Chapter 7 —
Subset Listings

7.1 About this chapter

This chapter provides a complete listing of all Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX subset.

They are categorized as follows:

7.2 Products and Distributions

Each of the subsets listed in Table 7-3 below might be included in one or more of the distribution media. See the Software Distribution section in the Preface for information on MMS distribution methods.

Table 7-3 — Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Subsets: Product and Distribution





  MMEDOC240 x   x x x
  MMEDOCDEV240   x   x  
  MMEDOCHW240 x   x x x
  MMERELNOTES240 x   x x x
  MMEDRVAV300240 x   x x x
  MMEDRVBBA240 x   1 x x
  MMEDRVAV3X1240 x   x x x
  MMEDRVAV201240 x   x x x
  MMEDRVMSB240 x   x x x
  MMEDRVMMSESS240 x   x x x
  MMEMANDEV240   x   x  
  MMEDEV240   x   x  
  MMERT240 x   x x x
  MMEMANRT240 x   x x x
  MMERTCDE240 x   2 x x
  MMERTSMPLDAT240 x   3 x x

1 This subset might not be installed on every machine with factory-installed software (FISed).

2 MMERTCDE is only available on the FIS distribution if CDE is part of the subset.

3 This subset might not be installed on every machine with factory-installed software (FISed).


7.3 Documentation Subsets


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes

  Description This subset contains the release notes for Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX. If you want to read these notes before installing the entire product, choose to install this subset first. installation. This subset also contains copies of the Software Product Description (SPD) and a cover letter.
  Requirements None
  Distribution All


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Development Documentation

  Description This subset contains online versions of the Programmer's Guide.
  Requirements None
  Distribution SPL


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation

  Description This subset contains online versions of the Application User's Guide and the Installation Guide.
  Requirements None
  Distribution All


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Hardware Option Documentation

  Description This subset contains online versions of several hardware option guides
  Requirements Only PostScript versions are available
  Distribution SPL, DUAP


7.4 Run-time Kit Subsets


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime

  Description This subset contains the static and shared versions of the Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX run-time library, the multimedia server mmeserver, multimedia applets, and the server device libraries for the software video and audio codecs. It also includes audio and video capture and playback utilities.
  Requirements Several applets require the C++ Runtime Library to run. If you wish to use these applets, you will need to load the CXXSHRDA subset in DIGITAL UNIX versions prior to V4.0. (See Section 2.3.4 for information on how to obtain the C++ Runtime Library.) The V4.0 version of DIGITAL UNIX includes the C++ Runtime Library.
  Distribution All


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration

  Description This subset contains the icons and action files to enable multimedia integration with the Common Desktop Environment (CDE).
  Requirements MMERT and one of the following CDE subsets: OSFCDEDT, CDEART, or CDEMIN
  Distribution All (Some FIS distributions do not include this subset if CDE is not factory installed.)


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime Man Pages

  Description This subset contains the man pages for run-time applications and commands.
  Requirements OSFDCMT Document Preparation Tools
  Distribution All


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Sample Data

  Description This subset contains sample audio and video clips.
  Requirements MMERT
  Distribution SPL, DUAP, FIS (only with some FIS distributions. Not shipped on systems with small disks)


7.5 Hardware-Option Subsets (for PCI/EISA/ISA bus machines)


FullVideo Basic (AV201) Device Support

  Description This subset contains the device support files for the FullVideo Basic option module.
  Requirements MMERT, PCI bus machine. Installation of this subset requires a kernel rebuild.
  Distribution All


FullVideo Supreme (AV321/AV301) Device Support

  Description This subset contains the device support files for the FullVideo Supreme and FullVideo Supreme JPEG option modules.
  Requirements MMERT, PCI bus machine. Installation of this subset requires a kernel rebuild.
  Distribution All


Microsoft Sound Board Device Support

  Description This subset contains the device support files for the Microsoft Sound Board multimedia option module.
  Requirements MMERT, ISA or EISA bus machine. Installation of this subset requires a kernel rebuild.
  Distribution All


Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support

  Description This subset contains the device support files for the Personal Workstation audio device.
  Requirements MMERT, PCI bus machine. Installation of this subset requires a kernel rebuild.
  Distribution All

7.6 Hardware-Option Subsets (for TURBOchannel bus machines)


Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support

  Description This subset contains the device support files for the Sound and Motion option module.
  Requirements MMERT, TURBOchannel bus machine. Installation of this subset requires a kernel rebuild.
  Distribution All (only with some FIS distributions)


Base Board Audio Device Support

  Description This subset contains the device support files for the Base Board Audio module.
  Requirements MMERT, TURBOchannel bus machine. Installation of this subset does not require a kernel rebuild.
  Distribution All (only with some FIS distributions)

7.7 Development Kit Subsets


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Development

  Description This subset contains the header files necessary to develop applications that incorporate multimedia features using the Multimedia Services application programming interface. The subset also includes sample code to demonstrate programming to the interfaces.
  1. In order to compile the sample code, the OSFCMPLRS Compiler Back End Software Development subset is required.
  1. In order to build the Makefiles and some of the sample applications, the OSFXDEV X Window Software Development subset is required.
  Distribution SPL


Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Development Man Pages

  Description This subset contains the man pages for Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX routines.
  Requirements OSFDCMT Document Preparation Tools
  Distribution SPL