MYSTICAL INFOGRAMES 1990 INFOGRAMES ENGLISH I - THE STORY SO FAR... You're a novice magician at the end of his studies. During a course on the opening of doors at the temple of the Great Wizard, you have clumsily caused the disappearance of all the phials and scrolls that he had so carefully classified over many years. Needless to say, the rage of the Very Great Wizard is as big as your chances of failing the final exam. Therefore, if you want to obtain your magician's diploma someday, you will have to recover the majority of the scattered phials and scrolls... This will not be easy because they have been thrown into parallel worlds dominated by unscrupulous gods, jealous of the magician's power. Despite his intense anger, the Immense Wizard will allow you to use the potions contained in the phials or the magic words inscribed on the scrolls to defend yourself. Then, he will follow you throughout your whole adventure and use his limitless powers to transport you from one world to another and to give you life again should circumstances prove to be fatal. Nevertheless, his patience is much more limited than his powers. That is why he will only give you new life twice after which you will be open to his most dreadful punishment. II - OBJECT OF THE GAME The Magician's goal is to collect as many phials and scrolls as possible while trying to reach the final stage of each world. That is where he'll find a god who has taken all of the magic for himself and who will not hesitate to use it. Once this god has been defeated, the player will be projected into another dimension. PRINCIPLE The Magician advances in a setting that scrolls vertically. Many different characters attack him. He must avoid them or clear them out of his path by casting a spell. Along the way, he will try to recover the phials, scrolls, and other magical objects. There are three stages in each world and 4 worlds of different settings. At the end of each stage, the scenery stops scrolling and the Magician must place himself on the pentacle and wait to be projected into another world. At the end of each world, a god will forbid him the access to the pentacle. Note: Perhaps you realize after 12 stages that the journey you just made was only a rehearsal for what lies ahead? That's your Masters will in order to preserve your life. III - COMMANDS TWO-PLAYER GAME 2 joysticks are needed. At the beginning of the game, the Magician (controlled by player #1) is followed by another character called the Golem. When the Golem is flashing, player #2 must press the button 1 (of his joystick), to signal that he wants to play, before the Golem disappears. Note: The Golem is a magical character who goes with the Magician. When the Golem gets weak (less than 10 life points), he turns into a mole and digs himself in the ground. After some time, when he has got enough energy, he becomes the Golem again and is able to help the Magician... MOVEMENTS You can move the Magician and the Golem using the joystick. The Magician: To fire (if you have a spell that can be fired), press button 1. The Golem: Press button 1 to jump. As you fall on enemy creatures, you make them disappear. The Golem can neither cast nor stock spells. STOCKPILING A SPELL To store a phial or a scroll, place the Magician on it and press button 2 immediately. You will see that one of your pouches contains something. The pouches are represented by 8 notches in the screen's upper margin. SELECTING A SPELL To select one of the spells stored in the pouches, press button 2. In the upper margin of the screen, the red dot moves one notch to the right each time you press. In the left margin, a symbol indicates the type of spell it is (see LIST OF SPELLS). CASTING A SPELL To cast a spell, there are two possibilities: - Either the Magician passes over it and you don't store it, after a few seconds he will cast the spell, - Or you select a spell already stored in the pouches (button 2), then press button 1 and 2 simultaneously to cast it. IV - INVENTORY At the end of each stage you access the inventory screen enabling you to organize your pouches for the next stage. A screen appears showing the scrolls and phials. - Using the joystick, place the cursor on them. In the left margin you will see what kind of spell it is (the scrolls above, the phials below). In the right margin, a feature indicates the number of spells of this type. - Press button 1 put the spell designated by the cursor in a pouch. - Once you've finished selecting, press button 2 to go on. Note: if you press button 2 without selecting a spell, you will be given a default selection. You must select a minimum of one spell. V - SCORES If you have a good score, it will be displayed on the scoreboard. Type your name on the keyboard and hit ENTER. Write your name by scrolling the letters with the directions (up arrow) and (down arrow) and confirm every letter by pressing button 1. When you have finished, press button 2. Left - Go left Right - Go right Up - Go straight ahead Down - Step back Fire 1 - Fire (or Jump) Fire 2 - Stockpile or select a spell