Chapter 3 —
Installing Multimedia Services

3.1 About This Chapter

This chapter gives you step-by-step procedure for installing Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX.

The installation for MMS contains the following steps:

Before you start the installation, read Chapter 2.


You can interrupt the installation procedure at any point. However, if you do, the installation might not be left in a useful state. You should remove all the subsets you installed and reinstall them.

The installation procedure allows you to use an existing kernel configuration file and update it for any Multimedia Services driver. If you have any questions about rebuilding the kernel or kernel configuration files, refer to the DIGITAL UNIX (formerly DEC OSF/1) System Administration manual or see your system administrator.


You must login in as root or become superuser to install Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX software and to register the license PAK.

3.2 Deleting Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX
from Your System

If you must remove a version of Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX from your system, delete each subset that you previously installed.

To delete subsets, do the following:

  1. Enter the following form of the setld command to delete all of the installed subsets of Multimedia Services:

# setld -d `setld -i | grep MME | grep installed | awk '{print $1}'`


If you are immediately reinstalling one or more of the Multimedia Services device drivers, you will not need to rebuild the kernel during de-installation.

See Section 8.3 for an sample listing of a de-installation of Multimedia Services.

3.3 Installing Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX

You can either install MMS from the CD-ROM distribution media or a RIS distribution area.

3.3.1 Installing from the CD-ROM Distribution Media

The following procedure loads Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX files onto your system. The procedure works for the following products:

Installing Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX from CD-ROM:




Locate the appropriate CD-ROM and determine the user distribution list
  1. If you have the SPL, consult the DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Software Product Library Master Index to determine which CD-ROM contains the MMS product.

— or —

  1. If you have the DIGITAL UNIX operating system distribution media, the MMS product is located on the Volume II CD-ROM.
  1. Insert CD-ROM. (Make sure to use the caddy if required.)
UNIX Command Line
  1. Use the following file command to find the device name for the CD-ROM drive
The following example shows output similar to what the file command returns. Note that the line for the CD-ROM drive includes an item starting with RRD.
  # file /dev/rrz*c | grep RRD
file /dev/rrz4c: character special (8/4098) SCSI #0 RRD44 disk #32 (SCSI ID #4) (SCSI LUN #0) offline
  1. If necessary, create a directory that will be the mount point for the CD-ROM, using a command in the following format:

# mkdir /mount-point

For example:

# mkdir /cdrom

  1. Mount the CD-ROM using the -r option to indicate that the CD-ROM is read only. Use a command in the following format:

# mount -r /dev/rzunit_numberc /mount-point


unit-number is a variable that represents your disk-drive unit number
mount-point is the mount point that was just created

For example:

# mount -r /dev/rz4c /cdrom

  1. Enter a setld command
This requests the load function (-l) and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX subsets are located.
For the DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Library # /usr/sbin/setld -l /cdrom/mme240/kit

— or —

For the DIGITAL UNIX System Integrated Products # /usr/sbin/setld -l /cdrom/ALPHA/Multimedia_Services
    The installation procedure now displays the names of Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX subsets and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load.



3.3.2 Installing from the RIS Distribution Area

If you are installing Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX subsets that reside in an /etc/ris RIS distribution area on a remote system, take the following steps:

To install Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX from the RIS Distribution Area




Load the subsets Enter a setld -l command. For example, if you are loading Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX subsets from an RIS distribution area on node axpmme, enter the following: Requests the load function (-l option) and identifies the system where the Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX subsets are located.
  # /usr/sbin/setld -l axpmme
    The installation procedure now displays the names of Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX subsets and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load.

3.4 Preliminary Messages

The following messages might appear before you are presented with a list of subsets available for installation.

3.4.1 Development Kit Requirements Missing

The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Development Kit contains some sample code that requires the X Window Software Development subset to be installed. If you do not have this subset installed, the following warning will appear:


In order to build the Makefiles and some of the sample code
in the Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Development Kit V2.4
you need to have the OSFCMPLRS Compiler Back End Software Development subset and the OSFXDEV X Window Software Development subset from the BASE OS installed.

The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Development Kit V2.4 subset does notrequire the OSFCMPLRS or OSFXDEV subsets for installation purposes.

The Development kit will still install, but you will only be able to build the sample code if you install the Software Development subsets, and you will only be able to build some of the video samples if you install the X Window Software Development subset from the DIGITAL UNIX distribution.

