BATMAN(tm) A LEGEND HAS RETURNED. BRUCE WAYNE(tm), The multi-millionaire head of the Wayne Foundation is an unassuming, quiet type of guy. However, when night falls and evil stalks the streets, he sheds his daytime persona and becomes the masked vigilante of GOTHAM CITY(tm) - BATMAN! Crusading against crime from the rooftops of the sickened city, his objective becomes the elimination of Gus Grissom's criminal empire; in particular, the conquest of JACK NAPIER(tm), the psychotic second-in-command. Napier was the most cunning and sadistic force in Gotham anyway, but when a accident befell him, twisting him both physically and mentally, he became the ultimate criminal - THE JOKER!(tm) You control the CAPED CRUSADER(tm) in five different scenarios as he is pitted against his malevolent nemesis in the life or death struggles that ensue. THE ULTIMATE MOVIE INSPIRES THE ULTIMATE GAME ... PLAY BATMAN. SET-UP/LOADING Set-up the machine, insert your paddle controller and ROM cartridge as described in the computer user manual. The game will load automatically. CONTROLS The game can be controlled using the paddle controller. 464/6128+- you may also use a joystick or keyboard. The following directional movements apply to both paddle controller and joystick. Either fire button may be used on the paddle controller throughout the game. The keyboard is redefinable. CONTROLS PRE-SET KEYS Q = UP L = RIGHT A = DOWN SPACE = FIRE K = LEFT S = PAUSE JOYSTICK SECTION 1 AND 5 CLIMB UP LEFT RIGHT CROUCH/CLIMB DOWN FIRE -THROW BATARANG(tm) WITH FIRE BUTTON PRESSED B A C THROW BATARANG LEFT THROW BATARANG RIGHT JUMP DOWN TO NEXT LEVEL A = FIRE ROPE UP - LEFT B = FIRE ROPE UP C = FIRE ROPE UP - RIGHT SECTION 2 - BATMOBILE(tm) BATMOBILE moves in corresponding directions. UP LEFT RIGHT DOWN FIRE - Fire'batrope' up. If the BATMOBILE is going past a lamp post then the rope will wrap around it and the BATMOBILE will swing round the corner. FIRE AND UP - If the BATMOBILE is near a corner then it will swing round the corner without using the 'batrope'. NOTE: Using the 'batrope' to turn a corner is the quickest. The BATMOBILE will only turn a corner if it is near one. IF THE BATMOBILE GOES PAST A CORNER YOU MAY TURN ROUND BY PRESSING FIRE AND LEFT. SECTION 3 - BAT CAVE(tm) CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Move the joystick left or right to select a cosmetic and press fire to enter it into the combination. LEFT RIGHT SECTION 4 - BATWING(tm) MOVE BATWING LEFT MOVE BATWING BACKWARDS MOVE BATWING FORWARDS MOVE BATWING RIGHT STATUS AND SCORING The panel shows present score, lives, time and BATMAN'S energy. BATMANs face represents full energy. THE JOKERs face represents no energy. When THE JOKERs face is fully visible then BATMAN will lose a life. If time runs out on any level BATMAN will lose a life. A bonus will be awarded for completing each level. The score is achieved on each level as follows: LEVELS 1 AND 5 SHOOTING THE JOKER'S HENCHMEN SHOOTING JACKNAPIER (LEVEL 1) SHOOTING THE JOKER (LEVEL 5) LEVEL 2 Points are scored by progressing further along the road. A bonus is awarded on reaching the BATCAVE based on the amount of time remaining. LEVEL 3 The score is based on the amount of time taken to find the correct combination. LEVEL 4 Points are awarded for every balloon you cut free. ENERGY IS REDUCED AS FOLLOWS: LEVELS 1 AND 5 Running into policemen or THE JOKERs henchmen. Standing under acid drops or in the way of bursts of gas from pipes. Falling down too far. Swinging on the rope into a wall. Being hit by bullets and grenades. Walking on spiked floors. LEVEL 2 Hitting other cars LEVEL 4 Hitting balloons instead of cutting ropes. Allowing balloons to burst before you cut the ropes. GAMEPLAY Section 1 - Axis Chemical Plant As BRUCE WAYNE, you overhear Commissioner Gordon telling the Mayor of an attack on the Axis Chemical Plant by JACK NAPIER and his henchmen. Acting swiftly, you don your black costume and make your way to the scene. Once inside the factory, you must move towards the exit (and Napier) on the far right of the map. You will meet assorted criminals along the way, some of whom will attack you physically, some will shoot at you and some will throw grenades. Avoid, also, leaking chemical droplets and gas bursts at various points on your route. You can