finally we made it... interactive presents you a little intro which was released at the xmas party in aars... first of all we would like to thank dragonfly (and not the guy called thomas) of abyss for this nice coding. ( abyss is a fusion between two well known groups called arise and beyond....) normally we planned to release our first trackmo on this party, but our coders did not manage to finish it in time. so we asked dragonfly of abyss to code this little piece(or maybe peace) of heaven. but we will be back on the hopefully great legend party in the end of january... see ya on a screen near You soon.... partystars in alphabetical order.... 666 (swapper), ice t (modem trader), newline (for this great gfx), polaris (gfx), redor (gfx). there was much trouble on the paddy cause the boat has been a co prod between two different that time i would say especially hallo to liquid. enjoy the Paddy guy. only friendship makes this possible, i think.... that is hall for today..... now wait and see .. and read this little ,shitty text again.... ..... point, point, point (...) ++ Other text INTERACTIVE WILL SEND SOME GREETS FAR, FAR AWAY TO SOME OTHER NICE GROUPS ON AMIGA 2NIGHT,ABYSS,ADDICTS,ADEPT,AFF,AFL,AGONY ALCATRAZ,AMAZE,AMNESIA,ANALOG,ANARCHY, ANSHOVY SISTERS,ARTEFACT,ASSAULT ATOMIC,AWAKE,AWAKEYOND,AWESOME,BACKLASH, BALANCE,BASTARTS,BLACK DEITY BLACK LIGHT,BLACKL,CASCADE, CAVE,CELESTICAL,CELTIC FROST,CENTURA, CONQUERORS,CONTRA,CONTRAST,CRACK INC.,CRIME DEVILS,CROME,CRYSTAL,CYBORX,D-TECT DAMAGE, DAMION, DARK CO., DARK STAR DAZZLE,DCI,DEADLINE,DEATH DEFIERS,DECADEDECEPT, DEFCONE ONE, DEFIANCE, DELICIOUSDESIGN,DARK REIGN,DEMONS DSG.,DESIRE, DICTATORS,DIFFUSION,DRIFTERS,DUAL CREW, DYNESTIE,DYTECT,EFFECT,EMOTIONS,ENERGY, ENIGMA,EOC,EQUINOX,EREMATION,ESSENCE, FACH,FERROX,FRANTIC,FUN FACTORY,FUSION, FUTURIZE,GENETIC,GENOCIDE,GOTHIC, HARDCORE,INCUBUS,INFECT,INNERSPHERE, INSANIA,INTENSE,INTRYX,IRONMASTER,JETSETKAMIKAZE,KEFRENS,KLONDYKE,KROM,LA ROCCA,LASERDANCE, LEADER PROD., LEGACY,LEGEND, LIVE ACT, LSD,LUNATIC EARLS,LUNATICS, LIQUID,MAJIC 12,MEXX,MIDNIGHTSUN,MIDWAY. MINISTRY,MODEL,MOTION,NAMAD PROD., NETZWERK,NEXXON,NIKKI CORPT.,NOIC, NOVA, NOXIOUS,NUANCE,OPTICAL,ORIGIN,PALACE, PANIC,PARADISE,PARAGON,PARALYSIS, PARAMOUNT,PARANOID,PHENOMENIA,PHOBIA, PLATIN,PMC,PRINCIPlES,PROPHECY,QUARTEX, QUARTZ,RAVE,REBELS,REDRATS,REFLECT REFLECTORS,SANITY,SCOOPEX,SCORPIO,SHADE, SHARKS,SILENTS,SLIPSTREAM,SONIC, SPACEBALLS,SPHYNX,STAGE,STATIC BYTES, STELLAR,STIAL,SUBMISSION,SUPERNOVA, SYMBIOSIS,TDD,TECH,TECHNOIR,TEK - THE MC-DISK TEAM -,THE ORB,THE WAVE, TOC,TRIANGE 3532,TRSI,TSB,U.D.O,VANISH, VIRTUAL DESIGN,VLSI,VOX DEI,ZENITH, ZENON AND THE OTHERS WE HAVE FORGOTTEN...