***** Area: UTILPROG ***** Debuggers, assemblers, hex editors, installing software etc. 1284.zip IEEE-1284 Parallel Port Device Detection Code 2aske.zip 2AskE v2.0 - ASCII code finder 2asm.zip 2asm v1.2 - ASM files for use in Watcom C progs generator 2msr.zip MSR Reader by ELiCZ 2obj110.zip 2OBJ v1.10 - Binary to OBJ file converter 386swat.zip 386SWAT - An universal debugger 4gwpatch.zip 4GWPatch - Program which modifies DOS4GW Runtime/Extender LE executables to make them display a text string 4p_v331.zip Programmer's Processor Power Package 6800sim.zip Motorola MC6800 Microprocessor Simulator 9xedk.zip ELICZ's Device Driver Development Kit for Win32 a-code.zip A-Code v1.0 - Character/ASCII code converter for Win32 a2gv1_22.zip Asm2Gema v1.22 Convertor a86.zip A86 macro assembler and D86 debugger v4.05 ac.arj AC - Add prefix-programs to .EXE and .COM/.BIN files aclib.zip ACLib - The Anti-Cracking Library for Delphi v1.0 acport12.zip Active Port Pro v1.22 - ActiveX Control allowing to read/write data in/out of the hardware ports addpack.zip Add Pack for Win95/98/NT - Aid for Development in VB5 adlib.zip Anti-Debugger Library v1.0 by DTS adtdv2.zip Time/date library for C ae.zip Andy's Source Code Folding Editor ae30.zip AE v3.0 - Assembly language programmer's editor aedt182.zip ASM Edit v1.82 - Editor for using with ASM's aflow.zip A-FLOW v3.0 - Software development and authoring tool for Win32 agl170.zip Alex Ghost Library v1.7 - Common purpose components, classes and functions library for Delphi 3,4,5 ah52.zip ApiHooks v5.2 - API Hooking Tool for Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP aidemo.zip TArtImg for Delphi - TImage descendant with many effects ajsed.zip Antechinus JavaScript Editor v7.0 for Win32 alab13b1.zip Assembler Laboratory v1.3b1 algo093b.zip Algomath Library v0.93beta - C Library of Math Algorithms alib40.zip ALIB v4.0 - Assembler Library aligne13.zip Align Easy v1.3 - Control alignment add-in for VB4 alloy.exe Alloy v3.6.17.2003 - Tool for developers for embedding all dependant files into the executable file antidbug.zip ANTIDBUG - Turbo Pascal UNIT for antidebugging tricks antipdd.zip ANTIPDD - Anti ProcDump Full Dump for Win95/NT apatch33.zip aPATCH v0.33b - Tiny patch maker apedit.zip Antechinus PHP Editor v2.2 api.zip SockAPI - Cross platform socket library apis32.zip API Spy v2.4 - API function's calls examiner applitm.zip AppliTimer v1.0 - Tool for WinXP (9x/NT) to measure speed of application loading arregvar.zip ARRegistry Variable v1.0 - Util for storing any variable type at the registry artist52.zip Artist of Virtuality v5.2 - Game designer ascii11.zip Mihov ASCII Master v1.10 - ASCII value of the pressed key identifier asciibox.zip ASCII BOX - Resident ASCII table from Poland asciicod.zip ASCII Codes Table for Win32 asciival.zip ASCIIvalues v1.0.7 - Tool that gives ASCII equivalent of chars aside11.zip BlackCat ASIDE v1.1 - IDE for Assembler asm11_77.zip A DOS based command-line MC68HC11 cross-assembler asm112.zip Magic Assembler v1.12 asm32.zip ASM 32 v3.4 - Programmer's Toolkit for 32-bit ASM programming asmed.arj Assembler Editor v1.42 by Crypton Enterprise aspbeaut.zip ASP Beautify v1.0 - Beautifies the source code of ASPs at.zip AriTech ASCII Table v1.30 - ASCII table for Win95/98/NT at_mxssa.zip maxSYS - Real mode assembler coding interface at_trpal.zip Truepal - Truecolor emulator in mode 13h atademo.zip ATADEMO Interactive User's Guide atadrvr.zip ATA/ATAPI Low Level Driver C Source Code with Examples axe21.zip AXE v2.1 - Advanced Hex Editor for Win95/98/NT b2e.exe Bind to EXE v1.1 - Delphi/C++ Builder library that enables apps to bind/extract files to/from an EXE file at RUNTIME bapc_232.zip BAssPasC v2.32 - Mixed programming language based on ASM/BASIC/C/PAS and PERL bapc30p2.zip BAssPasC v3.0 pre2 - Mixed programming language based on ASM/BASIC/C/PAS and PERL base.zip Base Converter v1.0 base_10.zip Hex, Decimal, Binary and Octal Converter baseco35.zip BaseConv v3.5 - Bin, Hex and Decimal Conversion Util basenm11.zip Basenum v1.1 - Integer number base converter for DOS basswm16.zip BASS WMA v1.6 - WMA format extension to BASS audio library basu1000.zip BasUpd v10.0 - Adds Commands from PDS and Visual Basic to QuickBASIC bcnv_100.zip Instant Base Converter - DEC/BIN/OCT/HEX Converter for Windows bcpp18.zip BCPP v1.8 - C/C++/JAVA Code Beautifier bd420.zip BinaryDiff v4.2.0 - Tool for creation of the file containing differential parts of 2 binary files bde_inst.zip BDE_Inst v1.01 - Borland Database Engine installer/uninstaller bdiff123.zip BDIFF/BUPDATE v1.23 - Binary file differencer/updater bdiff128.zip BDIFF/BUPDATE v1.28 (dox in Japanese) be.zip Andy's Binary Folding Editor beaut.zip Beaut by CYGAX for C files - C source beautifier besdt.zip Beginner Software's Delphi Tools v1.01 - Delphi Source Code generator for Message Boxes, Input boxes etc. biew562.arj BIEW v5.6.2 - Binary file viewer/editor for DOS biew610d.zip BIEW v6.1.0 - Binary file viewer/editor for DOS (i386) biew610w.zip BIEW v6.1.0 - Binary file viewer/editor for Win32 (i386) bin2arr.zip BIN2ARR and BIN2INC - Binary to include files converters bin2asm.zip Converts any file into an ASM file file that can be included bin2c.zip BIN2C v1.0 - Binary code to C source code importer bin2pr1c.zip BIN2PRO v1.c - Spanish Binary to Program Utility (DB,DW...) bined12.zip BINEDIT v1.2 by Timothy Gordon bintohex.zip BinToHex DLL for Win32 Platforms bintpr.zip BINTPR - Simple Binary Tree Print Routine in Pascal bitclc10.zip BitCalc v1.0 - Binary Large Integer Calculator bittools.zip BitTools - Binary/Text representation of bits/bytes converter biunits.zip Free Pascal Units by Bartha Istvan bluecomp.zip Bluestone 32-bit Compiler v1.0 - Game making programming lang. bmp2cp11.zip Bitmap to Source Converter for C/C++ programmers bmp2d15.zip Bitmap to Source Converter - Program for DOS game programmers bnm10.zip BNM Statistical and mathematical routines for BP bpef10.zip Bonker's PE fixer v1.0 - PE file's fixing utility bppat102.zip BP7PAT v1.2 - BP7 compiled EXE file patcher bpr.zip BP 7.x Auto Corrector v3.8 bpte104d.zip BinPatch v1.04 - Software package to generate and apply patches for DOS/Win brexx210.zip REXX v2.10 for DOS - Programming language brk.zip BRK v1.10 - A recovery utility for hanged programs bsdt1_02.zip Beginner Software's Delphi Tools v1.02 - Source code generator for Delphi bugrp001.zip FMH-Bug Rep v0.01 - Tool for sending automated bug reports to an applications programmer bugtrk11.zip BugTrack v1.1 - S/w bug tracker for Win95/NT and VB4 build120.zip Readme Builder v1.20 for C++, Turbo Pascal and Quick Basic bupd124a.zip Binary Update v1.24a buttonm.zip Button Maker v0.01 for Win95/98/NT - JS buttons creator bw6mp22s.zip Binary Work MP3 OCX v2.0.2 (VB6 SP3 version) c--104a.zip Sphinx C-- v1.04a (incl. examples, headers and dox) c2e_e2c.zip COM2EXE & EXE2COM Converter c2t.zip C2t - COM into executable text file converter calc.zip Small Programmers Calculator calculat.zip Program Calculator for Win32 callabs.zip CallAbsolute v1.01 - DLL for assist in duplicating the functionality of the Call Absolute statment callgate.zip Run any Ring 0 code from a Win32 application on Windows NT ccdl420e.zip 32-Bit C Compiler v4.20 by LadSoft - MSDOS Binaries cwdl420e.zip 32-Bit C Compiler v4.20 by LadSoft - Win32 Binaries cconvert.zip CConvert v1.01 - C/C++ Code to HTML Converter cdgmerge.zip CDMERGE - DOS util to merge/appen a CDG graphics file into BIN file cdindent.zip CodeIndent v1.1 for VB and Win3.x/9x cdnotify.zip CDNotification ActiveX Control v1.1 cgenie4.zip Code Genie v4.02 for Win9x-XP - Text/binary editor for programmers chasm407.zip CHASM - Cheap Assembler for IBM PC v4.07 chief482.zip Chief's Installer Pro for Win16/Win32 v4.82 chefl547.exe Chief's Installer Lite for Win32 v5.47 chefp547.exe Chief's Installer Pro for Win32 v5.47 ci4.exe Create Install v4.13.1 - Installation programs creator for Win95/98/NT/2000/XP ci880.exe Create Install v8.8.0 - Tool to create install and uninstall files for Windows cin-c2e.zip Cinogen's COM2EXE Converter v1.02 cin-comp.zip Cinogen's Comparer v1.20 - Binary files comparing util cinsta13.zip CInstall v1.3 - Win95/98 installation package classvis.zip ClassVista - Win32 application to view contents of Java Class files clrsc161.zip CLR Script v1.61 for Win9x/NT - Write script files to