Okay, I've got a clean UTek 2.2.3 disk image up for anybody who wants it. It was built over the past day in a Tek 6130 using an MFM Emulator by David Gesswein. The disk image is of a Maxtor XT-1140, which is supported by the OS, and provides ~95MB root filesystem, and ~20MB swap (this was the default partition scheme). It was built with the following diskette image sets from Bitsavers: Standalone Utilities 2.3 Miniroot System Disk 2.2 Miniroot Filesystem 2.4 UTek OS 2.2 System Reconfiguration Tools 2.0 Programming Support 2.2 C compiler 2.2 Fortran compiler 2.1 Pascal compiler 2.1 Altogether that takes up about 12MB of the root filesystem. The above sets don't include the FTP or Telnet daemons, though the system is configured to use them - must be part of a different optional set. However it does support rsh/rlogin. NOTE: This is basically a snapshot from right after installation, I just edited the MOTD. There are *no* passwords set on all but one of the accounts. My thanks again to bear for making the floppy images available, and to