Chapter 8 —
Sample Listings

8.1 About This Chapter

This chapter provides sample listings for the following procedures:

8.2 Sample Installation Dialog

The following example shows an installation of MMS on an AlphaStation system running DIGITAL UNIX V4.0.

# setld -l .

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX

Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1993, 1997. All rights reserved.

Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of
DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as

This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of
Digital Equipment Corporation.  Possession, use, or copying of this software
and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital
or an authorized sublicensor.

Press RETURN to continue 

The subsets listed below are optional:

     There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single
     screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen
     or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will
     be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.

 - Development Kit:
     1) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Man Pages         
     2) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development                   

 - Documentation Kit:
     3) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Documentation     
     4) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation                 
     5) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Hardware Option Documentation 
     6) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes                 

 - Hardware Option Support for PCI/EISA/ISA Bus Machines:
     7) FullVideo Basic (AV201) Device Support V2.4                             
     8) FullVideo Supreme (AV321/AV301) Device Support V2.4                     
     9) Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4                               
    10) Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support V2.4              

 - Hardware Option Support for TURBOchannel Bus Machines:
    11) Base Board Audio Device Support V2.4                                    
    12) Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4                             

 - Run-Time Kit:
    13) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration               
    14) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime Man Pages             
    15) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime                       
    16) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Sample Data                   

Or you may choose one of the following options:

    17) ALL of the above 
    18) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
    19) EXIT without installing any subsets 

Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.

Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 

The subsets listed below are optional:

     There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single
     screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen
     or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will
     be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed.

 - Development Kit:
     1) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Man Pages         
     2) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development                   

 - Documentation Kit:
     3) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Documentation     
     4) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation                 
     5) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Hardware Option Documentation 
     6) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes                 

 - Hardware Option Support for PCI/EISA/ISA Bus Machines:
     7) FullVideo Basic (AV201) Device Support V2.4                             
     8) FullVideo Supreme (AV321/AV301) Device Support V2.4                     
     9) Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4                               
    10) Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support V2.4              

 - Hardware Option Support for TURBOchannel Bus Machines:
    11) Base Board Audio Device Support V2.4                                    
    12) Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4                             

 - Run-Time Kit:
    13) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration               
    14) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime Man Pages             
    15) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime                       
    16) Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Sample Data                   

Or you may choose one of the following options:

    17) ALL of the above 
    18) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
    19) EXIT without installing any subsets 

Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.

Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 17

You are installing the following optional subsets:

 - Development Kit:
        Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Man Pages         
        Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development                   

 - Documentation Kit:
        Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Documentation     
        Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation                 
        Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Hardware Option Documentation 
        Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes                 

 - Hardware Option Support for PCI/EISA/ISA Bus Machines:
        FullVideo Basic (AV201) Device Support V2.4                             
        FullVideo Supreme (AV321/AV301) Device Support V2.4                     
        Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4                               
        Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support V2.4              

 - Hardware Option Support for TURBOchannel Bus Machines:
        Base Board Audio Device Support V2.4                                    
        Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4                             

 - Run-Time Kit:
        Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration               
        Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime Man Pages             
        Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime                       
        Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Sample Data                   

Is this correct? (y/n): y

Checking file system space required to install selected subsets:

File system space checked OK.

16 subset(s) will be installed.

Loading 1 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 2 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime
   Copying from . (disk)
        Working....Tue Jun 10 08:15:31 EDT 1997

Loading 3 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 4 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime Man Pages
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 5 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Sample Data
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 6 of 16 subset(s)....

     You have selected the installation of the 
     FullVideo Basic AV201 Device Support V2.4.  

     This involves rebuilding the DIGITAL UNIX kernel.  You will also 
     be prompted to specify a kernel configuration file to use to 
     rebuild the DIGITAL UNIX kernel. 

     If you have questions about rebuilding the kernel or about kernel
     configuration files please refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Guide to System 

     DO NOT INSTALL this subset unless you will be running this kernel 
     on a PCI system (Personal Workstation or AlphaStation).  

Do you wish to install the FullVideo Basic AV201 Device Support V2.4
at this time? (y/n) [y]: 

FullVideo Basic (AV201) Device Support V2.4
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 7 of 16 subset(s)....

     You have selected the installation of the 
     Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4.  

     DO NOT INSTALL this subset unless you will be running this kernel 
     on a TURBOchannel system (DEC 3000 workstation).  

Do you wish to install the Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4
at this time? (y/n) [y]: 

Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 8 of 16 subset(s)....

     You have selected the installation of the 
     FullVideo Supreme AV301/AV321 Device Support V2.4.  

     DO NOT INSTALL this subset unless you will be running this kernel 
     on a PCI system (Personal Workstation or AlphaStation).  