control and run progs using C language cmathdos.zip Complex math library for Borland C/C++ cmathw95.zip Complex math library for C/C++ v3.0 cmbpdos.zip Complex math library for Borland Pascal 3.0 cmdl1601.zip ASM Library for interpreting command lines cmpx30.zip Complex Math's Unit v3.0 for TP/BP 5.5-7.0 codefs30.zip CodeFusion Wizard v3.00 - Patch Generator for Win9x/NT com2t111.rar COM2TXT v1.11 - COM file to text file converter com2t12.rar COM2TXT v1.2a - COM file to text file converter (EXE only) comp101f.zip D1,2,C++ Builder - Comp. library for creating macrolanguages compas3e.zip COMPAS v3.0 - Compiler from Pascal for educational purposes compt21.zip COM Port Toolkit v2.1 - Serial port monitoring tool consl11.zip Console v1.1 - Text based console output C library conv10.rar Conv v1.0 - DEC/HEX/OCT/BIN Converter cooldb32.zip Cool Debugger v1.2 for Win32 cp131.zip Crayzee's Patcher v1.31 for Win32 cpuid.zip CPU ID util with src cre116a.zip Cracker Editor v1.16a - DOS HEX-Editor crins341.zip Create Install v3.41 - Win95/98/NT setup proceedures creator crt2_0.zip Video Handling Functions Library for C/C++ crtvb100.zip C Run-time for Visual Basic Dynamic Link Library v1.00 crx010.zip crx v0.10 - Flexible crx/xck/frk/... apply tool (Open source GPL, C++) csharped.zip Antechinus C# Editor v6.1 for Win9x/NT/2000 csl421.zip CSL - C Scripting Language v4.2.1 - Scripting language with C syntax cvsproxy.exe CVS SCC proxy plug-in - CVS SCC integration plug-in ct13.zip COM Tagger v1.3 - Tag a message to a .COM file cut112.zip CUT v1.12 - Cut & convert files cvt112fe.zip CONVAT v1.1 for Win95/98/NT - C-source from UNIX to Win32 converter czins102.zip CzarInstall v1.02 - Installation Program d1d2crk.arj D1D2CRK - Creates .PAT and .CRK files d4video.zip Reconstructions of images in Delphi 4 (3) solver dasm153m.zip DASM v1.53M - 8086/8088 and Z80 Disassembler dasmx120.zip DASMx v1.20 - A microprocessor opcode disassembler dat_log.arj DAT_LOG - Debugging tool (displays which file is opened) databyte.zip Roadkil's Databyte v1.02 - Converts a binary file to .h or .inc text format datafy1.zip Datafy v1.1 - Data image file creator dattoh10.zip DATTOHEX - Binary file to include ready ASCII text converter dazmi116.zip (D)AzmIt v1.16 - Disassembler/Assembler dbflib20.zip Dbflib - C library of dBase file related functions dbgview.zip DebugView for Win9x/NT - Kernel mode and debug output monitor dclagent.zip AriTech dcl Agent - Tool for Delphi 2.xx to backup and restore file cmplib32.dcl dclea200.zip Delphi Cleaner v2.0.0 - Clears files left by Delphi dcln120s.zip Delphi Cleaner v1.20 small - Clears files left by Delphi dcp2dpk.zip DCP Decompiler v1.0 - DCP 2 DPK Converter for Delphi users ddf_edit.zip DDF Editor for Btrieve for Win95/NT ddo5.zip Delphi Desktop Optimizer v5 de3dn081.zip De3DNow v0.81 - Converts 3DNow instructions in a file to "db" declarations dec2hex.zip DEC2HEX v1.01 - Decimal 2 hexadecimal number converter debug125.zip FreeDOS Debug v1.25 - Clone of the MS-DOS DEBUG command decafe36.zip Decafe Pro v3.6 - Java Decompiler for Win95/98/NT declip13.zip Hackers Declipper v1.3 - Clipper code analyser dede106.zip DeDe v1.06 - Delphi pseudo decompiler and DFM resources dumper del3lib.zip David's Delphi Components v3.02 delpani3.zip Animated Gif with Delphi Logo delphi1.zip Delphi 1 Projects for Beginners and More Advanced Learners desa101.zip Disassembler GEMA v1.01 devcalc.zip DevCalc v1.01 - Calculator for Win95 software developers dewin12.rar Dewin - Windows Executable Dumper dfmview.zip DFM-Viewer v3.4 - Viewer/editor of Delphi's forms dg5_9may.zip DeGlucker v0.05 - Debugger for DOS dg0_04.zip DeGlucker v0.04 - Debugger for DOS true 386 PM dgcp_pat.arj DGCP_PAT - Watcom compiled EXE's bug fixer dggen103.zip GUID generator for Delphi v1.03 digits.zip TDigits v2.03 - Digital counter VCL component for Delphi/C++ dis86229.zip dis86 v2.29 - Interactive 8086 Disassembler disasm10.zip A Disassembler for 8086 - Source code displib.zip DISPLIB v3.00 - Library File Displayer dispobj.zip DISPOBJ v1.76 - An Object Module Displayer djdec377.zip DJ Java Decompiler 3.7.7.x for Win95-XP dllanlyz.exe DLL Analyzer v1.830 - Application to