hellou hellou, where is the cat???? this is heart (deep) writing now. this demo
 or should we call it intro (i don't know, because i haven't seen it yet)
 is dedicated to beer. why ? one point is that beer is my favourite drink.
and the second and more important point is that our coder? (the beer inc.)
 is going to army very very soon (have fun!!!!!). ok i, daley and
 darkwalker are in deep's headquater somewhere beyond the arctic zone.
 hmm. contact us ,we contact you. address is ............credo........
puolukka katu 4 a 4...........15300 lahti.....finland................
we are organizing a competition, more information are somewhere in scroller.
 is it time to tell you about this amazing demo. oh yes it is. all
 coding was done by ABCDE ,music was composed by daley,darkwalker
 and echo and marvelous graphix was done by don of corleon's family and me
(heart). okey i think that it's time to give keyboard to darkwalker.....
.....here i'am! oh no it's terrible....kv
h,köh,köh my good friend daley
 and heart are trying to smoke my brains!!! this demo is called as
 wafer demo! now i want to send some messagess...don of corleone's family:
thanks for co.operation (fine piccy.) and last message goes our new member
 rick:i hope that our group is enough good for you. ok...here is deep's member
list: the beer inc. (the best coding in the world) , rick (coding) , heart (graphix)
 , darkwalker (music) , daley (music) , echo (music) , credo (swapping). and now the
 fear of all lamers, the ultimate lamer killer don want to say some messages to
 lamers.....hi you lamer! you will die soon! we are back! we kill all lamers!!
 we are the law..... we are family corleone!!!....... lame is a crime.....
 lame will be crushed!   hey,hey,hey... did you ever heard about us??? we are
 the corleone's family... old, old, old group from 80's..... now - beginnig
 of 90's - we are only grafix team.....but don't worry, we will rise again!
 and here we are!!! we have used only quarter for this picture. and we have
 so ugly colorpalette ever seen... but, but, but you will see corleone-grafix
 more and more...... now comes greetings:  ......not yet......not yet
........not yet.......now!!! the following groups needs some greets from
 godfather don vito corleone os. andolini of family corleone.....the greets:
......(not an alphaorder).....  linc   ,   complex   ,   vision x   ,   gate
   ,   deep   ,   ***sensored***   ,   leukevan vanhainkoti crackers   ,
   phoenix....... it's all ........ thanks deep and ABCDE for co-operation
....... we remember ........ bye! .........
aarrgghh!!! this is ABCDE interrupting this brainless,mindless,useless and
 insane "scrolly-text"  >>> here comes the only no-nonsense thing in this
 demo ... special thanks to all the people supporting my "great" career
 as a demo-coder ... mega-greetings to the super-multi-talented-music-master-
graphic-designer jugi perfect!!! >>>
 hello world!!! here is heart again!!
 after long delay i'm back. i was just looking tv, but there was only a dull
 soapopera so i thought that it's time to write again. daley and darkwalker
 are still looking tv. I'm very glad about that, because darkwalker don't like
 smell of mine fine cigarets ööh, maybe i should tell you some interesting
 facts about my pic. picture looks pretty stupid, but i like it, because it's
 painted in few hours. i felt it very difficult to draw nice piccy with same
 palette, which was used by don. piccy's name is alice in wonderland.
 first i thought that the name was shit, but now i think it's quite good..now
 i will change subject. do you think that every team must have a slogan?...
.....      heureka!!!! i (mighty heart) organize an competition with amazing,
 marvelous and for a while extremely secret prizes!!!!!! send your
 suggestion to me and the best slogan will win a mega cool prize!!!!!!!
 send your suggestion to .......heart...............kariniemen katu 26 a 32
...............15140 lahti............finland........time has passed and
 i (heart) will tell you a sad story. once upon a time i belong to amiga
 user group called cocon, which was very nice team, but we didn't make
 anything sensible at all. suddenly in autum my friend jukebox send me
 a letter. he told that he left cocon. i was alone in big team, i didn't
 knew nobody else. months passed and one of my friends told me that he
 was putting up a team and if i will join to them. i thought it few days
 and decided to join deep. only few weeks has passed in deep and we got
 a demo, yeah that's something i like. i only hope that boys in cocon
 have fun......that's a sad and dull story, but finaly it's over. i think
 that it's time to my personal greetings. here we go.........jukebox,
cocon(especially rabbit and junzi),digi of x-beat,rubberbrain of complex
 and juzzi of vision x(is your box still running faster than light?) no
 more greetings in this demo from me. in our next demo i will write an
 short story about terrorism, story is based on my favourite game(the
 persian gulf inferno). now it is time to stop this bullgrap. heart is
 signing off!!!!!!
 >>> and now for the very first time in the whole world..... a paid
 commercial in a demo!!! here it comes 5...4...3...2...1... täällä
 komisario pentti järvilahti suomen ohjelmisto-poliisista. kaipaamme
 apuasi,jotta voisimme ratkaista yhteisen ongelmamme,piratismin. jos
 luulet omaavasi tietoja,jotka saattavat johtaa mahdollisiin lisätoimen
piteisiin,niin otappa yhteyttä. osoitteemme on: suomen ohjelmisto-poliisi,
aleksanterinkatu 15 c20-40,helsinki 14020. kuoreen merkintä "ilmianto".
 >>> >>> >>> lamers+computers=crime >>> >>> >>> the end...