SPEEDTRANS PLUS Specifically written for the DJL Speedlock Protection System To use SPEEDTRANS PLUS simply type RUN"DISC INCLUDED ON THIS DISC (A) A document file giving further information about SPEEDTRANS PLUS and its method of use together with comprehensive list of games that have been transfered to disc with this utility. On running the document file you are given the option of printing to the screen or to your printer. To see this file type: RUN"SPEEDT.DOC (B) A screen dump utility which will allow any screen saved with SPEEDTRANS PLUS to be dumped to several types of printer in FULL GREY SCALE. If you are in doubt as to the type of printer you have we suggest your initial selection should be for the EPSON dump. If this fails to give anything other than a full width dump then try the SHINWA option. The DMP-1 dump is for the original Amstrad DMP-1 and NOT the DMP2000 series. To use this utility type: RUN"PRINTPIC and then follow the prompts