extract the available function names of a DLL-file dmat10.zip Real Matrix Library for C++ docxx32.zip A C/C++/Java source code documentation tool dog212.zip Data & Overlay Gluer v2.12 dog212a.arj DOG212A - DOS 2.12/K^3 modified + Extractor dos2ctxs.zip MS-DOS to CTXS executables converter dos32a91.zip DOS/32 Advanced DOS Extender v9.1.2 dos32v33.zip DOS32 v3.3 - DOS-extender package dos70p20.zip DOS70 v2.0 - TP units to implement MS-DOS 7.x extensions and file routines dpas17.zip DPas Pascal Compiler v1.7 beta draw1002.zip Draw.dll - Fast graphic routines dsassm02.zip Win32 program disassembler v0.22 dst10.zip Delphi Speed Tools v1.0 - Development toolkit for Borland Delphi which runs under Win95/98/NT dtrace.zip DareWare Trace - ActiveX component for custom control dtrack20.zip Defect Tracker v2.0 - Software tester dtu143.zip DTU v1.43 - DTown Utils for Programmers dtype212.zip Drive Type v2.12 for TP6+ - PC drive type detector dumplx.zip DumpLX - Linear Executable (LE) Files Examiner dumppe.zip DumpPE v1.23 - Portable Executable (PE) Files Examiner e_os305.zip EOS v3.05 - DOS Extender for Watcom Tasm & Masm e2c.zip E2C v1.02 - DOS EXE to COM Converter e2cremov.zip EXE2COM Generic Remover ean.zip How to recognize EAN8 & EAN13 barcode + PAS src edumpall.zip EliCZ's Dumper for DOS executables v1.0 complet edumpii.zip EDumpII - DOS executables dumper efd223.zip Executable File Dumper v2.23 by Ilfak Guilfanov (IDA author) ei75.zip Easy Install v7.5 - Installation Software einpack.zip InPack v1.51 - Install Floppy Disk Maker embryo.zip Embryo Patcher v0.9 - Binary files comparing utility emm12e.zip EMM v1.2e - Easy Modify Machine - Modifying /Patching Tools emm586.zip EMM586 - Windows util which gives MS-DOS application ability to execute some CPL0 instructions emmutl.zip EMM Utility (file comparer) ems4c10.zip EMS Library for C v1.0 encode31.zip Set of file encoders/encryptors with PAS sources enigm182.zip Enigma v1.82 - Integrated development environment epe30.zip Emma Setup Professional v3.0 - Win32 installation creator errlist.zip Roadkil's Error List v1.1 - Gives information about a windows error code esb41.zip Expert System Builder v4.1 - Create apps using natural language esbdat18.zip ESBDates v1.82 - Date/time routine collection for Delphi 3,4 esbmaths.zip ESB Maths v1.2 - Delphi 3,4 math library esbrtns.zip ESB Routine Collection v1.2 for Delphi 3,4 ettim121.zip Timer v1.21 - Program's Execution Time Finder euphor25.exe Euphoria Programming Language v2.5 for Win32 ews.zip VirTime Everywhere Search v2.3.0 - Search system for www site, home page and software help system ex2cm200.zip EXE2COM v2.00 - EXE/COM Converter exam-102.zip Examine v1.02 - A program examination utility exe2dpr.zip EXE2DPR - Delphi Project Sources Rescuer v3.1 exe2end.zip EXE2END v0.004c - Util for writing EXE into the EXE file execha30.zip EXECHAIN v3.0 - New-EXE Files Relocation Records Deduplicator execomb.zip EXECOMB - Combine Windows and DOS EXE files into one main EXE exenfo1f.zip EXEInfo v1.f - Spanish executable file analizer exetoo11.zip Exetool v1.1 - EXE file analyser exlite04.zip eX Lite - Sub-set of eX - Virtual computer interpreter/ programming language expman.zip Delphi 2 Expert Manager for Win95/NT extract.zip How to extract packed VBA macros - PAS src ez86v12.zip ez86 v1.2 - Editor for programmers in assembly language ezinst13.zip EZINST v1.3 - Installation program for Windows ezsfx15.zip Easy SFX v1.5 - Self extracting and installing files creator fasm171.zip Flat Assembler v1.71 for DOS - x86 Assembler fasmw171.zip Flat Assembler v1.71 for Windows - x86 Assembler fastmath.zip Fast Math Parser v2.0 - 32-bit DLL for math expression evaluation fce4c24.zip FTP Client Engine v2.4 for Win16/32 fce4d24.zip FTP Client Engine v2.4 for Delphi fce4db24.zip FTP Client Engine v2.4 for Visual dBase fce4fp24.zip FTP Client Engine v2.4 for Visual FoxPro fce4pb24.zip FTP Client Engine v2.4 for Power Basic fce4vb22.zip FTP Client Engine v2.2 for Visual Basic fce4xb24.zip FTP Client Engine v2.4 for Xbase++ fdump12.zip FDUMP v1.2 - Hex/ASCII dump file to standard output fed165.zip FED v1.65 - Binary File Editor fedit192.zip FEDIT v1.92 - File, memory