3.4.2 CDE Not Installed

The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration subset requires CDE to be installed. Minimum CDE support has varied between operating system releases so the required CDE subset might be one of three possible subsets: OSFCDEDT, CDEART, or CDEMIN. One of these must be installed before installing the MMERTCDE240 subset. If these are not installed, the following message will appear and the MMERTCDE240 subset will not appear on the menu of installable subsets:

The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration V2.4
requires the existence of one of the following uninstalled
CDE Desktop for DIGITAL UNIX subsets(s):


Please install one of these subsets before installing
the MMERTCDE240 subset.

The MMERTCDE subset will not appear in the
menu of installable subsets.


3.4.3 Operating System Version Mismatch

All of the subsets require a minimum version of the operating system. Some subsets might require a higher version due to hardware support and features supported in later versions. If the subset requires a higher version of operating system than you have installed, the following message will be displayed:

The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Development V2.4
requires that the following operating system be installed:
DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.2C or later

Please install one of these operating system versions
before installing the MMERT240 subset.

If the minimum operating system requirements are not met, the subset cannot be installed and will not appear on the menu of available subsets.

Some subsets might not be validated against later releases of the operating system, particularly if the Multimedia Services kit is much older than the operating system you have installed. If this is the case, the following warning is displayed:

The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime V2.4
might not be fully supported on DIGITAL UNIX versions following

Install the MMERT subset at your own risk.


3.4.4 Different Version of MMS Installed

If you currently have Multimedia Services installed, setld will not allow you to install a new version. However, if you do not have all of the Multimedia Services subsets installed, or there are new subsets in the current release, then setld will attempt to install all of the subsets not currently installed. When setld does this, the Multimedia Services installation will detect that portions of an older Multimedia Services kit are installed and will display the following message:

A different version of Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX
already exists. You must deinstall the following subset(s) before installing Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4:


You will then be asked if you want to delete these older subsets now.

Would you like to deinstall these subsets now? (y/n) [y]:


If you choose yes, the installation procedure will remove the old subsets and display the following status:

*** Beginning deinstallation of MMEDEV200 MMERT200 ***

Deleting "Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime V2.0" (MMERT200).

Deleting "Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Development V2.0" (MMEDEV200).

*** Done with deinstallation of MMEDEV200 MMERT200 ***

If you choose not to deinstall the subsets now, the following message will be displayed:

You must deinstall the following subset(s) before
installing Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4:


You might do so by issuing the command

# setld -d MMERT200 MMEDEV200

The MMEDRVMSB subset will not appear
in the menu of installable subsets.

Some of the subset names have changed between releases.The setld utility does not understand this change but the Multimedia Services installation procedure does. For instance, you might already have MMEDRVPCI200 installed and the new name for this subset is MMEDRVAV3X1240. The Multimedia Services installation procedure detects this condition and will display the following message:

The MMEDRVPCI200 subset is already installed.
Deinstall the subset to re-install the subset MMEDRVAV3X1240
FullVideo Supreme (AV321/AV301) Device Support V2.4.

The procedure then continues as in the previous example to ask you if you want to delete the existing subset or not.

Finally, if a previous installation left a subset installed in a corrupted state, the setld utility will simply attempt to install the new subset. The Multimedia Services installation procedure cannot install over a corrupted subset. The following message will be displayed:

The MMERT subset is already installed in a corrupted state. Deinstall the subset to re-install the subset MMERT240 Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime V2.4.

The procedure then continues as in the previous example to ask you if you want to delete the existing subset or not.

3.4.5 License Not Installed

Some subsets require LMF licenses before installation. If the licenses are not currently installed, the following message is displayed:

Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Development Kit requires a license. This product will not be installed without a license. Refer to the LMF guide for installing a license for this subset before installation of the MMEDEV240 subset.

The product name for the required license is MMS-DK or MMS-DK-USER.


3.5 Selecting Subsets

You must specify which Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX subsets you want to load.

The subsets listed below are optional:

There might be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.

