TITLE: LSI Logic 1068e Controller Firmware Upgrade for Microsoft Windows XP Professional and Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition VERSION: Rev. A DESCRIPTION: This package contains a firmware upgrade for the LSI Logic SAS 1068e Controller in the listed workstation models running the listed operating systems. This package upgrades the firmware to version PURPOSE: Recommended SOFTPAQ NUMBER: SP34076 SUPERSEDES: None EFFECTIVE DATE: November 15, 2006 CATEGORY: Firmware SSM SUPPORTED: No PRODUCT TYPE(S): Workstations HARDWARE PRODUCT MODEL(S): HP xw9400 Workstation: All Models SOFTWARE PRODUCT(S): None DEVICES SUPPORTED: LSI Adapter, SAS 3000 series, 8-port with 1068E OPERATING SYSTEM(S): Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition LANGUAGE(S): Global ENHANCEMENTS: N/A FIXES: - Fixes issue where some hard drives may be "dropped" from the SAS controller after excessive serial attached SCSI (SAS) Bus Resets. PREREQUISITES: N/A INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Download the SoftPaq .EXE file to a directory on your hard drive. 2. Execute the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions. Note the location where the SoftPaq contents are extracted (the default is C:\SWSETUP\SP34076). UPDATING THE FIRMWARE: To update the firmware, complete the following steps: 1. Copy the contents extracted from the SoftPaq .EXE file to a DOS or FreeDOS bootable diskette (floppy) or USB key. 2. Ensure that the bootable diskette or USB key is in the drive and boot the workstation to the diskette or USB key. 3. Execute the SAS_ADDR.bat file to determine the SAS address that was initially programmed for the workstation and record the 16 digit/alpha value. This address is required for Step 4. 4. Execute the file SAS_UP.bat to update the firmware to version and re-program the SAS address into the SAS Flash. 5. Once the firmware and SAS address have been updated, the workstation should be power cycled. Be sure to remove the diskette or USB key prior to Power On. 6. During the Power-On Self-Test (POST), confirm that the LSI SAS1068e Option ROM is and the firmware version is NOTE: After the installation is complete, the download directory, which contains the extracted SoftPaq files, can be deleted, if desired. Copyright (c) 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.