Disclaimer: Toshiba assumes no liability for damages or data loss incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions or discrepancies in the following material. In addition, note WordPerfect 5.0 states that "384Kb of free memory, and two disk drives are required ( Hard disk and computer with at least 512 Kb of memory recommended)." In 4.2, WordPerfect recommends 256Kb of free memory and a dual drive system. Neither Toshiba or WordPerfect recommends the use of WordPerfect on the T1000. The following instructions are provided for your convenience. WordPerfect AND THE T1000 WordPerfect users have three options if they wish to utilize WordPerfect on their Toshiba T1000. WordPerfect 4.2, 5.0, and WordPerfect Executive will work on the T1000. However, in all three versions limitations exist. Here is a brief summary to be followed by a detailed explanation concerning the "how to" steps. In version 4.2 the word processing and the spelling applications will work on either the floppy or the hard ram, yet there is no room for the thesaurus. In 5.0 only the word processing application will work, with no room for either spelling or thesaurus applications in Hard RAM (These can be used via a floppy in A:). In Executive, the word processor and speller (50,000 words) will work, yet WP Exec. does not match the power of WP 4.2 or WP 5.0 IMPORTANT NOTE: For optimum hardware speed, battery life, and storage capacity, the 768K Ram upgrade card for the T1000 is highly recommended. If you do not have this card installed in your T1000, remember you are limited to your 720K floppy drive capacity (Unless you interface an external drive). With the 768K RAM card you will have both the 768K storage in your ram and the floppy storage. This Hard RAM will retain information when the machine is turned off, provided your batteries are charged. WordPerfect 4.2 In order to install WordPerfect 4.2 on your T1000, copy the following six files to a 3.5" floppy disk: 1. WP.EXE 2. WPRINTER.FIL* 3. WPFONT.FIL* SET A 4. WPFEED.FIL 5. SPELL.EXE 6. LEX.WP Next, copy the following four files to a second floppy disk: 1. WPRINT1.ALL 2. WPFONT1.ALL SET B 3. WPRINT2.ALL 4. WPFONT2.ALL * Delete these two files after printer installation. Copy the first group of files (Set A), to a floppy, then copy this floppy to your formatted D: drive (Hard RAM). Copy the next group of files (Set B), to a second floppy. Start WP from the D: drive and then place your Set B disk in drive A: Issue the Shift- F7; #4 for printer control; #3 to select printers; then PgDn to display additional printers in alphabetical order. Choose A: after you hit PgDn to direct WP to find the printer drivers located on your Set B disk in drive A: Choose your printer or printers and then exit the install menu with the F7. From your D: prompt, the final step is to delete two files: WPRINTER.FIL & WPFONT.FIL. You are now ready to run WordPerfect 4.2 with the spelling checker. Also make sure you keep both your floppy disks handy in case you need to recopy them to Hard RAM. Before you power down after writing documents in WordPerfect on your hard ram, save them on a floppy in A: If you have room and save files on your Hard RAM, make sure to be consistent about baking up these files to floppy on a regular basis. WordPerfect 5.0 The following is the list of "bare bone" files you will need to run WP 5.0: 1. WP.EXE 2. WP.FIL 3. WP.SMALL.DRS (FOR PRINTING) 4. WP.MRS (FOR MACROS) 5. KEYS.MRS & .WPK (FOR KEYBOARD REMAPING) 6. WPHELP.FIL & WPHELP2.FIL The first two above files, by themselves run WP 5.0. The additional five files you can add depending on which applications you need. All the above seven files will fit on Hard RAM if configured for the full 768K (After formatting you should have 762,880 Bytes). It is best to delete as many of the above files as possible to leave room for WP overflow files which are created by WP to store additional RAM information. To maximize battery life, start WP 5.0 with the following syntax: "WP/d-d:" This directs WP temporary files to your D: Hard RAM. The Speller and Thesaurus will NOT fit in hard RAM. Copy both your Speller and Thesaurus to a single 720K floppy. Prior to utilizing this disk on drive A:, you must start WP and use the Setup Function (Shift-F1; #4 (Main Dictionary) as A:, then pick #8 (Thesaurus) as A: also. Exit back to main screen with your F7 key. REMEMBER, prior to invoking either the Speller or Thesaurus, you must have your Speller/Thesaurus disk in drive A: As for saving your documents, you have various options. First, while you are in the Setup Function you can set the Automatic Backup to either yes or no. If yes, choose either D: (If space allows) or A: for the backup destination drive. You also have the choice of time intervals between backups. If you backup on D:, you will save battery life, but make sure to copy these files to disk in case your batteries run down. If your documents are large and will not fit in Hard RAM, specify a time interval (maybe 30 minutes) for drive A: so you will minimize battery drain from the disk drive engaging while it saves files in A:. Another option is to set this Automatic Backup to No, but remember to save your files on drive A: before you power down or exit WP 5.0. You could start WP with a batch file to eliminate having to manually enter "wp/d:-d" every time you start WP. Also, to reverse the video on WP you can use the chad utility (chad 1,1) or the WP display menu will reverse the display (Shift F1, #3, #2, #1). WordPerfect EXECUTIVE WordPerfect Executive is a multi application software package that incorporates a word processor, spreadsheet, calculator, memo pad, appointment calendar and phone directory (All on one disk). This package is geared toward the "business person on the go" who needs all these applications in one package. The word processor emulates the common word perfect commands, yet there are limitations, especially when one compares Executive to its big brothers in WP 4.2 and 5.0. In general WP Executive is an infant version of the adult WP 4.2 or 5.0 Executive appears to work best when you set your user memory and Hard RAM for 640K. The speller in WP Exec. is limited to 50,000 words and there is no thesaurus. Also, there is no footnoting function in WP Executive. If you need automatic footnote creation and numbering like in WP 4.2 and 5.0, don't use WP Executive for your word processor. In short, WP Executive is geared toward the creation of standard and basic documents. The scholar, student or intensive writing professional seems better served in WP 4.2 or 5.0 Conclusion All things considered, it seems that WP 4.2 is the most efficient word processor for T1000 users. Since both the word processor and speller files will run on Hard RAM, your batteries will last longest with WP 4.2. One can later convert these 4.2 documents to the 5.0 format through the conversion function in WP 5.0 However, if you convert these back to 4.2 you may need to do some text clean up. Check with WordPerfect on the best way to convert files from 4.2 to 5.0 and back. Also, if you need help files, in either 4.2 or 5.0, just type in your "Quick Reference Guide" commands, save it as a file, and use the split screen dual document function (Shift F3), to call in your help text as a second document.