- Development Kit:

1) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Man Pages

2) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development

- Documentation Kit:

3) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Documentation

4) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation

5) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Hardware Option Documentation

6) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes

- Hardware Option Support for PCI/EISA/ISA Bus Machines:

7)FullVideo Basic (AV201) Device Support V2.4

8)FullVideo Supreme (AV321/AV301) Device Support V2.4

9)Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4

10)Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support V2.4

- Hardware Option Support for TURBOchannel Bus Machines:

11)Base Board Audio Device Support V2.4

12)Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4

- Run-Time Kit:

13) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration

14) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime Man Pages

15) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime

16) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Sample Data

Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen.

Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6):

Or you might choose one of the following options:

17)ALL of the above

18)CANCEL selections and redisplay menus

19)EXIT without installing any subsets

Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.

Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 17

Next, the procedure lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 14 in response to the previous prompt, you will see the following display:

You are installing the following optional subsets:

- Development Kit:

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Man Pages

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development

- Documentation Kit:

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Documentation

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Hardware Option Documentation

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes V

- Hardware Option Support for PCI/EISA/ISA Bus Machines:

FullVideo Basic (AV201) Device Support V2.4

FullVideo Supreme (AV321/AV301) Device Support V2.4

Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4

Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support V2.4

- Hardware Option Support for TURBOchannel Bus Machines:

Base Board Audio Device Support V2.4

Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4

- Run-Time Kit:

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime Man Pages

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Sample Data

Is this correct? (y/n): y


If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu is again displayed, and you can correct your choice of optional subsets.

If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y.

3.6 Pre-Loading Messages

This section describes the messages that might appear after the installation has selected the subsets to be installed.

3.6.1 MMS and CDE Interaction Problems

When installing the MMERTCDE240 on DIGITAL UNIX 4.0, the CDE desktop may not be properly updated to reflect the newly installed icons and actions.


The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration V2.4 adds new application actions and a Multimedia Application Group to the CDE Desktop. These new items could not be automatically updated for the Desktop. Possible reasons are:

+ CDE is not properly installed

+ CDE dependencies are not properly installed

+ The installer does not currently have access to the X Display on this system

To have the changes activated, you must log out of the current CDE session and login again.

On installations with versions of DIGITAL UNIX prior to V4.0 installed, a similar message may be displayed:


The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration V2.4 adds new application actions and a Multimedia Application Group to the CDE Desktop. These new items could not be automatically updated for the Desktop due to deficiencies in the ADK for CDE. These problems have been resolved with the CDE Desktop shipped with DIGITAL UNIX 4.0.

To have the changes activated, you must log out of the current CDE session and log in again.

In either case, the installer may have to log out and log back in again to have CDE updated.

3.6.2 C++ Runtime Library Requirements

The MMERT subset has several applets that require the C++ Runtime Library. Without this library, the applets will not run. If you intend to use any of these applets, you should install the C++ Runtime Library.

If the installation scripts detect that you do not have the C++ Runtime Library installed, you will see the following message:


Several Multimedia Services applets require the DEC C++ Runtime.
You do not currently have the DEC C++ Runtime installed on your system.

The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime
subset will still be installed but several applets might not run, i.e., you might see the following type of error indicating the
C++ ( library cannot be loaded:

801:alphavcr: /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: cannot map

Would you like instructions for loading the C++ Runtime? (y/n) [y]:

If you answer y for more information, the following instructions will help guide your installation of the C++ Runtime Library.

You can find the DEC C++ Runtime on the DIGITAL UNIX
(previously DEC OSF/1) operating system or on the DIGITAL UNIX
Software Product Library cdrom.

The product is formally named
"DEC C++ Runtime Library for DEC OSF/1 Systems".
You must follow the instructions in the DIGITAL UNIX or Software
Product Library installation guide for mounting and accessing the
'C++ Runtime installation kit' but the following instructions might suffice:

For the DIGITAL UNIX cdrom:

# mount -o ro /dev/rz?c /cdrom

# cd /cdrom/ALPHA/DEC_C++_RTL

# setld -l . CXXSHRDA???

For the Software Product Library cdrom

# mount -o ro /dev/rz?c /cdrom

# cd /cdrom/cxx???

# setld -l . CXXSHRDA???

where /dev/rz?c is the device name of your cdrom device (see the installation guide for instructions for determining this device name).

3.7 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process

The installation procedure loads and verifies the selected Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX subsets.

The following example shows a display where Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX subsets are being loaded. A message similar to the following is displayed for each subset:

Loading 1 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes

Copying from /usr/local/kit (disk)


When you see the "Verifying" message during the subset installation, the installation procedure is checking to see that the files are copied correctly; it is not an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) message.

