of every interview. Your favourite, we might as well hit it.... Your favorite: GROUP: Anarchy. They have got soo many cool members like: Dan, 4-mat, Kreator, Teeze, Mr. Big etc. CODER: I really like lots of coders. Promax, Gonzo, Metallion, Delta, and Slayer are among the very best. GFX. WIZARD: I think Kefrens' new member Slash is very great, but also Joe and Reward are two cool dudes. (PHEW! continues in the next article! The 3rd part!) (continues from previous article) MUSICIAN: 4-mat, Jesper Kyd, Nightlight, Dr. Awesome and Romeo Knight are great. It is difficult to pick. REAL MUSIC: I just love Depeche Mode. But also Hip-Hop and techno sounds are great. UTILITY: Dpaint + Noisetracker are the best utilities ever. DISKMAG: Zine is very good, (ed: &^$^%^%*&&^) but also Freedom Crack, (ed: That's more like it) I.C.E. and DISC are good magazines. REAL MAG: Yeah, I like PLAYBOY (ed: It is always nice to know, that somebody likes you. He, he) COMIC: MAD is the best comic. At least I think so. VHS: I really like Lethal Weapon 2. BEER LABEL: Tuborg X-mas is good, BUT Warsteiner is better. ALCOHOLIC DRINK: Finlandia vodka 4ever!!! FOOD: Pizza is good, but the taste of a good red steak... Ok Huckeye (he,he) let us fuck this motherfucking subject, and let us get down to some serious business again. What are your other hobbies, if any? Boozing with my friends, hunting chicks, and so on. Yes I can remember that.. Once upon a time in the city of Middelfart DK.... I think I'll skip the rest cos it will just fill the whole mag, but read the AERO PARTYREPORT for further info. This interview has finally come to an end. Many thanks to Hawkeye for answering these few (He, he) questions, and if there is anything you would like to say to all your friends out there, now is your chance... Keep up the good work folks. Thanx to Playboy for this interview. Greetings to all my friends. See ya at our party! Well I hope you have all enjoyed reading this interview as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I have just one small remark to make. You are most certanly wondering why there two editors by the name of Playboy. Well there are not. The reason is, that I made this interview, and some other articles some time ago. And meanwhile I joined the rowdy group of Prologic DK. I hope you are not too confused. Enough have been said, and no more to say. SWAPPING HINTS! (Hellraiser/Defcon 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surely all ILLEGAL swappers of ya freaks out there know the problem with the police in ya hometown. You are on your way from the post to ya home. Ya got some sendinx and will now check the new disx. Suddenly the doorbell is ringing and your mother is runing out of the kitchen to open the door fastly. Then you hear some strong voices, talking about illegal copies of computer programs and that they can search the house. Ya are packed by panic. Slowly ya turn off ya computer, cut the 500 letters wich are lying in the whole room. The water is flowing down from ya head and ya suddenly destroy the newest stuff with an old rake. You hear the cops opening the door and now it's all to late. The only thing ya can do in that moment is to pray to God. So, I'll now type down some swapping hints, and if you follow them you are surely saved from the police. - 1.) Never use your private address if ya swap any kind of illegal stuff. (If the police will get it in their fingers, the only thing ya can do is to pray) - 2.) Never contact any guys out of an paper magazine like happy or asm, coz a lot of software firms are advertising in them. I think that it's not so good to ask a software company about illegal swapping. - 3.) Never send ya telephone number to any of ya contacts. If you do it, then write them in HEX! - 4.) Don't write the addresses from ya contax in address books (If the police get the book, you can make your own tomb, coz your contacts will surely send bombs and rockets to ya!) - 5.) Only use address coders, coz the cops are not able