and HD/FD sector HEX editor ferrb11.zip File Patching Utility v1.00.1 for DOS fft.zip FFT - Discrete Fast Fourier Transforms in C source code fftdll.zip FFT DLL rel.2 - Discrete Fast Fourier Transform DLL for VB/C/Delphi fi30.zip Freeman Installer & Uninstaller v3.0 for Windows fi30w4.zip Freeman Installer & Uninstaller v3.0 32-bit for Win95 filcheck.zip FileChecker C++ v1.0 - Library tool for C++ program developers fire.zip Fire Simulation with C-- source flptch20.zip Win32 File Patcher v2.0 - Patch generator fntpak32.zip Font Pak Pro - Fonts, icons, mouse shapes and more for programmers formex11.zip Form Extractor v1.1 - Form and data modules extractor from Win32 executables compiled by Delphi or C++ fpc304.exe Free Pascal v3.0.4 for Win32 fpcx304.exe Free Pascal v3.0.2 installer with the Win32 to x86_64-Win64 cross-compiler freebasd.zip FreeBASIC v1.07.2 for DOS freebasw.exe FreeBASIC v1.07.2 for Win32 freebasw.zip FreeBASIC v1.07.2 for Win32 frebaswx.zip FreeBASIC v1.07.3 for Win64 freida43.exe IDA Pro Freeware version 4.3 freeli30.zip Freelib - The Free Assembly Language Library v3.0 frhed156.zip Free Hex Editor for Win32 v1.0.156 fspatch.zip Funduc Software Patch for Windows - Patching toolkit ft203.zip FreeType v2.0.3 - Free TrueType Font Engine ft203d.zip Additional documentation to FreeType v2.0.3 package fulpak10.zip FullPack v1.0 - DOS I/O management system for Turbo C/C++ fzoom.zip Mini util to zoom a string + PAS src gd13.zip GD v1.3 - A graphics library for fast GIF creation gee348.zip GetEQExe v3.48 - Startup code of COM/EXE files comparing util geew348.zip GetEQExe v3.48 for Windows - Startup code comparing util gema26a.zip GEMA v2.6a - GenPC Elite Macro Assembler geteqexe.zip GetEQExe - Program to explore the startup code of exe files ghstshel.zip Ghost Shell - Freeware Wizard for Ghost Installer gins162.zip Ghost Installer v1.62 - Application Setup System for Win95/98/NT/2000 gixpress.zip Ghost Installer Xpress v0.9 - Add-on for Ghost Installer gm1547.zip g-Mouse Interface v1.54.7 - Graphical mouse pointer in 80x25 text modes for BP7+ gnuregex.zip Regular Expressions DLL for Win32 Programs gpprf133.zip GpProfile v1.3.3 for Win95/98/NT - Profiler for Delphi grdbdl96.zip GRDB - Real-mode debugger with Pentium instruction set support hack801.zip Hackman v8.01 - Multimodule hex editing platform hackasm8.zip Hackman Disassembler v8.02 hasp.zip Delphi components to protect software with the help of the HASP keys hdcedit.exe HexDecEditor v1.02 - Win95 hex-editor for programmers hex-mb18.zip Hex Editor v1.8 for DOS hex2dec.zip HEX2DEC v1.00 - Hexadecimal to decimal number converter hedit2_0.zip HEdit v2.0 - 32bits Hex Editor for DOS helpce12.zip Util for adding HELP option to existing COM/EXE files hexcmp2.exe HexCmp v2.34 - Hex editor and binary file comparison tool hexconv.zip HexConverter v1.0 - Binary/Hexadecimal/Decimal Converter hexeditx.zip Extended Hex Editor Control v1.1 - Tool for viewing and editing binary data files hexer10.zip Hexer v1.0 - Decimal/Hexadecimal Converter hexfind.zip HEXFIND v1.00 - HEX String Finder hexit_20.zip HEX IT v2.0 - Hexadecimal image file of any file creator hexit157.zip HexIt v1.57 - Hex Editor hexpl250.zip Hexplorer v2.50 - Hexadecimal file editor hextool.zip HexTool v5.2a - Binary Editor hexun16.zip Hex Editor for Win95/98 hexv11.zip Tiny Hex Editor hexview.zip HexView v1.1 - Binary File Viewer for Windows hexviews.zip HexView v2.03 - Win32 Hex Editor hexwrite.zip HEXwriter v1.0.7 - Keyboard input into HEX/ASCII converter hiew611.zip Hacker's View v6.11 for DOS & OS/2 (the last freeware version) hiew650.zip Hacker's View v6.50 for DOS (free version) hiew747.zip Hacker's View v7.47 for Windows (shareware version) hiew811.zip Hacker's View v8.11 for Windows (demo version) hiew844.zip Hacker's View v8.44 for Windows (demo version) hiew853.zip Hacker's View v8.53 for Windows (demo version) high121.zip HighLight - C/C++ files viewer with syntax highlighting hjinst31.zip HJ-Install v3.1 for Win95/NT hogdisk.zip HogDisk - will reduce available disk space for testing purposes hprob320.zip Hexprobe v3.20 - Hex editor htm2cgi.zip WinCGI Builder html2cpp.zip HTML2CPP - Converter