COMPAQ TFT5000 INF and ICM readme.txt Language: English Operating Systems: Windows 95 and 98, Windows NT 4.0 The INF file designates software and defines monitor resources used by Windows 95/98 to ensure monitor compatibility with your computer's graphics adapter. The INF file is currently only utilized by Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows 98. The INF file for the TFT5000 is named "Monopt2.inf". In order for the INF to work correctly, it must be copied to the ..\Windows\inf sub-directory. The "Setup.exe" program under the ..\INF sub-directory on this CD will install this file for you. Or, it is possible to manually copy the "Monopt2.inf" file to the ..\Windows\inf folder yourself. Once the "Monopt2.inf" file has been copied to the proper Windows sub-directory, it is necessary to restart Windows (with the TFT5000 attached) in order for the proper resolutions to appear in the Display control panel. The ICM color profile file is used in conjunction with graphics programs that provide color matching consistency from monitor screen to printer. The ICM profile for the TFT5000 Flat Panel Monitor is called "CPQ_5000.icm". The "Setup.exe" program under the ..\INF sub-directory on this CD will install this file for you. Or, it is possible to manually copy the "CPQ_5000" file to the ..\Windows\system\color directory yourself. The ICM file is activated from within the graphics programs that have this feature. The ICM color profile is not operating system specific, and is written in accordance to the ICC Profile Format Specification. ICC stands for the International Color Consortium.