DPT BSDi Driver and DPT Storage Manager Build Document 1. BSDi Build Instructions .................................... 3 A. Getting the Source from the DPT FTP site ................. 3 B. Building Driver ........................................ 3 C. File Modification ........................................ 4 D. Make ..................................................... 4 2. Installing Storage Manager for BSDi ........................ 5 1. BSDi Build Instructions Install either the source or object version of BSDi (Internet Server Version 2.XX, or Version 2.XX SOURCE CODE). Note: if you install the object version, then you will need to take a few extra steps to build the driver, though compile time will be faster with the object version. The 3.0 kernel will have the drivers shipped with the distribution and will have many of these install steps done already. In this case this document works as a guide to the compile process. We hope this document provides enough detailed instructions such that those of us who are not "Unix Gurus" or "vi experts" could go through the process. A. Getting Source from the DPT FTP site 1. Download dpt_eata.tgz from ftp://ftp.dpt.com/pub/techsup/unix/bsdi21/ This is the DPT driver for BSDi and files needed to build an editable kernel. B. Building the Driver Copy dpt_eata.tgz from the floppy to / (mcopy dpt_eata.tgz /) From the root directory, execute the command: gunzip Preserve the original file files.i386 as a precaution. cp files.i386 files.i386.orig Start modification of the newly created DPT file. vi DPT Find the commented out lines #dpt0 through #dpt2. Configure for your systems bus (e.g. if you have a PCI bus, uncomment the "#dpt0 at pci?"). For ISA busses, ensure that the DMA channel (e.g. drq7) matches up to your hardware configuration. Find: #dpt0 at pci? #dpt1 at eisa? #dpt2 at isa? port? Irq? drq7 Change #dpt0 at pci? to: dpt0 at pci? Find the commented out line #tg* at dpt?. Uncomment the line: #tg* at dpt? Target? Find: #tg* at dpt? targat? Change to: tg* at dpt? target? Write the file out (to quit without saving, type :q!). :wq D. Make Generate the /sys/compile/DPT directory. config DPT Generate the dependencies. make depend Make the kernel make Reboot to use the new kernel. ctrl alt del 2. Installing Storage Manager for BSDi To install Storage Manager for BSDI change directory to /usr/dpt. Insert the Storage Manager diskette into A: and execute the following: installfloppy At the prompt, execute: startx Change directory to /usr/dpt and execute the following *Note - To use the motif Storage Manager you must first configure a mouse. dptmgr motif 5