YOUR HOROSCOPE This exciting new product from HiSoft consists of not one, but two expert system programs which together make up your own personal astrologer. The predictions made by YOUR HOROSCOPE are far more accurate than you will get from your daily paper. While newspaper astrologers divide the whole population into twelve zodiacal types, both these programs calculate planetary positions which are accurate and based on your own exact date, time and place of birth. BIRTHCHART POTENTIAL, the first program, calculates your birthchart. This depends only on your time and place of birth and gives you information about your character and personality, and about inherited tendencies and abilities. This basic lifetime chart sets the backdrop against which you develop your potential. FUTURE TRENDS, the second program, calculates a relative horoscope - that is, the planetary aspects between two dates. Using this, you can explore the hidden meaning of personal relationships; however the main use of the relative horoscope is to give your daily prediction, which is done by calculating the aspects between the day in question and your date of birth. These programs use genuine algorithms from celestial mechanics to calculate planetary positions and the knowledge base has been supplied by a professional astrologer. Thus YOUR HOROSCOPE gives you a birthchart and daily readings of unsurpassed accuracy. (c) Chris Somerville 1985 Published by HiSoft 1985 YOUR HOROSCOPE is one of a series of expert systems applications available from HiSoft. Also look out for YOUR HEALTH and YOUR HAND REVEALS for the Amstrad and Spectrum computers. Unauthorised copying, lending or hiring of YOUR HOROSCOPE is prohibited. HiSoft, 180 High St. North, Dunstable, LU6 1AT