Compaq C Compiler Beta 6.5 for Linux Alpha

Compaq C Compiler Beta 6.5 for Linux Alpha


This is the README for Beta 6.5.6-002-1 of the Compaq C compiler for Linux Alpha.

© 2002 Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P.

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1 Introduction

ccc is the Compaq C compiler for Linux Alpha. It is a port of the same compiler that is available on the Compaq Tru64 UNIX platform (and also on OpenVMS Alpha). The compiler produces excellent optimized code for the Alpha architecture, particularly for floating-point intensive applications.

There are some specific limitations and differences relative to the C compiler for Compaq's Tru64 UNIX, including:

While the compiler accepts some gcc extensions, and successfully builds many of the SRPMS coded in C that are shipped with Red Hat and SuSE distributions, the compiler is primarily a standard C and K&R compiler. To the extent that gcc extensions are supported, they are mostly limited to features that are in common with the C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999), such as variable-length arrays and initializers with designators, and to gcc features commonly encountered in source packages and header files even when configured for using a compiler other than gcc .

Note that an official copy of the C99 standard can be purchased and downloaded as a PDF file for less than $20US from either NCITS or ANSI .

2 Supported Linux Alpha Distributions

Compaq C Beta 6.5 no longer supports Red Hat 5.2, because the compiler is now linked dynamically against glibc 2.1 in order to enable compile-time support for multibyte locales when processing strings and character constants and their wide variants. This does not work when the compiler is invoked on a glibc 2.0 system like Red Hat 5.2. The compiler has primarily been tested on Red Hat 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, and 7.1 and 7.2-beta distributions, as well as SuSE 6.1, 6.3, 7.0, and 7.1 distributions. Users have also had success on Debian, Kondara, and other distributions, but no other configurations have been tested by the Compaq compiler team.

The basic support mechanism for Compaq C is provided by the UNH web site identified at the end of this document. In addition, Compaq offers per-incident support for specific Linux distributions, which can be extended to include Compaq C on those distributions (for an additional charge).

3 Summary of Changes from V6.4:


The Compaq C compiler may be packaged on various CDROMs with other software. The precise contents of the CDROMs may differ, but in general it contains in its root directory the software packages for installation, as well as a README file that points to this README file (the file you are reading) and to other documentation files under a directory named docs . The docs directory contains documentation files for the different software components, each in its own subdirectory named after its package name.

The software components relevant to the C compiler are:

Use the supplied Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) files to install each of the components listed above.

5 Installation Requirements and Instructions

To use Compaq C, the following packages should be installed in the order listed below.

  1. libots-2.2.7-2.alpha.rpm
    Compaq C depends on the libots runtime library provided for all of Compaq's Alpha Linux compilers in the libots package. You need to install libots in order to use the compiler, and libots must be installed before cpml is installed.
  2. cpml library
    The ccc command adds -lcpml to the options passed to the linker whenever you specify -lm or -ieee on the command line, so one of the two following packages also needs to be installed:
  3. ccc-
    The C compiler package.
  4. ladebug-4.0.65-19.alpha.rpm
    This package is optional. The code produced by ccc can be debugged by gdb . But for those accustomed to the Tru64 UNIX ladebug debugger, and because of its superior support for Fortran and C++ debugging, ladebug has been ported to Linux Alpha. Ladebug might also work better than gdb on some ccc -compiled code because gcc does not yet generate DWARF2 debugging records on Linux Alpha by default, and so its DWARF2 support on Linux Alpha is not as robust as its stabs support.

To install each of these packages (if the package is not already installed), use the following command:

rpm -i package-file-name 

To see if any of these are already installed, and what versions they are, use the following command:

rpm -q libots cpml_ev5 cmpl_ev6 ladebug ccc 

If you already have a package of sufficient version installed, there is no need to reinstall.

6 Invoking the Compiler

The command line for invoking the compiler and linker is mostly compatible with both the gcc compiler and the Tru64 UNIX compiler. Where possible, command-line options for gcc are translated to near-equivalents for the Tru64 UNIX compiler. Options that do not have Tru64 UNIX equivalents are silently ignored by default. But overall, there is a reasonable probability that a makefile that works on Linux Alpha using the gcc compiler could be used to build the same application with the ccc compiler by changing only the compiler invocation command from gcc (or cc ) to ccc .

There is also a reasonable probability that a Tru64 UNIX application will build on Linux Alpha from its Tru64 UNIX makefile (if it is GNU compatible) by changing only the compiler invocation command from cc to ccc .

A quick way to try building with ccc is to set an environment variable named CC to ccc , and then invoke make with the -e option to override the makefile's definition of the CC macro. In order to find out just what the ccc compiler is doing with your command-line options, you can add -v to the command line to see the programs it is invoking and the options it is passing to them. You can also set an environment variable named DRV_DUMP to the value 1, which causes the compiler to report any gcc options that are simply being parsed and consumed by the compiler driver without having any effect.

6.1 Simple Optimization

If you can successfully build your application with ccc , you might want to try making it run faster. There is a good chance that you will get some speedup over gcc by default. But if you've really tuned your build with gcc -specific optimization controls that ccc will ignore, you might have to do some tuning with ccc to see improvements.

