Continue?(Y/N) Not Found! Searching... yOU ASSHOLE! Sure?(Y/N) __ .--\/------._.--------------------------------._.--------------------. | _____ _ _ _____ ________ _____ _ _ _____ | | _/~ _ ~\_/~\_/~\_/~___/.:::\______~\__\___~\_/~\_/~\_/~___/_ | | | | | | | ___)_:::.| / | __/ _/ | | \___ \ | | l___|: |: _ |: \ \_::|: / |: \ . \ | |: / \_ | |· |l |l | |l \ .: /::|l / |l \ :. \ l |l / .: / | |: l___| |___|______ /.:·l______/l____\ ::.\_____|_______ / | || #o18 l___| \/ \____\ -pSh. \/ | |l___ __ _ _ __/\__| `-----------------------------'_`------------------------------\.::./' .-----------------------------' `------------------------------/_:·_\. | ::. THE dRUG, IF YOU TRY IT ONCE, YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT ~~\/~~| .___|--------------------------------------------------------------------|___. | Programming : Gordon | | IMMORTAL of FREEZERS Graphics : FreeMan | | is proud to present Music (pack): Dave/fREEZERS | | THE DRUG - Mag Part (mag): Mystra/ex.THG | | Packing : Immortal | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------1/8>>> ____________ _ _________ _ ________ _ __________ \__ _______/_______ ______/________ ______ \_ _________ _______/_________ _/ ______/ _______/______/_ _______/ _______|_ ______/ \___ \_ ______/ |. | . \____ \_ | .| ____/_ | .| ______/_ | .|________ \_ || | |. | | || .| | || .| | || \ .| |_____| || | |_______| ||__________| ||___|____| || |____|____| _ ________| _ _______| -dA! _ __________| >>> Support this pack with the latest wares especially newest own-prods <<< >>> Support it with modules for pack/mag part <<< >>> Also send news, messages & adverts (max.20x78) <<< S ((()))Send Your support to:((())) S U EMail me at: U P Immortal/Freezers P P -+-----------------+- P O Kasprowicza 28e O R 31-523 Krakow R T POLAND T ---------------------------------------------------------------------<<<2/8>>> .:..:..:..:..:..:..:. issue 018 .:.TOP TEN SUPPORTERS!.:. issue 018 /\ nr handle/group bytes files prev.pos. /\ \/ \/ /\ 1. NORMAN/ANADUNE 552656 1 1 /\ \/ \/ /\ 2. DARREN/SCOOPEX 527164 1 2 /\ \/ 3. FASHION/STB 506380 1 3 \/ /\ 4. ANDY/ESSENCE 475552 1 4 /\ \/ 5. FISHWAVE/SARDONYX 452880 3 5 \/ /\ 6. ZOLTAR/TECHNOLOGY 438720 5 6 /\ \/ 7. DAFFY/TRSI 431876 2 7 \/ /\ 8. VEGA/RAM JAM 426404 1 8 /\ \/ 9. FRAME/C-LOUS 276380 3 9 \/ /\ 10. SPEEDY/JEWELS 231476 2 10 /\ \/ \/ /\ /\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\DRUG PACK - Hall of Fame/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------<<<3/8>>> ._____________________________________________________________________ |_____. \___ \ ____/ ____/\_____ \ ____/_______ \ ___/_ | |_____/_/ / ____)__ ____)_/ _____/_ ____)|_ _/ /____ \ | _____/ \ \ | \ | \ | \ | \ \ \ | \ |_____|_____|\ \_________\________\________/________\_|\ \_______/ <=============\____\=======================================\____\=eXl!=> - -- --- DRUG PACK issue nr 018 --- -- - ... .. . This issue file supporters . .. ... nr handle/group bytes files i wasn't active in swapping for a while so main supporter is my modem ---------------------------------------------------------------------<<<4/8>>> . . . . . . . . __ __/|_____/|__ __/|_______/|________/|__ __/|_______/|__ __/|___ __ \/(_ ________ ¬\(_ _______ __________ ¬\(_ __________ ¬\(_ ____) __\/ __ /÷ __)/÷ _ //÷ __)__/÷ __)__/÷ _ //÷ __)__/÷ _ //____ ÷\ \/ \// | // | ¯¯\ | ¬\ | ¬\ |¯¯¯\ | ¬\ | ¯¯\ | \\_ (_____)(_____j_ _)_____ _)______ _)____ _)_____ _)__j_ _)_______/_) kC!\/ \/ \/ \/[pr!de]\/ \/ H E L P IN MAG-PART | IN PACK-PART key S - search | Up - position up key A - adverts | Down - position down key M - messages | key N - news | Enter - load demo | Left - prev page | Right - next page | Save Your Time - Use Shortcuts | key ESC - return to pack | (Y to confirm, N to cancel) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------<<<5/8>>> _ _ _/\____ ___.__/\___/\___/\_____/\___/\_____/\________/\_ _ _ ////\ \____ \/ | \ ___/\___ \____ \____ \ ____/ ___/ ////\ \\\\/ / | \ | / _)_| __/ _/_|/ \ | \___ \ _)_ \\\\/ / · \ ! / \_\ \_ \ · \ \ \ \_[dRAw] \________/_____/_______/_\______/____/______/______/_____/ fREEZERS pLHQ ÷ tECHNOLOGY eHQ ÷ cHROMANCE pLHQ Ur SysOp: iMMORTAL/fRS CoSys: MePhI/dMG^cOR ][ aMIGA^C= warez ][ v.32b ][ a1200/fAST/0.5gB ][ .oO Support Drug packmag & get the latest issue Oo. ._____________________________________________________________. | | | NODE1: +48-12-114632 · NODE2: +48-12-!soon! | |_____________________________________________________________| ' ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------<<<6/8>>> .......____________________________/\..... ::::::/___/__\ __/__/__ \ __/__\ __/::::: :::::/ _// _ / _/ _/ __/ _/ _ /__ \:::::: >>> To Ascii Artists <<< :::::\/::\_|_\__/__/___/___/_|_\___/:::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::immortal:frs!:::::: if You are an ascii-artist then don't forget to do some ansi's for this pack At the moment I need some DRUG & IMMORTAL ascii's ... Of course FREEZERS or FRS ascii logoses are also welcomed ... Thanx to all mentioned below ascii-artists wich work is used in this pack Paszczak(pSh),Dave/freezers(dA!),Excel/balance(eXl!),Pride/Stellar(pr!de), Draw(dRAw),Phase/basement(p!),Crusader(cDr),Tbm/basement(tbM),Chrombacher(cRb) . ______ ______ _________ ________ ____. :/ ____ \__ ___/ ___\___ \_/ ______ \_/ __/. ¦ _/ _ _/ _/_ _/_| ___/ _/_ _ _/___ : <<< To Ascii Artists >>> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ¦ |__|__|__|_____|____|_____|_____|_|__|_____| `--÷cRb/e^D÷-------------------------------' ---------------------------------------------------------------------<<<7/8>>> ___________________________ \______ \_____ \ ____/_______________. | \____/ _/ /_____. \ | $$$ LAST words $$$ | ___/| \ \ | \ fREEZERS! | |____| |____|\ \________/ | <==============\____/=eXl!===============> If You'll spot any bug(s) in this pack-mag serie then please let me know about it/them along with Your bug-report include Your configuration If You have any suggesstions how to make this pack better then write too... This is the last page so I suggest You to jump to other section... ___________________________ \______ \_____ \ ____/_______________. __________Enjoy_this_issue__________| \____/ _/ /_____. \ | | ___/| \ \ | \ fREEZERS! | Yours........iMMORTAL/fREEZERS |____| |____|\ \________/ | <==============\____/=eXl!===============> ---------------------------------------------------------------------<<<8/8--- .__________ | ______/_______. ________. ________. ________. ________. ________.________ | ___// __ |/ _ |/ _ |_\____ |/ _ |/ __ | ____/. | | | \____| / | / | _____/| / | \____|\_____ | | | | \ | ______| ______| \ | ______| \ | / | |____| |______\ |______\ |______\ |_________|______\ |______\p!|________| the drug - if you try it once, you can't live without it! ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | >>> >> > three ways of supporting the Drug Pack < << <<< | | | | ... .. . Support it With the latest scene warez . .. ... | | . .. ... Support it with the usual stuffs like news, messys, advs ... .. . | | . Support it with tunes fiting to the mag (<50k) & to the pack (<30k) . | | | | ### Support Drug Pack under this address ### | | EMail me at: | | Call: OverDose (home of DRUG-packmag) +48-12-114632 | | . IMMORTAL of FREEZERS . KASPROWICZA 28E . 31-523 KRAKOW . POLAND . | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____ ____ _____ _____ ___ _____ ____ ____ __(___/_ _\_ ¬. _(____/ __(____/ ___\__¬. __(____/ __\_ ¬. / __/___ _/o· ____) / _/_' __/__/o· __/__/ _____Yo· __/__/ / _/_\_____ ¬\_ \ ¬\ _ / ' . ' . l/ . ' . _ / l/ / `pSh____\---/____\---.____j---.____j--/_____j---.____j---/____\--._/___//, We are looking for an experienced coder ??? INTRESTED ??? for more informations write to: Immortal/Freezers --------------- KASPROWICZA 28E 31523 KRAKOW POLAND ___________ _______ ________________ _______ _______ ________ / ____/ _ \ / ____// ____/\____ \/ ____// _ \/ _____/ / ._/ __/ // ._/_/ ._/_ / .___/ ._/_/ __/ /\___. \ _/ | \__ \ | \ | \/ | \ | \ \__ \/ | \_ \ | | \_ l \_ l \_ l \_ l \_ | \_ l / \ | | / / / / / | / / \___|\___| /___| /__| /\___| /__| /___| / |___/ <========l___/====l___/===l___/=====l___/===l___/====l___/\___|=eXl!=> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Do You want to have another cool contact... | immortal/freezers | it is so easy - just drop a nice letter to me, | tomasz chmielewski | include a disk(s) and you'll get a fast answer | KASPROWICZA 28E | Easy isn't it ??? | 31-523 KRAKOW | Don't forget to support Drug pack-mag | P.O.L.A.N.D | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _____ ._____. .__. _______| _¬\._____.-----.______ | . ¬|--| ¬|-----. ____/ | | . ¬| |__| ___/ | | | | | |__| \__ ¬T | | | |____ ¬T __/ -dA! | | | | | __/ | | | | | | | | ¬T | | _ | | | T | | · | | | · | | | |\___/¯ · |__|___|-----'_____|------'____| `-----' ------' fREEZERS pLHQ ÷ tECHNOLOGY eHQ ÷ cHROMANCE pLHQ Ur SysOp is: iMMORTAL/fRS ][ aMIGA^C= warez ][ v.32b ][ a1200/fAST/0.5gB ][ .oO Support Drug packmag & get the latest issue Oo. |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | NODE1: +48-12-114632 · NODE2: +48-12-!søøn! | |_____________________________________________________________| \ LENIN/FRS _______^^^__^^^__^^^^^^__^^__^^^^^^^________ LENIN/FRS / _\ /_______LET__THE__WINTER__BE__FOREVER________\ /_ __\ || || /__ ___\ || ___ RULEZ: No || /___ ____\ || //___\\ - no lamers ___ Short || /____ \ || ///___\\\ - no idiots /---\ Letters|| / \ || //// \\\\ - no drugs // \\ || / \ || |||| |||| - no games || || || / FREEZERS\ || / \\\\___//// - only ELITE \\___// \ || /FREEZERS FREEZERS/ || / \\\---/// \---/ \ || \FREEZERS / || | \\---// IF YOU AGREE \ || \ / || | __Then_You_can_write_to:__ \ || \ _____/ || / /__________________________\ \ || \_____ ____/ // |__ // LENIN/FREEZERS \\ __\ \\ \____ ___/ ||// \ // ul.Pilsudskiego 2/53 \\ / \\|| \___ __/ || \__/ // 66-400 Gorzow Wlkp. \\ \__//|| \__ _/ ||_____//___________P_O_L_A_N_D__________\\_____|| \_ / LENIN/FRS \----------------------------------------------/ LENIN/FRS \ · · ______________:_________________________._______:_______________ _ __ \_ _____/___ \______ /____ /_____ |_____ /___ \_ _____/ __ _ // ___/ _/ _/ _/___/ _/___/ .------' _/___/ _/ _/----. ¬\\cDr //-----\-----\_____\----'-------'----------'-----'----\_____\-------\\ : · fOR rEALY cOOL sWAPPING yOU sHOULD tRY 2: · : : : · dAVE / fREEZERS · : ¦· dAWID nABIALEK ¦ |: p.O.bOX 1138 ·| |: 42224 cZESTOCHOWA 24 :| ¦:: pOLAND! ·:¦ ::::.... . . ..::: `---------------------------------' ________________________________ \___ \_______ \___ \___ _____/ _// // / _// /_____ \ \_ // __ __\_ / / / / // / \ / / / / / /____/ / / /____/ / /__/ /____/ /__/ pOw/____/ -^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^- We nEeD YOUR sUpPort! -^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^- We HaVe JuSt ReLeAsEd OuR nEw KeWl PaCk ^-^-^-> AvAtAr <-^-^-^- SeNd YaR SuPpOrT tO tHe FoLlOwInG aDdY: -^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^- p.O.w/iRIs <-DoNt WrItE PrEsTeGaArDsVeIeN 1 4370 EgErSuNd NoRgE .::::. ...{gFx-tWiNs}... .:::···:: /~~~~~~\::: :· /~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~\ /~~\ /~~~\/~~~~~\/~~~~~~\ / /~' ./·:::. _ / ~\___// /~' ./ / \ / , / /~' ./ /~~~/ ~~~~~~~~··::.~~~\---, ~\ ~~~~~\/ \ / ~~~~~\ ~~~~~~~\~~~\ /. \ .:::. _·::. / / // ./\ / / .\ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~·:::::.~~::::.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ·::::::::::· gFx-tWiNs oF eSSENCe & sCOOPEx ··::::·· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aRTUR sKOTNIK or cALVIN gOLKOWSKI sTEINHAMMERSTR.18 oVERHOFFsTR.7 44379 dORTMUND 44379 dORTMUND gERMANY ...sCENERS wHO tHINK tHEY eSTABLISH mAY tRY... ___ \_/ | _ ___ _ __ _ ___ _________________________. | dAMION! | | jENS O. KlOKKERS | | mARRINKSWEG 5 | | 48531 nORHDORN | : gERMANY : e-mail: DAMION@PARADISE.FIRE.DBN.DINET.COM · _____ ______ ________________________________________\ \___________________________/ / \_ _____ \ ______ \ _ _ \ \ \ \ ___ \ ______ \ / / \ _/ \ _/ _\_\ \__\ \ \__ _\ \ \ _/ _\ / _/ \____\_____\____\ \ \ \ \ \________\________\____\ \__\ \ · \_____\ \ \ \____\-vO! \_____\ \_____\ : \ \ ______ · | \____\ \_____\ : | ______ · | iF yOU wANT tO gET iN tOUCH wITh aRTWORK. tRY tHIS ONE! \ \ l____________________________________ _____ __ _ _ _. \_____\ _æµ. _ __µæØØØØØ _µøM" µæÑ@" ___µææØØØ#MØØØØ"_µÆ@ _æØ#° Ñ#@¶°"¯ ÆØØØ_æØ° ___ _aÆØP" Ñmmw_____ÆØØØ"ÆQww=*¶ØØØ# _µØ@" ¬¶#m_ ¯"°°¶@" ¬ØØØ#ÆØÆQ____ ¶ØØØ_ °Ñ#w_ ¶@ÑØØÑæww_ØØØØØ"°¶@ÑØØØæmµ_ØØØØQ ¬¶#m ¬"¶@#ØØØØØØØ@ "¶ÑÑØØØØØØ& ¬°¤ ¬°ÑØØØ# ¬¶#ØØØÞ ¬¯ · e · s · s · e · n · c · e · contact for dodger of essence 100% fun friendship daniel koschera 100% answer elite wilh.-buschstr.20 if not too lame swapping: 41541 dormagen support my packs germany -(· j E W E L s ·)- a R e b A C k i N 1 9 9 6 ! __ _______. ______ _______. ________ ______. ______/ \ __\___ |____ __\__ \ __\___ |____ /___/ ____|__ / / \/ / | / / \/ / | / / \_______ \ _/ / \_ /____| / /\ \_ /____| / / \_ / \_ \ __________/__________/______/\ /__________/___________/__________/ -\___/--------------------------uMn\____/aC!-------------------------------- For Friendly Mail Tradeing: Greetz.gIANtS.nEO.bLACKLOTUS.nEO. pROFILE.tRSI.mASSIVE.iNSANE.jFF. KELdON/jEWELS 9dESIGN.cOMAKIDS.sARDONYX.rAGE. Kenneth Fajkowski sCOOPEX.cREAM.iFFCE.xTRADE.qBIC. Arvesgarde 3O rAMJAM.cLOUS.sADDAM.rOSE.gLOBAL. 417 44 Gothenburg Sweden .aND.tO.aLL.i.fORGOT!. °¤×xפ°°¤×xפ°°¤×xפ°°¤×xפ°°¤×xפ° ______________ ______________ \ /....\...... / \ /:::: \ :: / \___ ___/ :::: \___ ___/ / \ ::::...../ \ / \ :::: / \ / ____ \ :::: / ____ \ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯:::::: ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ °¤×xפ°°¤×xפ°°¤×xפ°°¤×xפ°°¤×xפ° hELP!!!! My Hd died..and all my swappers addies too!!!!!!! If you are one of my swappers, and haven`t gotten any aswer l8ly please send me a postcard with your addy on!!! I NEED IT! TfT / Rno NhQ also Skaarabrekka 11 also to join 4370 Egersund 4 ELITE R.N.O Norway Swap WhY? We tell you why! React / -mOnk- Joeri Tan fAUnA 17 1273 gV hUIzEn Holland nOodle / Desire! Stephan Schipper TiJm 20 1273 Ec hUIzEn Holland [No Cheating!] 100% rePLy! That's WhY! Little elves and big dragons, tick tick does the clock all the seconds. obidoe does it make sense don't know, everywhere ants ??????????????????????????? I am Sascha !!!!! and ready to swap modules Sascha / Talent Groenveldsdijk 34 a 1744 GE Groenveld The Netherlands Greetings to : me, and eh me, and you too ... |------ -- - _ _ _ | _________ (_)(_)(_) | _/ \ \\/ \// | \_. = \ \___/ : | ___/._/ \_. \ . | | | | ---------\ : | | |_| | | \ Write to The DuTcH deViSiOn oF | | /\/ \ | | / RavE NeTwOrK OvErSCaN: |_ |/ \ ! ---------/ \__/ \______/ . / 1 _/ / \ 0 \ / / : .T.B.C./R.N.O. 0 SeDuLoUS/R.N.O. \ / / : | KlOOsTeRlAAn 32 % SpIe 3 \/ / \|/ | 4871 TK EtTeN-LEuR 5301 ZZ ZaLtBoMMel \____/.oSdSo. | HoLLaNd! R HoLLaNd! - -- ------| E (sWaPPinG,JoInInG) P (sWaPPinG) RåV@ N@tW°rK °v@®sCåN L Y kInGs In CrEaTiNg MuSiC ! ._______________ _ _ _ _ | ________ _____ _________ ________ _________ __:______/fRm/e^D/_ __) / ________/ /___/ /_/ / ______\_______ _ /____ _ /_____\__ __ / / /__ /___ \ ____ \_________/____// / ___/ \ ___/ / ___/ \_______/ __/ \ \/ . \ \__/ \ \_ \ \_ \_ \_______ \/ / .\_____|_____________________________/____________/________________________/ ··::::| l__/\ __ _ · ·::l____/\\/_ _ \/ a bUNCh oF fLOWERs tO... sLIMe,yAFFLe,sLASh,nEMESIs,rADAVi,cHAOs!,bEHOLDER, cONTACt... zENIt,dECADENCe,sPLATTERHEAd,hACKSAw,sUHu,tROOPEr, mINDPHASEr,dVIZe, eIGHTBALL,fALCOn, dECOy,kESTREl, fRAME / C-LOUs dARKHAWk,MDB,vIRTUe,iMMORTAl,dICk,sWERx,mASs,cOLa, Joakim Bengtsson fUGAZi,dR.POISOn,rAIVo,mIKLESz,cRUSADEr,hYSTERICk, fJÄLLSIPPEv.14 hELLOWEEn,wIZARd,sIRIAx,rOd,cHIMERa,aLBUNDy,pEARl, 31133 FALKENBERG pAYDAy,dARREn,2FASt,sUGAR RAy,jINx,lIMBo,eLECTROn, s.W..E..D..E.n nOp,aCId,nORBy,oDEn,sNUFFy,nOODLe,cYRYx,kR'33,TMX, wOLFMANn,jECKBUZz,lUSSARn,cOLORBIRd,gANGSTA,fATAl, fOr sOMe tRADINg aNd rASCAl,cHROMBACHEr,dEVISTATOr + eVERYONe eLSe..... c-LOUs mEMBERSHIp. .___. ._. | | | | | |_|___ ___._| |___.___.___.___. l__ |__ Y _ | _ | _ | _ | | | | | ___ | | | _ | |_| | | | | | | | |> <. ____ \___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | - ---l___|___|_| l___l___|_|_|__ |_|_|---> . | | . .- ----------------[aXY'94!]-- |_| ----- -. | | | fIShWAVe of Sardonyx | | | | adrian jaglarz | | alter gutshof 15 | | 30419 hannover | | germany | | | |!Support Seenpoint!| `-----------------------------------------' ______ ___ ___ _______ - Loqueris Latine? _/ ¬\_/ ~Y ¬\_/~ ____/ - Queris aliquem ad | _ | _ | __/____ permutationem? l___! ! | ! \ | - Semper respondit? __:____:____| .: :_________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~l____|~~~~~~~~~~____ .pSh! ______ __/\__ _______ _______ ___).:::/ ______ __\___ ¬\_\·::./__\___ ¬\__\___ ¬\_/~ _____/__\___ ¬\_ | _/ _//_·:_\| ] | ] | __/___| _/ _/ ! \ \~~\/~~! ____/! ____/! \ ! \ \ __:____\ \_____:____| ___:____| ___:_________:____\ \ ~~~~~~~~\____\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\____\ - Loquor Latine, Italice et Britannice. - Si magneticus discus mittit tum respondeo sine timore (1oo%). - Diurnarii, ephemeridii scriptoresque prelati sunt. _______ ___ ___ _______ ( ))( \\ / ))( ___)) / /\ \\ \ \/ // / //____ ( (( ) )) ) (( ( ((( )) \ \/ // / /\ \\ \ \/ // (______))(__// \__))(______))Ð ..cONTACT uS....wRITE tO.. dATA / oxYgENE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .vINGRIEF fABRICE .3, aLLEE dES tAMARIS .91330 yERRES .fRANCE .pHONE..