The computer room with a lonely looking Bryan Sullivan in the middle, September 1971 . On either side of him are the keyboards, paper tape punches and readers, behind him are the teletype printers. Along the back from the left is the heart of the computer system; a Univac expanded memory unit and a Univac 642B computer. My wide angle lens just could not fit a 642B computer on the left into the picture. The two 642B computers were identical, one for commands to the spacecraft and one for the telemetry to be sent to Goddard or Mission Control at Houston. Next in line are four magnetic tape handlers, and on the end is a Univac 1218 computer for processing the antenna pointing commands, which had to be manually taken by reel tape to the Antenna Position Programmer (APP) in the USB area. Photo and notes: Hamish Lindsay. 2020 updated scan: Colin Mackellar.