of HTML files to CPP files suitable for CGI output htmraw11.zip HTM Raw v1.1 - HTM Raw Retrieval for VB6 hw095.zip HW v0.95 - Tiny hex-viewer/editor hw16v22.zip Hex Workshop v2.20 for Windows - 16-bit (shareware) hw32v600.exe Hex Workshop v6.00 for Win32 - HEX Editor hx110dos.zip HexEd v1.10 for DOS hxd250.zip HxD v2.5.0 - Hex editor for Windows hxp3021s.zip HEXpert for Windows v3.0 - Multi-format binary editor iasm.zip IASM v2.00b - Utility for Watcom C Compiler to insert Borland style ASM blocks into C source ibasic.zip IBasic v2.02D - BASIC-like programming language for Win32 id115.zip Interface Designer v1.15 idafw.zip IDA - Interactive DisAssembler - Freeware Version idl10.rar IDL v1.0 - Library for Professional Interface Design iecombox.zip ActiveX (OCX) control that adds IE4 like combo box igd372.exe Installer/GD v3.72 - Win3.1+/9x/NT Application Installation Tool ii204.zip Install It! v2.04 - DOS Installation Program iinstl10.zip Interactive Install v1.0 - Installation Program imake150.zip iMake v1.5.0 - Platform indipendant make processor imglib40.zip Colosseum Builders C++ Image Library v4.0 impres31.zip First Impression v3.1 - Scriptless Install Kit incpro3.zip INC-Pro III - Binary to source text converter infmaker.zip InfMaker v2 - Inf file creator/editor for Win9x inftool.exe INFTOOL Lite v6.3 - INF Installation Script Generator for Win9x/NT ini_lib3.zip INI file manipulation library ini2reg.zip INI2REG - Allows migrate application from Win3 to Win95/NT inites13.zip INI Test - Demonstrates read/write to INI files innos612.exe Inno Setup v6.1.2 - Installation package builder inpout16.zip Input16 - DLL that enables direct reading and writing to I/O ports in 16-bit VB progs insig122.zip INSIGHT v1.22 - Low Level Debugger insimple.exe InstallSimple v3.0 - Installation package maker for Windows inst108.zip Installer! v1.08 - Custom installation scripts creator instdrv.zip InstDrv - ASM variant of NT kernel-mode driver instal14.zip Install v1.4 - Tool for floppy disk installs instez17.zip Install/Setup v1.7 - Windows Installer int2rtf.zip Interrupt List -> Windows Help File Converter v1.2 int2tph.zip Interrupt List -> .TPH Help File Converter v1.2 intexec.zip A general purpose assembly routine to execute interrupt inttools.zip Interrupt Exploration Tools ipd-110.zip Irie Pascal for DOS v1.1 - Standard Pascal Compiler/Interpreter ipw-201.zip Irie Pascal for Windows v2.01 - Pascal Compiler/Interpreter is300.zip Installation System v3.00 jadnt157.zip Jad - The fast Java Decompiler jator350.zip Jator v3.5 for Win95/98/NT - Creates Java, Java Script and GIF animations javacb10.zip JavaC Booster v1.0 - Extension of Java compiler for acceleration of compilation process jbwin101.exe Just BASIC v1.01 - Freeware BASIC programming language jcd.zip JCD - Java Class Disassembler jcrea250.zip JCreator LE v2.50 - IDE for Java programmers jdex.zip JDEX - Java Development using Windows Explorer jexec12.zip JEXECreator v1.2 - Tool to create native Win32 EXE files for running apps written in Java jfe322.zip JFE v3.22 - Programming editor for C or any other language jide.zip JIDE v1.7 - IDE for Sun JDK v1.1.x jocsc210.zip JOC-Screen Designer v2.10 - Source Code Generator joylib12.zip Joystick Library for DOS v1.2 jpgapi.zip Win32 JPG API v1.0c - JPEG API DLL for Win32 jppext10.zip J++ Extractor v1.0 - Extractor of class and resources from J++ compiled files jr.zip Java Runner 2 - The java application launcher for Win95 jrfc02.zip J.R.Ferguson's C Library jrfpas06.zip J.R.Ferguson's Pascal Library jsmoc.zip Javascript Mouse Over Creator v2.0 for Win32 julsec.zip JulSec - DLL file for data/time calculations ketmax35.zip Ketman Maximaster v3.5 - Complete ASM Toolkit for DOS keyb.zip Introduction to Keyboard Handlers - Example files keyid10.rar KeyID v1.0 - Key value identifier kinstc28.zip K-Install for CD v2.8 - CD catalogue and installation system kinstd28.zip K-Install for DOS v2.8 - Installation system kinstw28.zip K-Install for Windows v2.8 - Installation system kvl29eos.zip Kojak's VESA Library 2.9 - Freeware ASM32 graphic library lastlook.zip Lastlook v1.02 - Takes one last look at TP progs before they ship lb402win.exe Liberty