COUNTY CRICKET A struggling county cricket side appoints you as their new captain. It's up to you to turn your side's fortune around, train, manage and pick the team which will make your team win the League and Cups. EXPLANATIONS 1 - To answer yes or no on an input simply enter Y or N. 2. Level 1 is easy, 5 harder. 3. When changing players batting order on the change team page, always use the left hand column of numbers. Change team page: BT = Batting BL = Bowling SP = Bowling speed FT = Fitness BT. N = Batting number Select bowlers page: SQ. NO = Squad number SK = Skill Check averages page: BAT = Score for season INS = Innings for season BEST = Best score BOWL = 1st number runs, 2nd wickets BEST = Best in one game Check league page: PD = Played WN = Won DN = Drawn LS = Lost PTS = Points Cult cannot guarantee that all the features are on all the versions. Written by Chaz Chapman. Copyright 1989 D & H Games, This program is sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of the publishers, and the contents are not to be copied hired, re-sold, publicly performed or broadcast without the publishers written consent PRODUCED BY APPLETREE PRINT LTD (0302) 890000 If you have difficulty obtaining any of our Cult Sport Strategy range of #2.99 games: Just send a cheque or PO made out to Cult Games, plus a large S.A.E. with a 30p stamp attached. Please state which games you require and for what computer. Spec C64 Ams Football Strategy On the Bench x x x Soccer Q x x Cup Football x x x Soccer Star x x x British Super League x x x International Football x x x The Footballer x x x Soccer 7 x x x 2 Player Super League x x x International Manager x x x Striker x x x Football Champions x x x 2 Player Soccer Squad x x x Football Director x x x Striker Manager x x x Horse Racing First Past the Post x x Wembley Greyhounds x x x Motorcycle 500 x x x Adventures The Realm x The Damned Forest x Others Software House x x x Kemshu x Arena x Boxing Manager x x x The Boxer x x x Championship Golf x x x Rugby Coach x x x