(+33) 6948 7491 __________________ __ _____________ / . / / __/ __/ / / \/ / / __/_ _/ | / / / / / / __/ /_/ / / / /_ / / / /_/_/_/_/___/___/___/___/___/___/ /_/ .: of :. | _____________________________ _______ ____ | / . / / / / /_ _/ / / . / __/ /_ / /_ / | / _/ / / / / // / / _/ __/< _/ / / _/ / /__//_/_/___/ /_//___/_/_/___/ /___/___/___/ .: & :. ____________ _ / . / / //__ _ | | / _/ / / / //// / / Markus Nimtz -=#=- | /_/_/_/_/___// Noellestrasse 22 | | | 29646 Bispingen # - --==#==-- - Germany | | - - --=#=-- - - .: Hq Module Swap and Rave Flyers :. | ·: Support our P303 Mag Subculture :· # .---------------------------------------. »| ANSWER GUARANTEED FOR LETTER & DISK!! |« | ·---------------------------------------· _____ ____ ____ _________ _ \ / _ _/ _/____\ __\ \/ /__\______ \ .------\ /-------/______ \_____aN!-. | \/ | | a n f o b i a / m s v ^ a ! a | | | | l i l j e g a t a n 1 | | | | 5 4 5 3 1 t ö r e b o d a | | | | s w e d e n | | _____ ____ ____ _________ | | _ \ / _ _/ _/____\ | | __\ \/ /__\______ \ | `------\ /-------/______ \_____aN!-' \/ xX<»«»><>X>X<«·*·»>X<«»«>Xx X/' '\X X -ßaDg£® °f Phu+u®e 3ø3- X × seeks contacts × Y : · Y ) | send stuff to | ( | · -+-------------------+- - | : | ßadGe® | : | | MARTIN AHLQVIST | | ( | N.Knoopgatan 2b | ) / | 632 26 E-TUNA | \ X | SWEDEN, TELLUS | X \ - -+-------------------+- / < : · > × 50% Gf× × / 50% sWaÞ¡nG \ > 100% fRiENDSH|P < X 100% fA$T ®epLy X X\. ./X +X«»<×>«XX»<×>«»X+ ______________________________________ _____ _____ _____ \____ \ / / /__ __// \___ \_ ___/ /__ // _ //__ / / ____/ / / / / / / _ _/ __/_ _/_ // / /_/_ / /__//__/__/_____/__/_____/__/ /_____/ / / //____// / / =[LFO]======================/__/========/____/======/____/=== | | | | | · iF yA wAnNa gEt iN tOuCh wItH pHuTuRe 3ø3 · | | | | b·A·s·E | | 100 % aNsWeR pOsTfAcH 1102 100 % aNsWeR | | 24585 nOrToRf | | gErMaNy | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------' __/\___ __/\ __ __/\___ __/\_____/\___ __/\___ __/\ __/\___ \____ \ \__ \/ \ \____ ·\ \____ \____ \ \_ ____) \___\ \____ \ / _| \\/ \ \\/ | __)/ |___) | \\/____ .\/ .\/ _| .\ // \_ \\ \/ \\ | ·\ !| // | \\ \ \\ \\ \_ \\ ::(_____|_____)__||_____)________)__)(___________)________)_____)__|_____):: Lfo, Nemesis, Scraby, Payday, Vega, Inssomniak Feel like a gray tomato? Angeldust, Clever, Cyclone, Booger, Sting, Michael Feel like girls are hot Phase, Radzik, Decoy, Base, Cyboman, Powdihacker dogs? Feel like Amiga Bon, Crack, Pay, Randy, Raivo, Syntax, Trayzor rultz? Yeeeaeh, Me too: Paperboy, Funny Girl, Qba, Raze, Dreamkiller, Opel Ravana, Speedy, Abaddon, Celtic, Hooligan, Domain ^ Drac/A!A^SCS^LED^P303 Jaxx, Jolly, Chelsea, Gizmoduck, Sixpack, Hogan_[·]_Jan Knudsen Tricktrax, Skull, Plugster, Zibi, Immortal, D-Coy\_Y_/Nr.Brogade 126 Crusader, Ghandy, Iro, Sonic Flash, Edge, T rasher ! 89oo Randers Evarpor8er, Troublegum, Cenobite, Gangsta, Exolon Denmark Splatterhead, Tos, Mac, Mr.King, Draw, Wildcat Also for Mr.Pigmy, Qix. supporting PsychoPack _ _ _ _/\__ ___ /\__ /\__ /\ _/\__ ___ _ _ _ \\\ \___¬¥~ ¬\__ / _¬¥\ /¥ _ ¬\ / Y__ \__ ¬¥~ ¬\__ /// __/ :_____/_/ ! : \__/ : ! \__/ | ¬¥\__/ :_____/ \ __|__\ \______ \ ! : \ __|__ /\/ ! /\/ T / ! /\/ /\/ ! 7 \_____ \ |____\ _____\_____ \_____ | =====\_____!\____!=====\____!=====nM$=\_______/==\_____!= \ øf / \ / \ AGOA / HONOO / PSYKOTROPE / +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Contact me for swapping !! *-* FONDRETON Mathieu *-* . 58-b Rue du cheval noir . 67720 HOERDT -> FRANCE <- ->>>>>> 1 DISK = 100% REPLY !!!!! <<<<<<- .--------. _________ ________ ___________¦________¦_______ .-----. _______\_ _____/___/_ _____ \_ _____ \_ _____. / _______/---! / _/ ____/_____\/¯ : / ¬\/ / ¬\/ / \_____/ _____|_\_ | /_. .-\_________ /____ :/____ . /____ . /_____|________ .:/¯ _ _/ ¬| l________¬\/ /.-.\____/.-.\____/.-.\____/.--+--------¦\____/____/ .: | `-----.\____/ ¦ `------` `------` `------` ¦ ¦-------->/______| `-------` ¦ _¦ -g! ¦ _\/_ .fOr fASt aNd fRIENDly mAILTRADINg. ¦ \/\/ _ .fOr gRAFFITi aNd fLYEr sWAPPIn`. ¦ ¦ _(_)_ .cONTACt tHe nEXt gENERATIOn uNDEr ... `--------` (_(_)_) (_) .-----------------· gANGSta/sCOOPEx ·-----------------_|_----. ¦ rENe rUMMEl (_|_) ¦ ¦ hUTSCHENREUTHERKOl.5 | ¦ `-------------------. 95100 sELb .--------------------\//----g! gERMANy . ______________ __________/\ ____________ ___________/\:. . : :\ \/ \\/ \/ \\: : : .:/ ___________/__________ \_______ \ \________ /:. : : : . :/ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \/\:: . : :\ \______ \_ \ / / \ /\_________ \:. . :\_ | / Y _/ _/ / / /: . : : ::\ | / | \_ / _/ /:: : . ::\______ /\_________ /\______ /\__________ /:: . : ::::\______/:::::::\______/::::\______/::cyryx:\______/:: :fOR tRADIN` tHE vERY-lATEST: GHANDY/GODS, Lars Sobiraj, Mindener Str. 5, 40227 Düsseldorf, Germany .____ ___ _ ______________/\_______ ___ ___ _ _ ____. S |·:::\/::· . __ . ·::\/:::·| V U |:::._______/\ .______.__/ \______ _______/\:.:::::| O P |:·::\______ \ | |\_ _______/ \______ \__·:.:| T P |::::/ / \ |_/\___|/______ \ / /____/::::| E O |::_/ / \| _/ / \/ / \:.::| R |.:\ _/ \_ \ _/ \_ _/ \_:·| N T |:::\____ / \____ /___ /::| O ! `------\_________/______|--\_________/--\_________/---' W _____________________________ \___ \ / / /_ __/\__ \_ __/ / ___/ / / / / / / _/ _/_ /_//__/__/___/_/___/_/ /____/ =[LFO]===============/_/======= _____ _____ _____ Write to LFO /__ // _ //__ / LFO for True_/_ // / /_/_ / Ultra-Fast/ / //____// / / Swapping /____/======/____/=== LFO/PHUTURE 303 WHQ 135 STOURTON AVE HANWORTH MIDDX TW13 6LD ENGLAND !100% to disk senders! Also for supporting our kewl musicmag `SubCulture' _______/\/\_____ _____ ____ /\ ___ __/\/ \(_____)_________ _/ \/ \_/ Y ( l_________ _ __j | / l_ _ \_____ _\____ \ | Y| | |___/ Y \ / _/ l _/ l )! !| ! l \_ !____Y___\__________\_________/ l____jl_____j_________/[®Çt] Are you cool? Write to me! Mars of Mystic Andrzej Marcjasz ul.Na Stoku 2a 84-230 Rumia Poland ______________________________________ \____ \ / / /__ __// \___ \_ ___/ / ____/ / / / / / / _ _/ __/_ /__//__/__/_____/__/_____/__/ /_____/ =[LFO]======================/__/======== 4 hAPPY mAILTRADING wRITE 2: mR.uHU/pHUTURE 303 jAREK cISZOWSKI p.O.bOX 391 42-207 cZESTOCHOWA 7 pOLAND fOREIGNERS aRE wELCOME!! _____ _____ _____ /__ // _ //__ / _/_ // / /_/_ / / / //____// / / /____/======/____/=== ................................ : _ _______ __ _________ : : /// ___/_ / \\______ \ _ : : \_____ \\__// _____/// : : /______/(__)\_______\ nM$ : : sURPRISe! pRODUCTIONs : : fOR rEAL fRIENDSHIP sWAPPING : : wIV aLL tHE lATEST wAREZ.... : : : :nEMES!S/aNATHEMA^sURPRISE! pRODS: : 30 fARRIER cLOSE : : fATFIELD,wASHINGTON : : tYNE aND wEAR : : .. nE38 8RW,eNGLAND .. : : {__} {__} : : o sHORT hI hO`S gOTO o : : mICHAEL,mESSIAH,sHADE,bUZZ : : dREAMFISH!,jOBBO,mIC fLAIR : : gANGSTA,rEBEL,bELDIN,bLISS : `:..............................:' +---- - - - | ___ _ ______ ___ ___ ___ _ | ( _\ \( _\ _) _ \ _ \ \\/ ) | /- \| / _) / _ / - ) / | |_|_|__\_|___)_|_\___)__/_/ PioNeeR oF THe RaDiCaL CooL! WaNNa SWaP THe LaTeST WaReS? DoN'T HeSiTaTe To CoNTaCT Me PaPeRBoy/Mobile JaRKKo TaRNaNeN HaRaKaNKaTu 5B SF-15610 LaHTi FiNLaND,euRoPe GReeTiNGS To aLL My FRieNDS! | LeTTeR + DiSK(S) = 100% CooL! LeGaL = Cool! iLLeGaL = CooLeST! | | - - - ----+ __/\___ __/\ __ __/\___ __/\_____/\___ __/\___ __/\ __/\___ \____ \ \__ \/ \ \____ ·\ \____ \____ \ \_ ____) \___\ \____ \ / _| \\/ \ \\/ | __)/ |___) | \\/____ .\/ .\/ _| .\ // \_ \\ \/ \\ | ·\ !| // | \\ \ \\ \\ \_ \\ ::(_____|_____)__||_____)________)__)(___________)________)_____)__|_____):: If You Are A Good'n'Crazy'n'Lazy musician then write to me for some lazy module or sample swapping.. If you are a good musician then 100% answer.. If you are a bad lame musician then 1% answer.. Try your luck.. Hehe.. Here is the addy to send your letterbombs to..: {}·{}·{}·{}·{}·{}·{}·{}·{} Raze of Ambrosia · Greetz To..: Polka Bros. · Thomas Petersen {} Virtual Dreams, Vacuum {} Norrebrogade 110, 2Th · Balance, Passion, Impact · 8900 Randers {} Dreamdealers, Parasite {} Denmark. · Rebels, Stellar, Scoopex · {} Flying Cows Inc, Depth {} Amrosia - Feed · Sanity, Freezers, Savior · Of The Gods !! {}·{}·{}·{}·{}·{}·{}·{}·{} ___:___ ___: . ________________ _______ ___________ ______ :__ / ___/_/ | \_\____ \______ _\____ \\__/ ___/__\ ___/__ / \ \_____ / | / _/ / ___/ _/ / \_____ / __| \\__/ /______\________\____\___\_______\____\___\____/______\_________/(__) : ._ [nM$] : _______:______ _____ __| \ __: . _____________ ___ _____ __ _ _:____ \____ _\___ \/ __ \/ __ \/ | \/ ._____ __/_\_// __ \/ \| / ___/__ / __/ _/ / / / / / | / | / | / / / / _ \_\____ \ \_____\___\___\______\______\______\_______\______\__\______\___\___/_______/ Contact Surprise! Prods: For swaps: For swaps: For joining and swaps: Micheal/Anathema^S!P Nemisis/S!P Shade/S!P UKHQ 35 Poplar Road, 30 Farrier Close, 160 Malpas Road, Herne Hill, Fatfield, Brockley, London, Wasington, London, SE24 OBN. Tyne & Wear, SE4 1DH. [ENGLAND] NE38 8RW. [ENGLAND] [ENGLAND] _ _:_/\________/\________/\_:______.__ \\\\_/ \______/ \__ __/ _\__ _///// |_______ | | \______j | | |_________| |stRAtOs l____ |____ |____j `-----' `-----' - A Scoopex division - /\ /\ >>oO< TAL of SuRpRiSe! >Oo<< \/ \/ BERRI SLIMANE 2 ALLEE JEAN COUZY 94400 VITRY/SEINE FRANCE =!= SpIrIt NeVeR DiE! =!= FOR SWAPPING! '96 SPLATTERHEAD OF FANATIC PL 62 FIN - 15141 LAHTI FINLAND DISK=ANSWER __ _ _____/\________ _ ____________________/\_ _/\___ _______/\_ _ _ __ ______ _ | _¥~| __ ___| __ _ ¬| | ¬|¥~ ¬| ¬| |ø | ¬\|_ |: | ¬|ø Tø¬| ¬|ø T _|ø __| l__/ |¤ T l__/ | ||____/ |° : || || ¦ || ¬|| _I_ __| || | |__| | || ||¯T¯ || || || || | || / ¬| | \ || | | \ | l___l__|__l_____l__l_____l__|__l_____| l_____l_____l_____| -]nM$[- 4 SubCulture support^mailtrading write 2: Blaze/Phuture 303 Patryk Kalinowski Polna 63/5 21200 Parczew Poland Foreginers are welkome! _____ ________ _____ ____ ______ _____ _______ _____ _____ \ _/__)__ __ \_(___ \(____)(____ \ ____\_ /_ _ /_(___ \____\_ /_ _/ __ / \____/ / \_ \_ | \_ __ / ___/ / / \___ pa! / \________/ ___\ ____\____/_____/__|____/_______/_______/ ___\____/______/ - - --------------------------- - -- - ---------------------------- - - Get in touch with a premiere finnish mail/modem-trader. 0-5d wares for pure excitement. Also for modules, oldie goldie stuff, xx-rated jpeg, ware cd's, underground technotapes, homemade techno, hpacvd, vhs, flyers, stickers and everything else. 100% reply! Everyone is welcome! Just send some disks with latest ami/pc stuph & nice letta. For e-mail: - - --------------------------- - -- - ---------------------------- - - X X BRAiNDEAD/LOOKING FOR A GROUP · SUOTiE 7A · 02340 ESPOO · FiNLAND X X - - --------------------------- - -- - ---------------------------- - - DO YOU ////////\ \*********** SWAP ////////\__ \********** WITH //////// /\ \/********** TECHNOLOGY ?////////\ \ \ FOR * NO ?! //////// \ / SWAPPING &* /////// \ \ \/ FRIENDSHIP * SO ... ////////\ \ ///WRITE * ////////\ \/\///TO : * //////// \ ///------------ * */////////////\ \ \////Z O L T A R * *////////\//_\ \ //// o f * *///////\ \/ __ \//// TECHNOLOGY * *//////\ \ \ \//// ------------- * *///// / \/\ \ /// PAWEL MACHAJ * *////\ \/\///\//// MALBORSKA 37 * */// /\ //////// 30-646 KRAKOW * *//\ /\//////// POLAND * */ /\ //// ----------------------- * / \ \//// DISK+LETTER=100%ANSWER * \/\ \ //// 5.25 DISK AND VBS TOO * +------- | U S E | Y O U R : _____ ___ _____________________ . / / /__/ /__/ / / ___/ / / \ / / / / / / / /__ / / / / / /\ /_/_____/_____/_____/____/_/___/__/__/ / \_\_____\_____\_____\____\_\___\__\__\/: | Write to MTC/ILLUSION | for fun, cool short | to your Pack or Intros. | My adress: Adam Krawczyk | ul.J.Slowackiego 7a/18 | 11-400 Ketrzyn | Poland... | --------------+ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ /\ __ _|.----.| /\ __ ___ _ _|.----.|_|.----.|__ _ __ //\\ |.---.| |: //\\ |.----.\|.---| |--.| |-------.| :::::::·/ \·|| \ | // \·|| \ | | | \ | |:::::: :::::: / \ | \ |·/ \ | . \| | | \ | ---.-'|::::: :::::·/ . \| |/ . \| : \ : | | ---'--.::::: ::::// : \ \ | : \ | \ · | \ | ||:::: //____| \___\____|___| \_______/_______| \____|________|| `--- -.|______\.--- - ---.|______\.--- - - ---.|____|.--- - - - ---' `--- - ---' `-- - ---' `--- --' ?shp¿ 4 dA CrAzY, fASt'n fRiEndlY SwAP 4 dA CrAzY, fRiEndlY mAiltRAdiNg .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | LOSiU/AnAdUnE ShARP/AnAdUnE | | PiOtRkOWSkA 13/29 SPYChAlSkiEGO 10/9 | | 45-384 OPOlE 45-716 OPOlE | | POlANd! POlANd! | `------------------------------------------------------------------------' OR diAl hARD (0-77) 552479 100% OR diAl hARD (0-77) 746016 100% / / ____ \ / _ \ \ / / / _____ __ _|_ ___ \ \ /\/ | |__\|\ |__\ | || \/\ |A|\ |___|___| \|___ | ||__/ /|A| |G| |-------------------------| |G| |A|/|If YoU lIkE fAsT aNsWeRs,|\|A| |-| | cOoL lEtTeR | |-| |R| |aNd FRIENDSHIP tHeN wRiTe| |R| |-|\|\ To ThIz AdDy: /|/|-| |U| | |---------------------| | |U| |-|/|/ rAPPId / gENeTIc \|\|-| |L| / SebastiaN SzarkowicZ \ |L| |-| | ul. Makarskiego 43/9 | |-| |E| \ 49-300 BRzEG / |E| |-|\|\ PoLAnD /|/|-| |Z| | |---------------------| | |Z| |!|/ / Only for friendship!! \ \|!| \/\ |-------------------------| /\/ \ \ \Greetz to all friends!!/ / / ____________ ___ ____ ________ ______ ______ __/ ____/\__/ / / \__/ / _____/ / __ \__/ ___ \ \_____ \/ \/ \_____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ \_/ \ / / \_ \_ / \_ \_ / \_ / \_ \ \_ \_____ / /___ / /___ /___ /___/ / \_____/\__/ \_____/\__/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ To support Pikaboo-pack,send Adverts, News,Articles and Messages to: TOS / SILICON Fabre Pascal 195 Boulevard Pereire 75017 Paris France ____ ____ ___ _ __________________________/ _/___/ _/___________________________ _ \\\\____ \_____ \____ \_ __________ \____ \_______ \____ \\ / _ / / / _ / /___/ / /\______/ / / / _ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / _/ / / / _/ _/ / / / _/ / / / / / _/ dZG\_______\__/ /\_______\______/___/ /\______/___/_/___/\_______\G^S! \ / \ / \/ \/ FOR FRIENDLY MAILTRADING YOU WRITE TO: STEVE JONES/ANATHEMA Marek Stachon ul.Findera 33/14 43-100 TYCHY POLAND ONLY FOREIGNERS, PLEASE! ________ / /\_______ _____ /_______/ / /\ / /\ \ \/______/\/\/ ___/ / / ___/ \/\/ \_ / | \_/ ____\/ / / | __/ \ /_____/ / |___| \_______\/\_____\/ »«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«»«« iF U loOkinG 4 realy fast & friendly swap, try write 2 : Chaser of f.c.i. «« tomasz gierygowski »» poWst. w-wy 29/5 65-539 zielona gora « p o l a n d » One becomes elite not because HE claims HIMSELF to be elite, but because others judge HIM upon HIS deeds, and call him ELITE... )\.___ )\_____ ___ //-/ /.- \ \\- _\ \\.\ / / // / \ \ \ \__ \ \ / / / / |) ) \DESIGN \ \. / // (|_ / ./ )\ \ .) / /\ \ /__________/ \______/ /__/ \__\ Free your mind! Andy Sikorski - D.S.X DESIGN/TRSI 13764 Raywood Court Dale City, VA 22193 -U.S.A.- (703)590-3374 _:____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____: / ___/_______/ \___/ \/ |____ __\___/_____/ \ _/ \__/ \ __|__ \ __|__ \ | \/ \ __|__ \ \ \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ \_ | \_ \ / / / / / / \___________/_________/_________/_________/__________/_________/dee : of Grasshopper D 'Penetrations ahead' : : : : Coolio/GHD Hi: Braindead, Ghandy, Gangsta, : : Henk Wijnholds Karpow, Candyman, Mr.King, Qba, : : Marktkade 110 Speedy, Maverick, Skinner, Decoy, : : 9581 AW Musselkanaal General Lee, Kaneda, Crazywild, : : Holland TheRipper, Celtic, Noodle, Kestrel,: : Vega, Rabl, Purple Haze + Rest : : : :..........................................................: :.............................................: *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* DOGGYSTYLE *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* If you're REAL Gangsta Rap maniac, then you can try join to DOGGYSTYLE at: STEVE JONES/DOGGYSTYLE Marek Stachon Findera 33/14 43-100 Tychy P Ø L A N D Only REAL Gz! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* DOGGYSTYLE *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ___/\ /\_______/\ \_ /__________/|/\_____ \ _____ __\ \/ \___ __ _ __ ___/ \__ \/ \/ \/\/\/ /\ \\/ | \__ \ /o \ \____ \ \ \/ \ | /o \ / !____/ \/ __/ _/___/__ |/ !____/ \/. \/ \/ \|\/WooBER Swappers should try to contact Droopy / Saints DK Remisevej 7 4220 Korsør Denmark /-----------------------------------\ C H E C K Y O U R M I N D \-----------------------------------/ ___________ _______ __________ / _______ (__ __) / _______) \____ \ / \ \_____ \ / | \ / \ / | \ / : \ / \ / : \ \ _______/ \_______/ \ _______/ \ / \ / ---\/---------------------\/--------- SAINTS - Check your mind ------------------------------------- Contact to ItaL / SAiNTS to mailtrade very latest for Amiga & Amiga AGA! ItaL/SAiNTS ! Mert Yucel Eski Uskudar Yolu 10/25 81120 Ust Kozyatagi ISTANBUL - TURKEY! > also for joining SAINTS! < _ _ __/\______/\____ ___/\___/\_ __ __/\______/\____ __/\__ ___ __ _ _ _____ _____ \__ ___ / / _____ _____ \ _ / // / ' / __/ __/ / // / / / / / __/ __// __/oS! // / .// \_ \ / ./// / / .// / .// \_ \// / _\ ___ _ __/___/ //___/ /// // \_____ //\___ //___/ //___/ \ / _ _______ /_______ /___ /________ /______ /_______ /___________ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ [pr!de]\/ contact us for any reason at Damion / Artwork The Loop / Artwork Jens-Oliver Klokkers Daniel Lafrentz Marrinksweg 5 Brahmsweg 15 48531 Nordhorn 25524 Itzehoe Germany Germany __ .___. _\/_ _ __._______ ____. ____. _ | |___ \\\/\/// __//// | _/ \_/ |__/ |__/ \| ___/ : : / _ | \ | | | | \ |___ : : \___|_____|__/\_____ _____ |___\______) :_ : `---' `---'mEMø : : : .-. `-: `---:-' : `-----------------------------------------------' 6 kENWOOd pARK rOaD sHeFFiELD S7 1NF UnITED kINGdOM MerIdian mAil: (407) 201074 .__ .__ .__ __)__\__ ______ ___)__\__ ___ _)__\_ / _____/__ __/__ ______ ¬\_ \ ¬\_ _/ \ / \/ __ / \\ / \ / / \ / / \\ / \ÐÅ!