to find out the pass words for the addresses! - 6.) Don't have so many illegal coppies in ya room. Only the things ya need. The other crap ya can put in the cellar or in ya parents sleeping-room! - 7.) Destroy the letters from ya contacts if ya wrote back to them! - 8.) Change more often ya Plk-Address and especially when the police found the old one. - 9.) Please be patient on copy parties. Don't give ya address to all guys and remember that more and more parties are visited by the police! - 10.)If ya are at ya local post office to get some sendings and the man tells ya to come with him coz one sending is damaged, then take your legs under your arms and run away as fast as possible! So, that was it. I hope that ya will follow my hints. DARKSIDE Contact Mandrake/WRAITH Swap with the UK's for hot swapping at: coolest: CRACK UK Is searching 4 cool contacts! 27 Thornton Road Magic Mushroom/Crack UK Write to: Morecambe 21 Stanley Road Lancashire Morecambe ZIBE of DARKSIDE LA4 5PD Lancashire Peukaloisentie 6A5 England LA3 1UP 00820 Helsinki Do it now! ENGLAND Finland Say no to cocaine, No lamers! I wanna swap wiv ya! Say yes to Crack! Bronx Warrior/Pussy UK 106 Lancaster Road Morecambe Lancashire LA4 5QN England ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you wanna SWAP or BUY the latest Sterling M U S I C tapes then giva ya ass a kick and P.O.Box 46 contact me as fast as ya can! A-8607 Kapfenberg T A P E S Rap,Hip Hop,House,Mixes,Indy,Synth,... Austria ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact LOCTITE for Chuck Dee Wal Hot Gun elite swapping: Kalevankatu 10 d 31 Torikatu 28 b 21 Vihurintie 4 -Loctite- as perverse 80110 Joensuu 80100 Joensuu 80160 Joensuu as they wanna be... Finland Finland Finland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact TDA/Exult for swapping Hey dudes! Swap 3.5 and ADDONIC! the latest LEGAL warez under: 5.25 warez with DESIRE Blasting your mind! PLK 007436 D Write to: Martyn Contact us for W-5024 Pulheim Torenakker 10 swapping at: Germany 5731 CC Mierlo Kastetskogen 66 Only cool elite dudes!!! Holland 3200 Sandefjord Long letters = 100% answer Disk(s) = 100% reply Norway ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Soul of Intuition' For swapping latest VHS: Reckons that you should contact him. MICK/AERO Why? I hear you ask.....Well it's Nyborgvej 13 pretty simple really. 5750 Ringe If you wanna trade the latest Amiga Denmark stuff then I'm sure you'll call me ------------------------------------------- Write to: Soul, Wanna swap with a hot and fast guy 20, Moelyn Mews, Harrow, from Sweden? If so write to: Middlesex, England HA1 2RD. I'm only interested if you wanna X3M/Rage deal in more than just a few disks Lenvadersgatan 1 at a time. Send me your list, S-417 35 Gothenburg you'll get mine. Send me stuff, Sweden you'll get stuff. Easy! Enclose a disk for 100% answer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************** Contact Sper of IBB for long ************** J A M M A S ************** letters and for swapping everything! ***************************************** (inc. Amiga stuff, VHS, chocolate, * WE NEED A GOOD CODER TO JOIN US FAST, * stickers etc. etc.) * EVERY MAN WHO CAN HIS JOB IS WELCOME. * ***************************************** Write to: Spyros Antoniou * WE ALSO WANT A LOT OF CONTACTS FOR * 14 Aristovoulou str * DISK AND VHS-SWAPPING. * P.S. 246 ***************************************** Limassol * CONTACT US AT : * Cyprus * JAMMAS HQ. * ------------------------------------- * SORGARDVAGEN 91 * - Yet again AERO seek new members - * 332 00 GISLAVED * AERO has grown big & is planning to * SWEDEN * grow a lot bigger! So if you feel ***************************************** like joining a cool group, then send * REMEMBER: FRIENDSHIP RULES !!! * us a letter! Please send samples of ***************************************** your work ----------------------------------------- AERO Swapping is AWESOME Poste Restante welcome! For swapping all kind of Amiga-products