Compaq C++  README
June 2000

This is the README for Version cxx- of the Compaq C++ compiler for Linux Alpha.

Compaq Computer Corporation
Houston, Texas

© 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation

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1 Introduction

cxx is the Compaq C++ compiler for Linux Alpha. It is a port of the same compiler that is available on the Compaq Tru64tm UNIX® and OpenVMS Alpha platforms. The compiler produces excellent optimized code for the Alpha architecture, particularly for floating-point intensive applications.

There are some specific limitations and differences relative to the C++ compiler for Tru64 UNIX, including:

The C++ compiler accepts some gcc extensions, but is primarily a ISO standard C++ compiler. The following enhancements have been made for compatibility with the GNU C++ compiler:


The Compaq C++ compiler is not link-compatible with the GNU C++ compiler. This means that object files or libraries produced with one compiler cannot be linked with object files or libraries produced with the other. The GCC documentation, "info gcc trouble Interoperation" states:
GNU C++ does not do name mangling in the same way as other C++ compilers. This means that object files compiled with one compiler cannot be used with another.

This effect is intentional, to protect you from more subtle problems. Compilers differ as to many internal details of C++ implementation, including: how class instances are laid out, how multiple inheritance is implemented, and how virtual function calls are handled. If the name encoding were made the same, your programs would link against libraries provided from other compilers--but the programs would then crash when run. Incompatible libraries are then detected at link time, rather than at run time.

2 Differences between Compaq C++ and the C++ International Standard

The following items, specified in the C++ International Standard, are not supported in Version 6.3 but will be supported in a future version:

3 Supported Linux Alpha Distributions

Compaq C++ Version 6.3 has been tested primarily under the Red Hat 5.2 Linux distribution for Alpha, which comes with GNU libc 2.0.7 and egcs-1.0.3a. There has also been some limited testing under Red Hat 6.0 and 6.1, and SuSE 6.1, which come with different versions of GNU libc and the GCC compiler. It may work with other distributions and other versions of GNU libc and GCC, but no other configurations have been tested.

4 Contents of the Compaq C++ CD-ROM

The Compaq C++ CD-ROM contains the following software components:

Each of the components listed above is installed using the supplied Red Hat Package Manager (RPMtm) files. Documentation files are also provided on the CD-ROM.

5 Downloading and Installing the Kits

The Compaq C++ installation kits are available on the CD-ROM distribution and from the Compaq C++ download site after you have completed the registration form .

5.1 Installation Requirements

Compaq C++ requires the following components:

The following are optional:

The versioning for libots, CPML, and Ladebug is consistent across Compaq C, C++, and Fortran compiler products. If you have already installed these packages and the packages on the download page or the distribution compact disc are not newer, there is no need to install them again. The Ladebug debugger shipped with the initial releases of Compaq C and Fortran did not support C++.

At the time of this document, support for the Compaq C++ compiler was not included in the development tools provided by all current Linux distributions. Compaq provides replacement development tools for those distributions. If Compaq does not provide suitable development tools for your distribution, you can obtain the latest version of the binutils sources that support Compaq C++ from To install this version on your system, you must first build a source and binary RPM by entering a command in the following format:

rpm -ta binutils-version.tar.gz 

You can also download the latest version of gdb and build with the libiberty provided by the latest binutils to obtain a debugger that supports Compaq C++.

For better performance of math library routines, you should link against the cpml library instead of libm . Specifying -lm on the command line causes the cxx driver to pass -lcpml -lm to the linker. The cpml library comes in two different packages, only one of which can be installed on a given system:

The Tru64 UNIX Ladebug debugger has been ported to Linux Alpha. Ladebug is the recommended debugger for Compaq compilers. The GNU debugger (gdb) does not support Compaq C++. Compaq provides a replacement version that has minimal support for Compaq C++. You need this version only if you plan to debug Compaq C++ programs from gdb.


If you encounter problems with the Ladebug debugger, try using the -gall option.

5.2 Installation Instructions

The installation is straightforward with rpm -i if this is the first time the package is being installed, or with rpm -U if the package is being upgraded. The libots package should be installed before either of the cpml packages - the nature of the dependency between them is not handled by rpm 's installation-order dependency checks. You can install the other packages in any order. If you have previously installed a pre-release version of the compiler with a different package name, you should erase that package (using rpm -e ) before installing the cxx package.

For example, to install on an EV6 system running RedHat 6.1, on which you have not previously installed a Compaq compiler, you would enter the following commands:

rpm -i libots-2.2.7-2.alpha.rpm 
rpm -i cpml_ev6-5.1.0-2.alpha.rpm 
rpm -U compaq_rh61_binutils- 
rpm -U compaq_rh61_gdb-4.18-6.alpha.rpm 
rpm -i ladebug-4.0.62-16.alpha.rpm 
rpm -i ccc- 
rpm -i cxx- 

Packages other than libots contain documentation files that you can list by entering a command in the following format after the package is installed:

rpm -qd package-name

To list the files before the package is installed, enter a command in the following format:

rpm -qdp package-name

6 Invoking the Compiler

The command line for invoking the compiler and linker is mostly compatible with both the gcc compiler and the Tru64 UNIX compiler. Where possible, command-line options for gcc are translated to near-equivalents for the compiler. Options that do not have Tru64 UNIX equivalents are silently ignored by default. Overall, there is a reasonable probability that a makefile that works on Linux Alpha using the g++ compiler can be used to build the same application with the cxx compiler by changing only the compiler invocation command from g++ to cxx . This change causes cxx to compile .cxx and .cpp files and ccc to compile .c files.

6.1 Simple Optimization

Having successfully built your application with cxx , you might want to try making it run faster.

Specifying the -fast option at the end of your compiler options is a good first step. By default, the -fast option tells the compiler to generate the fastest code for the machine on which the compiler is running. If you compile on an advanced processor like EV6 (for example, a DS10 machine), the code might produce "Illegal instruction" traps if you try to run it on an older machine. If you want to try some quick tuning but want to make sure the result will run on any Alpha machine, specify -fast -arch generic . You might also want to try adding -O4 to enable optimizations that could further improve performance. Be aware however, that under some conditions, these optimizations could degrade performance.

The cxx(1) reference page and Using Compaq C++ for Tru64 UNIX and Linux Alpha contain more information about optimization controls and tuning. See the documentation section for the location and status of the documentation in this kit.

6.2 Using GNU Development Tools with Compaq C++

In binutils, some tools demangle by default; others require that you specify the --demangle option. To use the Compaq demangler, you must also specify the --style=compaq option. The --style option was added in binutils version 2.9.5 or later and has been ported to version 2.9.1 in the released kits.

Affected tools are: ld , objdump , gprof , nm , and addr2line .

To use the Compaq demangler in gdb, specify the command set demangle-style compaq .

7 Documentation

The following documentation is provided in HTML format on the installed system under the directory /usr/doc/cxx- .

The cxx(1) reference page is derived from the cxx(1) reference page for Tru64 UNIX. It has been edited significantly to reflect differences between Tru64 UNIX and Linux Alpha behaviors.

8 Redistributing Run-Time Libraries with Applications

Users with a valid license are permitted to redistribute the libots and cpml Run-Time library packages included in the product, as follows.

If the application is linked with the -non_shared option ( -static in gcc terms), or is linked against the archive library ( .a ) form of these libraries, no redistribution is necessary (although it is permitted).

If the application is linked -call_shared ( -dynamic in gcc terms) and depends on and/or , then it is necessary for you to provide these libraries along with your application. The libraries should be redistributed in the form of the original RPMs (or updated versions of them) as provided by Compaq, and the users of the application should be advised to install them on the systems that will run the application.

If you redistribute cpml_ev6 , you need to caution your users that it should only be installed on an EV6 or newer version of the Alpha processor. The cpml_ev5 package can be installed on any version of the Alpha processor, but will not provide maximum performance on EV6 or newer processors.

Applications built by Compaq C++ on Linux Alpha systems running the Red Hat 5.2 or 6.0 distributions can be distributed for use on those systems. Distributing those applications on other versions or other distributions of Linux Alpha has not been tested (although there has been limited testing with the SuSE 6.1 distribution).

9 Known Problems and Restrictions for the Linux Alpha Operating System

This section describes known problems and restrictions for the Linux Alpha operating system.

9.1 Known Problems

Known problems are as follows:

9.2 Restrictions

Restrictions are as follows;

10 Known Library Restrictions

The following are restrictions:

11 Downloading Updates and Learning about Related Products

For information about downloading updates to Compaq C++, Compaq Ladebug, CPML, and related products for Linux Alpha systems, please see the following Web page:

For information about other third-party products for the Linux Alpha platform, please see the following Web page:

12 Suggestion/Problem Reporting

The University of New Hampshire (UNH), in partnership with Compaq, is developing an innovative support network for Alpha Linux developers. UNH supports a web site and forums for Alpha Linux developers to exchange information and ask questions. Please report any problems with Compaq C++ for Alpha Linux and its components at the UNH website:

http://www.iol.unh .edu/linux/alpha/development

UNH has a direct connection to Compaq's compiler and tools development organization for fast resolution of identified technical problems. You may not receive a personal reply to your query, but we appreciate your input on the product.



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