sustain a limited amount of hits as your body armour affords a certain degree of protection, but your energy can get depleted quite rapidly if you do not try to defend yourself. Use the BATARANG to throw at your attackers, and your 'batrope' to access levels above, by shooting a grapnel device from your belt and reeling yourself up. On the final screen of this level, you will confront Napier himself. If you defeat him, he will fall into a vat of toxic chemical waste which will disfigure his appearance and mind. You have created the Joker! Section 2 - The Streets of GOTHAM CITY (1) Having rescued Vicky Vale from the clutches of THE JOKER in the Flugelheim Museum, you must make good your escape in the BATMOBILE Racing at high speeds through the streets of GOTHAM CITY, you must avoid both THE JOKER'S vehicles and the police who have set up road blocks, as they are still unsure which side of the law you are on. Your BATMOBILE is equipped with a sophisticated radar which will indicate the direction you must follow in order to escape safely. If you do not maintain a high speed, THE JOKER will catch you up and inflict damage upon the BATMOBILE, as will any collisions with other cars. The BATMOBILE is also equipped with a rope and grapnel. If, whilst travelling a high speeds, you wish to make a fast turn, shoot the grapnel out at a lamppost on the street corner; if timed correctly, this will enable you to make the turn without speed loss. Section 3-The BATCAVE The JOKER has invented a compound, "Smilex" which, on contact, will kill its victims, leaving a deathly rictus grin on their faces. The JOKER has 'skiped' certain everyday consumables with elements from this compound which, when mixed together, forms Smilex. Using the powerful computer in your BATCAVE, you must, in the time given, ascertain which three objects contain those elements. As you select any three, the display will indicate how many of those you have chosen correctly. You must, by process of elimination select the exact trio of elements before the time runs out. Section 4 - The Streets of GOTHAM CITY (2) THE JOKER'S deadliest scheme is now taking place at midnight on the Streets of GOTHAM CITY By promising massive handouts of money to the people of Gotham, the streets are packed with masses of unsuspecting citizens. However, all is not as it seems, for the carnival-type parade contains a sinister secret. Inside the dozens of bright balloons is enough Smilex gas to kill the entire population of GOTHAM CITY. These balloons are about to be leaked........ You are piloting the BATWING and must cut through the mooring ropes of the balloons with the wings of the flying craft. If you miss any of them, they will self-destruct, sending clouds of gas into the crowDs, similarly if you miss the rope and hit the balloon itself, the same will occur. If, however, you slice the rope, the balloon will float harmlessly away where the gas will dissipate into the atmosphere. Eventually, as THE JOKER learns of your interference, he will send some of his helicopters in to thwart you. Avoid these at all costs. Section 5 - The Cathedral Pursuing THE JOKER to Gotham Cathedral, you must negotiate the crumbling floors and avoid the rabid rats in order to confront, finally, THE JOKER on the roof. As in the Chemical Factory, you must use your BATA RANG and 'Batrope' to achieve this aim. On the rooftop, you must defeat THE JOKER, or he will make his escape by helicopter and bring GOTHAM CITY to its knees. HINTS AND TIPS LEVELS 1 AND 5 Master control of the'batrope'. Work out a quick route to the end. Shoot on sight. LEVEL 2 Don't bump into other cars. Be as quick as possible. When the arrow indicates a turn is ahead try and move to the side of the road. LEVEL 3 Use your brain. Be quick (you've only got one minute). LEVEL 4 Cut ropes cleanly. Don't hit the balloons. BATMAN Its program code, graphic representation and artwork are the copyright of Ocean Software Limited and may not be reproduced, stored, hired or broadcast in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Ocean Software Limited. All right are reserved worldwide. TM & © 1989 DC COMICS INC. All rights reserved. ©1990 Ocean Software Limited BATMAN, THE JOKER and all related characters, slogans and indicia are trademarks of DC COMICS INC. All rights reserved.