A good first attempt would be just to add -fast to the beginning of your compiler options. Note that the -fast option by default tells the compiler to generate the fastest code for the machine the compiler is running on. So if you compile on an advanced processor like EV6 (e.g. DS10), the code might produce "Illegal instruction" traps if you try to run it on an older machine. If you want to try some quick tuning but want to make sure the result will run on any Alpha machine, specify -fast -arch generic . You might also want to try adding -O4 , but in this case be careful to verify your performance because -O4 can produce either faster or slower code than -O3.

The ccc(1) man page and Programmer's Guide contain more information about optimization controls and tuning. See the documentation section for the location and status of the documentation in this kit.

6.2 Using ccc with .s or .S Files

The ccc compiler driver has only rudimentary support for handling assembly language source files ( .s or .S files). It invokes the native preprocessor ( /lib/cpp ) and assembler ( /usr/bin/as ) to handle these types of files, but it does not understand all of the command-line options that may be passed to them. To pass non- ccc switches through the ccc command line to the assembler, prepend -Wa, to the switch, and change any blanks that separate switch letters from their arguments into commas. To pass non- ccc switches through to the preprocessor, prepend -Wp, instead of -Wa, .

For example, to pass -Wall to the preprocessor, enter ccc -Wp,-Wall foo.S . This results in -Wall being passed to the /lib/cpp command line.

Switches that are handled without the need for -Wp, or -Wa, include:


If you are having problems, you can use the -v switch to see the transformed command line. From there you can verify that the switches made it through the transformation. If not, then use the -Wp, or -Wa, prefixing described above. Alternatively, you might want to change your build to avoid using ccc to process assembly language source files, and invoke gcc directly.

7 Documentation

NOTE: Although the following documents are in this initial Beta kit, they have not yet been updated from the V6.4 versions.

The man pages provided are ccc(1) and protect_headers_setup(8) .

A Programmers Guide and a Language Reference are provided in both HTML and PDF format. The ccc package installs these in subdirectories Programmers_Guide and Language_Reference under /usr/doc/ccc- , with an index.htm file in the parent directory. All of the files for each document ( .htm , and .pdf ) are in the document's subdirectory. On the CDROM, the subdirectories are under /docs/ccc .

Documentation for cpml is installed under /usr/doc/cpml_ev?-5.1.0 . On the CDROM it is in /docs/cpml .

Documentation for ladebug is a man page, ladebug(1) , and what is installed under /usr/doc/ladebug-4.0.65 . On the CDROM, it is in /docs/ladebug .

libots is undocumented because the routines in it are intended to be called only by compiler-generated code.

8 Redistributing Runtime Libraries with Applications

Users with a valid license are permitted to redistribute the libots and cpml runtime library packages included in the product, as follows.

If the application is linked with the -non_shared option, or is linked against the archive library ( .a ) form of these libraries, no redistribution is necessary (although it is permitted).

If the application is linked -call_shared and depends on and/or , then it is necessary for you to provide these libraries along with your application. The libraries should be redistributed in the form of the original RPMs (or updated versions of them) as provided by Compaq, and the users of the application should be advised to install them on the systems that will run the application.

If you redistribute cmpl_ev6 , you need to caution your users that it should only be installed on an EV6 or newer version of the Alpha processor. The cpml_ev5 package can be installed on any version of the Alpha processor, but will not provide maximum performance on EV6 or newer processors.

Applications built by Compaq C on Linux Alpha systems running the Red Hat 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, and 7.1 distributions or SuSE 6.1, 6.3, 7.0 and 7.1 distributions can be distributed for use on those systems. Distributing those applications on other versions or other distributions of Linux Alpha has not been tested.

9 Known Problems

The following problem is a permanent restriction:

10 gcc Compatibility

There are a number of extensions to the C language that are documented for gcc in the GCC and CPP manuals at . In particular, see and .

As noted earlier, Compaq C implements a number of these extensions but not all of them. The major themes for Compaq C are performance, reliability, and standards compliance. Language extensions that are not standardized are usually only implemented to address a specific identified need. So gcc extensions that are the most likely to be implemented are those that match C99 features. Also, features that are very heavily used in applications that "ought" to be compiled by Compaq C for performance reasons are good candidates.

While gcc does represent a defacto standard for portability because of its availability on so many platforms, source code that stays within the bounds of the formal ANSI/ISO standard is much more portable. It is not a goal to make the Compaq C compiler 100% compatible with gcc , but rather to reduce the difficulty of building "fairly portable" source code that has become somewhat dependent on gcc features.

We would appreciate feedback on specific features we do not implement that you find would make a significant difference to the ease of building your code with this compiler if we did implement them.

10.1 Unsupported Extensions

The following extensions are unsupported:

10.2 Supported or Partially Supported Extensions

The following extensions are supported or partially supported in the current version of Compaq C (There are many other minor gcc features and behaviors in common with Compaq C not listed here):

10.3 Likely Future Extensions

None planned.

11 Downloading Updates and Learning about Related Products

For more information about software tools for Linux Alpha, please see the following Web page and look for the link for "Power Tools":

For information about other third-party products (including web browsers) for the Linux Alpha platform, please see the following Web page:

12 Technical Support

Technical support for this software is available only through the Peer to Peer Support program hosted at the University of New Hampshire:
