$VER:242 by VD ( HD fix v1.01 by .32mM.0m..32mn.0m..32mO.0m/Visage ) a virtual dreams production in the year of violence 1993 entitled 242 code and graphics packing algorithm |doctor skull |music |papa smurf |design |alien |digitizing |alien jaco doctor skull |drawn pictures |jaco alien |script coding |alien |tracloading |zany |hardware support |jani raiha eero heikkonen |moral support |jukka arvo juhani polkko sami jarvinen jouni mannonen timo aila tero saarni jussi pakarinen shaman anastaja katja itala this little production contains 29mb of animation crunched to only one disk.this is not a joke. the decruncher is able to play up to 16fps of 16-coloured animation. this production may not be sold without a written permission from the coder of this demo. also, the sourcecode and graphics packer sourcecode are for sale. to get in touch with doctor skull - no swapping - write to juha lainema mertatie 3b sf-21100 naantali finland to contact virtual dreams of fairlight for swapping and other business virtual dreams of fairlight poste restante sf-21260 raisio finland