Chapter 6 —
Microsoft Sound Board Installation and
Configuration Details

6.1 About This Chapter

This chapter contains information on the installation and "configuration" of a Microsoft Sound Board module, and the ordering of the hardware installation, the hardware configuration, and the installation of the Multimedia Services Microsoft Sound Board subset.

Due to the characteristics of ISA (Industry Standard Architecture), the operating system is unable to determine automatically which ISA modules are present in a workstation's ISA bus slots. A procedure known as "hardware configuration" is used to specify these ISA modules to the operating system.

Refer to the following sections that correspond to whether the target workstation has an EISA (Extended Industrial Standard Architecture) bus or an ISA bus.

6.2 EISA Bus

This section describes the following:

6.2.1 EISA Bus Information

If your system has an EISA bus, run the EISA Configuration Utility (ECU), shipped on a 3.5-inch diskette, prior to rebuilding your kernel. The kernel rebuilding process uses the NVRAM information stored by the ECU when it creates the kernel configuration file.

The ECU is invoked at the system console prompt ( >>> ) via the runecu command. The hardware documentation shipped with your system contains additional information about the ECU. The following section contains specific information and problems relating to the Microsoft Sound Board ECU configuration.

6.2.2 Microsoft Sound Board Configurations

There are two versions of the Microsoft Sound Board ECU configuration file: !ISA2000.CFG and AISA2000.CFG. The !ISA2000.CFG file is used with systems running DIGITAL UNIX V2.x; the AISA2000.CFG file is used with systems running Digital UNIX V3.0 or later.

6.2.3 Known Problems

If your ECU diskette is a version prior to V1.5 and/or was shipped with Digital UNIX V2.x or earlier, your ECU diskette may not have the ECU configuration file AISA2000.CFG that corresponds to the Microsoft Sound Board.

You may obtain the AISA2000.CFG file by issuing the command:

# setld -c MMEDRVMSB240 ECU

to invoke the Build ECU utility, which is included in this kit. This utility lets you add the Microsoft Sound Board ECU configuration file onto your DIGITAL UNIX ECU diskette.

6.2.4 Installing an EISA Bus Driver

This section describes the installation of a driver on an EISA bus machine after upgrading to a new DIGITAL UNIX version or when adding the Microsoft Sound Board to your ECU configuration.

  1. Install the MMEDRVMSB subset, rebuilding a new kernel.
  1. Update your Digital UNIX ECU diskette (only necessary if obtained prior to DIGITAL UNIX V3.0). See the previous section for instructions.
  1. Shut down your system and run the ECU utility, adding the Microsoft Sound Board.
  1. If the sound card is not installed, then turn the power off, install the sound card, and turn the power on again.
  1. Boot the new kernel you built in step 1.

6.3 ISA Bus

This section describes the following:

6.3.1 ISA Bus Information

If your system has an ISA bus, issue the isacfg command at the system console prompt ( >>> ) after rebuilding your kernel and shutting down the system. Information on the isacfg console command is provided with the hardware documentation shipped with your system. However, a detailed description of the syntax of the isacfg console command is given in Section C.3.

You can determine if the sound card is already configured by entering the console command isacfg -all or the console command show config. The sound card has the handle PCXBJ, and should also have values for the options iobase0, iobase1, irq0, dmachan0, and dmachan1.

If your sound card is not configured, you usually can configure it by typing add_sound at the console prompt. This command provides default values for all the sound card configuration options.

Alternatively, you can enter an entire isacfg command, such as:

>>>isacfg -mk -slot 2 -dev 0 -etyp 1 -handle PCXBJ -iobase0 530 -iobase1 388
  -enadev 1 -irq0 9 -dmachan0 0 -dmachan1 3


-handle Specifies a handle used by DIGITAL UNIX (must be PCXBJ for the Microsoft Sound Board)
-iobase0 Specifies the I/O port selected by the board jumper (choose from 0530, 0604, or 0E80)
-iobase1 Specifies the midi I/O port (must always be 0388)
-irq0 Specifies the interrupt request line (normally, choose from 7, 9, 10, or 11)
-dmachan0 Specifies the first DMA channel to be used (choose from 0, 1, or 3)
-dmachan1 Specifies the second DMA channel to be used (choose from 0, 1, or 3, but make it a different value than the value used for -dmachan0)



The proper values for your machine may differ from the example above, depending upon the actual sound card that you have installed and whether you have to resolve conflicts with other cards installed in your system.

