HYPER SPORTS Its program code, graphic representation and artwork-are the copyright of Imagine Software (1984) Limited and may not be reproduced, stored, hired or broadcast in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Imagine Software (1984) Limited. All rights reserved. The program runs on the Amstrad 464, 664 and 6124 micro computers. LOADING AMSTRAD CPC 464-Place the rewound cassette in the cassette deck. Type RUN" and then press ENTER key. Follow the instructions as they appear on the screeen. If there is a disc attached then type |TAPE then press ENTER key. Then type RUN" press the ENTER key. In case of difficulty refer to chapter two of the User Instruction Booklet. AMSTRAD CPC 664 and CPC 6128-Connect a suitable cassette tape recorder ensuring that the correct leads are attached as defined in the User Instruction Booklet. Place the rewound tape in the cassette recorder and type |TAPE then press the ENTER key. Then type RUN" and press ENTER key. Follow the instructions as they. appear on the screen. LOADING - CASSETTE GAME The cassette version of this game has three events on each side of the tape. Load side one which consists of swimming, skeet shooting and long horse to start the game. When you have completed these three events you will be given an option to either turn the tape over and attempt the archery, triple jump and weight lifting, or repeat the first three events to see if you can requalify and accumulate extra points. It is important to note that if you choose to repeat the first three events the qualifying times will become more difficult. You can repeat the first three events as many times as you wish to try and accumulate more points, but if you fail to qualify you will then have to re-start the game with a zero score. Once you have selected to play the events on side two of the cassette your accumulated score will be carried over but you cannot then replay the events on side one unless you reload the game completely. When side two has been loaded you may replay the three events as many times as you are able and create your final score. DISK-Insert the game disc into the disk drive. Now type "|DISC" to make sure that the machine can access the disk drive. Now type RUN"HYPER " and press RETURN. The game will now load automatically. PLAYING Pit your skills and agility against the computer and the clock-in order to progress to the next eventyou must qualify, i.e. achieve game - scoring hints are as follows. SIDE ONE (cassette only). SWIMMING Your swimming speed is determined by continuous left/right controls, but remember in order to swim you must breathe so wait for the prompt and then press the fire button. If you breathe at the wrong rime you'll swallow water and if you forget to breathe you'll gradually slow and stop. Your opponents have different swimming skills and are controlled by the computer if you can beat them all you're on the way to becoming a true champion. SKEET SHOOTING Computer controlled sights home in on the skeet and marksmanship depends on fast reaction on the left/right controls. Good shooting gives bonus skeets with higher points but as your skeeting improves the rate hots up! Good shooting LONG HORSE Now test your ability as a gymnast -You automaticaIIy start your run up to the springboard, picking up speed on your approach, once on the board press the fire key to spring on to the horse and again to somersault into your routine. The distance and number of somersaults achieved determines the score. The left and right keys control you during this event. SIDE TWO (cassette only, follow screen instructions on completion of events on side one). ARCHERY The target moves across your field and you must judge wind speed and the angle of your shot to hit bullseye. First press the fire button for wind speed/direction, then press fire again to shoot one of your eight arrows at the passing target. (Keeping the fire button pressed increases the height of the arrow). Hint Try to get as close to 5degrees angle as possible. TRIPLE JUMP Co-ordination is the key to success in this event, approach speed is controlled by pressing the left and right key in quick succession, press the fire button as close to the take off line as possible. For each part of the jump keep the fire button pressed to increase the angle of the trajectory and release as close to 45degrees as possible. Your score is a combination of the correct speed, angle and distance. WEIGHT LIFTING Now for the final test-a test of strength and stamina Select the weight, by pressing the fire button. Once the weight has been decided press the return key to start. Then use the left/right controls to increase the weight lifters power, press the fire button when weight flashes to give the powerlift. Continue with power until all three judges acknowledge the feat, your points score is based on weight HIGH SCORE TABLE-After inserting your name press e key to restart. Use r key to delete. Congratulations you've completed all of the events but wait the excitement doesn't end there your are now invited to complete another circuit, you will notice however, that each time that you complete a round it becomes decidedly harder. GOOD LUCK! HYPER SPORTS Hypersports is a trademark of Konami Limited. Produced by D. C. Ward. (C) Konami (C) 1985 Imagine Software (1984) Limited.