DATE: September 14. 1992 SUBJECT: 0S/2 v 1.3 Installation Notes Procedure for adding a AHA-1540/1542 to a pre-existing installation of 0S/2 version 1.3. This installation procedure assumes the following: -- The user has previously correctly installed 0S/2 v 1.3 on a system Original installation did not include any Adaptec Host Adapter (e.g. installed on an IDE disk) The system currently boots and runs properly The user now wishes to add an Adaptee AHA-1540/1542 and SCSI disk drive(s) to the system -- The user does not wish to re-install OS/2 v 1.3 from scratch (i.e. does not want to start over) The user has the original OS/2 v 1.3 boot diskette -- The user has the Adaptee ASW-1220/1420 v 1.3 diskette If the above statements are all true, then please proceed as follows: Boot the system and get to an OS/2 prompt. Boot the system to the 0S/2 v 1.3 install diskette - then hit to get an OS/2 prompt Save a complete copy of all the files in the root directory of disk drive C: into a temporary subdirectory. This is so that you can get back to where you started should you choose to do so. - From the root directory type MD SAVE - then type COPY C:\*.* C:\SAVE Insert the ASW-1220/1420 v 1.3 diskette into the A: (or B:) floppy drive. -- Copy all the files from A:\DISK0, A:\DISK0\1540, and A:\DISK0\SHARE to the root directory of C: - Type COPY A:\DISKO\*.* C:\ - then type COPY A:\DISK0\1540\*.* C:\ - then type COPY A:\DISKO\SHARE\*.* C:\ This step will overwrite some of the system files. The original files are in C:\SAVE "Down" the system, turn off the power, and install the AHA-1540/1542 board into your system. Although the default jumper setting on the board is correct for most systems, please adjust the jumpers as required to avoid any possible Interrupt, DMA or Port Address conflicts. Refer to the Installation Guide. -- Reboot the system. The system should boot and automatically load the necessary LADDR drivers to support the AHA-1540/1542 board. No changes to the CONFIG.SYS file are necessary for disk. Notes: -- This same procedure can also be used to install the AHA-1740, AHA-1640 or AHA-1520/1522 boards. In the fourth step, be sure to copy the files for your board type to the root director)' on C: For example: For the AHA-1520\1522, type COPY A:\DISK0\1520\*.* C:\ For the addition of peripherals other than disk (e.g. CD-ROM), changes to the CONFIG.SYS file may also be required. Please refer to the ASW-1220/1420 v 1.3 Installation Guide for more information.