-----/--/________\ ____/------\___/ fOR hAPPY mAILTRADING tRY tHIS aDDY: . ... ... . : pHASER/cLAN . ....:.. pIOTR kUZNIAK ....:... : : aL.wYZWOLENIA 15/23 : : :...: 42224 cZESTOCHOWA :..: pOLAND! · lETTER+dISK=100% aNSWER · ___ ____/\________/\__/l_________ \ ¬Y ____) _______)__. ___. / / | | ¬\___ ¬\ ¬\ ¬| | ¬| \ \___ l_ /_____/_ /___ | |__/ `--'¬\/tGø----¬\/---`--' : hOT sWAP! rOOSTER / vISION aNGSV.16 ` 82075 hARMÅNGER sWEDEN [ vISION/sWEDEN aLSO nEEDS mORE ] [ mEMBERS..aPPLY! ] __________ ______ ____ /\__ \ _\ \_\ _\ \/\ _\ \ \ _ \ _\ \ _\ \ \__ \ \ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/\ \_\ \ \ \ \_\_\___\___\___\___\___\ \/_/_/___/___/___/___/rhm/ ZaDDo/rEbelS Strandbergsv.12 611 37 NyKopInG SwEdEn ! MODULE-SWAPPING ! ! OWN PRODUCTIONS ! ! PURE FRIENDSHIP ! @@@@@@ @ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @ !@ @! @ @!@ @!@ @! @! @ !.. ! ! .! !. ! !.. !. !. !!!!! ! ! ! ! !!!!! !. !. !. ! ! ! ! !. ! !! .. . . . . .. .! ! ...... ...... . . . ...... . . For fast & friendly swapping write to: ELMEK / OBSESSION SEWERYN CIELEN Os.Pawlikowskiego 17A/9 44-247 ZORY P O L A N D _¦_/\__________________/\_____ :_¦_/\__________ ______ ______/\______¦_ \\_/ \ _ ¬\______ ¬\_/ \_ ¬\_\_/ _\______/~ \_ \_/~__Y~ ¬\_/ \______/ |: Y !|~ \__ !|: | !7 |: \____)_|: 7____|: \__ _|_____ ¬| |! | ·|: | ·|. | ·| |. |~ ¬|. |~ ¬|. | ¬|~ ¬| !| __l____| .|____| :|_________¦_l_____ :|_____ :|____| :|_________; : `----' `----' : ¦ `----' `----' `----'-Sd : Mad Elks are back and looking for more members around the world! (graphicians, coders, musicians, swappers, sysops) If you want to join very FRIENDLY and famous group, then send examples of your work to: IrOn of MaD ElkS (WHQ) BroNiEwSkiEgo 36/8 59-700 BoLeSlaWieC PoLanD 100% answer to everyone who'll send disk + examples! Don't worry, be Elk! ********************** * & ^ & * * + + * * S*O*N*I*C * * T=E=M=P=L=E * * + + * * For swapping: * * * * Z U L U S * * o f * * SONIC TEMPLE * * Tomasz Pluskota * * Adamowo 89 b * * 64-200 Wolsztyn * * * * A!G!A+ HDD + VBS * * & * * long letters * * * ********************** ------------------------------------ FLYING COWS INCORORATION ------------------------------------ Zibi Okrzei 34 61406 Poznan Poland ------------------------------------ FLYING COWS INCORORATION ------------------------------------ ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ _/\_ __ ___ \__/ /¤/ sml /¤¤¤\ ¤¤ / / ___ _______ _____ ________ ______ / /\/\/\/\/ \/ _ \ /¤¤¤\¤_¤\/¤¤¤¤/_/¤__¤\__¤\/¤¤___/ sml \ / \ \ \ \ / / / __/¤_¤\\ __/// /¤/\ \¤\ \ __/¤\ |\__\_______\_\_\___/\ \ \\\/ \// \_//\/ / / /_/ //¤/_ \ ¤/···\······/··\·\·/·/ of |\ \\/¤\/\ / \/ /\/ /¤__/ ¤¤¤//\ \ /····/·/·/·/···/·/··/| + \··¤¤\__/·/\···/\··/·//¤····/·¤¤·/ \···/\/\/\/\··/·/··/ o O \···/···/¯¯···\ \/\·\\····/\/¤\/ ¤+¤ | | | ¤¤¯¤¯¤¤ O ¤¤¤¯¤¤¤¯¤¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ + + + Smile of Casyopea & Piffko ul.Glowna 59 89-500 Tuchola Poland 30% & slow answer for Poles! 100% answer for foreigners! Long lettas prefered! ³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ _______/\/\_____ _____ ____ /\ ___ __/\/ \(_____)_________ _/ \/ \_/ Y ( l_________ _ __j | / l_ _ \_____ _\____ \ | Y| | |___/ Y \ / _/ l _/ l )! !| ! l \_ !____Y___\__________\_________/ l____jl_____j_________/[®Çt] Are you cool? Write to me! Mars of Mystic Andrzej Marcjasz ul.Na Stoku 2a 84-230 Rumia Poland /\ _____ /\_______/\_____/\ ________ / \/ \ \/ __/___ _ / \\/ __ / / / \ / _/__ / \ / \\ /___/_ / \/ \ | / / \_\____/ / / \ ||_____\ |_____/ \| |\_____/ «-\___|----|____|---/_______/|____|D!------» Go AhEaD AnD WrItE foR SoMe NiCe TiMe : TRaSh head/MysTiC ! Po Box 145 05822 Milanowek Poland. _ _ ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢«······»¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ wHen SmB wNt 2 HaV UnUsuAl'n'GoOd SwP TiM@ tHen hE WrTs 2: ----------------- qIx/vAcUuM mAcIeJ hAmErSkI sIkOrSkIeGo 6B/42 7536O kOsZaLiN PoLaNd ----------------- oNl KwL DuDz OffCOZ! _ _ ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢«······»¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ ___ __ ____ ( ) ____ ( ) ____ ( )____ __ _______ ___ ____ / \/ ) / \( ) / // /( \ ( ____)/ \/ ) / \ / /\ \\ \/ // (_/ \/ (__ / \ / _ _ \/ \/ \\ // \ )/ _ _ \ \ ( \/ \__ / ___ \\ // ___ / _// /(__)\ \ \ \ ____/ ) \___)) // ) ) / (__\ \____ ) / \ )/ /_______/ /(_____/ / /\ (_____) (___/ (__/(_______// / (____)(____________________) (__________)-=kakeen=- For friendly swap write to: Kratka/Mayhem Adam Grocki P.O. BOX 9 64-600 Oborniki Wlkp. 3 Everybody get answer ***************************** * Believe it or not * * * * But i'm back in the scene * * and so i need more contax * * as most of my old friends * * have left the scene or so * * * * For Swapping & Friendship * * * * Speedy/Jewels * * Boks 13 * * 5462 Morud. * * Denmark * * * * 100 % Answer! * * * * I have seen the scene die * * for the last few month. * ***************************** _______________________________ __/ _ / _______/ ____/ ___/_ / \ / / / \__ \_/ /_ ______/ /_______+" | \___________)_______/_________/ | ············ ··· ··········· | - - - - - - - - | | | | SWAPPING FORCES OF -DeC- | | | | ChOdE/DeC World CoHQ | | K.Andersen | | Honningbivænget 7,36 | | 5260 Odense S | | Denmark | | | | -DeC-C00L PEEPS STILL NEEDED-| | | `---------------------------------' _____________ ___ __ __ ___________________ / __ / \( ) /. \/ \\ / __ / \___ .\/ |__.\ ||// \_ .\\_/. \_/___ .\/ /. .\ \\ __/ \\ !| _ \\// .\/. .\ \\ _ _ __// \\ \\ | \\:| / \\\ \\ \\ \\__ _ _ \ ________/_|_____/_)___/\______/______/________/eXe \/ Check your mind. \/ Contact Nock Of Saints For Coolest Swaps ... Especially New Games And Tools, But The Others Are Welcome! Long Letters Are Also Welcome But, NOT a Must. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::Nock/Saints::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::KAAN GOKTURK:::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::Ridvanpasa Gul Sok.::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::Narli Apt. No:1/5::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::81080 Goztepe / Istanbul ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- TURKEY -:::::::: Don't Forget ! Always FRIENDSHIP RULEZ!!!! ____________ ___ ____ ________ ______ ______ __/ ____/\__/ / / \__/ / _____/ / __ \__/ ___ \ \_____ \/ \/ \_____/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ \_/ \ / / \_ \_ / \_ \_ / \_ / \_ \ \_ \_____ / /___ / /___ /___ /___/ / \_____/\__/ \_____/\__/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ To support Pikaboo-pack,send Adverts, News,Articles and Messages to: TOS / SILICON Fabre Pascal 195 Boulevard Pereire 75017 Paris France /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ ____ ________________ _________ / \ / \ / ___ \ / \/ __ \ \ \ \ \ / / \ /\ /\ \ / /\ \_/ \ / / / / / / \ \/ / / ___ \ / / / / / / \ / / / \ \ / / / / \ \ \ / / \ \ \ / /\ / / \__/ / \ / \ \ / \ \___/ \__/ \________/ \/ \___/ \____/ °¤° wE dEsigN tHE FUTurE...NOw °¤° << MR.KEEL from NOVA >> Alexandre Kairouannais 15 , rue Clos Savaron 69004 Lyon FRANCE \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/- ________ ________ ______________________\ /_______________________\ / _ ___ \______ \_ ___ _/ \_ /_______ \_ ___ _/ \_ /_ _ // /_______/ _/ \_____ __/ / / _/ \_____ __//---. //_______\______|______\_______\__________/____|______\_______\·cDr·: - -----------------------------------------------------------------' PAYDAY/RAM JAM, BADSTRANDSV.6, S-136 49 HANINGE, SWEDEN! -------------------------------------------------------- - FOR SOME OLD FASHION SWAPPING AT A HIGH QUALITY LEVEL! - -------------------------------------------------------------- GREETINGS: FREEZERS,C-LOUS,ANATHEMA,TRSI,REBELS,STELLAR,DESIRE FLYING COWS,GODS,MYSTIC,EREMATION,ESSENCE,SCOOPEX,BALANCE,NEO! SATURNE,GIANTS,MANIACS,DEVIOUS DESIGN,OUTLAWS,MAD ELKS,DELIGHT ROYAL,TENSION,KINGDOM,MOTION,INHUMANS,MYTH,ALPHA FLIGHT,& REST -------------------------------------------------------------- RAM JAM - TASTE THE DIFFERENCE ._______ __________ _________ _________ _ ______| . /__\________/ _______/____ __\_____ \_ _ \ \ ! / _______)___ \_______ / _______/ / / \ _____/ \/¯ /_______¬\/ / \/¯________/ __ __ \____/.---------.\____/.----.\_____/_______/.--------\/ \/---------` `------` `---------------` -g! fOR hAVE a cOOL'n'fAST'n'FRIENDLY sWAP wITH mE jUST wRITE tO : vEGA / rAM jAM gIUSEPPE gALLUZZO vIA dEI fRASSINI 6 I-92019 sCIACCA ( AG ) i T A L Y 100 % aNSWER ! :. :::___/\_______/\_______/\____ ___/\_______/\__ ___/\_______/\_______ :::\_/ \. _/ \. _/ \. \_ \_/ \_____/ \ | \_/ \. ___/ \_____/ ::::| \___/ | .__ | \ | | .____> ._|__| |_____. | ::::|. | |. | |. : | |. | |. | |. | |. | | .---|: | |: | |: | |---|: | |: | |: | |: | |---. : || | || | || | | || | || | || | || | | : : | | | | | .| | | | | | | | | | | : : |_____| |_____| |_____ | |_____ |_____ |_____| |_____ | : : `---' `---' `---' `---' `---' `---' `---' : `------------------------------------------------------------------[omg]---' :::::::::::::::::::::. fOr GfX sWAPPINg or jU$t fOr fUn! :::::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::. oMEGa/mAd eLKs, sIKORSKIEGo 1/16 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::. 12-1oo sZCZYTNo, pOLANd :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. vOICe:++48 0-885 44-916 (a$k fOr IREK) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. /\______/\ _____/\______/\______/\______/\ +---//____ /Y ____/ __ /___ ___/ __/ / | \// \\ / ___/ ___/ // \ / __ /----------------------+ | _/ _/ \_ \\ \_ // \_ \_ // \_ Friendship | | \ ________/_______/__\____/_______/__\__ // at: | | Y ScR!\/ (Allanon/Depth) | | ThE tOP is At tHe bOtToM !!! | Mikael Krogstad | +---------------------+------------------+ 7093 Hovin | | !DISK=ANSWER! Norge | | | +---------------------------------------------+ _____________________ _______________ _______________ \+++++++++++++\ \ \++++++/ \\++++[CTP!]+++/ \+++++++++++++\_ \ /+++++/ \++++++++++++/ ===\++++\__\+++++\\ \==/+++++/ /\ \++/====================___ ====\+++++++++++++\ \/+++++/ /==\ \/===================-- =====>+++++++++++++> ____>++++/ /====> >++++++/======-___ ====/+++++// \=/+++++/ /====/ /++++++/===========--- ===/+++++// /\ \+++++/ /====/ /=============--- ==/+++++// /==\ \+++/ /====/ /=============--- /+++++// / \ \+/ /++++++/ /++++++\______\ /______\\_______________\++++++\ LARGO of PRiDE My configuration Mariusz Maciejewski Amiga 1200 Wyspiaïskiego 11a/1 VBS 3.1 76-150 Darîowo HD 850 °^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^° ______ __ / ___/\ ___/\_\_\_ \_\/ /> /\/\______/ | \/\/_____/\_/\/\// //\/\/ _ / \ \_____\ /\/\/ rave stuph + flyaz + stuff <- -> stuff + mods + crap <- Dennis Mundt Kai Reinhardt Wolfsburgerstr. 42 Hutmachergasse 3 06126 Halle (spermany) 09456 Annaberg-Buchholz ____________ /\ /\ __________/ // /..__________/\_________________________... __________\/ \/ ;;\______ \____ \____ \______ \;; ;;;;/ \__ / / / / /\/ /____/\; Morten Ringstad ;;;/ / / /___/ / ___/\_\/; Morten Ringstad Furusvingen 5 ;;/ / / / / /\___\/ /\__\/;;;; Furusvingen 5 2164 Skogbygda ;/ / /___/ / / /;;;/ / /;;;;;;;; 2164 Skogbygda - Norway - ;\______/\__/___/___/ /;;;/___/ /;;;;;;;;; - Norway - ;;\_____\/;;\___\___\/;;;;\___\/;;;;;;;;;;______________ /\ /\ \ \\ \_____________ \/ \/_____________ For long letters,and 2 disks swap only. ____ ____ _____ ___ ___ / Y \/ ___) / Y \ // ¦ \\ | // | \ \\ : // ¦____ ¦ \\ \ · / : \ : \ \\ . // · \\ \\ \\ / // // \___/ \_________/____| / ¹oo% aNSWEr nO jOKe!|_____/ Draw of Vacuum P.O.Box 8705 91-494 Lodz 87 Poland! We are the drinkers! .___/\ .___/\ .___/\__ .|"" \ |"" \___ |"" \ \ :| __/ | __/ \| __/ \ !| | | |___ | | \ \ || |____|_ |__/ | | / \ || | // //| // ||______ //_____ ///|______ // ------\___/----\___/---ScR!\___/-- Hogan of LBD Po Box 30 78-200 Bialogard Poland Support SwEeT! /\______/\ _____/\______/\______/\______/\ +---//____ /Y ____/ __ /___ ___/ __/ / | \// \\ / ___/ ___/ // \ / __ /----------------------+ | _/ _/ \_ \\ \_ // \_ \_ // \_ Elite&Friendship | | \ ________/_______/__\____/_______/__\__ // at: | | Y ScR!\/ (Receiver/Depth) | | ThE tOP is At tHe bOtToM !!! | Kresten Jensen | +---------------------+------------------+ Bybækterrasserne 164F | | !DISK=ANSWER! 3520 Farum | | Denmark | +---------------------------------------------+ _____ ___ ____________________________________ | |_____/ |_____ / _____/ _____/_____ \ ___ \| |____/ | _/ \_______ \ 7 \| _/ __/ ___ \ | \______ \ _/ 7 \ | \ \_ 7 7 \ | \ 7 \ \___________/_____ /____7 | |____/_______/ ______/ ===============\___/=====|___|____|========-Scr\____/==== For some cool, friendly swapping with unknown (???) swapper from Poland simply write a letter to: Scraby ul. Waska 2/19 78-100 Kolobrzeg Poland Write also for: Ascii, tapez, grafitti, flyers swapping. Friendly people are very welcome. ___ ____. ____ .__. ____ .__ ____. ._________/ \________/ \\\__ \_/ \\\__ \_/ \________/ \\ ._____ // \__ __ \_ ___ \_/ | \_/ | \_ | \ \\__ \_/ _/ _) __/ \_______/ : _/ : _// : \ _/ | \__ \_ \__ _/ \_ . \ . \/ . .: / \\ \____/ .: /____ .: /______ .: /_____ .: / _______// \\\_____ .: /.--.\_____/,-.\______/,---.\_____/,--.\_____/\______/,-----' `---.\____// `------· `-------· ------· `------'`------· `-----· ¹oo% aNSWEr nO jOKe ! dRAw oF vACUUm p.O.BOx 8705 91-494 lODz 87 pOLANd oR dAVe oF vACUUm gAJCEGo 14/22 42-224 cZESTOCHOWa pOLANd ____ ___________________ __ / __ \/ ___/__ /__ __/ /_/ / / / / / /_ ___/ / / / / __ / / /_/ / /__/ ___/ / / / / / / /_____/____/_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ -CC WANNA JOIN A COOL(?)& FRIENDLY GROUP? IF YOU'RE A COOL CODER/GRAPHICIAN/ SYSOP/TRADER/SWAPPER/MUSICIAN, GO& JOIN THE FORCES OF DEPTH, FULL FRIENDSHIP GUARANTEED AT: ··OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO·· (Curt Cool / Depth) THE FRANK E. LARSEN TOP IS FRUEVEJ 29 AT THE 2860 S0BORG BOTTOM DENMARK ..oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo.. ______________________________________ _____ _____ _____ \____ \ / / /__ __// \___ \_ ___/ /__ // _ //__ / / ____/ / / / / / / _ _/ __/_ _/_ // / /_/_ / /__//__/__/_____/__/_____/__/ /_____/ / / //____// / / =[LFO]======================/__/========/____/======/____/=== | | | | | · iF yA wAnNa gEt iN tOuCh wItH pHuTuRe 3ø3 · | | | | b·A·s·E | | 100 % aNsWeR pOsTfAcH 1102 100 % aNsWeR | | 24585 nOrToRf | | gErMaNy | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------' . ______ ______ _________ ________ ____. :/ ____ \__ ___/ ___\___ \_/ ______ \_/ __/. ¦ _/ _ _/ _/_ _/_| ___/ _/_ _ _/___ : | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ¦ |__|__|__|_____|____|_____|_____|_|__|_____| `--÷cRb/e^D÷-------------------------------' for cool swapping | hi to my friends in: | Absolute! Balance iMMORTAl of fREEZERS | Essence FCi Lego | Mad Elks Majic 12 Tomasz Chmielewski | Melon Dezign Mystic KASPROWICZA 28E | Ram Jam Razor 1911 31-523 KRAKOW | Rebels S!P Sanity POLAND | Scoopex Static Bytes | Stellar TRSi US support drug packmag | VD/Flt X-Trade /\ tO gET iN tOUCH wITH tHESE 2 gROUPS jUST wRITE tO 1 mAN! tHE / \ _______ ______ _____ ______ ________________________ / \\| __ \_ / ___/_ / _ \/ /___ ____| ____ ____/ ____ / / \\ / _/_\_____ \/ | \ / | | || \/ \____/| / \\ / \_ / \_ | \_ / _| | || \ | | / \\_______/__________/________/______\__________||_______\_________| ____________\hMC |\______ ___________|\________________ a·n·d Y _________/__ : : :____________ : +---------------| | | / |----------------+ | nUMBER oF tHE | | | / | lORD/aBS! ^ US | | bEAST BBS: |___________________|___________________| pETER laBOS | | +36-12914029 1181 BuDaPeSt | |[NUP rEMOVED!] u·N·i·V·e·R·S·a·L s·O·L·D·i·e·R·S dARUs 10 II/3 | |_____________________________________________________________hUNGARY____| |hMC:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/\:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _ _ :::::::::/\ /\ _ __ //\_____ :::::::::::/\ ___ /\_____ /\_.___ _____/\\ / _ \:::::: _/ \/_ \/ _ \_/ ¦ \_/ _ \_ _ _ _ _ _/ \_ \:::::::::\_____/ \_ \_____/ l _/ _/ _// \\_ ______/ ·::::::/ | _/ | \_ _ \_ | \_ FrIenDsHIp | | :::::| | | | | | | | | RooLz! | | ..:::::| ¦ | ¦ | | | ¦ | ¦ | ..:::::::::| : ¦ : | | | : | _ _¯\___¦..::::::::::::|________/¯\_______|____| |________/¯_ _ \_ _::::::::::::··   ¦   _¦ _ __/ IntEreSteD iN rEAllY CooL FrIEndShip- _:_/ :pSy! Swappin?? Disk <=> Reply! Write 2: » PsyCho/XTD^IPL « » P.O.-Box 50 « » 5022 Salzburg « » AUSTRIA « _ / \ / \ /_ _\ | | \ _ __ __ | | o \ /_\ / / / / | | /____/ / / / __ __ __| |_o \\ /\ \_\ \_\ \/ / [===\ /__//__\/__//__/=\ /KL=] | \ / __/ /_ | | \/ of ZOMO group \ / | | +-------------+ \ / | | 4 swap or join write 2: \/ | | BILLY / ZOMO | | Marcin Dudkiewicz | |e ul.Akacjowa 10 | | v 10-179 OLSZTYN | |e b d POLAND | | r y o y get ansWeR !!! | `--------------------------------' /\________ /\__ /\____ /\_______ _/%^ | / _/%^ | _/%^ _ \ _/%^ _____/ /· ! / /· |____ /· _| ·\ /· ____/ // \// ! ·\// \_ \\// \ \\ | \_ \\_ | \\_ ·pSh· \_ \_____| /______ /______| /____ / |~~~~|_____/~~~~~~|_____/~~~~~~~|____/~~~~|____/ | | | 4 FaSt AnD FrIeNdLy SwAp No Bad Disk! | | No Lamers! | | KLAF No Idiots! | : Kotarbinskiego11d/3 No Standart & | : 82-200 MaLbOrK Short Letter! | : | `------ - - - --- ----- - - ---- - - - -- ---' __ ___/\ ________:::::::______ _ -___ \ \_ _ /::¯¯¯:\____ \ / | \ / |__/\:: :/ | \ \ _/ \/ l \: _/ I_/ / \ __| \____ /\ \ \____\ / \ | | \ /______\ ::-0 \ / \| l______\ ::___:: Y ::::::: Contact sUbZERO of aCid ^ sQUASh for Ansi^Ascii Swapping Tor E. Nygaard Huldreveien 25 1374 BORGEN Norway Normal swappers will not get their disx back ___________________________________________________________________________ ___ ____/ ______/ _______/ __ _________ _/ ________ _____ / ____)_____ \______ \ / ____) / \_ \ \_/ ____) / \ \_ / \_ / \_/ \ \_ / / \ / \ \_ _/ \ \ / / \ / / \ / \ \ / /\ / \ / \ \ / \______\ //_______\ //______\ //______\ //_____\ //______\ //______\ //pR$! <--------\/---------\/--------\/--------\/-------\/--------\/--------\/----> Andy / Essence Voice: +49 7391 4401 Andreas Dubois Starenweg 9 89584 Ehingen Contact me: - if ya wanna see YOUR News and Germany Adverts in ROM - for supporting our Disc-mag with Articles, Propoller-Votes, Clip- Arts or whatever you want - for trading multi-channel-modules ( like S3M, XM,... ) ,,, (o o) -+---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+- THE TRENDY DEALER / RAM-JAM Eugenio Gori Via P.della Valle 12/5 50127 Firenze Italy [100% back guaranteed to disksenders] ,,, (o o) -+---ooO-(_)-Ooo---+- .::..._____________________________________.....::::· ·· ·::: __ __ ·:::::::· · |: _____)\__________________ _____)\_____ ··:· |·__ / _____/ __ \ | / . \/ _____/ | \ |. ·| )\SQH\_____ \ \/ / | \ \_____ \ \·::· :: \ ¯¯¯¯÷arc÷ /_____ \_____/__|___/______/__|___/.::: :::::¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \/ .::::::. .. ···:::::·...