BASIC v4.02 for Windows - Programming language lccman.exe lcc-win32 - C compiler manual lccwin32.exe lcc-win32 - C compiler for Win32 lci.zip Lozovsky Code Interrogator v1.01 demo - Debugger led12.zip LED ActiveX Control v1.2 for VB5 lfname.zip LFNAME - LFN Support TP7 Unit lgpatch.zip LGPATCH v1.0 - File patching utility lgshred.zip LGSHRED v1.0 - File hacking utility lguid215.zip LGUIDES v2.15 - Function library documentation viewer for DOS/Win libv012r.zip LibView v1.2 - LIB & OBJ Viewer for DOS (NC-like) libview.zip Library Viewer lm32.zip The Shareware License Key Manager for Shareware Authors lne101.zip ListNE v1.01 - Identify NE/LE/LX/PE executables lrs232.zip Look RS232 - RS232 connection debugger ltr10.zip LADO's Tracer v1.0 - Tracer, debugger & unpacker lzasm.zip Lazy Assembler (LZASM) v0.56 for Windows lzasmx.zip Lazy Assembler (LZASM) V0.56 for DOS lzinstal.zip LZ Install Kit v2.1 for Windows - Install / uninstall program m6502.zip M6502 - 6502 Macro Assembler m8040.zip M8040 - 8040 Macro Assembler m8051.zip M8051 - 8051 Macro Assembler m8085.zip M8085 - 8085 Macro Assembler matrix10.zip C++ Matrix Template Class v1.0 mb321.zip Magic Button v3.21 - Java Button-Maker for Win95-XP mc32shr.zip Miracle C Compiler v3.2 for Win9x/NT/2000 md86.zip Masterful Disassembler v3.20 mdd4c21.zip Marshall Soft DUN Dialer for C/C++ v2.1 mdd4d21.zip Marshall Soft DUN Dialer for Delphi v2.1 mdd4db21.zip Marshall Soft DUN Dialer for Visual dBase v2.1 mdd4fp21.zip Marshall Soft DUN Dialer for Visual FoxPro v2.1 mdd4pb21.zip Marshall Soft DUN Dialer for PowerBASIC v2.1 mdd4vb21.zip Marshall Soft DUN Dialer for VB v2.1 mdd4xb21.zip Marshall Soft DUN Dialer for Xbase++ mdf160.zip MDIFF-MPATCH v1.60 - Software Patcher for DOS/OS2/Win95/WinNT mdprofw.zip Memory Dumper Pro v1.08 SR-1 - Access and edit the virtual address space of running process for Win95/98/Me mem_util.zip Russian tiny disasm and memory dumper - use Alt-F10 for English memedit.zip Memory Editor v1.00 - Debugging tool for Win95/98 meph2317.exe Mephistoteles II - Advanced Debugger messdlgs.zip International Message Dialogs for Delphi 2/3 mfcclean.zip MFC Clean v1.3 - Temporary build files deleting util for Visual C++ programmers mfp130x3.zip Masterbyte File Patcher MFP v1.20 mic8085.zip Microprocessor Simulator 8085 v3.0 for Windows miracl22.zip Miracle C Compiler v2.2 mkobj101.zip Binary to .OBJ Converter v1.01 mkpat30d.zip BinPatch v3.0 - Code patcher for DOS/Win3 mkpat30n.zip BinPatch v3.0 - Code patcher for Win9x/NT mkpat30o.zip BinPatch v3.0 - Code patcher for OS/2 mkpe130.zip MakePE v1.30 - PE Structure Rebuilder mmd100.zip Mega Debugger v1.00 mmlib205.zip Memory Library Programming Toolkit v2.05 for C/C++ mmxtasm0.zip MMX Macroes for TASM modpe081.zip ModifyPE v0.81 - Header of PE-executables manipulation tool modsrc30.zip Source code for switching video modes without using BIOS v3.0 mpc110.zip Multi Patch Compiler/Processor v1.10 mpgtools.zip MPEG Audio Tools Delphi Unit v1.8 mrset211.zip Mr.Setup v2.11 - Compression/Installer Utility for Windows msgbox11.zip Message Box Builder v1.1 for Win95/NT msifac21.exe MSI Factory v2.1 - Tool to create MSI format software installers mstrace2.zip MS Trace v2.0 - DOS Snooper mwsrc110.zip Mocha W32 Source v1.1 - Obfuscator and precompiler for Java Source mylght23.zip MyLight v2.3 for Win95/98/NT - Text editor with syntax highlighting for any programming languages mztools.zip MZ-Tools v3.0 - Collection of VB 6.0 Add-ins nameprop.zip Component Name Property Editor for Borland Delphi/C++ Builder nasm210d.zip NASM v2.10 - 80x86 and x86-64 assembler (doc) nasm210s.zip NASM v2.10 - 80x86 and x86-64 assembler (src) nasm210w.zip NASM v2.10 - 80x86 and x86-64 assembler (bins for Win) nasm210x.zip NASM v2.10 - 80x86 and x86-64 assembler (bins for DOS32) native.zip Native Check v1.00 for Win - Util which checks platform of EXE file nbasm.zip NBasm v00.26.22 - Freeware X86 assembler nbl.zip NBL v00.16.10 - Freeware linker for NBASM assembler newvie11.zip NEWVIEW v1.1 - New-EXE Files (EXE/DLL) Viewer nhsv983.zip nhSource View 98 - Util for quick view Pascal and Delphi source code with syntax highlight nice205.zip NICE-Install v2.05 - Installation program nicec4.zip Nice C ver.4 - C Source Formatter nmkit3.zip NmKit3 - Application serializing kit for VB5 nsis251.exe Nullsoft Scriptable Install System v2.51 nsis3061.exe Nullsoft Scriptable Install System v3.06.1 (Install version) nsis3061.zip Nullsoft Scriptable Install System v3.06.1 (Portable version) nsis3gui.exe MIHOV NSIS Helper v3.3 - GUI for NSIS Installer nsisdial.exe NSIS Dialog Designer v1.1.2 - IDE to design custom dialogs for NSIS ntpt22ev.zip NTPort Library v2.2 - Real-time access to PC I/O ports for Win9x and WinNT/2000 numbrs22.zip Numbers v2.2 - Number Base Converter for Windows obfuscat.zip A Java Bytecode Obfuscator v8.00 obj2s310.zip Obj2Src v3.1 - 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Integer arithmetic calculator sepro.zip Smart Editor Pro 2004 - IDE for using 25+ programming languages setupfac.exe Setup Factory v9.0.1 - Tool to create installation packages setupgen.zip Setup Generator v2000.2.4 for Win95/98/NT/2000 sfxtool.exe SFX Tool - Graphical user interface and script generator for the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) sgpro.zip Setup Generator Pro v2.000.2.2 for Win95/98/NT/2000 shbmp256.zip ShowBMP v1.0 - 256 Color BMP Files Viewer With C++ Source shx2shp.zip SHX2SHP v2.01 - SHX to SHP Converter smallkit.zip Small - 32-bit extension language with C-like syntax smalltxt.zip Small - Description of programming language Small smartc.zip SMARTC - C compiler add-on srcmrg12.zip Source Code Merging Util v1.2 sgedit.zip SGEdit v1.04 - Save Game Editor shinst21.zip The Shareware Installer v2.1 for DOS and Windows shootdcl.zip ShootDCL v1.2 for Win95 - Removes loaded DLL's from Windows memory after crashes of the Delphi IDE shwtxt22.zip Showtext v2.2 - Programming Language for Writing DOS games, demos etc. sic73a.zip SIC v7.3a - 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Driver Unit for DOS/Windows tpm100.zip The Patching Machine v1.00 - Win32 patchmaker tppatch.zip TPPATCH - Turbo Pascal fast processor bug patch tpproc32.zip Pascal Multi Process Package for TP 6/7 tpw32_20.zip TPW32 v2.00 - Units to add 32-bit functions to BP for Windows and Delphi 16-bit programs tr252.zip The Super Tracer v2.52 - Code Tracer tracer10.zip Tracer v1.0 - Mini Debugger tran10.zip Libraries with random number functions for C/C++ trans11.zip TRANS v1.10 - The Source Code Translator trapit.zip Trapit for Windows - Visual Basic Trapping Utility trocea19.rar TROCEA v1.9 - Ripping tool trw075.zip Tracer for Win95 - Test version of code tracer trw2k122.zip TRW 2000 v1.22 - System-level debugger for Win9x tsbase13.zip A programmers tools base - Number base convertor/calculator tsr_xmpl.zip TSR Programs Creation Toolkit tuhex.zip Tuhex v2.11 - Powerful BIN/HEX files editor for Win95-XP tvichw50.zip TVICHW32 v5.0 - Win32 VCL/DLL/OCX allowing reading/writing to I/O ports, physical memory access and HW interrupts handling txmsdrv.zip Tiny XMS Driver v1.00 typebr10.zip Type Browser.NET v1.0 for Framwork Class Library (FCL) browsing ucfpext2.zip PEXTOR v2.0 - PE Object Extractor udp1111.zip UdpLib v1.111 - Code for sending UDP packets over the Internet ume500.zip USEMEM v5.00 - Defines reduction of avail. memory space (own software testing...) upa22.zip Universal Programmer Analyser v2.2 - Program for reading and writing information from/to EEPROM's and microcontrollers update.zip Update Files Utility v1.0 urllabel.zip TURLLabel v1.00 - VCL component for Delphi usb4dos.zip USB Support for Turbo Pascal user-120.zip USER Library v1.2 - Collection of console functions for C/C++ usple130.zip Universal Signal Processing DLL Library v1.30 vbcs.zip VB Crash Shield - Error handling code generator for VB5 vbdm-20.zip VBdocman v2.0 - Automatic VB Documentation Generator vbec20.zip VB Error Catcher v2.0 with VB Control Rename Wizard vbgui10.zip VB 32-bit Win95 GUI Menu Source Code vbhlp32.zip VB-Helper DLL v2.02 - Helper DLL for 32-bit VB vbio21.zip I/O support DLL for VB vbmbmake.zip VB Msg Box Maker v1.1 vbspt98.zip VB Speed Tools 98 for Win95 - VB Developers Toolkit ve.zip VE 32-bit Executable Tools v1.21 vector20.zip VECTOR - 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