HUNCHBACK THE ADVENTURE Somewhere on the outskirts of Paris that despicable cur the evil Cardinal, in collusion with the Bishop of Notre Dame; hold to ransom our hero's sweetheart, Esmerelda. These irreverant reprobates guffaw with the glee waiting for our helpless hero, Quasimodo, as he attempts to make a daring rescue, blinded by his passion and hampered by his hump but knowing if he doesn't make it she'll never `phone him again!' You take the part of Quasimodo (Are you absolutely sure about this?) and there are three stages to your jolly little task. First you must escape from Notre Dame itself, avoiding the many guards which the Cardinal and his spineless lackey the Bishop, have sent out to block your path. Then if you manage to survive that little lot you will have to find your way under the city of Paris until you reach your goal the Cardinals mansion. Finally you must find and challenge the Cardinal, and then escape with Esmerelda in tow. GOOD LUCK! The Game Hunchback is a graphic text adventure with illustrations for some locations some "Events" and all, objects. Experienced Adventurers may not wish to read the following explanation but for all others it will enhance the understanding and enjoyment of the game. If you haven't played an adventure game before, don't be put off, its not difficult and will give hours of enjoyment. You are embarking on a voyage of discovery with problems to solve, obstacles to avoid, characters to meet and an ultimate goal; In most ways it isn't any different from other game types - only in the method of presentation and the way you interact with it. The computer will describe to you, in words, your current location, the characters and any objects that are there. Once you have decided what to do (in this game you take the role of the hero, Quasimodo) you instruct the computer by typing in your request in a limited form of English. The format of the words that the computer understands is explained later in "The Language", but it has been deliberately kept simple to allow more room for game data. If the computer can understand what you have typed it will perform the required action and describe the results to you. The game is split into three parts (there is over 100k of code and data altogether) which must be played in order. (You, cannot begin Part II until you have completed Part I and so on.) The three sections are divided up by storyline and any objects that you are carrying when you finish a part will be retained for possible use in the next one. (It is important to, remember this if you come across an object, but can find no use for it in the current part). The use of graphics in this game is quite different to some adventure games. Firstly every object has a small illustration; up to six can be carried at one time and they will be displayed at the top right-hand of the screed. Larger illustrations for locations or depicting events appear in the top left of the screen and approximately one third of these are of the "Event" type. It should be noted that none of the graphics are designed to replace the text but to enhance it! The Language You control Quasimodo by instructing the computer in a restricted form of plain English, however there are a few simple rules to bear in mind: - (i) Every instruction must have a verb. Some of the "verbs" that the computer understands are not strictly English verbs, so it is helpful if you regard a "verb" ' as a word which causes an action. (it) Some "verbs" need a "noun" to operate on -e.g GET NET "Get" is the verb and NET, is the noun. (iii) The program will pick out the words it "understands" from a sentence and if it finds a word that isn't in it's vocabulary the computer will tell uoi what it is. (iv) If you wish to type in more than one sentence at a time you can seperate them with the word "and" e.g. Get the book "and" go east. (v) You need only type the first three letters of a word for it to be understood. Here are the most commonly used words to get you started. Look (or L) To look around. This re-displays the, description of the current location (it is done automatically if you move to a new location). North (or N) North East (or NE) These are movement verbs that are used East or E most often. You can type just the direction South East (or SE) or place the word "Go" in front. (it makes South (or S) no difference). Of course the program will South West (or SW) only let you move in a specified direction if West (or W) it is possible North West or (NW) GET/DROP For picking up or dropping an object. INVENTORY This instruction displays in text format a list of the objects that you are carrying (You can also reference this on the objects illustration display). Time If you spend too long contemplating your next move (and the game is not on pause then "Time" will pass and anything you typed in and "left" will be interpreted. General Advice (i) Draw a map - Unless you have an unusually good memory it will be enormously helpful to chart your progress. (ii) Everything you come across in the Adxenture will have a use - you only have to find out what it is! Getting started Insert the game tape into to the cassette unit press the CTRL key and the small ENTER key simultaneously then press play on the tape unit. Now press any key to start loading and the game will load automatically from there. When it's finished loading, the credits page will appear and the theme tune will begint to play, press the SPACE bar to enter the game proper. The computer will now be asking whether you want to restore an old game or not. If you do press the "Y" key then follow the procedure for loading an old game as below. If you wish to start a new game then press "N". The computer now needs to load Part I so insert the tape with this on rewind it to the beginning, press the space key and press play on tape to to start loading. The computer will now load Part I and after a short introduction you will be in the adventure itself. When you finish a part you will need to insert the correct tape for the next part which the computer is asking you to load. Rewind, press play and then the SPACE bar to start loading. Saving/Loading a Game; Insert the tape you wish to use into the tape unit and follow the onscreen instruction. Acceptable Verbs: The following is a list of "Verbs" (Action Words) which the computer will understand: GO NORTH NORTH EAST EAST SOUTH EAST SOUTH SOUTH WEST WEST NORTH WEST UP DOWN DROP ATTACK LIGHT ENTER IN INVENTORY LOOK GET TAKE OUT EAT SMASH CLIMB OPEN READ REMOVE HIT CLOSE CUT UNLOCK STAB LOCK SAY DRINK SPECIAL VERTS WAIT - Use if you want to just let time pass. PAUSE- To pause the game if you leave the game unattended without doing this (Time) will still continue. SAVE FACILITY -To save the current state of play. N.B. Never attempt to save games onto your master game cassette ("see saving/loading" procedure). LOAD -To restore a saved game. QUIT - To end the game in progress. We wish you many hours of enjoyment with "Hunchback the Adventure". Hunchback The Adventure It's programme code, graphic representation and artwork are the copyright of Ocean Software Limited and may not be reproduced, stored, hired or broadcast in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Ocean Software Limited. All rights reserved worldwide. This software tape has been carefully developed and manufactured to the highest quality standards. Please read carefully the instructions for loading. IF FOR ANY REASON YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY IN RUNNING THE PROGRAM AND BELIEVE THAT THE TAPE IS DEFETIVE, PLEASE RETURN IT TO: MR. YATES, OCEAN SOFTWARE LIMITED, 6 CENTRAL STREET, MANCHESTER M2 5NS. Our quality control department will test the product and supply an immediate replacement if we find a fault. If we cannot find a fault the tape will be returned to you at no charge. Please note that this does not affect your statutory rights. Game design and programming Ian Weatherburn. Produced by D.C. Ward. (C) 1986 Imagine Software Ltd.