SNOOKER MANAGEMENT 1. During a match holding any key will speed up play. 2. If you have obtained phone numbers during the game, you may only use them one week before the specified tournament. 3. The world rankings are calculated every eight weeks. OTHER GAMES STILL AVAILABLE BY MAIL ORDER 16-bit 8-bit THE NATIONAL [] (=) | /\ \/ #9.99 GRAND PRIX [] (=) /\ \/ #9.99 BOXING MANAGER II [] (=) #9.99 CRICKET CAPTAIN [] (=) /\ \/ <> () #24.99 #9.99 RECORDS FILE [] (=) | #3.99 STRIKER MANAGER <> () #24.99 MYTHICAL WARRIORS <> () #24.99 MULTI-PLAYER SOCCERMANAGER [] (=) | /\ \/ <> () #24.99 #9.99 FOOTBALL DIRECTOR II (=) + \/ <> () x |) #24.99 #9.99 SPECTRUM 48K [] SPECTRUM 128K (=) AMSTRAD CPC464 /\ AMIGA () ATARI ST <> IBM X SPECTRUM+3 + COMMODORE 64 | AMSTRAD CPC6128 \/ SAM COUPE |) Cult cannot guarantee that all the features are on all the versions. Written by Mark Harding, J. De Salis & T Huggard. Illustrated by Boz. Copyright 1989 D & H Games, This program is sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of the publishers, and the contents are not to be copied hired, re-sold, publicly performed or broadcast without the publishers written consent. PRODUCED BY APPLETREE PRINT LTD (0302) 890000 If you have difficulty obtaining any of our Cult Sport Strategy range of #2.99 games: Just send a cheque or PO made out to Cult Games, plus a large S.A.E. with a 30p stamp attached. Please state which games you require and for what computer. Spec C64 Ams Football Strategy On the Bench x x x Soccer Q x x Cup Football x x Soccer Star x x x British Super League x x x International Football x x x The Footballer x x x Soccer 7 x x x 2 Player Super League x x x International Manager x x x Striker x x x Football Champions x x x 2 Player Soccer Squad x x x Football Director x x x Striker Manager x x x Racing First Past the Post x x Wembley Greyhounds x x x Motorcycle 500 x x x Adventures The Realm x The Damned Forest x Others Software House x x x Kemshu x Arena x Boxing Manager x x x The Boxer x x x Championship Golf x x x Rugby Coach x x x County Cricket x x x Snooker Management x x x