During the installation, if you get errors from the setld utility, see the Diagnostics section of the setld(8) reference page for an explanation of the errors and the appropriate actions to take.

3.8 Configuration Phase Messages

The following messages are displayed during the configuration of the Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX kit.

3.8.1 Automatically Starting MMESERVER Daemon

The Multimedia Services server can be run as a daemon on your system and can be started automatically at boot time. The installation procedure asks if you wish to enable this automatic startup as follows:

Configuring " Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime" (MMERT240)

Do you want to enable scripts that automatically start the
Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime
mmeserver daemon every time the system is booted? (y/n) [y]:

If you answer yes, the installation procedure will display:

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime mmeserver
daemon will be started automatically every time the system is booted

If you answer no, the installation procedure will display instructions as to how
to enable this feature at a later time.

The Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime mmeserver daemon
will NOT be started automatically every time the system is booted. To automatically start the product, reconfigure this subset by issuing the following command as superuser:

# /usr/sbin/setld -c MMERT240 INSTALL


3.8.2 Running the Installation Verification Procedure

If you are currently running an mmeserver process, the installation script will ask if you want to stop the server process. This is recommended because the previous server version will be running, not the newly installed version.

There is an mmeserver daemon running. Do you want to stop it? (y/n) [y]:

If you are installing any device support subsets, the following message will be displayed:

Since you are installing one or more hardware device support subsets,
you will not be able to run the IVP for Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime V2.4 now.

The IVP for Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime V2.4
may be executed at a later time by issuing the command

# setld -v MMERT240

If you are not installing any device support subsets, the following message will be displayed:

You may request execution of the IVP for Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime V2.4 now.

The IVP for Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime V2.4 may be executed at a later time by issuing the command: #setld -v MMERT240

Would you like to run the IVP for Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime V2.4 now? (y/n) [y]

If you answer yes, then an installation verification procedure will be run. The installation verification is highly dependent on the subsets that you have installed and the multimedia hardware installed on your system. See Chapter 4 for more information.

3.9 Messages for Device-Support Subsets

This section contains information on the messages displayed during the configuration phase of the device-support subsets.

3.9.1 Device-Support Subset Installation Confirmation

During this phase of the installation procedure, if you have selected any device support subsets, you will be presented with the following information. The first subset displays the following:

You have selected the installation of the
FullVideo Basic AV201 Device Support.

This involves rebuilding the DIGITAL UNIX kernel. You will also
be prompted to specify a kernel configuration file to use to
rebuild the DIGITAL UNIX kernel.

If you have questions about rebuilding the kernel or about kernel
configuration files please refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Guide to System Administration.

DO NOT INSTALL this subset unless you will be running this kernel on a PCI system (Personal Workstation or AlphaStation).

Do you wish to install the FullVideo Basic AV201 Device Support V2.4at this time? (y/n) [y]:

The first part of this message identifies the subset currently being installed.

The next two parts warn the installer that a kernel rebuild will be required. More information about rebuilding the kernel can be found in the DIGITAL UNIX System Administration manual. However, the installation procedure will guide you to the best answers for most situations. Simply selecting the defaults should be what most installations require.

The last part of this message identifies the bus requirements to support the hardware option. A later phase in the installation will prompt you for kernel configuration information and at that time the installation procedure will verify that your system or target system will support the hardware option. If you are unsure what bus your system has, allow the installation procedure to attempt to install the subset, and the installation procedure will later automatically deconfigure the subset if the system will not support the hardware option.

After the first device support subset is installed, the other device support subsets will print out an abbreviated message containing only the first and last parts, such as:

You have selected the installation of the
FullVideo Supreme AV301/AV321 Device Support.

DO NOT INSTALL this subset unless you will be running this kernel on a PCI system (Personal Workstation or AlphaStation).

Do you wish to install the FullVideo Supreme AV301/AV321 Device Support V2.4 at this time? (y/n) [y]:

3.9.2 Selecting a Kernel Configuration File

Once all of the device-support subsets are installed, you are asked the following questions during the configuration of the first device support subset:

Preparing to Rebuild Kernel in order to complete installation. ****************************************************************

Do you want to use an existing kernel configuration file? (y/n)[y]: y

Enter a name for the kernel configuration file. [TOBIN]: TOBIN

You selected CHONJI, is this correct? (y/n) [y]: y

3.9.3 Hardware Bus Validation

Unless you are positive that you understand how to rebuild a kernel with a new configuration file, use an existing configuration file.

