SWEEVO'S WORLD Designed and built as the answer to all man's needs SWEEVO was a miserable flop - unco-ordinated, unintelligent and forgetful. But the kindly old Robo-Master has taken pity on this crazy roboid and one more chance is all he has, if you can call the challenge of Knutz Folly a fair chance. The most bizarre planet in the empire, Knutz Folly is packed with the absurd, crammed with the weird. Can our hero turn this folly of Baron Knutz into SWEEVO'S WORLD? STARQUAKE From the great abyss of a block hole emerges a danger of awesome consequenes - a planet so unstable that if its core is not rebuilt the resulting explosion will render the Galaxy a lifeless wasteland. To the rescue, BLOB, hero of the moment. This Bio-Logically Operating Being is chosen not for his super intelligence, not for his fearessness nor for his super powers - his is the only spaceship operable. Out to face danger he goes - trust spaceship,flightboard computer and galaxy A-Z.Will he succeed? Will he be in time? He'd better, there's no chance for the world. MONTY ON THE RUN Super fit and desperate for freedom, monty makes his daring escape from Scudmore Prison. Hounded by the bastions of law and order, our frightened hero finds refuge with the criminal underworld who offer him his chance of freedom. Moving from "safe house" to hideout to underground lair, Monty must select the correct five elements of his freedom kit from the money he's offered and not miss out on the hidden gold coins that will make him a mole of leisure. Once free, can he make the ferry in time? BOUNDER One of the most compulsive games to be made. Lose yourself in a flurry of action, a state of intense concentration as you manoeuvre Bounder around the screen,bouncing from slab to slab. Keep your wits, one jump too short and you're dead, one error of judgement and you're into a ball splitting collision.