Following entry of new isacfg information, use the >>>init command to store the configuration.

6.3.2 Installing the MSB Driver on ISA Bus Machines

This section describes the steps to install the Microsoft Sound Board device driver on an ISA bus machine after upgrading to a new Digital UNIX version, or when adding the Microsoft Sound Board to your console configuration:

  1. Install the MMEDRVMSB subset, rebuilding a new kernel.
  1. Shut down and halt your system, and use appropriate console configuration commands (isacfg, add_sound, init) to add the Microsoft Sound Board to your hardware configuration.
  1. If the sound card is not installed then turn the power off, install the sound card, and turn the power on again.
  1. Boot the new kernel you built in step 1.

6.3.3 ISA Configuration Utility

This section describes the ISA configuration utility. ISA devices are not capable of being probed for configuration information by the Digital UNIX or OpenVMS operating systems. Therefore, you must enter ISA option information manually using the ISA configuration utility (ISACFG). You should run this utility before installing a new ISA option module on Digital AlphaStation systems running either the Digital UNIX or OpenVMS operating systems.

The syntax for the isacfg command is:

isacfg [-all] [-dev <dev#>] [-dmachan{0-3} <#>] [-dmamode{0-3} <#>]

[-enadev <#>] [-etyp <#>] [-handle<math>(<)string<math>(>)]

[-init] [-iobase{0-5} <#>] [-irq{0-3} <#>] [-membase{0-2} <#>]

[-memlen{0-2} <#>] [-mk] [-mod][-rm][-rombase <#>] [-romlen <#>]

[-slot <slot#>] [-totdev <#>]


[-all] Shows the entire configuration table. It overrides all other commands.
[-dev <dev#>] Optional; defaults to 0 if not entered. On a multifunction or multiport adapter, this specifies the device on the adapter.
[-dmachan{0-3} <#>] Allows you to specify up to four DMA channels for the device.
[-dmamode{0-3} <#>] Allows you to specify the DMA type for -dmachan{0-3}. DMA modes are:




[-enadev <#>] Allows you to specify whether an entry is enabled or disabled. Disabled devices are not used in resource allocation calculations. The possible values are:

0-No (disabled)

1-Yes (enabled)

[-etyp <#>] Defines an entry type for this entry. The # sign can be:
  0-A cause for the entry to be deleted
1-Single option
2-Embedded multiport device
3-Multiport option device
[-handle<math>(<)string<math>(>)] Binds a name to the driver (up to 15 characters).
[-init] Initializes the configuration table to the default settings.
[-iobase{0-5} <#>] Specifies up to six I/O base registers (in hexadecimal) for a particular device entry.
[-irq{0-3} <#>] Allows you to assign up to four IRQ (interrupt request) channels to the device (use decimal IRQ levels).
[-membase{0-2} <#>] Specifies up to three R/W (read/write) ISA memory regions.
[-memlen{0-2} <#>] Specifies the length corresponding to -membase{0-2}.
[-mk] Adds an entry to the table.
[-mod] Modifies an entry in the table.
[-rm] Deletes an entry from the table.
[-rombase <#>] Specifies an address for ISA BIOS extended ROM.
[-romlen <#>] Specifies length of ROM.
[-slot <slot#>] Allows you to enter a unique slot number for each ISA adapter. You may assign the numbers in any order. The slot number does not relate to a physical ISA adapter position. Slot 0 is reserved for the local multiport adapter.
[-totdev <#>] Is a placeholder that allows you to keep track of the total number of devices, specified by the # sign, at this slot. Modify this for your own use.