REMOVABL.TXT - Removable drives under OS/2 A removable drive works as a floppy or a hard drive under OS/2 2.x. IBM only supports it as a floppy drive. Floppy drive: A removable drive can be used as a floppy drive if installed under OS/2 2.x. If the drive reports itself as SCSI type 0 (DASD), then OS2DASD will recognize it, and treat it like a high capacity floppy. FDISKPM will not see the drive. The data from a DOS system can be read under OS/2 if the drive has been formatted as a floppy with the AFDISK utility. Under the DRIVES icon on the OS/2 desktop, there will be a floppy icon for the removable drive. The OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file must have: BASEDEV=AHA154X.ADD /V Hard drive: A removable drive can be used as a hard drive if LOCKDRV.FLT is installed in the OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file. (LOCKDRV.EXE is available on the Adptec Technical Support BBS). The drive acts as a hard drive in this case. FDISKPM will see the drive, and can read/write data saved under DOS, and vice-versa. However, you cannot remove the cartridge once the operating system has been loaded. The system must be reset to change the cartridge. The CONFIG.SYS file must have: BASEDEV=AHA154X.AD /V BASEDEV=LOCKDRV.FLT /UNIT:0 If a drive reports itself as type 7 (Optical) then the standard file systems will not be accessible without a third party driver. IBM makes one for their drive, OPTICAL.SYS. There may be a jumper on the drive to select type 0 or type 7, so check your manual (please do not confuse drive type with SCSI id). OS2ASPI.DMD (included with OS/2 2.x) must be installed with a third party software. Following is an example of a drive with SCSI id 2. We first need to disable DASD manager for id 2 and then load OS2ASPI.DMD. BASEDEV=AHA154X.ADD /V /A:0 /!DM:2 BASEDEV=OS2ASPI.DMD In above examples, an Adaptec AHA-1542 controller is used. In addition to the above statements, OS2SCSI.DMD and OS2DASD.DMD must be loaded in the CONFIG.SYS file.