DK-8800 Viborg Friendship write to the following adds. Denmark rules...always ------------------------------------- PLK 080029 E or PLK 080406 E If you're interested in swapping W-7500 Karlsruhe 1 hot stuff, then don't wait any longer Germany and send to: The Fox/Mystery ----------------------------------------- Bossuytlaan 57 A new norwegian group seeks new and elite 8310 Assebroek-Brugge contacts! Contact Cain of NEON at Belgium ------------------------------------- Lars Eirik Rydland Yo hardware freaks! Why are there so 5103 Seim few HW freaks? Let's swap ideas and Norway schematics! Please no lame stuff like lighting diods for the joystick or so Letter=49.999999999999999999999999% reply See ya! Letter+1 disk=67.09876543212345678% reply Nookey of Section 8 Letter+1 disk with hot stuff=100.0% reply O:A Brackekroken 9 45194 U-A So everybody elite guys out there, write Sweden to me! Remember friendship rules forever You can also phreak me up at: ----------------------------------------- ++46-(0)522-87336 IF YOU'RE INTERESTED THE LATEST VHS FILMS ------------------------------------- THEN WRITE TO: For hot Amiga and VHS swapping: ADEC Exact/Strangers 174 HIGHBURY ROAD Paaskynkuja 4B4 BULWELL 03100 Nummela NOTTINGHAM. NG6 9FF Finland ENGLAND 100% answer with disk or VHS-list ALSO GET IN TOUCH WITH ME IF YOU'RE A I'm not a diskstealer! COOL GRAPHICS ARTIST ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- For swapping the latest write to: END OF CENTURY 1999 ABSENCE World HQ Kolstien 97 JM Daumont 5030 Landaas Poste Restante Norway 34045 Montpellier Polygone France ONLY ELITE! -------------------------------------- or MEGA POWERS (WHQ) Female Blondes where? there! End of Century 1999 Yes Mortals Slash here seraching for PO Box 27 Female Blondes contact me fast! 13500 Martigues Croix Sante or if wish wish to swap Amiga wares + France Female Blondes Posters + Porno mags + Vhs videos then send 240 tape with or two movies and I'll do the same next time. P.O.BOX 156 PAPAKURA, STH End of Century 1999 AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Also looking England HQ (only for membership!) for coders, gfx, music people to 136 Vale Rd, Seaford join Mega-powers. Looking at those Sussex, BN25 3HB female blondes blue eyes just like England a devil inside. Its like a hell. Come on you female blonde come or and light my fire!. -------------------------------------- End of Century 1999 Contact 21, Saddleworth Close ENDLESS PIRACY North Bransholme, Hull, HU75BW under England PLK 091097E ---------------------------------------- W-3300 Braunschweig General of Coma is interested in Germany - cool stuff -------------------------------------- - articles, reports, adds for Coroner of Pirates for our diskmag Scene is interested on cool new contacts all - friendship over the world - and all other Write to: PLK 044797-D Write to: PLK 044797-D 8900 Augsburg 25 8900 Augsburg 25 Germany Germany *** Friendship rulez *** ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- To contact Ecstasy for our latest Wanna swap hot legal stuff?? So send productions write to: disks to: TAURUS of ECSTASY Disaster of Coma 5 Queen Mary Ave, PLK 044792 D Moordown, 8900 Augsburg 25 Bournemouth, Germany Dorset, *** Friendship rulez *** BH9 ITS, -------------------------------------------------- England. ------------------- ************************ ******************** * FOR SWAPPING WITH ME * * YO DUDES!!! * * AGENT X OF ARGON UK * * TO CONTACT * * CONTACT * * BRONX WARRIOR OF * * 19 ASHBOURNE GROVE* * ARGON UK FOR COOL* * MORECAMBE * * SWAPPING * * LANCASHIRE * *------------------* * LA3 3NH * * 106 LANCASTER RD * * ENGLAND * * MORECAMBE * * * * LANCS * * NO DISKS NO HOPE * * LA4 5QN * ************************ *******ENGLAND****** ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ********************* ************************* *CONTACT BEELZEBUB * * FOR FAST SWAPPING * ********************* * MANDRAKE OF ARGON UK * *FOR SWAPPING STUFF!