Do you wish to install the FullVideo Supreme AV301/AV321 Device Support V2.4
at this time? (y/n) [y]: 

FullVideo Supreme (AV321/AV301) Device Support V2.4
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 9 of 16 subset(s)....

     You have selected the installation of the 
     Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support V2.4.  
     This device driver supports the Personal Workstation a series
     built-in audio device.

     DO NOT INSTALL this subset unless you will be running this kernel 
     on a EISA or ISA system (Personal Workstation).  

Do you wish to install the Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support V2.4
at this time? (y/n) [y]: 

Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support V2.4
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 10 of 16 subset(s)....

     You have selected the installation of the 
     Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4.  
     This device driver supports the Microsoft Sound Board, 
     the AlphaStation Sound Card, the built-in audio hardware shipped 
     with certain AlphaStation systems, as well as most ISA bus option 
     sound cards which are compatible to the Microsoft Sound Board.  

     DO NOT INSTALL this subset unless you will be running this kernel 
     on a EISA or ISA system (Personal Workstation, AlphaStation workstation, 
     or DEC 2000 Model 300).  

Do you wish to install the Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4
at this time? (y/n) [y]: 

Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 11 of 16 subset(s)....

     You have selected the installation of the 
     Base Board Audio Device Support V2.4.  

     DO NOT INSTALL this subset unless you will be running this kernel 
     on a TURBOchannel system (DEC 3000 workstation).  

Do you wish to install the Base Board Audio Device Support V2.4
at this time? (y/n) [y]: 

Base Board Audio Device Support V2.4
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 12 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 13 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Man Pages
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 14 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Documentation
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 15 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation
   Copying from . (disk)

Loading 16 of 16 subset(s)....

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Hardware Option Documentation
   Copying from . (disk)

16 of 16 subset(s) installed successfully.

Configuring "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes" (MMERELNOTES240)

Configuring "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime" (MMERT240)

Do you want to enable scripts that automatically start the 
Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime
mmeserver daemon every time the system is booted? (y/n) [y]: 

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime 
mmeserver daemon will be started automatically every time the system is booted.  

     Since you are installing one or more hardware device support subsets,
     you will not be able to run the IVP for Multimedia Services
     for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime V2.4 now.

     The IVP for Multimedia Services for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime V2.4 
     may be executed at a later time by issuing the command
     # setld  -v MMERT240 
Press RETURN to continue 

Configuring "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration" (MMERTCDE240)

Configuring "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime Man Pages" (MMEMANRT240)

Configuring "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Sample Data" (MMERTSMPLDAT240)

Configuring "FullVideo Basic (AV201) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVAV201240)

* Preparing to Rebuild Kernel in order to complete installation.

Do you want to use an existing kernel configuration file? (y/n) [y]: 

Enter a name for the kernel configuration file. [TOBIN]: 

You selected TOBIN, is this correct? (y/n) [y]: 

     You have selected the FullVideo Basic AV201 Device Support V2.4.

Configuring "Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVAV300240)

     No TURBOchannel bus specified in the config file.
     The Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4 is only useful in a 
     TURBOchannel machine kernel.

     Deleting subset MMEDRVAV300240

Deleting "Sound and Motion (J300) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVAV300240).

Configuring "FullVideo Supreme (AV321/AV301) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVAV3X1240)

     You have selected the FullVideo Supreme AV301/AV321 Device Support V2.4.

Configuring "Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVMMSESS240)

Configuring "Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVMSB240)

     It appears that your system is currently configured for a
     Microsoft Sound Board. We recommend that you simply
     continue with the installation to upgrade your drivers, unless:

     1. you have just upgraded your firmware
     2. you have just installed a new Microsoft Sound Board or plan to do so
     3. you have just changed the settings on the Microsoft Sound Board

     If any of these are true, you can find more information in the 
     configuration information below. Otherwise, press Y below to 
     continue with the installation. 

     Your system appears to have an ISA bus.  You may press "I" for 
     additional ISA bus hardware configuration information and then press "D"
     for additional detailed information about the console command isacfg.

Select one of the following options:
     E     EISA bus hardware configuration information
     I     ISA bus hardware configuration information
     D     Detailed isacfg information
     Y     Yes, install the Microsoft Sound Board subset now
     N     No, do not install the Microsoft Sound Board subset now

Do you wish to install the Microsoft Sound Board option module
device driver at this time? (e/i/d/y/n) [y]: 

     You have selected the Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4.