___________....::::.....____________..::::::··· .. ··::·· ·· For Friendly And Fast Swapping |"""""""""""""""""""""""""""| | A R C A N E / S Q U A S H | | E I N E R V N . 6 | | N - 2 1 5 0 Å R N E S | | N O R W A Y | | | `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""' ____ ____ ___ _ __________________________/ _/___/ _/___________________________ _ \\\\____ \_____ \____ \_ __________ \____ \_______ \____ \\ / _ / / / _ / /___/ / /\______/ / / / _ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / _/ / / / _/ _/ / / / _/ / / / / / _/ dZG\_______\__/ /\_______\______/___/ /\______/___/_/___/\_______\G^S! \ / \ / \/ \/ FOR FRIENDLY MAILTRADING YOU WRITE TO: STEVE JONES/ANATHEMA Marek Stachon ul.Findera 33/14 43-100 TYCHY POLAND ONLY FOREIGNERS, PLEASE! ........................... : : ..............................:............ : : : : : : __________ : ______ : : : / _____/_ _:___| /_:___ _________:_ : _/ | |_____| | / | _______| :hMC/hDL\_____________| | |___________| \ : : \___________| : |_______\ : : sUPPoRt cULt! : : : : : : : : tHE nEW cOOPeRATiON mAG bY : : : : :...........:.............: : > aBSOLUTE! ^ dREAM dEALERs < : :.........................................: Fester/Absolute! (mAiN ed) nAPOLEOn/dREAMdEALERs lORD/aBSOLUTE!^uS 1073 Budapest Bp.56 1181 Budapest Erzsebet krt.19 13153 Tarascom Cedex Darus 10 II/3 Hungary France Hungary ___________________________ | oOo oOo | | sTaMpS --> OoO OoO | | | | Barman/Necropolis | D | P.o. Box 4430 | i | 15080-LA CORUÑA | S | SPAIN! | + k |___________________________| | ____________ letter _________ ->|^ | ||| \ | |hi man! | || | ||| | -> | | | |______| | | bla,bla | | | + | bla, | | | | bla... | | Hot stuff! | | | |#____________| |_________| = ANSWER Could it be more simple? _ _____ -_-\\\ : ______ _____ ___ _______ __ _____ _/ _~\ -// \|__ _/ "\_/____"\ _/ "\ _/______/_/__\__/ _~\ \/ _|_ \ / "\ \/ _ \/ __/ \ \/ \ \____ \ \/ \/\/ _|_ \ / _/ \/ \/ __! _/ \__ \/ . \/ | \/ \/ _/ \ / ¦ \_ \___/ \_ \_ \_ | \_ | \_ | \_ \_ | \_ \ : _/ | _/ ! _/ | _/ ! _/ l _/ _/ ¦ _/ / ¦ "\ | "\ · "\ | "\ "\ "\ \ | "\ \_____| /___| /____ /___| /___ /____ /__ /___| / +======l____/====l____/===l____/====l____/===l___/===l____/==l__/jAxXl____/=+ If you think you are crazy enough to contact Drac/Ambrosia for some really hot eliteswapping then do it NOW!: Greets: Drac/Ambrosia Jan Knudsen Compact, Neoplasia, Creed, Defiance, Nr.Brogade 126 Depth, The Edge, Eskimos, Fc/Desire, 8900 Randers Freezers, Giants, Mystic, Rebels, Denmark! Saints, Sardonyx, Scoopex, Simplex, Stellar, Suspiria, Trsi, Zenon...... ^No Stampsfakers^ Ðr.HÇl .... |Best regards to: :::: |Stellar.Trsi.Rebels /\_ /\__:::/\_ /\_ _______ /\_ /\_ |Sanity...Spaceballs /^_/_ /^__/::/^. \ /^. \\_ __ ^\ _^\ _\/^\ |Decnite.S!P.Damones _\__ \/ |__:/ | \/ | \/ \___/ ._/_/ __/_ |Balance.Polka Bros. /:· / \:·| \:· \:· \:·|/:· | \:·| \ |Kefrens.US..Complex \ _____/______/______/______/__|\_______/__| / |Desire.Sonik.FPussy \< :::: ¯"°V°"¯ | / |Mystic.Gods.Passion \ `:::^]·­·[^generations ahead^]| / |C-Lous.Drd.Alcatraz `: |/ |Razor1911.Eremation SUPPORT MY NAM-NAM PACK WITH OWN PRODS! |Avantgarde.S8.Abyss |Essence.RamJam..DTL DARREN/SCOOPEX :Jewels.Freezers.Crb ROYSLAND. 10 :Banal...Afl..Infect 4387 BJERKREIM .Outlaws.Nuance..FCI NORWAY .Accession...and.all .the...others....... THE SUPREME SPREADING MACHINE .................... /\ /\ /\ / \____/ \ / \ / / \ / \ / \__ / / \/ / \ / / / / / \ / / / / / / /\/\/ \ / /\ / /\ / \ \/ / \ / \ / \ / \__/ \ / \/ \/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for trading the latest: ACTION/MAD ELKS -·---------------·- Przemek Wozny H.Sawickiej 37/27 62-8oo Kalisz Poland +-==+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===-+ | /\______/\______/\______/\______/\______/\ | \_____ /_______/ ___/ ___/ __ / | _/ | __Y \ | \ | \ | \ | \ ___ i_______ /_____ /_____ /_____ / ! =Y===\/========\/======\/======\/=[ScR]\/ ! For some crazy swapping contact diz dudes: ! Maly/PiCCo Scraby/PiCCo ! Bulwar Ikara 30/15 Waska 2/19 ! 54-130 Wroclaw 62 78-100 Kolobrzeg ! ! Both in Poland! ! | | +-==+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===-+ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ / | |\ / | \\ | |\ / | | | / | \\ | | | / | | | / | \\ | | | / | | | / | \\ | | | / | | | / | |\ \\ | | | / /| | | | / /| | | \ \\| | | / / | | | | / / | | | |\ \| | | / / /| | | |/ / /| | | | \ | | / / / | | |_/___/_/ | | | | \ | | / / / | | |\| | | | \ | | /___/ / |___|___________| |___|___| | \___| | \___\/ \___\__/ / ____\|\___\___\| \___\| / / / /___/ / ALAN / DECLINE \___\/ Robert Owczarek ul. Polna 10/11 55-100 Trzebnica --+ POLAND +-- |------------------------------------| | _______ _______ ___ ___ | | // \ // \ // \ // \ | | \\__ __/ \\__ __/ \\ \\\ / | | ||| ||| |||\ \||| | | ||| ||| |||\\ \|| | | // \ // \ // \\\ \ | | \\__/ \\__/ \\__/ \\__/ | | | | If you serching new friendship | | and swapping contact write 2 | | | | Shon of T.T.N. | | Arkadiusz Pekalski | | ul. Harnasie 10/43 | | 20-857 Lublin | | Poland | | | | All people get Answer !!! | |------------------------------------| _____ _______ ______ ______ _____ ________ ______ / /__ \ _/ / // // __ / / __ // __ / / _/ \ \ / ____// __ // /_//_ / /_/ // /_/ / \ /___ __\ \ / /___ / /_/ // __ // __ // __ /_ . \ // // // // /_/ // / / // / / / . \_____//______//_____//_____//______//__/ /__//__/ /__/ . [Escobar] | | SEBASTIAN SZYMBOR ESCOBAR/Ind. : ul.Oratoryjna 7/5 20-881 LUBLIN | +-- - -- -- - --- --- - - - - - -- _________/\ _________/\ ___________/\ _______/\ ___/ . \__/ . \__/ _________/_(_________)__ |_/ | \__ | \___________ ¬\__ ¬\_| \_________; / |_________/ | / / |-tRSi-| / | \ · / -911/| . .:|______:__________/_________:____\______________/___________/_|:. . Tristar and Red Sector Inc. Norby of TRSI Po Box 20 56-300 Milicz Poland! Friendship! Elite dudez! Old swappers! ____/\_________ _________/\__ \ ____ ____ ¬\/ __________/ \/ ¬\/ /\____ ¬\/ ¬\ _ _ _ _\____/|___|___/______/\____/ _ _ _ ­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­¯­ -> Tristar & Red sector 4 elite swap write 2: Qba of TRSI GTZ:Norby,Dreamer,Qwerty,Snoop,Zinko,Radavi,Trasher P.o. Box 105 Mr.King,Dodger,Zibi,Mars,Thorin,Sting,Chris,Chaos!, 12-100 Szczytno Trash Head,Stan,Reset,Mdb,Kratka,Bodzio,Steve Jones Poland Kr'33,Dalthon,Sigge,Lenny,Lenin,PayDay,Steffe,Fate, Candyman,The King,Gosicak,Ghandy,Immortal,Tropper, Also Module Swapping! Chucky,Hyde,Pantera,Msw,Anti,Scraby,Kurczak...... _ /\___ ____/\ __/\ ____/\ / |_ /\___ / \/ \/ \/ \/ | \/ \ _/__ \__\__ __\ o \__ __\ : \_ \__\_ \~ \_ ~/ / / : / / / . /\_ ~/ \_____ /\ __/\ |__/\ __/\____ /____ / fl$\/ \/ \__| \/ \/ \/ /\__ /\ ____ / \/ | / _/ | \_ / \ : / \ \____ /__| \ \/ |___/ I'm search a new friendship contacts Draco/Status O.K. ul.Jackowskiego 24 64-100 Leszno Poland answer guaranted !!!! ____ /\_\_\ - 4 FasT & LeGaL SwaPPinG - \/_/_/_____________________________ | /_/_/\ | ! !! AGA WaReS !! ! \_\_\/ | -= Over 5 Gigs Of Stuff =- ! `-----> Fast MODEM Imports : .---------------------------------. |(\) (/)| | Kaos MasTeR oF Technology | | Franco Scozzari | | Via Risorgimento 13/b | | Capaci 90040 (PA) | | SICILY ITALY | |(/) (\)| `---------------------------------' [ Disk[s]+Letter = 101% Replay ] [ Foreigners ctx 200% Replay ] . °¤° °¤° °¤° °¤° °¤° °¤° °¤° °¤°. ! ! | T E C H N O L O G Y | . . ! FoR SwAppInG ! . CoNtaCT . ¡ ¡ . VOLCRYN . ¡ Stian Sollie ¡ . Svanevn.5 . ! 3057 Solbergelva ! | NORWAY | ¡ ¡ . FrIenDsHiP RuLeZ . ! ! . . ¡.....GrEEtZ tO aLL cOnTaCts.....¡ ______________________ ________ / ____/ \___ \/ ___/ CHRIS! / \ \ | / | \___ \ OF \_________\_____/________/_______/ GODS -------------------------------------------- gO aHEAD aND wRITE tO sUPPORT ChIp In PaRiS! - CHRISTOPHE HEDE - 34 RUE DUMONCEL 75014 PARIS FRANCE OR CALL THE GODS EHQ: (+33) 1 344 811 45 .____________________________________________________________________________. | __________________________________________________________________ | |_ __ \_ _______ /____ /_____ /_____ \______ /____ / _____/ __ _| | // ____/ _/ _/ _/___/_ _/___/_ ______/_ _/___/_ _/ _/______ \\ | | //______\__\ \_______/________/_________/_______/__\ \________\\ | | \_____\ \_____\cDr | | Drug Pack - If You Try It Once, You Can't Live Without It! | |____________________________________________________________________________| | | | >>> >> > three ways of supporting the Drug Pack < << <<< | | | | ... .. . Support it With the latest scene warez . .. ... | | . .. ... Support it with the usual stuffs like news, messys, advs ... .. . | | . Support it with tunes fiting to the mag (<50k) & to the pack (<30k) . | | | | ### Support Drug Pack under this address ### | | | | . IMMORTAL of FREEZERS . KASPROWICZA 28E . 31-523 KRAKOW . POLAND . | '­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­' . ___________ _______ ________________ _______ _______ ________ . / ____/ _ \ / ____// ____/\____ \/ ____// _ \/ _____/ / ._/ __/ // ._/_/ ._/_ / .___/ ._/_/ __/ /\___. \ _/ | \__ \ | \ | \/ | \ | \ \__ \/ | \_ \ | | \_ l \_ l \_ l \_ l \_ | \_ l / \ | | / / / / / | / / \___|\___| /___| /__| /\___| /__| /___| / |___/ __<=========l___/====l___/===l___/=====l___/===l___/====l___/\___|=eXl!=>__ |/ DRUG PACK - If You try it once, You can't live without it ! \| | | | .ooOOOoo. Today You Can Find Here Messages From Following Dudes .ooOOOoo. | | | | | | /\ . Nock of Saints . /\ | | //\\ . FlapJack of Convex^Erotic . //\\ | | \\// . Pila of Skulls^Convex . \\// | | \/ \/ | | | | | |___________________________________________________________________________| Maybe It's you who is A GREAT Contact of mine And havnt Heard From me for a loong time!The Reason is Because of fake Stamps!The Post Has Fucked Most Of my Lettas Because of it So I don't Fake Anymore(MOney Rulz,Police NOT!) SO,here is A fucking Yeah To all my Friends & Contacts.You Know Who you Are !!In Case You've lost my addy,here It is => Nøck/Saints KAAN GOKTURK Ridvanpasa Gul Sok. Narli Apt. No:1/5 81080 Goztepe Istanbul -TURKEY- So here Comes some Messys TO Some Of My Friends & Contacts (Sorry 4 4gottens.Contact me A.S.A.P! From Nøck To : PURPLE HAZE/IND. ------------------- Hello Man!Thanx For Stuff!Contact Me Again!Take Care! -------------------- From Nøck To : DARREN/SCOOPEX -------------------- YO Fast Mail Trader! Send Soon!CU! -------------------- From Nøck To : IMMORTAL/FREEZERS ---------------------- Thanx For answering me Dude!School Suxx (Hehe,Study Hard)! I will try to Call YA Board(HEAVY SUPPORT)! Take Care,Send Soon! ---------------------- From Nøck To : BRAINDEAD/SCOOPEX ---------------------- Hi,Kewl Trader!Got my Letty?What About Trading ? Answer Me . Take Care M8! ---------------------- From Nøck To : DRAC/AMBROSIA ------------------ HOw r u Man!Ital Sends His Best Regards 2 ya! PsychoPack Rulaz! ------------------ From Nøck To : ANDY&MOP/ESSENCE --------------------- I love Rom But Me thinks Its becoming too commercial!Well, Take Care,Dudes! --------------------- From Nøck To : IRON/MAD ELKS ------------------ Yo,Man!Sorry that Mad Elks is dead! Contact me Anyway! CU M8! ------------------ From Nøck To : PEARL/PASSION ------------------ YO,Kewl Editor! I Kan't See why you left swapping! Anyway,TAKe Care! ------------------ From Nøck To : YAK/SAINTS --------------- HI Man!I Wrote You but Post Must have fuck my letta!Write 2 Me Please! Take Care,Cool! --------------- From Nøck To : SANE/MONK -------------- Hello Man!Hehe Got my letty?? Me?Official Spreader??Ok?? Hehe,contact me Soon oki? See Ya! -------------- From Nøck To : SPEEDY/JEWELS ------------------ Hello!It's good to Hear You're back on the Track!So,I Write 2 Ya But , No Answer = Post Fucked It.Contact 2 Me.Bye M8! ------------------ From Nøck To : BARMAN/NECROPOLIS ---------------------- YOO,Man!Why Didn't you Answer Me !My god I even Didn't Fake!Write 2 Me OK!See YA,Bye! ---------------------- From Nøck To : DAFFY/TRSI --------------- Well,I Write, you don't! Have you droped me or What?? I wanna hear From YA!CU --------------- From Nøck To : P.O.W/IRIS --------------- DELAY??You're Very Slow Dude! Why Havn't Ya Still Answered Me?Write Soon! --------------- From Nøck To : NOP/SAINTS --------------- COOL founder! Hehe I love your Style!Come Back 2 Scene Where U Belong! I'll Visit Ya Soon!Take Care! --------------- From Nøck To : DWEEP/SAINTS ----------------- Always Cool Gfx From Ya!Keep UP! Wanna Join Banana Design?Yeah,mee too!CU! ----------------- From Nøck To : ITAL/SAINTS^IRIS --------------------- Needful Things?What a Lame name For a Cool BBS??Best Regards! Ebola Virus Rulaz!Cu! --------------------- From Nøck To : TURBO/BRONX ----------------- CARTEL Bir Numara En BUYUK!!Hehe, Cu Cool Rapper! ----------------- From Nøck To : ISAC/SAINTS ---------------- Hi,Man.Why Don't you Come to Phone.If You do, Why don't You TaLk??I'll write Ya Soon!Lame Organising??CU! ---------------- From Nøck To : CIRCUIT BREAKER/SAINTS --------------------------- YO,MAN!$Y$Op Rulaz! Contact Me Mail,oki? Take Care,Pump Warez -------------------- From Nøck To: GRIMLOCK/GRT^SHT --------------------- Well,I shoulda Ask where is my ASC²'s? No?Purple didn't tell ya?Well,then make me Some Ascii's!Take Care Cool ASC² Man! (I love Your Style!) --------------------- From Nøck To : ACID/AFL -------------- Man,Are Ya Saints Or NOT !Try to write me Mail,Oki! Keep the Warez Rolling!CU M8! -------------- From Nøck To : MC FISCHER/LAMER --------------------- YO LAME Man!How r U! Best Fuckings!Can't See you on the scene! Why,Have you left PARASITE!!!! Or INFECT!!! --------------------- From Nøck To : ALL 4GOTTENS ----------------- I'm really sorry, but I really dont have no time! Please Write 2 Me Oki? ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here have ya some messages from Flapjack/Convex^Erotic released at 03.1996. Spread this file if possible, cuz` lot of my lettaz` missed and I had really big problems with pOST. Thx a lot. If ya want, U can write to me some crazy letta` and send me some modules. Everybody get answer. It`s no fuckin` bla, bla, bla! Write to me, even if U are beginner. I prefer frendshipers and I don`t care for stuff, so don`t be nervous and take ya pen, or ced. But remeber, no stamp fuckaz! Find my addy somewhere... Sorry for my poor english, I`m still learning. That`s probably all! ~~~ OK! ENJOY MY MESSYS! ~~~ ACE/X-TENSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry za delay, chociaz nie wiem dlaczego jeszcze utrzymujë z Tobâ kontakt. Prosiîem Cie abys zaczal pisac sensowne listy lub chociaz przestal zbywac mnie standartami. ANGUS/??? ~~~~~~~~~ Thx za answer, tylko ze cholernie dlugo nie otrzymuje answera na drugi list. pOST or delaY? APACZ/FIRE ~~~~~~~~~~ Proctor lurez, he, he! Czekam juz dosc dlugo. Jednym slowem to samo co u Angusa. ARI/SCALARIS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi pijaku! Ta zytnia w Warszawie suxx. Czlowieku, jak ja strasznie zygalem... I to na glownej sali!!! Obiecalem ze napisze, no nie? Mialo byc we wrzesniu, ale wyszlo w pazdzierniku, sorry. Tylko ze juz kurwa marzec, a answera ani tyci... BARABASZ/ZOMO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Czoîem fast swaperze! Cos ostatnio CI ten fast nie zabardzo wychodzi. A moze pOCZTA? BARTESEK/MYSTIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No to posuwamy na pelniastych obrotach. Ten modulek Bee jest w deche! BARTMAN/INDEPENDENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dzieki za odeslanie dysku! Sorry za to, ze poraz drugi zawracalem CI dupe, ale EMC to naprawde czat i chcialem miec je wszystkie. Do zobaczenia na party! BASE/PHUTURE303 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I heard that P303 has polish section with Mr.Uhu as organiser? Good choice! Remember, now your turn! BETHOVEN/FREEZERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Send juz poszedl, zapomnialem o kodzie... Kompterek ufo wzielo? BETONIARA/CONVEX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ciao Betono! Jak tam z nowym sprzetem, he? Mam nadzieje ze na najblizszym party wychylimy razem co nieco... BIONIC/CONVEX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi moj ty muzykancie zlociutki. A yeah! My som w jedna grupa, a to juz cos. Fajny swap z Toba! Jak tam oczka? BLAZE/THE FECT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Core lurez! Swietny gosc z Ciebie, no i sorry za delay. BLITTER/X-TRADE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, I hope ya recieved my letta? BOBBA/HYPNOSIS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thx 4 ctx! BOOGER/ABSRTACT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mordercze zamrazary lurez! Miales odpisywac odrazu, a znowu masz delay! Ale mam gest i dlatego Ci wybaczam... tylko ze querva sytuacja powtarza sië poraz 3!!! Czekam kurna! CANDYMAN/GIANTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now your turn! CASTER/IND ~~~~~~~~~~ Napisaîes, a pOCZTA nam wchapala. Na szczescie wszystko zaczyna byc normalne... CATION/HMS ~~~~~~~~~~ Fajnie ze wreszcie sie odezwaîes. Zabie ofcoz odpisalem. CHASER/FCI ~~~~~~~~~~ Oto ludzik ktoremu sië nie chce skrobnac paru slowek do woja Flajacka... A to nieladnie, bardzo nieladnie! CENOBYTE/SARDONYX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U know what... CHOINA/INDEPENDENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Delay z Twojej strony. Nie mow mi ze to pOCTZA, pliz! COMANCHE/CONVEX^AGONY(C64) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A jednak u nas, juz niedlugo napisze i mam nadzieje ze nie bede zalowal. COOLER$KY/INDPENDENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Czy aby napewno independent? Znalazles juz cos? Dzieki za fajny stuff i chec swapienia z naslenikiem... Pila, Fuckir i ja naprawde nie zmowilismy sie na Ciebie. Samo wyszlo jak wyszlo. Cos jakby delayujesz... CROWN/CRYPTOBURNERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ave friend! How did ya find my chip pack? DAVE/FREEZERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No czesc! He, widzialem te skany z The Party. Sikajacy Dawidek lurez. Slyszalem ze zasnales podczas projekcji mortal kombat, prawidlowa reakcja. Pump chyba do 2000 r. wyjdzie, co? DANISH/IND ~~~~~~~~~~ Hi m/f hassler! Your texts are really cool. When we will release our first record, he? Do U know Gooral, stupid question... DEF/INTERCEPTORS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Czesc burzuju wpierdalajacy pizze! Pila podobno powiedzial Ci ze na party do Berlina nie przyjechalem bo mi sie nie chcialo. Gowno prawda, poprostu nie moglem. DICK/IND ~~~~~~~~ Sam sobie w dupe... DR.CAIE/GOLDEN GUYZ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sprawdzles dworzec? DRACO/STATUS OK! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Niebiesko mi! Aaaa! Oddaj dysk Kyle`owi, co? Chuj jestes... DRAN/IND ~~~~~~~~ Fizyka rzadzi na calej linii, tylko querva cos nie odpisujesz dlugo. Sorry za ta tragicznâ pomylke w ostatnim liscie. Zauwaûyîem to, ale nie chcialo mi sië juz letterka otwierac... DRAW/IND ~~~~~~~~ Kjurwa, Roots mi znowy wcielo... ELMEK/EROTIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Czy ty wiesz, ze my som dwa mniuzaxy z jedna grupa? Letta soon! ENDER/SCALARIS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zytnia rulez! ESC/APPENDIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~ O synu mamuta, co ty sobie *$*@% wyobrazasz, a? FELIX/SPEEDY ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speedy Gonzales? Yep, hope ya're not angry 4 my poor elglish... FML/X-TENSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Digi Booster mowisz? No nie wiem, a co do tego mega tracka to cos nie moge sie zdobyc... FREYON/??? ~~~~~~~~~~ Letter doszedl. Niedlugo odpowiem. GANGSTA/SCOOPEX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thx 4 spreading my pack, your is cool. My favourite in fact, but I must tell U, that on my A1200 it doesn't work good. Every time when I go back 2 pack, I can't choose new file, only the top one... Check it pliz and correct quickly as possible. GOOCIO/MAYHEM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Szkoda slow stary... GOORAL/FG ~~~~~~~~~ Alaskan malamute rzadzi, -50 stopni skurwiele wytrzymuja... HARDFIRE/INTENSE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi brotha! Here's Flap The Jack (blah!) on ya line, hope ya like my strong english... HIV/SCUM ~~~~~~~~ Twoj czlonek staje sie twardy, rumience wstepuja na policzki, ona sciaga stanik i nagle... Dzien dobry ja z Poczty. Prosze sie stawic... Jedno intymne pytanko: czy bodzcem koniecznym u Ciebie do osiagniecia orgazmu jest podczywanie sie pod 12 letnie dziewczynki? Hihihi! HOGAN/LBD ~~~~~~~~~ Nie wiem querva dlaczego wtedy zapomnialem nagrac listu. No nie wiem. Sweet rzadzi. Ino troche za rzadko wychodzi. HUDINSKY/LBD & UP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, o tym liscie wtedy pamietam. Mialem napisac, ale jakos tak wyszlo... IGLO/CDS ~~~~~~~~ There`s only one thing: guitar rules... Paper letters lurez! IMMORTAL/FREEZERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thx za answer. Ale czemu tak dlugo musze czekac? INFROMER/CONVEX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fafarafa, he, he! Kodowanie demka na Age na A500 z 0.5MB CHIP + 0.5MB SLOW RULEZ! Jak tam, pobiles kogos ostatnio? Aha, A1200 lurez! Tfardzioh tyz! JUPITER/BAD ACIDS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thx 4 ctx! KAOS/TECHNOLOGY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Da ya remember one modules from Budbrain Megademo? yep, Kaos in fact, but I am tired with waitin' for letta. I hope it isn't post and soon I will get answer. KENEL/IND ~~~~~~~~~ Hi Krzys! Fajnie zesmy do porozumienia doszli. Diavolo rzadzi. Ale mam suckerski inglisz? KID/PESTILENCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Juz odpowiadam, jak tam postepy w assemblerze? KLAF/APPENDIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wiesz co hlorze! KLAUS/GENERATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Czolem moj ty ukochany (hi, hi!) ray tracerze. Tak sie glupio sklada ze od maja nie otrzymalem od Ciebie zadnego listu. Co jest grane, hë? Szkoda troche ze kontakt sie urwal, bo ql z Ciebie gosciak. No wiec, jak bedzie? Aha, zgubilem tfuj addy... KLF/??? ~~~~~~~ RATM rules, ale cos dlugo czekam. LOOP/ARTWORK ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generation is my favourite magazine overall, but only aga version. I don't like OCS one at all. My suggestion is: change colours, cuz' theese're really suckin'. I hope U'll use my messys in Generation. KURCZAK/OZONE FREE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jak robia kuraki, pipi, czy koko? KYLE/STATUS OK! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi! Blizzard rules! MAGIC/SADIST ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robota robota, ale czekam dlugo. METAL/FUNZINE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tury spoko, ale czekam dlugo. MISHA/EROTIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ja wiem ze powinienem zrobic msx do intra, ale niby dlaczego skoro nie chce ci sie odpisac? Nie wzielem pod uwage tego, ze moj letta mogl nie dojsc... MIXER/FIRE ~~~~~~~~~~ Mycie rak po dziewczynkach rzadzi, he, he... MOUNT/POLKA BROTHERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Polka or Polska (Poland), da same? I don't know, but I hope U'll answer my letta. MR.DOOM/EXCALIBUR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?! MR.KADDE/INFERNO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kîopoty z pOCZT suxx! MR.KING/TRSI ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now U! MR.LIZARD/SAF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Czekam od pazdziernika, fajowo mi sie z Toba swapuje... MR.PIGMY/ILLEGALS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi deathowcu! Jak tam ta od lawki? <=- he, he... MR.PIXEL/IMPULSE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A yeah, pixels on my monitor're really big... Support my pack pliz, maybe U know som musician who would like send me some of their old chip tunes? MR.PERFECT/??? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Po co czlowieku, no powiedz po co mi byîo zawracac dupe? MR.ROOT/UNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, a ja wyrypawszy tfuj modek z invitation, mam nadzieje ze nie zbijesz mnie na party, he? NORBY/NAH/TRSI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A vote do The Charts wyslalem... NORMAN/ANADUNE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Letter soon! OPAL/CONVEX ~~~~~~~~~~~ Was ist loss? PANTERA/BALANCE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I heard that Mars wants to create polish section of Balance. Is it true? I hope U didn't pay for my send? PHASER/CLAN ~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas party suxx, ale nic to, ty byc ql guy! PICK POKE/INTERCEPTORS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Szampan lurez... Gratulki za drugie place na Convention '96. PILA/CONVEX & SKULLS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tomek w krainie kangurow rules! POW/IRIS ~~~~~~~~ Spread my pack 2 da full! Waitin'... PRINCE/HYPNOSIS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thx 4 ctx! RANGER/LBD ~~~~~~~~~~ He, jak tam nowe Pmm, i czy naprawde only AGA? Dzieki za cieple slowa na poczatku mojej kariery. Aha, zastanawiam sie dlaczego wiekszosc ludkow z Twojej groopy robi delaye... REVISQ/LEGION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tylko dlaczego tak krootko, n przynajmniej ostatnim razem... QBA/NAH/TRSI ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jak tam ta dzioîcha od video? Ostatnio extra letterki piszesz ino od dluzszego czasu cicho... QIX/FCI ~~~~~~~ Czekam pipciu... Jak tam Karolina? Amfa sux! SASCHA/TALENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talent is proud be back with new production called "Sascha with his delays"... Don't fuck me for this small joke! SALAT/IND ~~~~~~~~~ Czekam od maja, kurwa! SAURON/??? ~~~~~~~~~~ Przypal... SCRABY/PICCO ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ale kijowo (komplement?) w C&A wyszedles... SEEKER/IND ~~~~~~~~~~ Hi wojaku! Wzialem ten pierdolony addy do jednostki i nie napisalem, o ja gopi... SHARP/ANADUNE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A czemu waszmosc sie o mnie towarzysza dejwa wypytywal? Naprawde nic nie zrobilem... SIGGE/ILLUSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Out of da scene?! SPLATTERHEAD/SCOOPEX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am sorry, but I heard that U joined Intruders, and left Scoopex in fact. I don't know that is it true or not. Write fast please! SIXTUS/SAF ~~~~~~~~~~ Dzieki za pozdrowionka w previewie msx disku. Ale masz pamiec, na Intelku zamienilismy doslownie slowko (juz w pociagu prosilem Priesta zeby pokazal mi Sixtusa jak dojedziemy, jak chcesz to mozesz go o to spytac)... SKRAPI/ACT ~~~~~~~~~~ Hi! +++ - zgadnij... SNOOPY/UNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sid Mon lurez, he! SOLDIER/ALBION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Co ja bede pisal, przeciez wiesz ile Ci zawdzieczam... SPIRYT/THE EDGE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Da mi letta! Aaaaa! STASI/CONVEX ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Katovitze? Gielda? Je Stasi? Nie je? To co robi sra? A kiedy odpisuje? TINECK/IND ~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome on da scene... THE FOUNDER/SCUM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kurde, wzielo letta... THE GENERAT/UNION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sucker! THE KING/EROTIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi, tylko czemu cos dlugo nie ma odpowiedzi. Chyba poczta, bo odkiedy my som w jedna groopa, ty odpisywac szybciakiem... TRASH HEAD/MYSTIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jak tam moje sterowniki do Hewletta, he? Czekam! TIMER/APPENDIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tropracker lurez, hi,hi! TRASTOR/ILLUSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Andrzej! Cool z Ciebie klient. Jak tam dopalka 060? A BBS, kiedy? A co z grafikami, znalazles cos? Pytania rzadza! NIedlugo chce kupic packet radio! VEGA/RAM JAM ~~~~~~~~~~~~ U're my first contact in Italy. I remeber that when I was a child, I saw some criminal story about Italian policeman in TV (how is mafia in English?). I thought that there where U live, people only shoot down them selves... ZACK/GIANTS ~~~~~~~~~~~ Zack Mac Kracken, or somethin'? Give me ql letta with some support to my chip pack... ZONA TRASTORA/INDEPENDENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zazdroszcze Ci (sorry, pani... <=- hle!) meza, kewl gosciak, cokolwiek mialoby to znaczyc. Po szczegoly odnosnie zachowania Andrzeja na parties pisac do mnie! VASYL/LBD ~~~~~~~~~ Matoora sux, co? VITOS/IND ~~~~~~~~~ Urwales sie po pierwszym liscie... Sucker! VOLTAN/IND ~~~~~~~~~~ 3D studio suxx, REAL is real power! WALEC/APPENDIX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kurwa, na Intelu bylo w deche. Pamietasz na intro compo. Ja lezaîem pod big screenem a ty popierdalales jak glupi. Ehh, to bylo party! Ale czemu kurwa taaaaki delay? Taki liscik Ci napisalem, a ty co? WATERHEAD/OZONE FREE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ha, na IO2 wlazles zaraz za mna, ale na answer Ci sie bron boze nie zbiera... WIPER/HUMANS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zgadnij... XTD/MYSTIC ~~~~~~~~~~ Bruderschaft na IO2 rzadzi, ale mojego piwa nie musiales upuszczac. Ale Barteskowi nagadales o Brainie! Wyraznie go nie lubi (nawet go nie widzial, ale za tego playera to chyba do konca zycia bedzie wnerwiony). YASIU/OBSESSION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dostales list? ZABA/BUCKET ~~~~~~~~~~~ Thx 4 ctx! ZIBI/FCI ~~~~~~~~ Eee... No... Co? Czemu? Dlaczego kurwa? No i po chuj? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Da Friendshipper... Marcin Pilecki Pila/$kull$'n'Convex P.O.Box 24 66470 Kostrzyn Poland !fOr fRiEnDsHiP! !aNsWeR gUaRaNtEd! !fOr eVeRyBoDy! !nO sToMp fUcKaZ! !sUpPoRt fUsS pAcK! !sPrEaDeRs wAnTeD! O.K. MeSsYs nOw =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ace/X-tension ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Well nareszcie napisaîeô. ile to juû czasu? Chyba ze 4, albo 5 miesiëcy. I jeszcze kurwa musiaîem dopîacaê. Fuck! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Acid/FLX ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Kurwa widziaîem gdzies twoj podpis, ale za chuja nie wiem co to za skrót FLX... No ale gratulacje, bo cóû innego... Cos sië nie odzywasz dîugo. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Action/Damage ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` No jednym sîowem szkoda, ale tonic! BTW thanx za answer... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Axel D./Illusion ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Szkoda, ûe opuôciîeô scenë. No ale moûe sië jeszcze gdzieô zobaczymy! See ya! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Betoniara/Convex ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Fajne to nasze Convextro no nie? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Billy/Zomo^Scalaris ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Wysîaîem, post carda, ale nie dajesz znaku ûycia... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Blaze/The Fect ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Dziëki za contact. chyba bëdzie fajnie... No ale Flapjack juû by ci dawno odpisaî, tylko, ûe mu swojego adverta nie podesîaîeô... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Borek/INDEPENDENT ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Mam twój list... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Boobba/INDEPENDENT ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Czekam na answer... I co uwierzyîeô? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Bubba/Clan ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Czoîem Bubba. Coô ostatnio sobie delaj robisz... No ale pewnie niedîugo coô napiszesz... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Bzyk/ex. $kull$ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` America, America... Masz kurwa mój list? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Coolerski/??? ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Hi kulski... jak tam mój list. Coô ostatnio sië nie odzywasz. To chyba nie poczta... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Coolio/GHD ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Well I am Very happy that you answered me. I made this logos that you requested. I hope you will like them... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Cororner/Obsesion ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Jak tam mój listek, Radziu? Nie kurwa wierze, ûe to poczta! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Crusader/Outlaws ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Hello my German friend. I hope you recive my letter. Do you like my logos? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Damion/Artwork ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Thanx for answer. Well I will write soon. I have now few problems... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- D.E.F/Interceptors ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Kurwa fajnie, ûe napisaîeô. Wielkie dziëki za contact. Zajebisty letter. No ale mam nadziejë, ûe fajnie sië bëdzie nam swapilo. No i zycze ci abys podciagnal liczbe ctx do stu :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dave/Freezers^Azk^KK ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Wreszcie mam twoj listek. Jednak lezal sobie na poczcie, no ale na szczescie udalo mi sie go odzyskac. No ale koniec z fakaniem stompow. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dawka/Independent ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Niedîugo coô napiszë, a narazie stay ql as teraz... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Digger/Bucket ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Podeôli mi jakieô moduîki NoName'a! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- D.J.Dick/Independent ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Fajnie, ûe do mnie napisaîeô. Najpierw nie mogîem twojego lettera znaleúê, a okazaîo sië, ûe to ten advert to letter. Hehe cool pomysî naprawdë. Znasz jeszcze jakieô takie? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Doktor/eX. $Kulls ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Z pijackim Pozdrowieniem - Wesoîych Jingol Belsów i new jersów! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dr.Szach/Scalaris ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Fajne te twoje raye. Zrób mi to o czym ci pisaîem, ok? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dr Caie/Golden Guyz ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` No i mam twój next letter. Wreszcie jakoô swapimy normalnie no nie? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Draw/Depth^Azk ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Sorry za ten delay! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Duffy/ex. $Kulls  ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` He! Umiesz zakodowaê choinkë? Wesoîych ôwiât! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Fate/Outlaws ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Hi! Do you recive my packet? I hope you did. Well now yours turn. I am waiting... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Fuckir/Convex ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Ale sie nakurwiles u Filipa hehe... No ale zarzygales mu lazieneczke i w ogole wanienke. No ale w sumie nie bylo xle. Ale i tak prawie sobie nie pogadalismy. Tyle, ze wiem ile masz kontaktow. A masz ich... Nie pekaj nie powiem hehe. Zartuje nie masz co pekac. Masz ich od zajebania w koncu no nie :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Finger/IDEPENDENT  ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Kurwa ty chodzisz do budy czy nie? Ale sie najabales w piatek hehe... Kurwa, ale w sumie ta panienka byla fajna szkoda, ze nie chciala sexu. Moze trzeba bylo bardziej nachalnie hehe. Jak na sylwka... Zmontowalo by sie trojkacika :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Flapjck/Convex^Erotic ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Wiesz co masz czadowe moduîi i... skarpetki. Fuck jak ty moûesz we mnie suxami rzucaê? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Franc/Dark Team ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Well Maxsoft doîâczyî do Sadist. No ale chyba jeszcze jest w DT? Ty jestes w Skulls przepraszam, ze pytam? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Fred/AFC ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Sorry za ten delay, ale wkrotce sie odezwe ok? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Gangsta/ScOoPeX ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Thanx for ya answer really. This is sad that you don't wonna be a spreder but life is brutal... :( =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ghandy/Gods ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Hi Lars! I am waiting now 4 ya letter. See ya soon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Gunner/Ind ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Dzieki za contact... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Goocio/Mayhem ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Lers maj letter pipciu? Sprzedales amige baranie? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Gooral/FG ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Nice fractals from ya on Intel Outside 2... nice, nice. No i zmieniîeô sobie xywkë. Hm fajnie... Magda sië z tej twojej karteczki z ûyczeniami cieszyîa, ale kurwa po chuj ty jej wysyîasz. Ona teraz mi pierdoli, ûe ja tez muszë, ale niby skâd... pokopana panna! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hiv/Scum ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` To sa pozdrowienia dla ciebie ty wypierdku :[. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hogan/LadyBird Design ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Dziëki za answer. Send juû poszedî... Pamiëtaj o Skowronie i tych dwóch... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hotstepper/RkM^ScS ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Well thanx for nice letter, and For ya ascii. I will make something for ya... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Informer/Convex ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Oj oj mój kochany. Ty to bëdziesz kurwa kodowaî. Gfx juû my zaîatwimy z Flapjackiem jak te maïki czy jak im tam sië tak opierdalajâ. Pomysîów im kurwa trzeba... He! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Iron/Mad Elks ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Dziëki za nieodpisanie na mój list... GÓWNO ELKU!!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Jacool/$kull$ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Sorry za ten delay, ale sam wiesz... Wszystko przez tego zajebanego amora... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Katan/Fire ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Czekam na odpowiedú. Ty juû chyba w Fire nie jesteô he he... Nie próbuj mi nic podpierdalaê! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Karpow/Scoopex ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Recive my support? I hope you will answer soon. And dont forget to send ya pack. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Klaf/Scalaris ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Ya lettaz are da best... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- KLF/Fate ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Kuerwa pisz... Wiesz co. Niedîugo zadzwonië i cië opierdolë! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ko$mi/Sadist ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Napiszoî coô do ciebie. Gratulacje. Fajnie jest byê organizerem no nie? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Koras/Nipson ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Siemanko. Mam nadzieje, ûe dostaîeô mój ostatni listek. Hm... dziëki za votki... you know... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Kratka/Mayhem ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Pipka nie swaper... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Kurczak/Ozone Free ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Nie swapujesz juû? A mój dysk? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Kyle/Status O.K. ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Czekam na list. Ostatnio to byî naprawdë standt. No bo o Ûydkach? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Lac/Legion ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Dzieki za answera. Moj letter juz soon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Largo/Venal ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Dzieki za dopowiedz. W sumie chyba bedzie fajnie no nie? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Leclerc/ZM8 ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Dziëki za answer... Kiedy RZEÚNIA? Bëdziemy rzeúbiê? Gdzie twoj list? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Lfo/Phuture 303 ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Plisss include my adverts into Subculture ok? Well I am waiting. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Lord/Absolute ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Hi. I hope you will answer my letter with little support for my pack... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Maîy/Lady Bird Design ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Ponoê juû nie jesteô w Biedronkach? Hm... masz zamiar odpisaê? anyway czekam na answer... Hogan mi cos moiwl, ze juz zeszles ze sceny. Well... po chuj ja pisalem? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mc.Rudi/AFC ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Mój listek jest w drodze. Jak ci sie nasze contro podoba, co? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Misha/Illusion ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Ponoê mój listek nie doszedî. Hm... nie fakaîem, ale nicto napisze again. Kiedy? Hm... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mike/Mystic ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Hi my Finish Friend. I hope... Wonna ascii? What do you think about Psychol, he? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mordor/Acid Kompot ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` O kurwa to byîa niespodzianka tego roku. Dosîownie mnie zabiîo. to byîo kurwa nieopisane uczucie uniesienia cos jak orgazm. Kurwa ty napisaîeô wreszcie. JA CIE PIERDOLE!!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mr.Big/Zomo ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Nie wierzylem, ze amnezja jeszcze wyjdzie, a tu taka niespodzianka, no ale czemu nie pod naszym szyldem? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mr.Da$p/Albion ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Napisaîem i czekam. Kurwa zawsze jakies problemy mamy nie? Ale mam nadzieje, ze teraz juz sie wsio ladnie ulozy i bedziem fajnie swapic nadal... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mr.Gun/Ind ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Dzieki za contact! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mr.Lizard/SAF ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` WoW. Dziëki, ûe wreszcie odpisaîeô... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mr.Uhu/Clan ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Numeromnaia Suxx, ale naiwniacy tez hehe... Buuu naiwniak. Nie zartuje, ale zastanawiam sie co ja mam z tymi wszystkimi zdjeciami robic, ktore mi podsylasz. Mam nadzieje, ze ni byly tylko dla mnie, bo juz je komus wyslalem, ale co sprid to sprid. Moze kiedys do ciebie wroca. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mr.Wolf/Inqisition ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Czekam kurwa i czekam, a jak dopadnë gdzies twojego phona to cie zamëczë... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Murdock/INDEPENDENT ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Wszystkie votki filluj... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Neuromancer/$kull$ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Wiesz co ja nawet nie wiem czy ty jeszcze jesteô w Skulls, bo cos ostatnio niepokojâce wieôci dostawaîem, ûe tylko w Apx jesteô :( =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Nick/WCK ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Hello chîopak. Fajnie, ûe napisaîes. Nawet ci odpiszë :) Hehe! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Noise/Old Bulls ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Qnehw fbovr onenavr wnxvrô yvôpvxv, ab nyr avr jvrz pb mebovîrô m zbvz qlfxvrz zbûr emrpmljvfpvr zv tb bqrfynyrf, nyr j zbvpu zrffntnpu orqr jlcvfljny pb zv fvr glyxb xhejn fcbqbon! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Norby/Nah/Trsi ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Smutne rzeczy slyszalem, no ale jeszcze moze sie od ciebie lettera doczekam :), a moze i nie :( =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Norman/Anadune ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` No i kompot poszedî sie jebac... Foundation widziaîem, a jest tak zajebiste, ûe az sië bojë co bëdzie next... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Noxis/INDEPENDENT ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Mam twój listek, ale powiem ci na ucho, ûe w tej votce to nie o komputery chodziîo... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PaperBoy/Simplex ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Hi and... Good Bye. I am waiting for ya letter... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Paszczak/Obsesion ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Podobajâ ci sië moje logoski? Hm... co prawda widziaîeô chyba tylko ten jeden, no ale poczekaj na mojâ kolekcjë to dostaniesz od razu 150! Chciaîbyô cos w tym stylu? Acha no i porób mi jakies fajne ascii do Fussa... Szczególy moûe w next letterze :) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Pet/Neoplasia ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Kurwa maê. Czekam na letter od ciebie. Nie pierdol tylko odpisuj. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Proton/??? ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Czekam na list od ciebie juz dosyc dlugo. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Pudding/Fire ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Ponoê coô tam miaîes zjebane, czy teû cië nie byîo... No w kaûdym razie czekam na twój list... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Punk/ILS^OZF ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Hello agresive swaper. Was kukst du den so, hehe. Ich glaube di bist uberascht, aber es ist war, ich spreche sehr gut Deutch. Bis zum nechsten Brief... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rageman/INDEPENDENT ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` No ale ty sobie delaj zrobiîeô... Chyba, ûe to pierdolona poczta... Ostatnio daje mi po dupie. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Robaerto Carlos/IND ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Siemanko Ôwiru. Jak tam twój Inglisz. Teraz jestes R.C tak? No ale na zimowisku bedzie zajebiscie, tylko czasem Kasi nie pyknij hehe... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Qba/Nah/Trsi ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Napisaîem wreszcie. Mam nadziejë, ûe moj listek ci sië podobaî. No ale pamietaj o tym convextrze... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Qix/Vacuum ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Nie zapomniales o mnie kochany? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sagrael/SAF ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` No wreszcie mi Lizard odpisaî... No ale do ciebie tez znowu napiszë, bo ponoc swapujesz dalej... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Scraby/Piffko ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Wiesz bardzo ûaîuje, ûe juû sobie nie poswapujemy. Szkoda, ûe ci Hadek padî, bo mój lett wcale nie byî taki unfriendly... no ale to twój wybór. See ya in Bydgoszcz! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Seba/ex.Skulls ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Pisz pisz wreszcie coô, bo juû tyle czasu czekam... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sharp/Anadune ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Foundation jest zajebiste... Kurwa next productions jakie bëdâ to az strach sobie pomyôlec... No i czekam na te logoski... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sigge/Illusion ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Pa Pa... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sinister/Maniacs ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Hi Maniac. Do ya enjoyed my letter? Well it was so short but... Well maybe in futer, he? Will see, but now - Bye... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sixpack/Gods ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Well now yours turn... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Skizo/Scum ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Czekam na twoj listek. Pewnie jakies logoski bede mial dla ciebie. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Skowron/Fnz^Frs ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Czekam na answer od ciebie i nie mogë sië doczekaê! Potrzebuje Gfx-a. Cos mi tam Hogan pisal. Masz troche tych problemow co? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sundance/Old Bulls ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Lubië twoje ascii i raczej niedîugo powinieneô moj letter dostac... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Spiryt/The Edge ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Nie leê sobie w chuja!!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stan/ILs ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Kurwa nie mogë nigdzie twojego addy znaleúê, a coô tam dla ciebie do Sila mam, no ale moûe mi sië jeszcze uda do ciebie napisac przed wydaniem nowego Sila. Moûe ktoô kto to czyta teraz ma do ciebie adres. Well jesli tak to pliz dajcie mi znaê. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stasi/Convex ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Chyba do ciebie niedîugo coô napisze. Wîaôciwie to znowu, no ale will see. Nie wiem jak tam bëdzie z moim supportem... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sydon/Sadist ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Dziëki za kontakt... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Paszczak/Obs^Azkiness ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Siemanko. Czekam na twój letter. Moûe mi jakieô ascii zrobisz he? Napisz mi coô a azk... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Penny/Deep ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬~¬¬` Masz zamiar osdpisaê wreszcie? Nawet nie wiem czy dobrze te twoja xywke napisalem, a Anathemie juz chyba nie jestes, co? Mam nadzieje, ze cie wyjebali hehe... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Prince/Hypnosis ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Fajnie, ûe napisaîeô, ale dysk kurwa niedosowy, a i tak pewnie pusty, a jak mi w jakichs PFSach podesîaëô stuf to sie tego oducz :|. Jak juz to pisz na kartce... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thanatos/Cryptom Group ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Zajebista sprawa. Cieszë sië, ûe zechciaîeô do mnie coô napisac. Mój listek on da way! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Founder/Scum^Azk ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Hm... pamiëtaj o moich logoskach... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The King/Erotic Design ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Urwaî nam sië contact, ale teraz juû nie czekam i napisaîem do ciebie. Mam nadziejë, ûe mój listek doszedî co? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Knight/Obsesion ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Napisaîem do ciebie i teraz czekam na answer, ale podeslalem ci te votke i articlesa. Mam nadzieje, ze go wtykniesz do maga... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The Trendy Dealer/RJ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Well I've fill vote for Tc, and I hope you recive my letter. Now I wait for ya answer· =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Turqus/GET ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Logoski sië podobajâ? Moûe jeszcze cos porobië, will see. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Trasher/Artwork^Bomb ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Well hello. Thanx for answer. I am really happy. Generation is very good in my opinion... It was a good idea with two versions. See ya soon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Vasyl/Lady Bird Design ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Czekam na twój list =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Vega/Ram Jam Well thanx for answering me. I am really happy. Include my addys into ya letter ok? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Xavier/Illegals ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Dziëki za contact. Oczywiôcie, ûe chcë z toba poswapiê, no problem. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Xytras/Venal ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Dziëki za contact. Spoko, ûe moûemy sobie trochë popisaê. Jak bëdë miaî jakieô fajne mangi to ci podeslë, nie ma sprawy. Stay cool. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Young-man/Independent ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Fajnie, ûe napisaîeô. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Zibi/FCI ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` Czekam do Lata, no ale mam nadzieje, ûe zaczniesz wreszcie z powrotem swapowac he? Will see no nie? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Zulus/Independent ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬` No Zulus jak nie bedziesz tyle chlal to i moze te twoje raye zaczna byc ciekawe, no ale teraz juz masz lepszego sprzeta, no nie? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Uff this is the end. You can write to me for 100% answer. Also 4 supporting Fuss pack mag with latest file productions, adverts, messages, news, modules, and pictures(no Ham). full disk back service with da latest Fuss issue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . ________ _ _____ _________ ________ _ _____ _________ . tbM_/ _____/ __ __/ _/ _____/ tbM_/ _____/ __ __/ _/ _____/ : : / ___/ \ \__\_____ \_ fREEZERS / ___/ \ \__\_____ \_ : :/ / / / / _/ / FREEZERs / / / / / _/ / : /____/ /_____/_____/___________/ /____/ /_____/_____/___________/ : : DRUG PACK - If You try it once, You can't live without it ! : : : : .oOo. I want to send my greetings to all news supporters : .oOo. : : : : ___ ___ : : / /\ Norman of Anadune Zoltar of Technology /\ \ : : /__//\\ Rappid of Genetic Barman of Capsule //\\__\ : : \ \\// Nicholas of Intruders Action of Mad Elks \\// / : : \__\/ Base of Phuture 303 Astaroth of Old Bulls \/__/ : : Ant of Three Litle Elks Lord of Abosolute! : : Receiver of Depth Maxime of The Spooky Fellows : : Dave of Freezers Nop of Saints : : Mr Keel of Nova Nock of Saints : : Klf of Intense Keldon of Jewels : `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ___________ ___________ _________. ____. ._____. ._\ __ /__\____ /_\ _ |_\ |___ ... ____|_ | .......... | _____/ _ / \_____| ___/__ / / | : | \ \ \ / | | \ \/ /_ | : |_______\ \________/_______|pHS! |____________\______ | : |_____| : : ___________ __________. _____________ _________ : [ pARTY zONE! ] ___\____ /_\ _ |_\ _ /_\ _____/ : \ ______/ \ | / / ___/ | :...................... \ \ \ \ | / / \ | \___________\__________|____/_____/____________| .oO Official Results File from the Saturne Party '96 Oo. - hold 26-28 of April'96, in Chelles/France - We computed only complete vote form 1st place gave 3 points 2nd place gave 2 points 3rd place gave 1 point Amiga Demos (10 entries) ============> 1. (02) "Atome" by Skarla 341 pts 2. (10) "Dimension" by MGD 310 pts 3. (04) "Born Dead" by Syndrome 215 pts 4. (08) "2nd World" by Syndrome 180 pts 5. (03) "Worlds" by Gods 147 pts 6. (06) "Vertigo" by Abyss 107 pts 7. (09) "Fade" by Melting Pot 83 pts 8. (07) "Heart Light" by Solaris & Syndrome 63 pts 9. (05) "Frontier" by Hardwired 24 pts 10. (01) "Elyts Deppir" by Smellon Design 21 pts PC Demos (10 entries) =========> 1. (10) "Contrast" by Oxygene 510 pts 2. (08) "Bomb" by Impact Studios 391 pts 3. (09) "Chapi Chapo" by Aegis Corp. 270 pts 4. (03) "Flirt" by Igloo 130 pts 5. (06) "Orion" by Flower Corp. 90 pts 6. (01) "Andempti" by MWB 70 pts 7. (07) "Geminis" by The Lords Of The Bits 36 pts 8. (02) "Bitch!" by Asylum 31 pts 9. (05) "Demo 7" by Arkham 30 pts 10. (04) "Final Trip" by Inside 14 pts Amiga Intros (4 entries) ============> 1. (03) "Little Floove" by Abyss 550 pts 2. (02) "Introga" by Les Shadock 386 pts 3. (04) "Myst" by Universe 240 pts 4. (01) "Annonce" by Agoa 231 pts PC Intros (6 entries) =========> 1. (04) "Teddy Bear" by Eclipse 734 pts 2. (03) "Nop" by Olympus & Realtech 567 pts 3. (02) "Pressure" by Kloon 217 pts 4. (06) "The Whirl" by Funk 133 pts 5. (01) "Bomberman Attitude" by Dentifrice 121 pts 6. (05) "Al Song" by Analog 75 pts Wild Compo (18 entries) ===========> 1. (08) "?" by Eagle/Agoa&Psykotrope&Honoo 169 pts 2. (07) "De lµrt de Passer..." by Doh/DreamDealers 98 pts 3. (15) "?" by Golmon Design 91 pts 4. (13) "Cybernet" by Hoodlum 75 pts 5. (04) "Amiga Go" by Image par Image 64 pts 6. (11) "Nine" by Jeffrey 50 pts 7. (09) "State Of The Art 2 remix" by TRSI Recordz 48 pts 8. (12) "?" by ? 47 pts 9. (16) "?" by ? 39 pts 10. (06) "?" by Melting Pot 38 pts 11. (02) "Do PC's fly?" by Nuku-Nuku & Mat! 30 pts 12. (14) "Volcanic Party 2" by Mentasm 26 pts 13. (05) "?" by Enterprise 25 pts 14. (01) "Dolphins Music" by Brando Prods. 23 pts 15. (03) "Kick Boxer" by Scarface 18 pts 16. (10) "?" by ? 14 pts 17. (17) "?" by ? 6 pts 18. (18) "?" by ? 2 pts Graphics (69 entries) =========> 1. (29) "Oxi j'aime pas" by Tenshu/Syndrome 2. (34) "Nevin" by Made/Bomb 3. (01) "Sweet Home" by HP/Honoo 4. (68) "Fuck Made" by Zebig & Suny/Speed 5. (13) "Land Of Tunhuang" by Moxica/Osmose 6. (42) "Dead End Chun-Li" by Greg/Arkham 7. (03) "Ladies" by Macre/Skarla 8. (58) "Bene Bsewest" by Ben.E/Illusion 9. (53) "Miyuki" by Bad/Arkham 10. (20) "Ascii" by Bisounours/Tiny Toons 11. (08) "Bainz" by Trash/Earthlore 12ex.(02) "Mamono Hunter Yonko" by Black Dragon/Honoo 12ex.(15) "Dana Scully" by Gelmir 12ex.(19) "Janet" by Zaac/Psykotrope 15. (06) "?" by Mr.Splif/Primus 16ex.(35) "Hodge" by Titan/Bomb 16ex.(47) "Wild Dreams" by Thug/MGD 16ex.(65) "Chasse" by Twix/Fatal Design 19ex.(16) "Stéphanie" by Evil Maniac/Fatal Justice 19ex.(48) "No name" by Ra/NoooN 19ex.(60) "Tengoku" by Kan/Arkham 19ex.(63) "My Rolex" by Drebin/DreamDealers Musics (25 entries) =======> 1. (03) "Under The Sea" by FBY/Soft One 2. (23) "Killing Party" by Thug/MG Design 3. (16) "Plugged In" by Cash/Mentasm 4. (24) "Expedition for Paradise" by Evelred/Capsule & TLOTB 5. (25) "Four People" by Sunny/Movement 6. (02) "Love In Lost Jungle" by HP/Honoo 7. (12) "Urban Jungle" by Oxbow/Scoopex 8. (21) "I Give It Up, Too Hard 4 Me" by Twice & Phase/Agoa 9. (09) "Sound Of S.A." by Snes/Playmobil 10. (22) "Fly Over The Sea" by Theo/MG Design 11. (15) "Trip Out" by Blue Dreamer/Acid Dream 12. (01) "No Sense" by Clo!/Honoo 13. (20) "Perk!uchione Love" by Unison/Psykotrope 14ex.(10) "Cold Sensation" by Alexel/Distorsion 14ex.(11) "Highway Jam" by Hornet/Edena 16. (14) "Plastic Ruby" by Hardfire/NGC&Intense 17. (19) "Fil 246" by Flip/Earthlore 18. (04) "Oktafink Yannik" by DoH/DreamDealers 19. (13) "Smoke 2 Smoke" by Yonder/Mambo 20. (08) "Egometriosporax" by Patriot/Scoopex 21. (07) "Lumbag Greko" by Gandbox/Solaris 22. (05) "Hyperparathyroidal" by Shout/DreamDealers 23. (18) "N.A.C." by Ghost Fellow/MWB 24. (06) "Milo Mistake" by Nasty Boy/Solaris & Codac/Syndrome 25. (17) "vq3r[v" by Nicolas ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ====================== Symposium '96 ====================== The official results PLACE GROUP/HANDLE NAME NUMBER VOTES ** Amiga Demo Competition 1 Artwork The Gate 08 362 2 Incal JamJam 06 190 3 Drifters Disco 02 126 4 Oxyron Death Sentence 07 113 5 Reality One Finger 04 63 6 Accept Fettes Saumonster 03 52 7 Session Plumb 01 19 7 Interpol Tahiti 05 19 ** Amiga Intro Competition 1 Artwork Dawn Remix 02 334 2 Syndrome No Love 01 235 ** Amiga Coding (4K) Competition 1 Abyss Blub! 02 235 2 Axis N.G.M.M.H. 01 168 3 Phantasm Papi's Kamin 03 144 ** PC Demo Competition 1 Blank Latex 02 361 2 Logic Design Fashion 01 270 ** C64 Demo Competition 1 Cyance 03 272 2 Smash-Designs Nyeassassin 01 259 3 Oxyron 4 Years Oxyron 02 170 4 Plush Space 05 73 5 Cream De-Zign Wishes 04 68 6 APS 06 29 ** C64 Intro/Coding Competition 1 Cream De-Zign 03 236 2 Smash-Designs 02 229 3 BSE 01 101 ** Falcon Demo Competition 1 Therapy Wurscht 02 257 2 Hydroxid Symposium '96 03 224 ** Falcon Intro Competition 1 Sentry Phong?! 01 299 2 ADM Bugs 03 231 3 D.B.A. 45 Min. (GFA Basic) 02 142 ** Falcon Coding (4K) Competition 1 Spirits 03 238 2 Lazer Gurkensalat 02 197 3 TNB BSE+ 05 91 4 TSCC A Rh+ 01 90 5 DBA 04 40 ** Acorn Demo Competition 1 Zerblast 02 191 2 Happiness 03 175 3 Placebo 01 102 ** Graphics Competition 1 A.-t-/Cream The Grafixman 03 2 Too Much Clubbing Cyclone/Illusion 02 3 Danny O./Risk/Independent ... an impression ... 01 [[ Due to some technical problems, we lost the complete results. ]] ** ProTracker Module Competition 1 Evrimsson/Illusion Thorns In Hands 08 150 2 Marc/Scoopex Sometimes 07 101 3 Virgill/Artwork&Essence Opium 11 85 4 Ripguy/Abyss The Abyss 06 78 5 SMT/Artwork Emergency 10 76 6 Skyphos/Matrix Different Dreams 04 67 7 Chromag/Polka Brothers Sauerkraut Theme 16 60 8 The Loop/Artwork Mixed Mode 09 54 9 Raw Style/Lego Alice D. 14 31 10 Holiday&Rackler/Grandpas My Funeral 03 29 11 Magic/Nah-Kolor Pedo-Banaan 02 21 12 Fried/Avena Der letzte Tag 12 20 13 Halfbyte/Pandemonium Mind Condition 01 17 14 Maytz/In-Sect Monstercrash 4 05 16 ** Multichannel Music Competition 1 KB/Reflex btgates 08 179 2 Stax/Lazer Insignia 07 126 3 Slaughter Mystical Dreams 14 111 4 TMG/Motiv8 10 88 5 SCY/TSCC Join my Dream 03 76 6 Cosowi/Plush 11 66 7 Energizer/Lazer Heavcomp 06 58 8 Bow/Abyss Nature 01 31 9 Nachbars Katze/Tengelmann 12 27 10 Rap/Onslaught 02 25 10 Lord/Impulse Secret Island 13 25 11 Doj/Cubic Team Ballad of Romeo 15 18 12 Improve/Complex asdfghjk 09 14 13 Flunk/Flunkdata Ekkolod 05 0 ** Video Competition 1 TakeOff/Phantasm Future Project 02 234 2 Maggi/Phantasm Beautiful Colors 03 164 3 Chaoz/Chaos Coledion Frank's Dejavu 01 135 See you at the ====================== Symposium '97 ====================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== SCEneST'96 ---------- - the official results - Held at 12.04.96-14.04.96 Budapest/Hungary Prizes: 550000 HUF (3800 USD) (including hardware, software & cash) Comment: sad thing is the lack of Amiga contributions ;( PC demo competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 532 2 Dive Neutron 2. 247 1 Alien Shock! 3. 189 5 Cinemania Promise 4. 187 7 Tumor Enlightenment 5. 184 4 Mosquito Faculty 6. 96 6 Shine The Mad Team 7. 92 3 Gyökér Frame18 8. 25 8 Exposure Bacteria PC 64K intro competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 624 4 Genia Remal 2. 333 3 Lite The Mad Team 3. 236 1 Paroxysm Exhumers 4. 227 2 Inside Out Mandula 4K intro competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 411 9 Maximum Reality MicroGenius/Unique PC 2. 204 6 Running Wild Hurricane 3. 141 2 Caleidoscope Blala/ByTeam 4. 140 5 Narcosis! Exact 5. 127 8 Mandala Rod/Mandula 6. 121 1 Fuck the PC Anorganic/Promise! 7. 102 3 Hurkalee Larry/CapaNÑa! 8. 97 10 Panto Petros & Smokey 9. 80 7 Doom 3D Syg 10. 58 11 Vision Fefe/Breeze 11. 40 4 Radiance Mystery Arts PC 4K game competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 651 1 Disappear Larsen/Next Genaration Team 2. 505 2 Hit4M Bery/Mortal Compact 3. 178 3 Magic Lamps O.K./Unicorn Amiga demo competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 699 1 Wind! Frame18 Amiga 40K intro competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 419 3 Therapy was here Therapy 2. 322 4 Entropy Resolution 3. 306 2 Solarized Bi0Hazard 4. 230 1 Nipple's Chicks Promise! C64 demo competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 883 2 Ellenanyag Profik 2. 463 1 Television TRSI Multichannel music competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 270 13 X-tended sounds Deansdale/Shock! 2. 205 15 About a very short life Illegal/Remal 3. 166 3 Valley of innocence Minstrel/Fiction 4. 111 12 Bass in your face Cyber/Next Generation Team 5. 101 10 Chemical waste Hanx/Urinate! 6. 84 11 Spinster suite S.Roger/Neutron 7. 82 4 Szasza Szasza 8. 75 14 Forever love Netrunner/CDM 9. 72 6 Jewels Snotty/Faculty 10. 56 2 Land of the beholder TiB/Criminal Gang/UiT 11. 50 1 Rainy trip ATX/Shock! 12. 45 8 Simple hard one TiF/Silicon Brain 13. 44 5 The first rebel Rebel 14. 37 9 Such tea Slowhand & Clarance 15. 32 7 Don't panic! PTI/Dolops 4 channel music competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 220 8 Revival Snotty/Faculty 2. 191 4 Light juice party Sly Spy/United Force 3. 177 7 Happy man Python and Szasza 4. 146 6 Cyberneticorganism Floyd 5. 141 1 Back in Time Cortex/Trsi 6. 137 15 Sounds of Texas Anorganic/Promise! 7. 84 9 Kozmonaut! Gold Mc Green 8. 82 12 Limonade Nemechek/X-it! 9. 71 3 Ujaj Pat/Frame18 10. 69 10 Kompót Codger/MicroPyle 11. 54 5 Private affairs Goa/Yucca Studio 12. 53 2 Waves of the sea Mr.Pixel/Impulse 13. 33 11 Public suicides Laky/Murmidones 14. 26 14 Forest of tears Hawk/Neutron 15. 11 13 Beep Bora Man/Neutron Beethoven competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 293 1 noname Paco/Dinasty 2. 145 12 noname Digital Pain/Dinasty 3. 89 8 noname Energie 4. 78 4 Donkeys sukk! ATX/Shock! 5. 70 5 noname Pat/Frame18 6. 45 3 noname Look 7. 44 6 noname Mr.Pixel/Impulse 7. 44 9 Cherry Deansdale/Shock! 9. 42 2 Mittomen... DFJ/Dinasty 10. 40 10 Beat 4 me Laky/Murmidones 11. 29 11 noname Syrinx 12. 23 7 noname Scooby/Orion Design Graphic competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 267 4 Tigerkidz Fat Cat 2. 246 9 Woman Ludwig/Therapy 3. 236 8 Angel Das/Shock! 4. 192 11 Eyeunivr Rack/Absolute!^Majic12 5. 161 12 Handless Ward/Enlightenment 6. 138 10 Ufo Jupiter/Bi0Hazard 7. 101 5 Klonko Nestor/Lal 8. 55 1 Guru meditation NRG 9. 48 3 Aki Pat/Frame18 10. 45 2 En Nat/Frame18 10. 45 6 Spitfire Scanner/Mystery Arts 12. 28 13 424 Raver/CDM 13. 27 14 Warzone Thomas 14. 25 7 Obermotz Dope/Neutron Raytrace competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 372 2 Whale Myracle/Immortals 2. 265 11 Room True/Shock! 3. 190 13 Belso Bognár Dénes 4. 161 3 Man on the moon Gabriel/United Force 5. 148 14 Best Cselényi Tamás 6. 133 6 Fedor Fedor 7. 98 9 Cilence Anonymous 8. 58 1 Butterfly Anonymous 9. 54 10 Vista Warpig 10. 46 5 Dewconc Anonymous 11. 41 12 Zu Hauze KCI/Nosasoft 12. 32 8 City Le0n Sky/ByTeam 13. 29 4 Babylon Hamlet 14. 17 7 Drinks Kvazar C64 music competition: Place Point S# Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- 1. 351 6 Roy/RSC-RPL 2. 317 4 Taki/NB 3. 313 1 Angee/TRY C64 graphic competition: Place Point S# Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- 1. 501 4 Tyrant/TRY 2. 459 8 Olly/GRF 3. 194 7 Splash/RST Wild competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 485 3 Wasps Shock! 2. 306 1 Video demo Spaceballs-TRSI-Alcatraz 3. 218 2 Mosquito Faculty? 4. 61 4 Lamer intro Zoolook Lamer competition: Place Point S# Name Author ----- ----- -- -------------------------- ------------------------------ 1. 554 8 X-rated Renegades 2. 511 10 Who the fun is Bill Gates? CaPaNÑa 3. 150 9 Láma Thomas & Morgan Production Fun competition: Place Group ----- ----------------------------------- 1. Controlled Dreams & Enlightenment Doom competition: Place Name ----- -------- 1. Tetris AD&D competition: Place Group ----- ------------------------ 1. Kiss Attila és csapata ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== _. .... ..___/\________/\_______/ |________/\_______... .. . :: :::::\_____ \___________ | | \__________/::::: :: :::: :::::| | \ ___/_/ |: | \_____ \::: :::: : :::: ::::|: !| \\ | \ | |: \\ |: \\::: ::: :: ::: ::::::| |: // : // : : // : //:::: ::: :: ::::: ::l____| /____ /______ /_____ /::: :: :: :::: ::::::::::| /::::\___/::::::\___/:::::\___/:::::: ::: : l__/[pr!de] . :___ ___: . :/\ "\: .---------------------------------. :/ /\: - --- / \___\ ---| ""°¤*[ NEWS ]*¤°"" |--- /___/ \ --- - \ / / `---------------------------------' \ "\ / \/___/ \___\/ ABSOLUTE! --------- - Lord passed the leadership on to Fester - Scorpik (Music) joined in Poland ALCATRAZ -------- - Brainbug left for Talent - rumours say that Brainbug is still in Alcatraz as a double- member of both groups ANADUNE ------- - Lazur's slideshow 'Wild' released. - Lazur joined from TRSI. - Qba joined as triple member Nah-Kolor^Pil^Anadune - Action joined from Damage. APPENDIX -------- - Neuromancer joined from Scalaris^Skulls as graphician. - Timer joined from Scalaris^Depth as musician. - Klaf joined from Scalaris^Depth as swapper. -"Fa!"