* * * *(DAN) * * 27 THORNTON ROAD * *25 PENNINE VIEW * * MORECAMBE * *GLASSON DOCK * * LANCASHIRE * *NR LANCASTER * * LA4 5PD * *LANCASHIRE * * ENGLAND * *LA2 0AS * ************************* *ENGLAND * ********************* ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- - FLASH PRODUCTION UK SEEKS - TO TRADE COOL STUFF - NEW ELITE MEMBERS SUCH AS:- WRITE TO GONZO - CODERS,MUSICIANS,GFX MEN - OF IMPULSE......... - AND OF COURSE SWAPPERS. - 83 ACRE MOSS LANE - SEND SAMPLES OF WORK TO: - MORECAMBE - PARADROID - LANCASHIRE - 21 FLINT COURT - LA4 4ND - ELLESMERE PORT - ENGLAND - SOUTH WIRRAL - ---------------------------------------- - L65 9DS - E$G of IBB - ENGLISH GUYS ONLY - C.P 61 - NO SWAPPING AND NO LAMERS - I-10099 San Mauro Torinese ------------------------------------- Italy ----FLASH PRODUCTION UK------- - FOR COOL SWAPPING WRITE TO - To swap: Amiga (all but games) 3.5-5.25 - MAGIC MUSHROOM OF - 64 - FLASH PRODUCTION UK - IBM - MAGIC MUSHROOM - K7 (Heavy Metal and Disco Mix) - 21 STANLEY ROAD - VHS (movies - Heavy Metal - MORECAMBE - gigs and clips) - LANCASHIRE - ---------------------------------------- - LA3 1UP - - ENGLAND - ------------------------------------- Contact TARTAR HQ TRIBE for friendship and swapping. New Is looking for: - a cool coder members are also welcome to our new - a great GFX-man group. Everybody can write to: - contacts Aasmund Send a letter and a disc to: Tamburgt. 5b Krueger/TRIBE 3700 Skien Diamant 4 Norway 1703 EV Heerhugowaard The musts are: long letters. Disks are The Netherlands 99.5% answer. Bubblegum are 99.5% 100% reply if there is a disc sent answer. Bubblegum+long letter+disk(s)= 150% answer -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Do you swap TOP NOTCH ** CRYSTAL CLEAR! ** Wants to swap with you Pre-released VHS movies?? Well contact Only interested in games and utilities me NOW! Send your latest on 3.5" or 5 1/4" disks JOGGA/ADDONIC or send lists to the following address 18 Neville Road, All disks returned Priors Park, Tewkesbury, P.O. BOX 825 Glos, CAPALABA, 4157 GL20 5ED QUEENSLAND ENGLAND AUSTRALIA (If your copies look like there ---------------------------------------- decrunching don't bother!) Vote Freedom Crack in every chart U know ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY- HYDRO of FRANTIC IS SEARCHING FOR MORE CONTACTS... IF YOU THINK YOU'RE COOL ENOUGH, SO WHY DON'T WRITE TO: ------------------ C/O KUISMA SF-80910 KULHO FINLAND ------------------ SOME HANDSHAKES TO: TIGER/ENDLESS PIRACY - ZEDY/QUARTEX - PET/DEXION -HAWKEYE/PROLOGIC JAKE/REBELS - FRAP/MAGNETIC FIELDS - TEEZE/ANARCHY - SWAPPERBOY/CRUSADERS GNN/DUAL CREW - ALF/PALACE - YEGGMAN/UNTOUCHABLES - DARKCAVE/ADDONIC ZICE/LEGEND - ROB/CYCRON - CRUZIFIX/ENERGY AND ALL OTHERS... -ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY-ELITE ONLY- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZEUS! Contact Zendo of Zeus for swapping high quality stuff! Write to: Zendo Postlagernd CH-2500 Biel3 Please, elite only! C O N T A C T For swapping Amiga demos, utilities A U S T R A L I A ' S F I N E S T and cool Hip-Hop tapes write to me: I N S A N I T Y Joker (don't write this) Renegade The Radiance Axelssonssv. 14 1/30 Weld St P.O. Box 395 66300 Skoghali Northam, 6401 Yarawonga, 3730 Sweden W.A. Victoria Australia Australia And hey... don't hesitate! Disk + letter + list + sunglasses + colt 45 + Jinxer *---------* Coca Cola + synthesizer = 100% answer 31 Maxwell St | Amiga | ---------------------------------------- Kalgoorlie, 6430 | Videos | Hi you all! If ya want to contact W.A. | Alcohol | Default, write to: Default Australia *---------* Alamaentie 587 29310 Kaasmarkku Only Elite & No Disx = No Reply Finland Letter with disk(s) 100% answer 'Insanity' - 'It's Spreading' ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- F.A.X. of LOCTITE is looking 4 much Hooligan of Double Trouble is contacts! If you think ya are cool, looking for cool contacts. then feel free to write me! Also gfx-men needed! F.A.X. of LCT Write to: --------------- TANULA PK 56 - - 73120 NERKOO ACIBADEM/ISTANBUL - Pk 56 - FINLAND NO DISK=NO FUN TURKEY - ACIBADEM - ---------------------------------------- % 100 Answer! - ISTANBUL - Contact Loctite 4 hot swapping! For % 100 Disks back! - TURKEY - joining take a look at job corner! -------------------------------------- Hot Gun of LCT Howdy dudes! Here's an astonishing Vihurintie 4 chance to contact 80160 Joensuu QUACKBUSTER/STATIC BYTES Finland No disk=no fun - ELITE guys should write to: - ---------------------------------------- Rasmus Hougaard Guldbergsgade 6 8600 Silkeborg DENMARK! If you write a long letter and/or send own-made prods, chance to receive an answer will be highly improved! -------------------------------------- ***********JUST*FOR*FUN************* If YOU know that the MEANING OF LIFE is 42 O O then you must contact to the BIGGEST N HI I'm Searching more contacts N ASSHOLE in the whole Finland. L over the globe. L -- ED-209 of EXOTIC MEN -- Y DAXER OF IRIS (don't forget) Y Also for swapping long (!) letters, beer, * 6 KP * cigarettes, alcoholics, drugs, VHS-movies L 73100 Lapinlahti L and ABSOLUTELY LATEST LEGAL STUFF E FINLAND E Address: ED-209 G G Tommi Rinne (DON'T FORGET!) A NO DISK = NO ANSWER A Kp 6 L L 63300 Alavus ***********JUST*FOR*FUN************* Finland ------------------------------------ LONG letter + disk or beer = 200% answer Contact ARCMAGE of ARTEMIS for ! NO MUTANTS ! muzix swap at: Sigurjon ------------------------------------------ Yrsufelli 1 For swapping, exchanging diagrams and 111 RVK buying cheap hardware: Iceland Ezex/Falcons ------------------------------------ Skandeborgvej 150 For fast swapping: DK-8382 Hinnerup - Denmark Falcons ------------------------------------------ Poste Restante Contact REFLECTORS for cool and fast DK-3210 Vejby swapping at: Zingo/Reflectors Denmark Disk= Kullmannsv. 7A ------------------------------------ 100% cool 29135 Kristianstad For elites... swapping Sweden Society Or call me at: +46-(0)44-100877 Kirnukj. 2E 20 ------------------------------------------ 70780 Kuopio *** The Humanoid of SpaceCake Inc. *** Finland Disk = answer Wants to swap with YOU! ------------------------------------ Contact me now for cool mailtrading: Dual Power (*No Name*) the right power P.O.Box 10 we seek hot contacts B-1050 Elsene 2 all over the world. BELGIUM DUAL POWER A nice letter with a disk, beer or POSTE RESTANTE cigarettes from an interesting person 4900 NAKSKOV ALWAYS gets a reply... DENMARK ************** SpaceCake ************* Disc + letter = 175% answer **** Don't say we didn't warn ya! **** ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- -+) YOU WANT MUSIC? I'VE GOT IT! (+- Yo! I'm looking for... - guys that want to swap musictapes (rap, heavy, punk, synth, blues, Here's the magical addy: rock... If you like any of these, Marko T. Kilpelainen write!) Linnasaarenkuja 5a - guys that are interested in 78300 Varkaus friendship & long letters Finland - guys interested in making arts on paper, cyberpunks etc. If you think you are any of these, grab a pen and write! No matter where you live, no matter who you are... Just one thing: No Amiga-stuff! Just music, friendship, art, long letters etc. You can send me anything except stuff and I'll tell you if I swap it! -+) ALL LETTERS WILL BE ANSWERED, ALL TAPES WILL BE RETURNED! (+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact PHOBIA/ARCHAOS CONTROL for swapping the latest Interested in VHS and disk Phobia trading? 6 Glebe rd Creep/Control Aston Somerville Stefan Hoglund Broodway Worrs 64610 Overmark WR12 7JB Finland UK Letter+Disks=101% Answer Elite guys only Also swap music + VHS trading ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** **** **** ***** ** ** Ape & Andy of BENEFIT want some ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** contacts! If you are interested ** ***** ****** ** **** to swap with us, then write to ****** ** ** ** ** ***** ** ** both addresses: WHEN THE BEST ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH !! Ape of Benefit Antti Kauppi FOR COOL SENDS AND LONG LETTERS... PL 4 Urpasentie 27 45701 KSNK 45700 KSNK DELBERT OF CRACK, FINLAND FINLAND 39 ATHELSTAN ROAD, If possible, send own productions! FAVERSHAM, To join us write to Ape's address! ------------------------------------ KENT, ME13 8QL, ENGLAND. * DISK = 10001% REPLY * ----------------------------------------- Editorial --------- Here we are again with this new issue, the number 6 of Freedom Crack. I really hope that you will like this issue, as always we tried to put many different things on it so that it can be interesting also for non-Amiga freaks. Moreover we tried to put interesting articles for the whole scene. As always we thank a lot all people who sent us articles. Now some important things: - A very big sorry to the guy from AERO who sent me that article about the party: I've lost it... And I've lost 2 disks with some advertisements from some guys (I think from Germany). - Another thing: many guyz sent me 2 empty disks asking for the new issue. Sorry guys, but you have to follow the new rules. Maybe you have read the rules in previous issues, but I don't think this is possible, since there is a large amount of time between 2 issues. - Pay attention: the advertisements rules changed (see addresses articles). This was made following the tip that JPN gave me on DISC #6. I asked: how can I decrease the number of adverts? And he: simple - they mustn't be free! I knew that now you are thinking "@#?#!" but consider that it wasn't possible to continue with such a big amount of adverts each issue. Too many adverts take place for the other articles and we don't want to publish a mag with 50% or more adverts! Anyway the "prices" are not so bad I think! Have a good read! Filippetto/Vega *** CREDITS *** Freedom Crack 6 is an exclusive Vega release!!! Coding 100% by Filippetto/Vega Music by Mantronix/Razor 1911 Logo by Excalibur/Savage The staff: Filippetto/Vega............publisher and main editor Playboy/Prologic..............................editor A-Ha/Resolution 101...........................editor Sterling/Savage...............................editor You find the article's credits in every article Remember to call Vega's boards: Phantom BBS......++39(0)422350149 Up to 38400 BPS! INSTRUCTIONS ------------ Mouse up/down select articles Cursor up/down scroll current article's text up/down F1-F6 select 6 different background colors (if you don't like the current ones) 4-5-6 on keypad add 1 R-G-B to background 1-2-3 on keypad sub 1 R-G-B to background Enter reset background color CTRL Switch music on/off ALT Switch low pass filter on/off ESC exit As always critics and comments about the options are welcome... So send us your ideas or tell us what to improve. You find the addresses in the 'addresses' article! MAGAZINE ADDRESSES ------------------ The magazine address is: Filippetto/Vega Filippo Rizzi Via Vescovado 39 35141 Padova - Italy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO SEND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** To receive the mag ** - Send 1 checked disk, your address and 5.- DM or 5.00 F or 3 $ or 4000 L or the same as 3 US $ in your local money ** NEVER SEND COINS: ONLY BANKNOTES ** ** To send articles ** Write articles with a Text editor like TxEd, QEd, Cygnus or something like that, then send your works to the address you see above. We are always searching for good article writers and cool guys who can write articles but also reports, interviews and tips and want to join our staff. Remember that who sends article(s) can have 1 free advertisement!!! So if you send us an article remember to include your advertisement too! ** To send advertisements/job offers-requests ** NEVER send them on disk. Just send us a piece of paper with your advertisement or your job offer/request and 1 blank checked disk or the equal in your local money (banknotes!) Only 1 advertisement is allowed, this means that we won't publish more that 1 addy of 1 person or 1 group.