You have reached the official ACiD
Artpacks Archive. Similar in structure to
that of the Hornet Demo Archive, we bring you a modest
storage site for the artscene, with
a massive bandwidth (100+Mbps) and mirrors all over the world. -Enjoy!

The following is a list of rules which apply
to all of the directories
under /artpacks/incoming. Please read read carefully ..
All incoming files MUST contain a
corresponding .txt description. If a .txt file is not found for
a given archive, the file_id.diz will be extracted and used. If a file_id.diz doesn't
exist, and a .txt wasn't uploaded, the file will be automatically deleted.
- eg. must have artpack1.txt
- It is highly recommended that you don't
use any IBM Extended ASCII characters as they cannot be displayed in
Windows, Macintosh, or X-Windows properly at this time.
- Text descriptions may contain |00-|15 pipecodes to modify the
foreground color of a file's description.
- The index.html files for the incoming
directories use only the first 50 columns of the first 15 lines of
the text descriptions.
Absolutely NO commercial or illegally
pirated software of any kind. |
Uploaded files with extensions such as
.GIF, JPG, ANS, et cetera are not allowed.
Files MUST be archived and compressed before uploading. (See #4) |
Acceptable compression archive formats are:
.rar, .r##, .zip, .arj, .a##, lha, lzh, tar.gz, tar.Z, .tgz, and .taz |
All filenames MUST
be in lower case. No UPPER or MiXeD case. Filename must use 8.3
DOS file naming convention, no long file names. |
All incoming subdirectories have specific individual rules
which apply, please be aware of these as well. |
NOTE: Files which do not agree with
any of these guidelines are

THANK YOU, The existence of
this free of charge operation relies upon
the cooperation of the entire 'scene. We want to hear any and all of
your questions, comments, gripes, suggestions .. Anything!
Your feedback is appreciated, mail us!