PUFFY'S SAGA OBJECT OF THE GAME As Puffy or Puffyn, your goal is to advance from one level to the next. To finish a level, you must collect all the PAD GOMS (power dots) scattered around a level. How many levels are there? We'll let you find that out for yourself! THE CHARACTERS You can choose from Puffy or Puffyn. Puffy is more robust and his shots are more powerful, while Puffyn keeps the objects that she picks up longer. These differences are important depending on the level; certain levels are easier to get through with Puffy while others are easier to get through with Puffyn. You can even switch between the two on a level. To do this, you must possess one Magic Gom (see "Magic Gom" under Bonus Items for more details). STAYING ALIVE Your energy diminishes when you're attacked by an enemy and as time goes by. There are objects spread around the levels to help you repel or kill enemies. And to keep from passing out and dying from hunger and fatigue, you can eat. To eat, pick up the joints of lamb (drumsticks) on the floor. You can also find these in certain chests. Your character can fire an unlimited number of "normal" shots, which is effective against some enemies. To survive, you'll need to pick up and use the bonus items you find scattered along the pathways. THE ENEMIES THE GHOSTS These are the enemies you'll run into most. The best way to kill them is with Fire Power. You can also kill them using a normal shot, but you'll have to shoot several times. The Ghosts are immobilized for about a second with the first shot; the following shots should kill them. Each time you kill a Ghost, you get two life points. Each time a Ghost touches you, Puffy loses 30 life points and Puffyn loses 40 life points. TIP: You can avoid Ghosts by using Fire, Repellency, or Invisibility. THE ACID PUDDLES Almost as plentiful as the ghosts, the Acid Puddles are something to be feared because they can't be destroyed. Normal firing won't affect them at all and the Fire Power option will only immobilize them for a few seconds. If an Acid Puddle touches you, it takes 70 energy points off Puffy and 90 off Puffyn. Once an Acid Puddle touches you, it will die. Acid Puddles are hampered by certain obstacles like Ghost corpses and Stun tiles. TIP: You can avoid Acid Puddles by using Fire, Repellency, or Invisibility. THE DRAGONS The Dragons only fire at you if they see you. Only their flames are dangerous; their bodies are harmless. The flames can cross walls and burn you. Fire, Repellency, and Invisibility are useless against the e Dragon. TIP: They always stay in the same place, so don't provoke them just seek another passageway. THE FLYING DRAGONS Like the Dragons, the Flying Dragons are invincible. You'll find them in corridors at least three squares wide. All the Flying Dragons go in the same direction. TIP: Position yourself under them and they won't be able to detect you. Then advance in the same direction that they're going. THE SNAKES You'll find Snakes in groups. They move around either vertically or horizontally. No weapon can harm them or immobilize them. Only the head of a Snake is dangerous. You can step on their tails without any problem. A Snake will bite you even if you possess Invisibility and Repellency. TIP: Snakes move in waves. lust pick the right moment to pass. THE EYES These enemies stick by your side. Once an Eye spots you, it won't leave you alone. The Eyes cannot be killed. The most you can do is immobilize them for one or two seconds by shooting them. You'll have to be patient to get rid of them. Each time an Eye touches you, it'll cost Puffy 10 life points and Puffyn 15 life points. TIP: When an Eye starts moving towards you, fire on it and move one square away. Shoot it again before it wakes up and then move away far enough so it no longer detects you. Eyes won't attack if you possess Fire, Invisibility, or Repellency. THE GRRS These are truly fearsome enemies because they move around while they're invisible. When they get close enough to you, they suddenly appear and will start shooting at you! There two kinds of GRRs: male and female. When the male spots Puffy, he travels without any hesitation straight towards Puffy and shoots flames. The female GRR is a bit calmer; she shoots here, there, and everywhere without aiming at anything in particular. Only normal shooting or Super Shots can destroy the GRR. When you shoot the female GRR, she transforms into a male GRR. You'll have to shoot once more to destroy it. BEWARE: Don't fire at the Repellency bonus - it will transform it into a GRR. TIP: Lure GRRs into a corridor one square wide they will become confused and stay in the corridor. GRRs are vulnerable when you possess the Super Shot option; fire when you spot the white wisp of smoke indicating their arrival. Repellency and Invisibility will scatter the GRR. THE HURRICANES These are extremely dangerous fire tornadoes! You must avoid them at all costs - they take 500 life points off Puffy and 700 off Puffyn. They will only die once they've touched you. And watch out! One Hurricane could be hiding behind another. Once a Hurricane detects you, the chase is on. They won't stop until they've touched you or until they've been imprisoned again. BEWARE: Don't shoot at a Fire Power icon or it'll turn into a Hurricane. TIP: To imprison a Hurricane, lure it into a place that it won't be able to get out of (there's almost always such a place nearby). If there isn't one, you can always construct such a place by digging a tunnel in a series of chests. Use Invisibility to disperse them. BONUS ITEMS EXTRA SPEED This bonus keeps you from being slowed down, which can happen when you cross through