-Klaf's pack is ready! - Mental kicked out ! - Cool productions from Appendix coming soon! »»» POLAND ««« PIKE.............graphician,WHQ SHADOW...........graphician NEUROMANCER......graphician VIP..............graphician,co-sysop MADBART..........ray tracer,sysop MAF..............ray tracer LYNX.............coder ESC..............coder,swapper KLAF.............swapper,pack maker WALEC............swapper TIMER............musician VOICE............musician (12 members) »»» GERMANY ««« HANSA............swapper,gHQ ARTWORK ------- - Azurre joined from Bizarre Arts - Trasher joined from Sanity as Triple-Member - Fiver left TRSI to be only a member of Artwork AVOCADO ------- Sixpack left Avocado to be a Gods only member. K!nky renamed to Avocado. Avocado is pure AGA Lithium is down until the police returns his Amiga. Bracus and Casper retired becouse of their studies. Miro is down until he gets a new Amiga. Grand retired. Svos was kicked. Blade was kicked. Woober was kicked. Beholder was kicked. Madman was kicked. Rockeronic was kicked. All the A500 members were kicked. Dutch devision were kicked. Belgian devision were kicked. Turkish devision were kicked. The whole Polish devision were kicked. KML started modemtrading. CAPSULE ------- - Capsule is a new group formed by ex-members of Necropolis and Darkness. - Estrayk, Kustom, Dior, Evelred, Magnum, Vader and Vacuum joined from Darkness. - Barman and Darklord joined from Necropolis. - Sativa, baloo and Ryu were independents. - Capsule has a BBS called Landing Zone (+34 3 462 03 28). - Capsule won the first prize in the Multichannel competition at the Euskal III. - Capsule won the first and second price in the mods competition at the Euskal Party III. - Capsule won the first prize in the intros competition at the Euskal III. - Capsule won the third prize in the demos competition at the Euskal III. - We are working on a hig-quality musicdisk with musics from Estrayk and Evelred. - We are working on a new pack. - The member list is: Estrayk - Musician, organizer Kustom - Coder Dior - Coder Evelred - Musician Magnum - Graphician Vader - Coder Vacuum - Coder Barman - Swapper Sativa - Graphician Darklord - Coder Baloo - Sysop Ryu - Cosysop CENTOLOS -------- - Barman joined from Necropolis as a swapper and editor. - Sapphire joined from Necropolis as a coder. - Humphrey is working on the Mag's graphics. - We are going to release a Mag called 'Ceive'. - We won the second prize in the 4 kbs competition at the Euskal Party III. CITRON. ------- - Electron joined Sardonyx as double-member DEFIANCE -------- Boone won the suprise compo at Compusphere 5. Boone is seting up the amiga section for Dfc. FCI --- All foreign members were kicked out (except some whose left). Danny Kane rejoined and became a new finnish hq. Substance joined as musician. Fci-finland is looking for all kind of members! Interested? Contact Danny Kane. Grand joined as graphician. FREEZERS -------- -Morph moved to the PC scene and renamed to Nuke - Good Luck M8. official memberlist may 1996 Benjamin - gfx-artist(inactive) Bethoven - musician Dave - ascii-artist,msx,swapper Grid - gfx-artist Immortal - sysop,trader,swapper,whq Ital - trader,sysop,/X coder Lenin - editor Nop - trader Revernd D - sysop Skowron - gfx-artist Sky - swapper(inactive) Sputnik - coder(inactive) Toxic - sysop [·] Call Our Boards [·] wHQ TresPass .............. +46-ITS-PRIV8 2N bHQ Euro Trade Center ..... +32-63-675875 4N pLHQ OverDose .............. +48-12-114632 tHQ NeedFull Things ....... +90-216-3629417 2N HONOO ----- A new French Group created by HP and Black Dragon of Illusion in June 95. Clo! of Illusion joined as a singer. Erk of Illusion joined as musician. Mag of Illusion joined as swapper. Hysteric of Ram Jam joined as swapper. D'js joined as coder. Lfo Rate joined as coder. Killer of Arkham joined as coder'n'zicos. Newlook of Synapse joined as coder. Comming up is a musicdisk,trackmo,a pack and some intros. JEWELS ------ ·DANISH DIVISION· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Al Bundy...............Organixer,Swapper. Knox...................Graphician........ Ricky..................Coder............. Scoop..................Coder............. Future.................Coder............. Conder.................Swapper........... Chours.................Musician.......... Future.................Coder............. Speedy.................Sysop,Trader...... ·SWEDISH DIVISION· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MRK..................Graphician,Organizer Guardian.............Sysop............... Dynamex..............Coder............... Keldon...............Trader,Swapper...... Huz..................Trader.............. Shapechanger.........Trader,Ascii........ Eracore..............Graphician,raytrace. Randall..............Musician............ Sniffet..............Graphician.......... KINKY ----- Kinky renamed to Avocado. Many divisions and members were kicked. MASSIVE ------- Group founded 15.o9.95 by Felix ex.Parasite and K!nky. Jummen Joined as a full time member. Substance of Avocado joined as a doublemember. Hysteric of Honoo and Ramjam joined as a doublemeber. Marl of Hmr. joined as a doublemember Maze of Eltech joined as a doublemember. Digital Chips packed by Maze is now both a Elt and Msv production. Crazywild of ghd joined as a doublemember. Marl changed handle to Fisherking. Fisherking is now a full time member. Yabbo Joined from Neo as a musician. Since Neo died,Pay and Yabbo are full time members. Mosher of DEC joined as a full time member. Pay changed handle first to 2scoops then to Anfobia Java joined as a quadrupple member with his board Delusion. Snöarn joined as an fulltime member. memberlist (10.01) Felix whq,organiser,swap Norway Jummen shq,trade,swap Sweden Moon code,swap Austria Snöarn toolcoder Sweden Fisherking gfx,swap Norway Mosher gfx-trace,swap Norway Substance sfx,swap Finland Maze sfx,pack,swap Norway Yabbo sfx.swap Sweden Anfobia ascii,swap Sweden Hysteric fhq,swap France Crazywild sfhq,modem,swap Finland MOBILE ------ - a new group born in Finland - builded up by Apeman, Don Martini and Doc - Paperboy (Swapper) joined from Simplex as a doublemember - Tweeter (independent) joined to do some moral support and maybe even modem trading if he ever gets a modem. - Spica (Coder) joined as a doublemember from Wartec Memberlist: Apeman - Organizer, ascii Doc - Graphician Don Martini - Musician Paperboy - Swapper Spica - Coder Tweeter - Moral support (Trader?) MYSTIC PL --------- - SIXTUS, PRIEST, SAGRAEL, STIGMATISER, PILES, BILLY joined from S.A.F - BONIFACY joined as graphician -Actual memberlist: XTD - musician, organizer BARTESEK - musician SIXTUS - musician MARS - swapper FUNNY GIRL - swapper (in GERMANY) TRASH HEAD - swapper, modem trader SAGRAEL - swapper, modem trader BILLY - swapper, modem trader EASY RIDER - modem trader UFOK - modem trader PILES - coder PRIEST - coder, musician TEDY - coder MSS - coder JACKAL - graphican JEZO - graphican GUNMAN - graphican STIGMATISER - graphican BONIFACY - graphician Only 19 members in POLAND but few changes soon! NECROPOLIS ---------- - Ravana left to join Centolos. - Sapphire left to join Centolos. - Barman left to join Centolos and Capsule. - Darklord left to join Capsule. - Supercoco, Meigamiga, Humphrey and Goreboy left to be independents. - Warhammer left the scene. - Omnibus left the scene. - Necropolis is dead. NEO --- The U.K section is dead. Devistator and Sprangly left for Eltech. Bon are now the whq. Bon kicked all divisions and left for Giants. NEW AGE ------- Note won the 4channel compo at Compusphere 5. NINE DESIGN ----------- C-Real joined as AsciiArtist Max joined as musician Mr.Fish changed handle to Keldon Linkan was kicked Bevis was kicked Keldon will open a PARASITE -------- The amiga section is dead. The pese section is still alive. PHUTURE 303 ----------- -LFO has returned to the Scene,conatct him for anything at: LFO/PHUTURE 303 WHQ, 135 STOURTON AVE, HANWORTH MIDDX, TW13 6LD, ENGLAND! -BASE is now the new German HQ. -Rave Network Overscan (R.N.O.) has become a sub-group of Phuture 303, R.N.O. is pure A500 and so has become the A500 division of Phuture 303. -SUBSTANCE joined in Finland as a musician. -CYCLONE has got some probs with his post at the moment.They sort and check his sendings and so it could be that ya haven´t got his last sending or he doesn't get yours. So please !don´t fake! in the phuture. -CMP DESIGN joined in Germany as a graphician. -STRIKER is kicked for inactivity! -PHUTURE 303 Denmark is no more! -DRAC joined as a double member of Ambrosia in Denmark. -DRAC is the new Danish HQ. -PHUTURE 303 Denmark is reborn. -MR UHU joined as a swapper in Poland. -DAMIEN is now only an R.N.O. member. -ZANY joined in Norway as a musician. -CYCLONE left for FRESH!. -NEMESIS left for ANATHEMA. -BLAZE joined as a swapper in Poland. -DAVE joined as doublemember (Freezers and Phuture 303.) Current Phuture 303 Memberstatus 18-Feb-96 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ENGLAND ~~~~~~~ LFO.............WHQ,SWAP,MUSICIAN,CODE DAZE...............................GFX RAGE........................NET-SURFER SWEDEN ~~~~~~ PARSEC............................CODE BADGER........................GFX,SWAP AXEHANDLE.........................CODE GERMANY ~~~~~~~ B.A.S.E.......................GHQ,SWAP ANGELDUST....................,GFX,SWAP CIE...........................MUSICIAN CLEVER............................SWAP CMP DESIGN.........................GFX FINLAND ~~~~~~~ SUBSTANCE.....................MUSICIAN DENMARK ~~~~~~~ DRAC.........................SWAP,DKHQ POLAND ~~~~~~ MR UHU............................SWAP BLAZE.............................SWAP NORWAY ~~~~~~ ZANY..........................MUSICIAN -15 members in 7 countries and growing fast!! -PHUTURE 303 is still seeking more members all over the globe!! so if you are interested then contact LFO!! RAMJAM ------ - Flender, M.A.S.E., MAXIME, Posdnuos and Rocketeer LEFT Ram Jam. They haven't left the scene as stated in some mags. They have just founded their own games development team called "THE SPOOKY FELLOWS" and they are currently working on a tennis-game to be released around spring '96. - MAVERICK left Ram Jam too. He is working on his next games and he has not enough time to be active on the scene. - THE CHARTS is DEAD and will NEVER be back. The last issue was the 16th. - MAXIME left Ram Jam, so RAM JAM has no more an official email address, no more an official WWW Homepage, no more an official ftp site. - SPANDIMERDA CORNER: Randy/RamJam (probably) never coded anything: he is just a skilful user of ReSource. "A buon intenditor poche parole"... R.N.O. ------ - R.N.O. has become a Subgroup of PHUTURE 303!!! - R.N.O. is looking for more members!!!!!! - DJ MLNO is kicked because of inactivity. - TFT has left IRIS and is now in R.N.O. only! - MR. X joined. - DAMIEN/PHUTURE 303 joined as a doublemember. - AYAXS joined in Germany. - THE ENEMY (also known as TLS/Retire) joined in Germany. - CONVICT has stopped his swapping activities and is from now on only a musician. - S.D.S. has started doing some small GFX for R.N.O. prod.! - ZANY/R.N.O. reached the 10 place in the 4 channel Musiccompo with his track called: Total Eclipse V2! He got 220 votes! Well done Zany!!!!! - IRO finally returned to scene! - IRO left DEPTH and is now in R.N.O. only! - SUBSTANCE left RNO for PHUTURE 303. - AYAXS renamed to EL FATAL. - Watch out for some upcomming R.N.O. prod.!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15/01/1996 R.N.O. Memberlist: HOLLAND .T.B.C. WHQ, Organize, Music, Swap .S.D.S. Music, Swap, Ascii, small GFX Convict Music Fiction GFX, Swap Scandal GFX, Code(AMOS) Jan GFX GERMANY Cie GHQ, Music Angeldust GFX, Swap Iro Swap El Fatal Swap The Enemy Music NORWAY Tft NHQ, Swap Zany Music, Swap Mr. X Code(AMOS), Swap SWEDEN Damien SHQ, GFX, Raytracing, Swap ENGLAND Slavey Swap SAINTS ------ - This is the OFFICIAL news so take care!! - Death Field BBS is now the official WORLDHEADQUARTERS of SAINTS. - Victory left for BRONX. - Nail left to be independent. - Mikromission left. - Kriz left. - Woober left. - Yarrix left. - Murti left. - Danny Kane/Rednex joined as doublemember. - Datura joined. - Edge joined and renamed to ITAL. - The Nock joined. - Drop joined. - Zody joined. - Decoder joined. - Voyage! joined with his board called: Water World - Radavi joined with his board called : Wild Palms - Hifi joined with his board called : Highlander - Fate! joined with his board called : Mysteryland - Trion joined with his board called : The Hype - Domain kicked out. - SAINTS back on activity!. - Soul Roots (musicdisk) will be released. - A Full Raytrace Animation Demo planned and will be out soon. - SAINTS will release a Diskmag. - Some rumours says that da SAINTS posse is dead,But infact NOT! SAiNTS was only inactive for sometime..This is just because of Nop/STS's (WHQ)problems with law courts in Turkey.(cos of Fake stamps)... - Destination Staff (Yarrix & Murti) left to be independent. - Memberstatus: (uncomplete sorry!!!) ...TURKEY......... nOp! : Sysop, Swapper, Trader, Organiser. (SaInTs WHQ) eXe : Sysop, Trader. The Nock : Swapper, Trader. KleNYe : Coder. DaNko : Coder. Dweep : Graphician. DrOp : Raytracer, Trader, Maineditor. [-iT/\L-] : Musician, Sysop. zODY : Trader. ...NORWAY......... Decoder : Swapper. PurpleHaze : Swapper, Trader. Tranze : Swapper. The Confuser : Graphician. Isaac : Musician, Sysop. Wiz : Sysop. ...HOLLAND.......: Radavi : Sysop, Trader. Hifi : Musician, Sysop. Fate! : Sysop. Trion : Sysop. ...GERMANY.......: Voyage! : Sysop. ...DENMARK........ Droopy : Coder. SilverFlame : Musician. ...SWEDEN......... Phuture : Swapper. Plugster : Editor. ...FINLAND.......: Danny kane : Swapper. Enzyme : Musician. Substance : Musician. ...ENGLAND.......: Yak : Graphician. SCALARIS -------- - Cook,Igor,Omen and Kalreg are kicked! - Timer left for Appendix. - Neuromancer left for Appendix. - Qla joined as modem trader. - Drac (swapper) joined from Ambrosia as doublemember. - Billy (sysop at Fuck Shit BBS) joined to Scalaris. - Tharan left Zomo and joined to Scalaris. - Billy (Scs/Saf/Dph) left Zomo and joined to Corrupt. - Klaf left Depth and joined to Appendix and now he is a double-member of Scalaris and Appendix. - Non-aga 64 kB intro called "ATMOSPHERE" soon. (msx: Timer, gfx: Neuromancer, code: Robson). - New intro 64kB called "SOUL!" soon. (code: Tharan, gfx: Weed, msx: Raze). - Intro 64kB called "I.N.O.U.T" soon. (code: Nazgul, gfx: Neuromancer, msx: Timer). - Trackmo called "SMOKER" will be release. (code: Robson, gfx: Neuromancer, msx: Timer). - Swaptro #.2 realised ! - BIGtro realised ! - Bigofobia realised ! - New "BIGOZ" magazine issue #.12 soon. - New main editors of Bigoz are Ender (HQ) & Ari (co-HQ). - Fanzine (rpg-games) "NECRONOMICON" issue 5 soon. - "OOPS!" chip-pack is dead ! - For All - PLEASE FILL THE VOTESHEET BIGOZ !!! - Complette oficjal memberlist: »»» POLAND ««« KLAF................swapper,WHQ ENDER...............swapper,Bigoz HQ BILLY...............modem trader,sysop (Fuck Shit Bbs-Scs wHQ) QLA.................modem trader FML.................musician ROBSON..............coder NAZGUL..............coder CERBER..............coder THARAN..............coder DEVOTH..............coder (Necronomicon-HQ) WEED................graphician ARI.................raytracer,Bigoz co-Hq DR.SZACH............raytracer (13 Members) »»» DENMARK ««« DRAC................swapper RAZE................musician (2 members) »»» LUXEMBOURG ««« HOTSTEPPER..........graphician,swapper,pack maker (1 Member) SCOOPEX ------- Releases in 1994: ----------------- Laziness took me (Intro) Chillin`Arabians (Intro) Scoopex Melodies (Music Disk) Sac (Intro) + Crackintros for Accession and Prestige + Some Issue of Nam-Nam and Infestion packseries Releases in 1995: ----------------- No Human Vibes (Intro) And Love 4 All (Intro) Alien/Fix (Demo) No Name (Chipmusic Pack) Artcore (Slideshow) ISO (Trackmo) Floodland (BBS-Ad) 666 The Intro (Intro) Official Scoopex News (- collected by Gangsta/Scoopex) -------------------------------------------------------- - Made left for BOMB in France - Vegard and Benjamin left for Melon Dezign - Eloy joined in France from Complex as graphician - Jazz (musician) and TNT (raytracer) joined in Denmark - Dr.Feelgood left the scene - Daddy Freddy left the scene - Absurd left more or less the scene - Splatterhead left the finish division of Scoopex for Fanatic - Motion joined in Denmark from Balance as graphician - McCoy renamed to Deep - the whole modem section has been kicked out ! SKULLS ------ - "Muzyka Dla Konesera #3" soon. - "Fuss#3" is comming!! - Music Disk "Jan III Sobieski" soon. - Nazgul join from Depth as coder. - Cerber join from Depth as coder. - Egon joined. - P242 joined. - Czarny joined. coMpLeTe mEmBaZ LiSt... - NEUROMANCER........gfx,swap,whq - NAZGUL.....................code - CERBER.....................code - ELESSAR................swap,ray - LARRY....................writer - JACOOL................swap,join - PILA............swap,ascii.join - CZARNY.................swap,gfx - P242........................ray - EGON.......................swap - LUCK........................msx (11 members) SURPRISE! pRODUCTIONS --------------------- The UK section has just been reborn. Michael/Anathema^S!P joined as a double member. Blind Man joined with his board: Permenant Vacation. Permenant Vaction is now a S!P UKHQ. Nemesis/S!P has become a co-sysop of Permenant Vacation BBS. Current S!P UK members are: 1. SHADE - Organiser, Graphics 2. MICHEAL - Musician, Designer 3. NEMISIS - Cosysop, ASCII Artist, Trader 4. BLIND MAN - Sysop of "Permenant Vacation" BBS TECHNOLOGY ---------- memberlist (may 1996): POLAND alien (gfx-artist) aro (gfx-artist) immortal (swapper,sysop,coder,WHQ) sundance (gfx-artist,ansi-artist) verger (coder) yark (coder) zig (coder) zoltar (raytracer,swapper) GERMANY sonic flash (musician) ITALY android (musician,modem-trader) hantarex (sysop) kaos master (/X coder,modem-trader,swapper,IHQ) larry (gfx-artist) AUSTRIA psycho (ansi-artist,sysop) AUSTRALIA Prowler (sysop) .Just Grab Your HST and Give a Kall to these Fine tECHNOLOG¥ HQs. WHQ Point oF No Return +39-421-560951 SysOp: Hantarex EHQ OverDose +48-12-114632 SysOp: Immortal AHQ Burning Chrome +43-662-453364 SysOp: Psycho oZHQ Twisted Dreams +61-2-6364990 SysOp: Prowler DST CyberTrash +39-55-717198 SysOp: Larry