stack presents.. back to the rhyme release date - 13.7. the credits - - coding by icebreaker musics by lpa - tgm-crew and master blaster - tjc logo by evil - fig chars by knight hawks press right one to change the music our contact address- orivedenk.16 b 34 33720 tampere finland phone 9.00- pm 358-31-181527 peter aaahh heineken.. tougher than leather greetings to 777-team 7up-crew academy ackerlight amicom anc europe apg axenon best company bamiga sector 1 cascade ccs dexion digi-tech dominators dynamic systems ece-crew finnish gold free axxess fusion gigaflops hagar hcs 4220 italian bad boyz jewels jungle command magnificent force meg breaker mes network northern lights north star oks import division online prophets ag rage rawhead sanx the explorer scaip scf shut berlin of afl skyline st strike force tcc tetragon tgm-crew tsk-crew the amiga gang the fall guys the goonies the lightforce the lost boys the new masters the new aces the silver ghost the war falcons the web inc. the young ones triad vision vortex 42 x-men /B /D /F /8 guess what?/4/0/2 /E we're back!!!/F /4 after holidays (well my "holiday" was working about /C12 hours a day../D) we're here with /Eour latest demo./F it's again icebreaker behind the keyboard typing in some thing weirdo.. first i must/A apologise/B all my contacts for the long break in my sendings but i just simply haven't had time for my amiga for a cou ple of weeks. but soon i'll quit my job and enjoy my life with/2 swapping (??)/4 ok,that's for it now. /2 i'll start typing something sensible in here... /8 hutaatahutaa lasna lashasa /4 no no what was that?? i don't know... at this moment i am listening /E run-dmc's /F /2 /C tougher than leather /D /4 and i feel just like that. the summer here in finland has been extremely /2hot./4 and do you know anything better than to drink cold /Cbeer/D in a beach... /Eha ha haa!!/F last weekend was again very typical (guess what i did?? no i didn't code you/2 idiot...)/4 maybe or paice becker is in the u.s.a now. /2 thank god for it!! /4 here's our full mem berlist: /C /8 icebreaker/4 /0/2 /D (swapping,coding) /8 /E zados /4 /0/2 /F (swapping,graffix) /8 becker /4 /0/2 (swapping,nagging,"sensible" man) /4 and our parttime-writer /8 country-loki/4 (coding) also one of our members is in the army now, i mean /A /8 conan /4 /0/2 /B (cracking and swapping on the 64 only) /4 well there was the list.... well so on. /E next party we will visit will be bytelamers' party on 8.8.1988-15.8.1988./F personally i think grendel smells shit but nobody can help him (he has serious mental problems). looking forward to the autumn; we will visit some scandinavian parties and maybe some german and dutch ones. just give us a invitation and we'll be there (maybe with our new pet,axa). as you've already noticed, no crazy texts this time. /Awhat a pity...?/B just because we're /Ctougher than leather.../D by the way,how do you like the musics?? i think they're great!! first one is tgm-crew's song for us and the second is tjc's version of the old 64-music "delta". and that reminds me from one thing: we need /2 a music programmer/4 and very soon. so if you're think you're /C good /D at musics then contact us right away. thank you. today it is my day off and that's good. but i still wonder why evil is so angry.... aaargh there's so much to do today so i won't write any more. enjoy the musics!! bye,see you in our next demo /E"party or die ii"/F icebreaker on 13.7.1988