WORLD OF SPORTS(TM) MENU SYSTEMS & GENERAL POINTS Set up your computer or console and insert the Games cartridge as per instruction manual provided with your machine. 1. Play All Events - This option takes up to 4 players through all the events. There are two ways you can play the events, each player playing all events and then the next player starting, or all players playing one event before moving to the next. This is selected in option 4. 2. Play One Event - This is similar to the above, but just one event. 3. Practice One Event -You can repeatedly play one event. Practice scores will not go onto the high score table. 4. Number OŁ Players - Here you decide how many players, enter their names & select play order. Use UP/DOWN when cursor on the digit for the number of players to alter the number of players from 1-4. Press FIRE 1 or 2 when on number of players digit to move to play order select. Here use UP to toggle between EVENT & ALL. If EVENT is selected then in a multi player game the players will each play each event in turn. If ALL is selected then each player will play all 4 of his events at once & then move onto next player. Pressing FIRE 1 or 2 from play order select will take you back to the main menu. When on number of players digit press RIGHT to move onto the name select then use UP/DOWN to change the letter on the cursor. Then use LEFT/ RIGHT to move between letters & players, go RIGHT at the end of player one's name to reach player two's name etc. Moving LEFT at the beginning of a name will take you to the previous players name or back onto the number of players select digit. Pressing FIRE 1 or 2 when on players names will go back to the main menu. 5. View High Scores During the games, if the game is paused, and both fire buttons held down for over a second the machine will reset to the main menu, but will keep all high scores. BMX BMX stands for Bicycle Motocross. It also stands for radical action and challenging competition. In this event, riders use strong lightweight bicycles on an action-packed course in the California desert. There are plenty of jumps, bumps and dips. (Rows of low bumps are called "Whoop-ti-dos" ). You'll need speed, a good sense oŁ timing and a heavy dose of endurance. Object The object is to cover the course in the fastest possible time, performing stunts and avoiding or jumping over obstacles. The fastest dare-devil rider will win the event. Move the joystick RIGHT to start the event and increase your speed. Move the joystick LEFT to slow down. Move the joystick UP to steer left. Move the joystick DOWN to steer right. To perform a wheelie press FIRE 1 whilst moving. Use this to jump obstacles, and increase your score. To perform a somersault press FIRE 2 whilst moving to increase your score. Try not to fall off as the timer keeps going and you can lose precious seconds. Scoring Try to complete the course in the 1:00 minute time limit. The faster your time, the higher your score will be. You also get points for each stunt. Wheelie 10 Somersault 150 Strategy When you complete the course you get 10 points for each second left in the time limit. So try to complete the course as fast as possible, with as many safe stunts as possible. CLIFF DIVING The cliffs of sunny Acapulco, Mexico, provide the setting for this dangerous sport. High on a cliff named La Quebrada ("the break in the rocks"), courageous divers launch themselves from a craggy ledge towards the crashing surf far below. To avoid the rocks at the cliff base, divers have to jump outward 27 feet during their 118 foot descent. Diver Raul Garcia has taken the leap from La Quebrada over 35,000 times. Object To select diving height press UP or DOWN. Press FIRE 1 to begin your dive. During the dive press UP to arch your body into the Swan dive. Before entering the water press DOWN to straighten your dive. Avoid the bottom surface under water by pressing UP after entering the water. Each player is allowed three attempts Wind The wind velocity is indicated for each dive by the length of the arrow. The stronger the wind the longer you must keep the divers back arched to avoid being blown into the rocks. Scoring Each dive is scored on style and height. Smoothly execute dives score the highest style points. The highest points are obtained with perfect swan dives from the highest ledge, whilst barely missing the rocks at the bottom. Strategy The depth of the water varies as the waves go in and out. Try to time your dive so that you have a large depth of water to turn in. To achieve a better score try to barely miss the rocks at the foot of the cliff. SURFING Surfing began as the sport of Hawaiian kings, now it rules the Californian coastline. From Santa Cruz to Rincon Point, surfers and their colourful boards dot the miles of sun-splashed beaches. And you're about to join them. You'll shoot the curl, shred the tube and probably even eat a little sand (when you wipe out). It's going to be hot. You'll be there. And you'll be awesome. Object Competition surfing is a game of staying near the curl of the wave and manoeuvering your board smoothly at high speeds. Ride the face of the wave moving back and forth, in and out of the tube. "Use" as much of the wave as you can before your ride comes to an end. Press FIRE to catch a wave and start the event. To steer the board to the surf'er's left, move the joystick LEFT. To steer the board to the surfer's right, move the joystick RIGHT. If you go too close to the bottom of the wave, you'll either wipe out or end your ride by leaving the wave. If you go over the top of the wave and turn your board around in the air, you can catch the wave again (but you'll wipe out if you come back down at a bad angle). You'll get 1:30 minutes for the event or 4 wipeouts. You earn more points for longer rides, so try to ride each wave as long as you possibly can. Use your FIRE BUTTON to do kick turns above the wave. Scoring You score for tricks performed above the wave. The further you turn, landing at a good angle, the more you score. Strategy Take risks, safe surfing counts for nothing. High double or triple turns above the wave score the highest. Keep your speed up to stay in front of the wave. SLALOM SKIING Speed. Control. And split-second timing. It's this conflicting combination of speed and control that makes the Slalom one of the most difficult of all the skiing events. As you plunge down the mountain you must twist and turn at every flag. And as soon as you recover from one challenge you're immediately confronted with the next - with never a second to catch your breath or relax your furious pace. Until you hit the bottom. Waiting to find out your time. Waiting to see how it compares to the others. Waiting to determine your chance for the Gold. Object You have a 45 second time limit to complete the course. Press FIRE 1 to start. Control your skiers course by turning LEFT & RIGHT. Whilst going down hill, pressing FIRE 1 will make you accelerate, and FIRE 2 will speed up your turns. You score by passing through gates, pairs of flags of the same colour. Hitting a flag could knock you off, it will certainly slow you down. Each competitor has 3 attempts. Strategy The slalom course twist and turns. So the contender must perform precision turns around a number of strategically placed "gates" (or flags). If the contender crashes into a flag, hits the sidelines or misses the rhythm of the course, he or she faults and gets no score. Scoring Each gate correctly passed through will score 2 points. If you do not reach the finish then this score will be halved. Then the best score of your three attempts is multiplied by 30 to give your event score. (c) 1990 Epyx Inc. All rights reserved. Epyx is a registered trademark No 1195270