Instructions for Utility Disk SCO Unix and SCO Open Server 5 ************************************************************ SCO Boot Time Loadable DPT RAID Driver Installation of the DPT RAID device driver is a simple procedure that can be performed either as a "Boot Time Loadable Driver (BTLD)" or as a driver installed into an existing system. The same installation floppy will be used for both types of installations. The only time that you would need to install the driver as a BTLD is if you configured the "boot" device as a software RAID 0 LSU. In all other cases & when the RAID 0 LSU is a secondary device, the installation should be done after the system is installed and running. Installing As A Boot Time Loadable Driver (BTLD) for SCO 3.0: 1) Insert the standard SCO N1 boot floppy into the drive and power on the system. 2) At the "Boot:" prompt, enter the string : defbootstr disable=dpt link=dptr4 and press Enter. 3) The system will load the Unix kernel from the N1 floppy and then prompt you to insert the dptraid installation floppy. Insert the floppy and press Enter. The system will copy the necessary object files from the floppy and link them into the Unix kernel. 4) Next you will be asked to insert the N2 floppy. When you press Enter, the Unix kernel will boot. During the SCO Unix Hardware Roster Screen, a line similar to the following should appear: "%adapter type=dptr ha=0 id=7 Bus Master" 5) From here on you should go through a normal SCO UNIX installation as outlined in the DPT Manual. At some point in the installation you will be prompted to insert the dptraid install disk again. All of the necessary files will be copied off of the disk and stored in memory. Near the end of the installation when the install script is setting up the link kit for the currently installed hardware configuration, you will be prompted to install the dptraid driver into the link kit. NAME DESCRIPTION dptr4 A DPT RAID SCSI Host Adapter Driver Please enter the names of the packages you wish to install, or q to quit: type dptr4 and press Enter. The DPT RAID driver will be installed and a new Unix kernel will be built and installed. Installing into an up and running system for SCO 3.0: 1) At the Unix prompt Enter the command installpkg and press Enter. You will be prompted to insert a disk. Insert the dptraid install disk and press Enter. 2) you will be prompted with: The following packages are on this disk: NAME DESCRIPTION dptr4 A DPT RAID SCSI Host Adapter Driver Please enter the names of the packages you wish to install, or q to quit: type dptr4 and press Enter 3) The installation package will turn off the original DPT driver and install the new DPT RAID Driver. 4) A new Unix kernel must be built and installed before the new driver be accessed. Installing As A Boot Time Loadable Driver (BTLD) for SCO Open Server 5 1) Insert the standard SCO N1 boot floppy into the drive and power on the system. 2) At the "Boot:" prompt, enter the string : defbootstr ahslink=dptr5 and press Enter. Shortly after pressing enter, SCO UNIX will display the prompt "Add, Replace, or Do Nothing" indicating that it found the existing embedded DPT driver. At this prompt enter "25" and press enter to instruct SCO UNIX to replace the existing embedded driver. 3) The system will load the Unix kernel from the N1 floppy and then prompt you to insert the dptraid installation floppy. Insert the floppy and press Enter. The system will copy the necessary object files from the floppy and link them into the Unix kernel. During the SCO UNIX Hardware Roster Screen, a line similar to the following should appear: "%adapter type=dptr5 ha=0 id=7 Bus Master" 4) From here on you should go through a normal SCO UNIX installation. At some point in the installation you will be prompted to insert the dptraid install disk again. All of the necessary files will be copied off of the disk and stored in memory. Near the end of the installation when the install script is setting up the link kit for the currently installed hardware configuration, you will be prompted to install the dptraid driver into the link kit. NAME DESCRIPTION dptr5 A DPT RAID SCSI Host Adapter Driver Please enter the names of the packages you wish to install, or q to quit: type dptr5 and press Enter. The DPT RAID driver will be installed and a new Unix kernel will be built and installed. Installing into an up and running system for SCO Open Server 5: 1) At the Unix prompt Enter the command installpkg and press Enter. You will be prompted to insert a disk. Insert the dptraid install disk and press Enter. 2) you will be prompted with: The following packages are on this disk: NAME DESCRIPTION dptr5 A DPT RAID SCSI Host Adapter Driver Please enter the names of the packages you wish to install, or q to quit: type dptr5 and press Enter 3) The installation package will turn off the original DPT driver and install the new DPT RAID Driver. 4) A new Unix kernel must be built and installed before the new driver be accessed.