ST Data-Ripper V1.0 ------------------- Coded by Icebreaker/X-Men Press... F1 - search for modules ($000000-$080000) F2 - play song F3 - save module F4 - save songdata F5 - save samples F6 - show samplenames F7 - instructions F10 - exit This was probably the best move.... Module-type data found. Start adress: $ Length: $ Songname: Press - F10 - to continue... Now playing song.... Instructions for ST Data-Ripper ------------------------------- The options. F1 - search for modules By pressing F1 you can hunt through the memory to find the module-data. If the program finds a module,it show the starting adress of modules,lenght and name. If there is no module in memory,it returns to the main menu. F2 - Play song This one allows you to listen to the song (if there is module in memory.) F3 - Save module Program saves the modules to the modules directory in disk ST-00.(Make sure you have enough disk space!) F4 - Save songdata Program saves the songdata to the songs directory in disk ST-00 F5 - Save samples Program saves the samples to their current disks. ALWAYS use the option "show samplenames" before trying to save samples because you must have the disks with the right names. For example,if there is a sample from ST-11 on the list,you must create yourself ST-11 if you do not have it already. I think this is the most useful option in this whole proggie. F6 - show samplenames Look above. Anyway,I hope that this little program will be useful. If you are interested in getting in touch with us then try these numbers (17.00-02.00 hours): Icebreaker +358-31/181527 (Peter) Axa +358-10/58393 (Aki) Zados +358-51/22544 (Petteri) The Man +358-37/41579 (Allu) Press - F9 - to search more -- Press - F10 - to exit st-00:songs/ st-00:modules/mod.