LOADING INSTRUCTIONS ZX SPECTRUM 48K/128K/+ CASSETTE: Type LOAD"" and then press "ENTER". Type "LOAD" and then press "ENTER". AMSTRAD/SCHNIEDER CASSETTE: CASSETTE BASED COMPUTER (i.e. CPC464) Press 'CTRL' and the small 'ENTER' keys simultaneously. DISC BASED COMPUTER WITH ADDITIONAL CASSETTE PLAYER (i.e. CPC6128) Type 'TAPE' and press 'RETURN' then press 'CTRL' and the small 'ENTER' keys simultaneously. AMSTRAD/SCHNIEDER DISC: CASSETTE BASED COMPUTER WITH ADDITIONAL DISC DRIVE (i.e. CPC-464) Type DISC and press 'RETURN' then type RUN"N and press 'RETURN'. DISC BASED COMPUTER (i.e. CIPC-6128) Type RUN"N and press 'RETURN' All programs will RUN automatically after LOADING is complete. In case of LOADING difficulties please refer to the chapter on LOADING and SAVING programs in your computers User Manual. In the unlikely event of a faulty product, please return it to the original place of purchase. TEMPEST INSTRUCTIONS CREDITS Program by David Pridmore Licensed from the Atari Corporation. The Hyperspatial Wireways hang in the dark void of interstellar space to guide travellers on their journeys between star systems. Without the Wireways travellers would warp into the hearts of stars or miss their destinations entirely. The Wireways consist of a series of wire tubes which guide travellers through the universe, each tube being made up of a three dimensional grid which is divided into separate lanes. Unfortunately, due to a little wormhole leakage, the Wireways have become infested with aliens which crawl up the tubes in an effort to short circuit them. Your task is to rid the Wireways of these intruders, thus keeping safe the legitimate travellers as they spin from star to star down the tubes. To clear the tubes you are supplied with a Zapper which is a remotely controlled pulsed plasma device mounted on two mechlectric legs. Your Zapper fires plasma bolts down the Wireways destroying the advancing aliens, you may manoeuvre your Zapper around the rim of the wire tube to fire down each lane as the aliens appear. Your only other weapon, apart from lightning fast reflexes, is a Super Zapper which is able to clear an entire tube of all the aliens currently climbing up its walls. However these Super Zapper plasma grenades are in short supply and you are only supplied with one on completion of each screen. Also aliens may lay in wait just beyond the distant entrance to the grid and will advance up the lanes after you have used your Super Zapper. On completion of each screen, when you have destroyed all the aliens infesting the tube, you are warped at unimagineable speeds through the tube to the next Wireway that needs clearing. The aliens consist of: Flippers which flip from lane to lane as they advance. Fuseballs which fly at great speed up a single lane. Tankers who rise up a single lane and then split into two Flippers or a Spiralling Fuseball when shot. Spiralling Fuseballs circle the grid at high speed. Spikes travel up the lanes looking like single lines. Pulsars short circuit lanes making travel across them impossible. PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS Move Zapper clockwise or to the right: .................Key E or move joystick right Move Zapper anticlockwise or to the left: .................Key Q or move joystick left Fire plasma bolt: .................Key RETURN or fire button Use Super Zapper: ................Key SPACE Select 1 or 2 players game: ......Key 1 or 2 ELECTRIC DREAMS SOFTWARE 31 CARLTON CRESCENT SOUTHAMPTON, HAMPSHIRE S01 2EW (c)ELECTRIC DREAMS SOFTWARE 1986