After this, each device support subset is configured. Based on the machine and bus information in the configuration file you specified, the installation procedure for the device support subsets will determine if the subset can support your platform. If they cannot, the installation of that device support subset will be aborted, and a message similar to the following will be displayed:

Configuring "Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVAV300240)


No TURBOchannel bus specified in the config file.

The Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support is only useful in a
TURBOchannel machine kernel.

Deleting subset MMEDRVAV300

Deleting "Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVAV300240).

Otherwise, if the configuration was successful, a message similar to the following will be displayed:

Configuring " Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVAV300240).

3.9.4 Rebuilding the Kernel

Once all of the driver-support subsets are configured, you will be asked if you want to rebuild the kernel. Unless you are installing other layered products with kernel drivers, you should rebuild and install the new kernel at this point. There is no need to edit the configuration file, so you should simply answer no to that question. Once the build is finished, you will be presented with instructions for installing the new kernel and rebooting the system to run the new kernel.

The following is an example of the installation output:

You have selected one or more kernel drivers.
In order to use these drivers you must rebuild your kernel.
You may do so now, or at a later time. If for instance, you are
installing other layered products with kernel drivers, you
might choose to rebuild the kernel after installing those

Do you wish to rebuild the kernel at this time? (y/n) [y]: y

Copying /sys/conf/.product.list to CHONJI.list


Saving /sys/conf/TOBIN as /sys/conf/TOBIN.bck

Do you want to edit the configuration file? (y/n) [n]:N


Working....Tue Jun 10 08:19:10 EDT 1997
Working....Tue Jun 10 08:21:11 EDT 1997

The new kernel is /sys/TOBIN/vmunix

1. Copy your old kernel from /vmunix to /

# cp /vmunix /

2. Move the new kernel to /vmunix

# mv /usr/sys/TOBIN/vmunix /vmunix

3. Shutdown and reboot your system, after
giving proper warning to any other users.

# /usr/sbin/shutdown -R +2\
"Shutting down to use new kernel, rebooting immediately"


3.9.5 Inadequate Disk Space for New Kernel

If your root partition will be more than 95% full by following the installation instructions for a new kernel, including the space required to make a backup copy of your kernel named as /, then the installation procedure will recommend that you save a copy of the current kernel to a different partition. If you have other saved kernel copies in the root partition, you may optionally, at your discretion, remove those to make room for a copy of the current kernel.

The installation procedure, if room is available, may suggest that you save the current kernel to the /usr partition. If your new kernel boot fails, you will have to boot the generic kernel (/genvmunix). To recover, copy the saved kernel from /usr back to the root partition, and then reboot your machine using the saved kernel. You can boot the generic kernel with the following command entered at the console prompt:

>>> boot -fi genvmunix

3.10 System Files Modified

Several operating system files are modified during the installation of Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX. The additions to all of the system files can be located in


for your reference.


If you do not wish to have some of these files installed, simply create a file with the following name format:


where $SystemFile is the name of the file you do not want to modify.

For instance, to prevent the modification of the mailcap file, you can issue the following command:

# touch /usr/lib/netscape/.mailcap.NOMME

# touch /usr/local/lib/netscape/.mailcap.NOMME

3.10.1 Magic File

The magic file, /etc/magic, is used by the file command to identify files that have some sort of magic number. A magic number is any numeric or string constant that identifies the file containing the constant. MMS adds several multimedia and imaging tags to this file. Before adding these types, the command

# file countdown-jpeg.avi

would result in

countdown-jpeg.avi: data

With these types added, the same command will now report

countdown-jpeg.avi: Microsoft RIFF (AVI format)

3.10.2 Mailcap File

These files, /usr/lib/netscape/mailcap and /usr/local/lib/netscape/mailcap control the applications launched by netscape to handle the display of various data file formats. MMS adds default actions for file formats supported by MMS applications.

If you already have a mailcap file (typically .mailcap in your $HOME directory), you might add these actions to your own file by appending the contents of /usr/opt/MME240/system/mailcap.