*  Rebuilding the Kernel

     You have selected one or more kernel drivers.
     In order to use these drivers you must rebuild your kernel.
     You may do so now, or at a later time. If for instance, you are
     installing other layered products with kernel drivers, you
     might choose to rebuild the kernel after installing those

Do you wish to rebuild the kernel at this time? (y/n) [y]: 
   Copying /sys/conf/.product.list to TOBIN.list


Saving /sys/conf/TOBIN as /sys/conf/TOBIN.bck

Do you want to edit the configuration file? (y/n) [n]: 

        Working....Tue Jun 10 08:19:10 EDT 1997
        Working....Tue Jun 10 08:21:11 EDT 1997

The new kernel is /sys/TOBIN/vmunix

        1) Copy your old kernel from /vmunix to /
           # cp /vmunix /

        2) Move the new kernel to /vmunix

           # mv /usr/sys/TOBIN/vmunix /vmunix 

        3) Shutdown and reboot your system, after
           giving proper warning to any other users.      

           # /usr/sbin/shutdown -r +2 \
             "Shutting down to use new kernel, rebooting immediately"

Configuring "Base Board Audio Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVBBA240)

Configuring "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development" (MMEDEV240)

Configuring "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Man Pages" (MMEMANDEV240)

Configuring "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Documentation" (MMEDOCDEV240)

Configuring "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation" (MMEDOC240)

Configuring "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Hardware Option Documentation" (MMEDOCHW240)


8.3 Sample Deinstallation Dialog

The following example shows a deinstallation of MMS on an AlphaStation system running DIGITAL UNIX V4.0.

# setld -i d `setld -i | grep MME | grep installed | awk '{print $1}'`

Deleting "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Hardware Option Documentation" (MMEDOCHW240).

Deleting "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation" (MMEDOC240).

Deleting "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Documentation" (MMEDOCDEV240).

Deleting "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development Man Pages" (MMEMANDEV240).

Deleting "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Development" (MMEDEV240).

Deleting "Base Board Audio Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVBBA240).

Deleting "Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVMSB240).

     You have deleted the Microsoft Sound Board Device Support V2.4.

     Since you are deleting one or more kernel subsets, the existing kernel 
     is no longer valid.  You will be prompted to rebuild the kernel.  
     You will also be prompted to specify a kernel configuration file 
     to use to rebuild the DIGITAL UNIX kernel. 

     If you have questions about rebuilding the kernel or about kernel
     configuration files please refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Guide to System 

Do you wish to rebuild the kernel at this time? (y/n) [n]: 

Deleting "Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/7) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVMMSESS240).

Deleting "FullVideo Supreme (AV321/AV301) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVAV3X1240).

     You have deleted the FullVideo Supreme AV301/AV321 Device Support V2.4.

     Since you are deleting one or more kernel subsets, the existing kernel 
     is no longer valid.  You will be prompted to rebuild the kernel.  
     You will also be prompted to specify a kernel configuration file 
     to use to rebuild the DIGITAL UNIX kernel. 

     If you have questions about rebuilding the kernel or about kernel
     configuration files please refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Guide to System 

Do you wish to rebuild the kernel at this time? (y/n) [n]: 

Deleting "FullVideo Basic (AV201) Device Support V2.4" (MMEDRVAV201240).

     You have deleted the FullVideo Basic AV201 Device Support V2.4.

     Since you are deleting one or more kernel subsets, the existing kernel 
     is no longer valid.  You will be prompted to rebuild the kernel.  
     You will also be prompted to specify a kernel configuration file 
     to use to rebuild the DIGITAL UNIX kernel. 

     If you have questions about rebuilding the kernel or about kernel
     configuration files please refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Guide to System 

Do you wish to rebuild the kernel at this time? (y/n) [n]: 

Deleting "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Sample Data" (MMERTSMPLDAT240).

Deleting "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime Man Pages" (MMEMANRT240).

Deleting "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX CDE Integration" (MMERTCDE240).

Deleting "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime" (MMERT240).

Deleting "Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes" (MMERELNOTES240).


8.4 Sample Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)

The following example shows an installation verification procedure (IVP) for MMS on an AlphaStation system running DIGITAL UNIX V4.0.

# setld -v MMERT240

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime (MMERT240)
Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX

Installation Verification Procedure

Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1993, 1997. All rights reserved.

Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of
DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as

This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of
Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software
and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital
or an authorized sublicensor.

Hit  to continue:
                                Testing Audio

Accessing all Wave Out Devices:

Device 0 is the Microsoft Sound Board device.
Device 1 is the Personal Workstation Audio (ES1888/1887) device.

Would you like to play a short clip on one of the Wave Out Devices? (y/n) [y]:

Please specify a device number [0]: 
Device number selected is  0
Playback Complete.
                                Testing Video
Device Name: J321       ID: 1
Device Name: SJPG       ID: 2

Would you like to play a short video clip to the display device? (y/n) [y]: 

Please specify a device number [1]: 
Device number selected is  1
mme_ivp_video: Decompressor: J321 device
          File Format: MJPG 24-bit
          Display Format: BITF 32-bit
mme_ivp_video: Visual selected: 24-bit TrueColor

Multimedia Services V2.4 for DIGITAL UNIX IVP SUCCEEDED