something like the Stun tiles. There bonus lasts for a limited time after you pick it up. FIRE POWER This bonus lets you exhale fire for a few seconds, which frightens some enemies. If you accidently shoot at the Fire Power bonus, you create a Hurricane that lasts for a short while. The Fire Power bonus has a time limit so you must use this option shortly after you pick it up. SUPER SHOT This bonus looks like a normal shot, but is a lot more powerful; it can destroy an entire formation of Ghosts, chests, etc. Each Super Shot bonus gives Puffy six shots and Puffyn eight shots. You can carry several Super Shot bonuses at the same time. There is not time limit for using your six Super Shots. REPELLENCY Repellency lets you frighten all enemies EXCEPT the Flying Dragons and the Hurricanes. If you accidently fire at the Repellency bonus, you'll turn it into a GRR (so avoid shooting it!). When you pick up the Invisibility option, the Repellency option no longer works, except against the GRR. This option lasts for a limited time after you pick it up. INVISIBILITY This options makes you invisible to almost all your enemies. Although you're invisible, you're not protected from damage; if an enemy touches you by accident, you'll lose as much energy as if you were visible. When you take a shot, you become visible. This option lasts through the entire level. TRANSPORTABILITY This is a powerful bonus that lets you pass through certain walls. If you try to pass through a wall that's at least two squares wide, the second square will be destroyed. Transportability also lets you open chests, doors, and secret walls without using a key. BEWARE: Once you possess Transportability, it's more difficult to take another. You'll notice that your character will jump over certain objects as well as over walls. There is, however, a trick to picking up certain items while you're carrying Transportability - we'll leave it up to you to discover it! This bonus is lost once you pick up the Insensibility option. Transportability has no time limit; you can keep it for a whole level. INSENSIBILITY This bonus is definitely the most powerful of all the bonuses. It makes you untouchable to all your enemies! There's no time limit on Insensibility; it lasts for an entire level. MAGIC GOM These blue pastilles (or dots) are very useful. When you pick up one or more Magic Goms, a lot of things can happen: With ONE Magic Gom you can get one of the following... * The Fire Power bonus * 100 extra life points * The Extra Speed bonus Change from Puffy to Puffyn, or vice versa (this is useful because on certain levels it's better to be Puffy while on other levels it's useful to be Puffyn) To use your Magic Goms, see the Command Summary Card for the keys that activate your choice. BEWARE: If you fire at a Magic Gom with normal firing or Super Shot, you will change from Puffy to Puffyn, or vice versa. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS PAD GOMS These are the pastilles (dots) that you must collect in order to finish a level. Don't forget: Sometimes a Pad Gom will appear under a chest or a destructible wall - you'll still have to pick it up in order to finish the level. JOINTS OF LAMBS (DRUMSTICKS) Gobble these up to get life points! BEWARE: If you fire on a roast lamb using normal fire or Super Shot, it will be immediately replaced by a Ghost! THE KEYS The keys let you open doors and chests. You can carry a maximum of 12 keys. Economize them - certain levels need them all for you to finish. If you have 12 keys and you try to pick up more, the key you try to pick up will be destroyed. Don't pick up keys if you already have 12; you may need it later. THE CHESTS Use a key to open a chest. The Transportability bonus also opens certain chests. THE DOORS You can open doors with keys. The Transportability bonus also lets you go through doors. If you wait long enough, all the doors of a level will open up simultaneously this can be dangerous if the doors are keeping enemies imprisoned! THE TRAP DOORS They let you open certain doors; secret passageways, and invisible walls. BEWARE: You might free enemies by passing over a trick trap door. THE STUN (SLOW-DOWN) TILES The Stun tiles will immobilize you for a few seconds when you pass over them. They disappear after you've passed through them. Take the Extra Speed option to avoid being slowed down by these tiles. Ghosts are not hampered by the Stun tiles. TIPS Don't despair if a level seems difficult; there's always a solution to finish it without losing lots of life points. You don't have to kill certain enemies to escape them. Some can be tricked; you can lead them into a corner and they will stay there. Observe certain passageways carefully before entering them. Don't let yourself be tempted by bait that's too enticing! You can definitely get too much of a good thing! Certain passageways might at first appear impossible to enter - look carefully to see if there's an item nearby to which might enable you to pass without any problems. Don't forget what weapons you possess. For example, if you have a Super Shot, remember that if you shoot, you'll destroy everything in your path. That's not always a good thing! If you hit a drumstick with Super Shot, it turns into a Ghost. Some options can be dangerous if you pick them up at the wrong time. For instance, if two or three GRRs are imprisoned by a small wall near you and you pick up the Invisibility bonus, the GRRs will escape from their semiprison; once the bonus is used up, they will all come straight towards you! Beware of trap doors that look too enticing. They often open up walls imprisoning GRRs, Hurricanes, or a huge group of Ghosts!