OTHER GAMES STILL AVAILABLE BY MAIL ORDER THE NATIONAL [] (=) /\ \/ #9.99 GRAND PRIX [] (=) | /\ \/ #9.99 SNOOKER MANAGEMENT [] (=) #9.99 BOXING MANAGER II [] (=) #9.99 FOOTBALL DIRECTOR [] (=) | /\ \/ + #9.99 FOOTBALL DIRECTOR II (=) \/ <> () X |) #19.99 CRICKET CAPTAIN [] (=) /\ \/ <> () #9.99 RECORDS FILE [] (=) | #3.99 CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF [] (=) | /\ \/ #9.99 COUNTY CRICKET [] (=) /\ \/ #9.99 PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLER [] (=) #9.99 MULTI-PLAYER SOCCERMANAGER [] (=) #9.99 SPECTRUM 48K [] SPECTRUM 128K (=) AMSTRAD CPC464 /\ AMIGA () ATARI ST <> IBM X BBC + COMMODORE 64 | AMSTRAD CPC6128 \/ SAM COUPE |) MOTORCYCLE 500 Managing your two motorcycles and chosen riders around the World Grand Prix isn't an easy job, You must keep your directors and sponsors happy, by winning the races. Keeping your bike in peek condition will help you along the way. GENERAL Before a race con be entered, the fee for the race must be paid. Select race prep. and select the bike; pay the fee and fill up with fuel. This must be done for the bike or bikes that will race. If any improvements are to be made to the bike select workshop and choose the bike to improve. ABBREVIATIONS Menu SC = Success Rating Fm = Present Form AV = Average General N = Number on Bike Gamble B = Bet View GP's F & F = Fare & Fee Mechanics H = Hire SK = Skill P/Sesn = Price Per Season Race Hold down either '1' or '2' until border changes colour, to pull a bike into the pits. Holding down 'L' will switch leaderboard. CD = Condition of Bike B = Bet ./ = Bet placed on F = Favourite On Leaderboard LPTI = Last Lap Time +TI = Time Rider Is Behind the Leader Cult cannot guarantee that all the features are on all the versions. Written by Vincent Vity & the Shaw Brothers Copyright 1990 D & H Games, This program is sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of the publishers, and the contents are not to be copied hired, re-sold, publicly performed or broadcast without the publishers written consent. If you have difficulty obtaining any of our Cult Sport Strategy range of #2.99 games: Just send a cheque or PO made out to Cult Games, plus a large S.A.E. with a 30p stamp attached. Please state which games you require and for what computer. Spec C64 Ams Football Strategy On the Bench x x x Soccer Q x x Cup Football x Soccer Star x British Super League x x x International Football x x The Footballer x x Soccer 7 x x 2 Player Super League x x x International Manager x x x Striker x x x Football Champions x x x 2 Player Soccer Squad x Racing First Past the Post x x Wembley Greyhounds x x Motorcycle 500 x x x Adventures The Realm x The Damned Forest x Others Software House x x x Kemshu x Arena x Boxing Manager x x x The Boxer x x x